Unveiling the Most Epic DIY Van Build You'll Ever Witness!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up guys I'm Kirby and this is my new van is that good is that awward keep it what's up guys I am with Kirby he's never been on my channel how one of your fans has been on my channel which is rad but Abby did the tour for me yeah well this is not Abby today uh we got Kirby the man of the myth of Legend a Rubik's Cube Master uh onewheel extraordinaire now officially the trippiest most psychedelic van that you're going to ever see on the internet I can guarantee it with a little special at the end stay tuned we got a solar sale thing going on and we're going to get more into that we've got the owner and developer of the solar sale right there with Shane so we're going to get into all that information in this video right [Music] now curb can I call you curb yeah curb bricks call him what the ladies call him which is Magic Hands you're not Mike so I'm hoping you picked it up Magic Hands is what he said he builds vans in two months by himself and and the ladies love it apparently you want to give this tour I paid Shane to be my hype man for the day uh Kirby we're going to step inside in one second your your fit here is matching your van very much that was the goal it was the goal you built this record-breaking time two months two months yeah how long you been building Vans for I think I'm going to get I'm going to get emotion out of you this is my job in this video I think I started building my first fan in 17 I'm thinking this is your first Sprinter yeah first Sprinter I did 11 pro masters so my first fan was a Chevy Express low roof van then I did 11 pro masters and then this is my first uh Sprinter van and you're known for on my channel and on the internet as creating the Stargazer which is what Abby showed it was next level you were not in town so Abby gave the tour yeah phenomenal van now this this what you've created today for us is is no offense putting the Stargazer on a different like this is like next level yeah it's a totally different version of can we can we step into this masterpiece and talk more about it yeah step in all right dude all right um dude I mean can't wait until I show all of this off dude hopefully we have put plenty of Boll in at this point the people have seen it already it's dude it's ridiculous yeah it's different it's funky and weird and groovy all right where did you come up with this where like is this has been in your head the whole time like what's going on I think I might have pulled the inspiration from like the the music I listen to It's like psychedelic ' 7s 60s kind of vibe I love it dude I don't even know honestly I do not know where to begin with this okay so when you what we're on a 170 chassis right yep 170 uh 2023 all-wheel drive for people that don't understand this Kirby this is an art piece like you are L you literally built a rolling art piece for people um it's different I don't I mean it's amazing it's phenomenal but we're we're going to get into the functionality of it um you built this the a Chase Lounge yeah got a little little L bench yeah so in here I have a 95 uh L dtic fridge oh you oh you're fridge in there yeah show you I I'm sorry but you have such an artpiece I forget about asking like regular stuff so you have a fridge freezer yeah okay and then this one is just some storage underneath oh that's sweet now and you also have like I don't think people understand this you put this in here this is a oh this little Archway the archway to kind of get into the front cab yeah that's different you have a little looks like a moon up over here yeah it's like a half rock with a light behind it yeah actually I had a interior designer help me with a few things so I came out with the whole design I kind of had all the colors picked okay but then I hired a interior designer to help me pick out like all the materials and like the colors actually okay a good friend of mine her name is Ally sweet um what do you have a frosted glass here this is plexiglass and then I bought some film on Amazon it's like a it's just like a plastic film you put on the back of it so it looks frosted nice and you're living out of this right now yeah so I've been living here for like 3 months now okay are you keeping this one or are you going to move on to something else or I'm going to sell this one after New Year's sell this one so okay um I'm hoping this video goes out before New Year's now if somebody want to contact you and buy this phenomenal art piece yeah how would they do so uh through my email okay which is Kirby Winson gmail.com all right we're going to put that up we're also going to put that in the description below for everybody so they can contact you um all right so is this what is this right here cuz it's um closet just a closet I shouldn't say just but it's a closet yeah so you actually thought this through because there's me everybody in my camera hi um you know again I'm just so thrown off by like the vibe in here and everything that's going on it's like I forget to ask you have the fridge you got the closet yeah um people are going to start asking type of like material this is it has texture to it oh yeah so my interior designer Ally she uh found this lime wash paint for me so it's just like a normal type of paint and then you mix like the sand into it and when it's lit correctly if you have a light like directly above it shining down it shows a lot of texture now I I love the fact that you love light you love lighting you did it with your Stargazer and now I don't know what you're calling this one I don't know yet yeah let the comments decide the name of this one I'll tell you what if the person that comes up with the cool name right and he end up buying it Kirby will give you a 3% discount 3% I I I was like I was going to say 10 but then I was like wait a minute I already know what like are you going to say we're not going to say price cuz you know I don't want I don't want internet trolls to come after my man Kirby here cuz this thing is again it's an art piece oh dude I just noticed this you get the Fear and Loathing I don't know if you know who Salvador dolly is I do know Salvador Dar so that's a Salvador Dar RP right yeah he was a famous Spanish artist and he had the famous painting of like the melting clocks but I feel like it fit the vibe of the whole van you think everything is kind of like organic shaped and like weird and different um speaking feel like a fit in here speaking of different um and I know everybody might think I might go in the ceiling right now you put this is your dresser I presume mhm you put lighting you angled each drawer yep and you put lighting underneath yeah so each draw is angled a little bit and then there's lighting above that shines down and since the lime wash paint has so much texture you kind of see it all from the lighting but that is that is unreal I don't think people understand how much thought you went into this yeah go ahead I'm sorry and then each drawer is has lighting from the top shelf so oh yeah so you can see what's inside the drawer too so this light is Illuminating here or under there's here shining down lighting this whole thing that's right how the heck did you build this in two months two months yeah you're insane bro well 13th van so I kind of have a process now fair enough yeah this is your whole kitchen Galley you've got plenty going on how much water you got on board um 25 gallons of fresh water nice nice and then I have a 2 and2 gallon hot water heater um enough I don't I think I'm standing where your bed is but is there a shower I don't see I thought that was a shower but it's not wait is there a shower uh it's a secret hidden shower actually oh man Kirby special everybody so I have this little uh cap right here okay and that lifts up I have this box here and then underneath is like this little nozzle here yep and that falls right into the hole right in there and then this comes up and then inside the ceiling there are embedded magnets so this snaps right up oh damn so it's pretty strong magnets too and then this pulls out and then you have to put that little extension on there and it pulls through and there's your shower you thought of it man you thought of it it's pretty easy to I like it take down put away and then I also uh for people buying this kind of van I mean I'm thinking you know 70s hippie maybe maybe no showers at all I don't know but then I also uh I put magnets right here next to the fan too so after you so after you shower you can snap this up and let it dry you you let you let the fan blow inside of it to dry it out after you finish shower in all right so we got the shower taken care of do we have somewhere to do the business you sure do am I going to have to switch sides with you um yeah all right we're going to switch sides perfect yeah so my toilet boom it's a uh cassette style toilet W look at you opened it up for us and everything it's it's fresh I haven't used it because I like to sell the brands with a fresh toilet you know you can probably just buy another one but fair enough true 250 lb drawer slides which which holds pretty much everybody that would that would be in a van life yeah hopefully if if somebody comes along curb and let's say this has already been sold would you do another one like this um my next van will be similar I might make a few minor tweaks okay on things like maybe like window shapes might be a little bit different maybe like different colors different color paint all right you brought up the windows you did something that I think every Builder wants to do and they haven't done it yet okay so what is it and can you show it off yeah come over here okay um I'll have you sit here okay and so I have this uh remote here okay and uh when you push the button you uh get instant window covers do it again yeah that is so I got both of them in now that is so rad yeah dude okay that's just that's that's awesome sauce right there and we'll spin around and we can actually he does all the windows as you guys can see dude oh that's so cool yeah it's really cool having instant window coverage is nice it's a little expensive though so it's just a normal window that you install on the van but then there's like this like thin plastic film it's pretty much just like a big sticker and you stick it on the window and it has like two wires running off it that connect to the battery uh I love all your art everything in here obviously the candle you magic 8bt lava land which I don't think I've seen one since I was in high school so that's pretty rad you got the disco ball behind you two disco balls I have one too many probably do you have a heater and do you have an air conditioner yep I have the uh Evo 40 I think is what it's called it blows air from right here and then all the plumbing is underneath right here too and then there's a little uh ducting Port that heats all of the plumbing so if you're in freezing cold weather it won't freeze so you put all everything down below so you have all this for storage still you didn't really take up much of the inside Cabinetry no not really wow that's actually pretty cool yeah the whole water tank is underneath this whole section really yeah plus the heater plus all that good jazz wow the heaters right there dude that's a lot man that's awesome I have the air conditioning El I have the cruising comfort for 12 volts right cruising Comfort yeah I saw the yeah I saw the things that must have been the Cruis that's pretty rad dude and you put it back there because I'm assuming you are standing where you sleep yeah I can show you that you going to do the whole bed for us um I should I'll show you by the way he has an ET sketch which I also haven't seen since I was a kid that's' 70s Vibe isn't it is it 70s I mean I I was born in the ' 80s and you uh oh you didn't even tell me about this bro I'll show you in a okay he's after the bed he's going to show us something going down here all right so how this bed works it's it goes pretty quick you actually just pull out side across all right and I was actually I remember when Abby did this in your other the stargazing tour and I was like why don't the people that have the dinets do that kind of style more like I didn't get that yeah and that's that's awesome and that can hold obviously ly a couple bodies yeah it's pretty solid you do realize that this tour is going to like this Van's going to break the internet like it might it's different it's different dude it's totally different it looks good on video I mean you made it look good I mean dude it looks good all around so take it's that easy just to put it back as we were just talking this is such the shagun wagon this is this is Boogie Nights This is everything I love everything about it um you said you were going to talk about about this right here o the nebula so you must have a projector screen yes okay so uh there's a reoccurring theme of magnets all all over the place so like this snaps up here I have like places for that didn't even uncp that was just that's just a magnet magnet yeah that dude that's strong as all heck yeah yeah so I literally have magnets magnets embedded all over the place like even under this floating shelf right here for like my keys stuff or what like even like remotes who does that that's actually really smart I like it I like it so magnets everywhere and then this projector screen is magnetic too okay just snaps right there and now you have and then you turn this on and you got movie night yeah for the shagun wagon with the disco ball like dude this is insane bro God I don't even know way to go ahead this lamp here too I don't use this that much but that snaps right there all right obviously the ceiling is a uh is it a type of leopard I don't even like a leopard is more spotted is it not I don't know it kind of it kind of gives me a SpongeBob Sky Vibes SpongeBob Sky okay I like it I like it a lot okay where did this is not is this a Fab it's not a fabric it's like a vinyl like a wallpaper did you find did or did you paint it yourself um so when I designed this van I had pretty much everything picked out except for the ceiling and then my interior designer picked out the the ceiling for me so she found that yeah she found the wallpaper and she pitched me on it and uh oh it it it it definitely flows in the van dude I like I like I think it fits the vibe it fits the vibe to a T I think it's uh it's pretty bold shout out to Ally for just absolutely knocking that one out of the park yeah I agree I mean she killed the whole van like she killed it all the material colors and um it wouldn't be a Kirby build without what's above your head the Skylight the Skylight I mean you there's a lot of stuff in here that just screams you but you also have you put another Skylight in here yes so we have a massive Skylight here do you know the dimensions off hand uh 3T by by 4T so obviously 4T yeah 3T that's crazy man and can you stand on that is that strong enough Plex yeah yeah so it's actually a tempered glass it's half in half inch tempered glass and then the center of the glass can hold 750 lb dude I am just so blown away all right so we went over heating air conditioning toilet shower your crazy designs in your head what else you got for me dude your bed seating area you fit everything in here your crazy lighting design um how you did the walls which is just insane to me um dude it's so rad how did you how do you come up with this stuff dude so is this this isn't even an exact Circle it's not cuz it's kind of flat up here and it's and that's what you mean by that okay then like the outside Circle too I like how it bulges like over there and like small over here right it's more it's just more like Blobby and organic and it's just theal nobody wants to know but that's the mind of Kirby everybody anybody that's really wondering and then yeah you did it like similar with this this is crazy man so is this window and this window opening are they different or they the same then those two are actually the same okay so you use the same mold or the same thing for it yeah template yeah nice honestly probably I will go on record that this is the most elaborate van I've ever stand stood in my life and I've been in you know this hundreds of vans I have one more little trick for you uh one of these fans since these fans aren't very aesthetic yeah right I have these two magnets right here one is negative and one is positive okay and then I have these magnets right here the negative and positive terminal so it just snaps up and then you get power why just you only like you would only think of this I wouldn't yeah that's crazy it's a nice touch that's nice cuz it wouldn't look very good there so it's like all the time like when you need it yeah I was going to say like on nights on on nights that you don't want the AC you just want a little fan on your face then boom you can get you can sleep comfortably or something just pull this out yeah then when you disconnect it loses the power but all right that was insane convenient yeah so I have uh I have these hidden Outlets underneath this plant oh yeah so this it actually has wireless charging show us so you put your phone on there it charges it's charging and it's 4:20:00 which is weird it kind of fits us 420 o00 fits the really just fits the entire Vibe of that van right now that was the most perfect timing that's that's crazy that's that's crazy but uh yeah you just you just push on these and they pop up and there's like five outlets and then some USBS and USBC sweet yeah and then I have one over here too for the coffee it's kind of hidden sweet dud it's a total vibe in here I'm sorry this is I see you got this little doohickey we uh we got something coming up there oh the Cyber truck yeah yes sir I'm uh I'm a big Elon fan okay you got his book I didn't know he had a book his biography there's Keon oh yeah let's get Keon in this video you want to get Keon we need Keon in here we need hey man he just said I want Keon in the video we need Keon energy in here all right dude is there anything else you want do you play is this a ukulele yeah do you play the uke um not really no that's all I got that's some that's some cury Vibes right there everybody oh I forgot about this do you have the smoke screen on this one no I don't have the smart tint on Windows okay just in the rear yeah cuz you kind of use these two windows for driving you kind of like look back and good point so it's kind of a liability if you lost power and I didn't even ask you about power because I'm just so tripped out in the van what do you have for power in here I have 400 amp hours of lithium okay yeah so I have a 3,000 wat inverter the U I have some victron uh components like I have two uh mppp solar charge controllers nice from victron and then I also have the uh Orion well it's a good segue for us to go outside and show this Beast of what you have on the roof which maybe some have been waiting for I mean I was waiting to get inside so let check it out all right guys Kirby is kind of putting his van back together we're outside but uh I got the mic on Shane now what's up guys and Shane uh is the you introduce yourself bro I'm Shane uh with landship Customs so I've been on Jared's Channel a couple times we build custom vans but we also just came out with this product called the solar sale obviously Kirby allowed him to do this guys he's not like hijacking the tour yeah Kirby uh is my dog he's been on the trenches with me putting together this solar sale he gets at Cost solar sales for life for being the guinea pig so is this is not version one though no so the first version We welded out of steel and you can see that one a couple years back on your channel and it worked really well but it was a a big welded monster and so we decided to get a bunch of aluminum panels bent laser cut and bolted together and make like a really legit product that had this thing has almost, 1400 WTS of solar we built lighting into the front of it so the solar cell has multiple different purposes to it it can it it can angle towards the Sun yeah so you can find the perfect angle for the sun um which can double your solar generation at certain times in the day yep um earlier today we angled it up and got 1,000 Watts out of this thing at like 11:00 a.m. and how many watts of panels are up there so there's 1320 Watts on this one and we're in we're in Winter right now and the Sun is at a very low angle exactly so that was pretty damn good not only does it act as a angle solar panel but you've got how what's the depth of bottom of solar panel to top of Van yeah so it's also a big storage box so pretty much we built it so that you could be you could take your whole quiver of surfboards and all your gear in your van without taking up tons of space inside your van so like Kirby's layout is perfect example epic layout not a ton of room for boards yeah um so with this thing you can fit your entire quiver of surf boards and uh not even have to take the fin off so it's a big storage box um and it's a big walking deck up there y um we also have a starlink slider that comes out the back oh really yeah so Kirby has a starlink um and you know star links you don't you know you can't have them covered up for them to work right yeah so we build it so that the this one's actually not 100% finished am I on the back where am I at I guess you could just stick out right there but um we are putting it on an actuator so you can just press a button okay um and and then it'll it will pop out just like this oh oh damn yeah so you'll be able to press a button the actuator will push the star link out and then you'll be able to use the star link whenever you want for for bomber internet but it doesn't you know you still have tons of solar you don't have to waste any space on your roof for solar you're able to you're also able to put air conditioners roof fans whatever you want want up here Kirby's actually got a freaking Skylight up here that you can walk on yeah I know we saw that on the inside um and then yeah and then you can choose between different types of decking have a hangout party up there and uh we may or may not be making the uh the lid walkable as well there's some upgrades coming in the future um but really it's just so you can go on an adventure get tons of power out in the middle of nowhere not have to rely on your gas tank um keep your air conditioner on for hours and hours and hours R um then store tons of gear up there and have a badass looking rack oh and then there's a we'll we'll put a little video of it fin like a little clip cuz by the time this comes out I'm sure it'll be finished uh of the solar sell or the the starlink sliding out but then also when the panels are all the way up you can put a projector screen on and then make yeah yeah yeah yeah you guys made like a we guys playing Mario Kart or something yeah there's some Mario Kart going on in the desert okay okay but anyway so it's a big multifaceted tool um and now I know I don't think you have price kind of up and running yet but if you want somebody to contact you totally so go to landship customs.com or my Instagram landship customs and um we're taking pre-orders right now we should be putting um solar sales on Vans like early Springtime okay um and if you want want a little discount code you can use the code Magic Hands Kirby um Is that real oh yeah this is the discount code so Magic Hands Kirby discount code gives you a little uh little bump okay and yeah if you want to have a ton of solar and a ton of gear and have a badass looking rack um do this is a 170 do you also do the solar sale for other vehicles and a 144 yeah so we do it for the 144 170 and 17 extended what about prom master or transits not doing prom Masters and transits yet okay but that will be something in the future something in the future and you know for the right client I could potentially make it work cuz so uh the solar sale alpha beta 1 was on a Transit if I remember correctly for sure alpha beta 1 for sure it's uh it's not actually that hard for us to to remake A make a few adjustments and put it on a transit or but we just has to be a client that's willing to pay for us to do that work because we're uh a little bit of time we're it takes a little more time right now we're get we've got it dialed for the Mercedes and then uh we'll go from there sweet man uh well I'm going to put Kirby on blast here uh by asking Shane what is your favorite part of Kirby's build and if you want to we can even step inside and you can show us and then we can let's go okay yeah I mean my favorite part of the psychedelic trip mobile is definitely the feeling that I just ate a bunch of mushrooms that I get with a second I walk in here uh it's a fantastic feeling I feel like I just uh found a new religion when I walked in here feel like I just found a new religion I'm like everything the lava lamp oh no we hit the lights oh that was Curby so Bott lamp melted clock perfect and then obviously the disco ball at the right time with the right lighting the disco ball just perfectly brings everything I'm not going to ask either one of you if you've have had any fun in this van but definitely we haven't had any fun because we've been working too hard putting the solar sale on this thing so fair enough that will come soon enough though Kirby I can't thank you enough dude for allowing me to tour this van uh if you are interested in the van please plug you where you I can find you one more time um Instagram or my email uh Kirby Winson gmail.com my Instagram is Kirby Winson and we're going to put that in the description below maybe I'll throw some solar cell Shane in there we'll see uh no he's been he's been great he's awesome guys I've obviously had them on my channel before so uh if you want to contact uh landship Customs or also solar do you have a solar sale email solar sale is part of landship Customs right now so it's the landship solar sale the landship solar sale got it okay yeah Kirby sell this one please somebody buy this so I can see what he does next cuz now I'm really intrigued by what heck you do next everyone's excited for for what magic hands has OB Magic Hands does his thing he went from Stargazer to psychedelic to I don't know what's coming next it's uh impossible to predict what magic hands is going to do next thanks guys appreciate [Music] you
Channel: Jarrod Tocci
Views: 263,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: van build, van tour, van life, diy van build, vanlife, van conversion, living in a van, camper van, how to build a van, camper van conversion, camper, sprinter van conversion, tiny home, travelling in a van, diy campervan, diy van conversion, diy camper van, tiny house, solar van setup, tilting solar panel, van tilting solar panels, jarrod tocci, ghost van tours, stealth van build
Id: jbZOsyx-YP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 46sec (1726 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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