Unveiling Taiwan's Hidden Gems in a 9 Day road trip | Journey Through Breathtaking Wonders

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welcome to Taiwan a beautiful island nation located in East Asia with a population of over 23 million people Taiwan is known for its bustling cities breathtaking natural landscapes and Rich cultural heritage its people is thought to be some of the most considerate and kind in Asia and its food some of the best Taiwan is also a Melting Pot of cultures with influences from China Japan and Indigenous tribes this unique blend can be seen in taiwan's architecture art and festivals taiwan's subtropical climate is conducive to a wide range of outdoor activities and makes it a popular travel destination throughout the year I hope this video entertains and inspire you to visit this gorgeous island nation disclaimer this video is not a list of top 5 or 10 monthly Destination Style video for the fact that I have been here many times before and that this visit was a family reunion with my brother and my nephew who lived there my brother who took behind a wheel in a rented van allowed us flexibility to glow anywhere we wanted to this offered a more candid and relaxed style travel with lots of experiences you will not see in typical travel videos I did not get the chance to film every point of Interest as I chose to focus on family time and enjoying my moment there I suggest you do the same when you travel to see more personal moments of this trip Taiwan is pinned under my Instagram story highlights should you decide to look into any of the attractions and details I have shared the Google Maps location of them in chronological order in the video description below enjoy on the night of our arrivals we stopped by ningxia Night Market there's actually a lot of Night Market all around Taiwan and usually they focus on culinary experiences and you do not underestimate the food culture in Taiwan Taiwanese take their cooking very seriously and there's so many different food types to try shown here on the screen is a typical traditional Taiwanese breakfast and look at the morning commute it's so beautiful it doesn't kind of orderly chaos Happening Here the whole country has some of the best road systems and an amazing public transportation system as well most of the places that you want to get to is linked by a train or a Metro system in this scene you will see a lot of people queuing up for lunch in the Metro System Taiwanese actually loves queuing up when there's good food people will queue up for it while the trains are usually quite crowded they're very effective clean and most importantly on time I stopped by Tau Yuan City to film a plant content here and I found this amazing park that is surrounded by very modern building this Satellite City of Tau Yuan seems very prosperous modern and clean the building on the left is actually a bookstore and there's tons of bookstores in Taiwan this country boasts some of the highest literacy rates in the world and has a culture ingrained in reading and learning more about the world around them in Taipei we stated the Howard Plaza Hotel this was completely a random option anywhere you stay in Taipei is gonna be pretty amazing they have an amazing service industry here if you choose not to take public transportation there's also that public taxi and you could also use Uber to get you anywhere you want this is our drive on the way to Yang mingshan on a little day trip I really enjoyed watching the tree line streets traffic and swallows the buildings around Taiwan every city that we pass through has a great Road system this makes traffic efficient and also navigating very easy I did not experience any form of traffic jam the whole time that I was there and here you can see visitors alighting a public bus so if private transportation is a problem for you you can definitely get here by a public transportation system be sure to look into it in the Google Maps and I'm sure there are websites that you can get advice from our first stop is Xiao Yoko which is a fascinating geological area located within Yang Ming Shan National Park the name Xiao yokongs translate into little oil pit in Chinese referring to the bubbling and steaming sulfuric vents that resemble oil pits visitors can explore the broad walks and trail that winds through xiaoyo Kung this allows them to observe the fascinating geological formations and experience the natural phenomena of volcanic activity this is an excellent spot for nature enthusiasts photographers and anyone interested in geology as you can see here throngs of tourists come here to take photos they actually make a very nice picturesque backdrop which me and my family could not resist young mingshan actually offers a ton of activities and attractions like this one do give yourself a full day if you ever decide to visit here or if you feel adventurous you could opt to stay in one of The Lodges or guest houses in this region if I'm not wrong a lot of these accommodations come with natural hot springs that you could bathe yourself in and here we have a beautiful Trail lined with bamboo we actually turned around after walking three minutes because we have other places to explore but I bet that hiking here would be so much fun I found a restaurant on Google maps called paymu and he did not disappoint it came with very traditional and simple home-cooked meals that is very very authentic my favorite dish is this whole chicken soup with bitter gourd next up we stopped by a parking lot that is so beautiful there's some Sakura trees that are in full bloom here and just different shades of green this parking lot is really close to Yang mingshan National Park Visitor Center in case you wanted to find it and from here visitors can actually roam around to different attractions around the mountain and we will explore some but not all of them there's this beautiful cherry blossom tree in full bloom right in front of us so we could get eye level to the flowers this mountain is not only adorned with beautiful plants but the air smells so fresh and the sky was so blue I cannot resist filming this beautiful Fallen Conifer trees because as you can see it's been uprooted and it's lying almost sideways but it's still alive and there's side branches coming out of this plant with a new growth facing towards the sun nature is so resilient here's my family member and we embark on a very short hike just to see what's around we didn't really have a specific aim or Target in mind and then we found this beautiful Pagoda I don't know if you would call this a pagoda but you could actually go up the stairs and there's this beautiful Vantage Point up there and look at this amazing view and there's my sister busy taking photos this is one of those sights and moments that you don't really forget foreign Park back in Taipei City and I really wanted to show you this park because it is insanely beautiful there's children playing around including my nephew somewhere in there and there's this amazing little swamp area with like a bird park right in the middle and there's also a flower exhibition happening mind you I visited in spring so I bet that these flowers just burst into life pretty recently these hydrangea flowers look so enchanting and the good people of Taipei are just hanging out in this warm weather enjoying these blooms and this perfect weather it is so considerate to have a park like this in the middle of a very very urban city the district must have spent quite a lot on Park maintenance to keep it beautiful and engaging like this in fact if you look around the city of Taipei all the major roads are lined with these ancient beautiful trees that provide shade and much needed Greenery for the city from this public roads we can see that the government and citizens of Taiwan are some of the most considerate people that Embrace nature and believe in high quality of life it is worth mentioning that Taiwan is an epitome of Human Rights and common decency as of recording this Taiwan is the only Asian country to allow same-sex couples not only to wet but to have children when you visit Taipei it's not easy to overlook this really tall building that held the tallest building record between 2004 to 2010. the Taipei 101 is a world-renowned landmark and it does come with an observation deck for those of you who are not afraid of height you will find that Taipei looks better at night than in daytime with all these beautiful lights that come on our next destination is an hour drive away facing the Pacific Ocean through our county is known for its Scenic Beauty and fishing Heritage this idyllic fishing Village has tons of fresh seafood market and restaurants we only spent about two hours here but we felt transported into a movie set this place is completely unreal and the smell of the ocean and fresh seafood is all over the air there's a restaurant here that I highly recommend called Suite they actually have really really good assortment of seafood and their Sashimi is to die for I 100 recommend this restaurant if you ever pass by we actually drove around the entire island of Taiwan which is around 1 000 kilometers only we stop the roads are well designed and maintained in their clear road signs everywhere you go I was lucky enough to sit next to the driver my brother this entire trip where I enjoyed this particular view throughout the journey I can't remember the name of this beach but we actually stopped by this area and by the way you look into the Taiwan map and you'll click along any random coastal areas you will find that there are a lot of attractions a lot of cocoa beaches and this one that we stopped by is not the most popular or interesting ones but it was so memorable we were here with the whole family and a lot of these beaches had like mountainous backdrops behind them the Topography of Taiwan is truly unique and beautiful our journey took us to the infamous taroko national park it is known for its dramatic marble cliffs deep gorgeous Lush forest and cascading waterfalls visitors can explore the gorge by walking along the well-maintained trails that offer spectacular views of the sheer Cliffs turquoise River and hanging Bridges the construction of the highway began during the Japanese Colonial period in the 1900s the highway was intended to connect the eastern and western parts of Taiwan the challenging construction process encountered difficulties due to rugged terrain and the need to cut through the marble Cliffs of taroko Gorge there are shrines and museums around the park that memorializes the many workers who lost their lives during the construction driving provides the flexibility to explore different areas of the park at your own Leisure you can choose to stop and Hike along the numerous Trails it's important to note that the roads can be narrow and winding in some areas it is advisable to get an experienced driver and to make sure to Drive slowly as we dive in and out of these tunnels along these winding roads in this picturesque settings I almost felt like I was trapped in a video game as you can hear the visitors on the right are advised to wear hard hats to protect their heads from Falling Rocks if you come all the way to toroco National Park I do recommend to find some guest houses or hotels nearby so you can spend a day or two just hiking around exploring some of the attractions nearby will you look at this turquoise water along this beautifully sculpted Gorge this is nature at its best sometimes we get so caught up with our problems and our work that we forget that this nature exists [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Village hotel which I 110 recommend the word hotel is an understatement because staying here is a whole cultural experience this establishment is decked from head to toe with indigenous truku trap decorations and craftsmanships the true cool people are considered endangered due to their dwindling population but they are an important part of taiwan's diverse indigenous cultures and efforts are made to preserve this culture we were accommodated in this rustic lodges with comfortable modern amenities these lodges are nestled on a grassy plateau and surrounded by tall mountain the dinner experience here was Unforgettable as we gorged on delicious foods that was a fusion of Taiwanese and traditional foods of the indigenous trugu people foreign [Music] Terrace this expensive grassy Plateau provides a picturesque setting for visitors to appreciate the surrounding scenery this is the middle point for most visitors coming to toroco National Park with a service station and several exhibition Halls where visitors can learn about the Aboriginal Culture The Terrace offers panoramic views of the gorge the Liu River and distant mountains the poodle one suspension bridge offers a passageway to hiking trails we were in a hurry towards our next destination but I implore you to please take your time to explore some of these trails our next stop is the breathtaking Beach while the Sea View was spectacular I remember being most impressed by the beautiful smooth round Pebbles that adorned this beach each of these Pebbles or rocks have unique pattern and shape that took hundreds of years of erosion to create Hawaiian City serves as an important transport Hub connecting travelers to the Region's natural beauty vibrant cultural theme and renowned tourist destinations it is also most well known for its Mochi shops highly recommend since noodle house if you're in town for some amazing Seafood the name of the restaurant is a misnomer because they almost serve no noodles everybody come here for the seafood such as this really amazing Hot Pot stew that we ordered comment down below if you've seen a Starbucks better looking than this one built entirely from recycled shipping containers this special Starbucks cafe was designed by kengo Kuma an award-winning Japanese architect inside there are warm and comfortable seating areas for customers and on one end of the container customers can enjoy views of the beautiful mountain range Sugar Factory was originally established during the Japanese Colonial period it has been transformed into a cultural and creative Park most tourists stop by here for their famous ice cream my personal favorite was the tarot flavor as it was not too sweet as we were driving by we saw this beautiful sculptured pieces on the roadside they were made entirely out of straw and we later realized that this was actually a rice Factory complete with a rest stop and a wonderful gift shop if you type in Takeshi kanishiro Tree on Google Maps you will find in this location this is actually a pretty large area where you can walk on foot or rent a bike and just explore these rows and rows of beautiful rice paddy as with all the other attractions we kind of rushed this one we only spent around 30 minutes here but they implore you to take your time with your friends or family or loved ones and just walk slowly and take in all these breathtaking views and taking all the fresh air and I promise all your worries will disappear this is what the drive on the Southeast coast looks like the wastes were actually beating down hard along the coast it is such a Scenic Drive I really recommend for you to keep your eyes open and savor every moment of this after a long drive we finally arrived gaussian this is a very very industrial and poor town that is actually a little bit polluted and the building seem a little bit older than the ones in Taipei we actually stayed at Eda it is a hotel with a theme park now the theme park is not that amazing if you ask me but if you're here with the young children I'm sure they will be very delighted finally we have the chance to take on the high speed rail it is actually very smooth and fast and efficient everything was on time and orderly we got our tickets and assigned seating and we were on our way to Taichung City from calcium the passengers were largely very very considerate to one another and we arrived there in no time the third largest city Taichung is known for its modernity cultural richness and pleasant climate it is thought that some of the best Taiwanese food originate from here we stayed at the sof Hotel a repurposed Loft and industrial style building raw concrete and exposed pipes create a stark contrast with modern and clean Furniture this hotel was adorned with ornamental plants from floor to ceiling the general Taiwanese population is deeply rooted in taoism and Buddhism beliefs with some even going as far as believing in Superstition and fortune telling it is common to see traditional temples amidst modern buildings you are looking at a preserved remnant of a destroyed School building from the aftermath of a 7.6 magnitude earthquake that struck Taiwan on September 21 1999 having caused significant destruction and loss of life the 921 earthquake museum is a Memorial Museum and educational center for all things related to earthquake preparedness and safety the visual storytelling here is utterly heartbreaking to see but they serve as important lessons today my family members and I bonded emotionally through this valuable experience there's even an earthquake simulation room for those of you brave enough to face the terror of actual Tremors of a violent earthquake just a short walk away from the museum is the guangfu new Village I recommend to visit in the evening and you want to give yourself a few hours here as there are tons of cute cafes and creative handmade Goods located in downtown Taichung miyahara is a confectionery baked goods and ice cream store in a historical building this building originally served as an Ophthalmology clinic and then turned into a hospital during World War II the food packaging and visual display of these three treats will make everyone's mouth water most people embark on a very long queue just to taste their famous ice cream but I must admit that my patients do not go that far thank you [Music] our last stop is a national calcium Center for the Arts we were here to watch my older brother perform he is a jazz drummer living and working in Taiwan Amma said broccoli and this video as I have run out of Clips to show you for more personal moments of this trip feel free to visit my Instagram story highlights Taiwan thank you for watching this our next episode is Tokyo see you then and take care for now
Channel: OnlySean
Views: 45,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nuM3_WreLyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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