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like and subscribe if you to share funny MEMS with little ones line farewell Gwyn gillnitz orig wind rob walenta Sallee Agathe gosh if the voice is able to properly pronounce the name of this actual place in Wales then stylet isn't far away use the hashtag brainy comment to be featured in the next episode what state do you live in constant despair government only go outside for emergencies people's emergencies I wanted donuts yeah don't worry about this guy he just points at people with sleep schedules Amber Heard faces prison if found guilty of falsifying evidence against Depp you get what you think deserves women have always been the primary victims of war women lose their husbands their fathers their sons in combat Hillary Clinton doesn't that make men the primary victim when I'm high listening to music and I hear an instrument I usually don't hear or focus on man perfects KFC recipe at home after trying for 18 months he is a man of focus commitment and shifting will me I forgot my assignment at home my online teacher when Netflix freezes to ask if you're still watching and you see yourself reflected in the screen all 11 coroner virus patients in Greenland have recovered making it the only country with no active cases plague incorporated players hey I've seen this one my dream when I was 8 my dream now 12 year old me and my little sister play like normal children sister gets a small scratch me don't tell mom sister I was beaten and tortured and then they killed me if Hitler run leftenant worth what a kiss their mustaches would never touch I guess parents why don't you talk with us me talks to them parents you have entered the argument area forget Florida what the eff going on in Massachusetts [Music] my friend want to read something me yeah my friend mom my friend wants to eat something me American on a roller coaster we Mexicans on a roller coaster not Atris no citrus no citrus hey mom do you need help no it's okay ten minutes later no one in this house ever helps me if you watch The Matrix backwards it's about how kinu reads leaves drugs to get a stable job in a company people who can't get a haircut people who can't get their braces removed and have had to wear them for years and were just days away from getting them off students who graduated in 2019 when it's 4/20 or months and no one is talking about it sad weed noises my two teammates fully kitted fighting the next team me fresh out the gimmick with my pistol me picks up dandelion and blows on it the dandelion six year old me after blasting someone with my imaginary space wizard powers you are destroyed forever original taste me knowing the history of the coca-cola industry scientist I want you to meet my robot me Wow scientist he has limited functionality he can't hold a conversation or express emotion me okay scientist I was talking to the robot never before I've been so offended by something I 100% agree with the two monsters under my bed not being able to sleep because of me crying all night [Music] you get to stay home and do nothing but your family is there to visible frustration berrak we'd like to welcome mr. Trump to Joe the danger zone berrak to the White House what nothing you same board law sits by you farts oh my god sorry law blushes and smiles pants aggressively I drank milk today Japan's aggressively no one dr. strange fighting fairness oh look mom's last nerve I want to touch it hi hello I love you really yes I'm lucky to have a friend like you thank God the virus can't move sideways me after going to a new beach for the first time me rubs my eyes aggressively my brain loading tearing my grandma just sent me this and I think some of you'll need to read it good morning Wednesday and Sarah thought I'd bring back to your mind the biblical story of Ruth to all the girls who are in a hurry to have a boyfriend or get married a piece of biblical advice Ruth waited patiently for her mate both while you are waiting on your bows don't settle for any of his relatives brokers POS liners cheating as dumb as drunk as cheap as locked up as good-for-nothing as lazy as and especially his third cousin beaten us wait on your bows and make sure he respects yellows pornhub server unemployment office server cop one sir we can't cuff him cop 2 and he's gonna do what run away [Music] celebrities are going makeup free while social distancing nobody [ __ ] cares [Music] listen kit I don't have time to explain but the world ends in 2020 you gotta tell Everio when you tell your kids how you survived a global pandemic and they say okay Zuma where's the ocean 20 year old me God in 1945 all right whoever kills Hitler goes to heaven Hitler walking into heaven like me did you poop my toddler no Millennials are killing the napkin industry Millennials are killing the golf industry now Millennials are killing Marmalade Millennials are killing gyms - Millennials every one of these scars is an industry I killed I'm putting my chroma book in the wrong slot China after realizing they can't have any more coroner virus cases if they stop testing altogether remember when everyone knew pro wrestling was fake and they finally admitted it and the fans didn't care and continued to watch anyway we are almost there with politics and a media Florida man gave ten year old tunics to make him chill after sugar rush police say ten year old the longer this quarantine doze the more I think Jack from the shining actually held it together quite well mom try to act mature you are 21 me five minutes later the death Society when you're thirty three hours into a three day Call of Duty binge and your girl asks if you'll watch a movie with her the woman's just obsessed with me did you hear Finland is now closing its borders so what does that mean no one will be crossing the finish line Depp has filed a countersuit against Amber Heard which is five times her reported net worth and it seems as though she is desperate to get dirt on her ex-husband in an attempt for him to settle or throw out his defamation case Amber Heard has meltdown after negative Johnny Depp press fake black eyes and leaked audio tapes she hired a private investigator who has failed to dig up any dirt on the 56 year old actor and her appeal to have the case dismissed has officially been rejected that means that Johnny Depp has sufficient evidence against Amber Heard and the judges will most likely rule in his favor Amber Heard the entire world me doesn't eat the bananas I bought right away the bananas [Music] what do you say the three of us grab a six-pack and watch the universe end that's basically what I do every day armor and video games be like male characters female characters crazy how do you sold back tears for a lifetime but come in like 30 seconds no no she got a point me walking on a perfectly flat sidewalk my ankle let's show these because how we roll I'm in Home Depot where the HOS at gardening section thank you me handing in my assays started making it had a breakdown Bon Appetite 5g launched covered 19 2019 4G launched h1n1 2009 3G launched influenced in 1998 2g launched cholera 1991 1g launched influenza 1979 the introduction of radio waves caused the Spanish flu of 1918 do you see a pattern every time the world gets an upgrade on its electromagnetic fields it messes people breathing up clearly I too AM extraordinary [ __ ] Jesus conduct class of 2018 class of 2019 class of 2020 class of 2020 one CDC coffin to your elbow boomers at the supermarket since I have started packaging my trash like this my neighbors respect me they say good morning with a smile and keep the music volume real love modern problems require outstanding moves due to less air pollution I can now see the Death Star from my BALCO wait [Music] view from my balcony due to less air pollution three branches of Governor Bill of Rights two party system video game companies earning lots of money because everyone is stuck at home pockemon go when you take a seat and your body betrays you my team wins the dodgeball game teacher we all win the game me sounds like communist propaganda but ok times were simpler six years ago when the biggest threat the world faced was old men jerking off to my little pony dolphins have returned to Italy meanwhile in my house you [Music] [Music]
Channel: BrainyDude
Views: 242,123
Rating: 4.9155631 out of 5
Keywords: memes, dank, funny, meme, brainy memes, daily memes, minecraft memes, dank brainy memes, comedy, clean memes, clumsy, dankify, family friendly memes, dank doodle memes, clean meme, memes compilation, best memes, dank memes, dankify memes, unusual memes, unusual memes compilation, dank daily memes, family friendly, dank memes compilation
Id: M3PR2fgX9mU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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