Unusual Hobbies: Men's Knitting Club

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all right we're kicking off unusual hobbies week on Daybreak so this week we have asked our sister stations across the nation to find the most interesting hobbies in their own town and this morning we're meeting with the group that gets together every weekend in the heart of Seattle it's a hobby that includes all ages but in this group only one gender King fives Alex rosier and photojournalist Tom tedford takes us to the coffee shop where it all happens the social event it's productive its creative we're all different people the thing we have in common is that we met have a men's knitting retreat that happens here in Seattle every year we just decided to start meeting more often it becomes a community center becomes a gathering place for people who often live in isolated lives it seems fitting for us to have here I never knew a nadir who was dumb I do I know you but you have other qualities Jesus uh just a parasol you're gonna give that yarn away process of actually knitting those those socks and actually creating something from a piece of string is kind of an amazing process three mysteries three dr. Blake's and I can do a hat so it's really enjoyable it's really a good way to wind down and relax and you know end up with with something that someday maybe you or someone else will well in alright that was Alex Rosie reporter journalist Tom tedford from our sister station King five in Seattle now the story aired this morning yeah we had rusty Boyd from a Hosking North Carolina sending a message to me on Facebook right he said he was inspired by that group in Seattle he knows them and it inspired him to start the South East men's knitting retreat right here in our area that's so there's a picture from their Facebook page and so he knows a lot of the folks in that in that knitting club out all the way up so hi rusty Boyd from South East men's knitting retreat here in our area so I just want to give a shout out to him and thanks so we let people know that something like that is happening in our area absolutely well tomorrow on Daybreak some incredible images of bugs what you thought to be filthy it turns out is actually quite beautiful there's a very interesting story attached to that statement all right
Channel: 13News Now
Views: 7,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Features
Id: BF7g29QW7Z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 20sec (140 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2017
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