Untold Stories of Columbine (2000) | Full Movie

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i'm really glad to be here with you today how many of you how many of you remember the day that john f kennedy was killed would you just stand up those who remember that day would you stand to your feet the rest of you that are seated look at these people don't sit down yet just stay standing this is what old looks like okay you can be seated the ladies all sit down real quick when you say that i uh was with bernice king last night her dad martin luther king was killed and this country was stunned in my lifetime three events have occurred in which this country was stunned and time stood still and one of those was the assassination of martin luther king one was the assassination of john f kennedy but for this generation the ones that were not standing columbine was the culmination of a series of school killings that stopped the clock and you remembered the day it happened and you will never forget you'll remember where you were at the people you were around i can remember vividly that day when john f kennedy was killed the people i was talking to what i ate that day the clothes i was wearing it just burns into your consciousness and the rest of you got to see scenes on television that i didn't get to see until months weeks later because i was in an elementary school waiting in a large crowd of parents as that crowd began to dwindle smaller and smaller as children were accounted for and then it was left with a handful of us and we had that dread and that fear of what we came to find out was reality but i'm not here this morning to entertain you i'm not here to do anything except carry the tarts that my daughter dropped and do something that i believe she would want me to do and that is share the untold stories of columbine because there are incredible stories that are coming out of this and i want you to know something god was not asleep on april the 20th he never sleeps and he never slumbers and i had a cameraman ask me the question where was god when your daughter was killed and i said the same place he was at when his son was killed two thousand years ago and the same place he was at when he miraculously spared my son in the library where two of his friends beside him were both shot and killed the same god that miraculously spared craig my son allowed my daughter to be taken home that day and if we ever believe if we believe in god and we believe he's sovereign and we believe that he's all-knowing how many of you know god if there's a god he knows everything and he knows the end from the beginning amen he knew he knew the day my daughter was born the day that she would die and he knew how she would die and so i have people that don't understand when i only have a few minutes to talk with them about the columbine tragedy how i could say i believe god's hand was on my daughter that day because i believe it with all of my heart but one reason i can say that is not just because i have a theology that tells me god is all-knowing and god is all-powerful and god knows the end from the beginning but also because my daughter left with us a heritage of five diaries that spell out for us the preparation of our own heart as god began to prepare her those two young men who did this atrocity were prepared by evil for a year before they did this they planned it they plotted it they played video games and they reenacted that video game at columbine that day and evil was prepared in their hearts but i want you to know there were young people who shed their blood that day who god was preparing their hearts way before these two boys had their hearts prepared to do this event and rachel was one of those that had her heart prepared at least a year and a half before she was killed she began to realize that god was doing something in her we live in a world of illusion the beginning of our day we call what sun sunrise and the end we call what and how many of you know that's an illusion the sun doesn't rise it just is it's just out there burning the sun doesn't set when it's midnight here it's daylight somewhere else and so there is no such thing as a sunrise in a sunset but we read poetry about it we don't read poetry that says we sat on the beach with our arms around each other and we watched as this as the earth turned just doesn't sound romantic so we enjoy terminology of illusion we live in a world of illusion in this room right now there's a lot of activity going on that we can't see right here in our midst elvis presley just went floating by he actually did you ain't nothing but a hound dog thank you very much that was him elton john is in this room right now as we speak and i'm not telling you a fib it's the truth he's here his image is here his voice is here right now in this room there are hundreds of radio and television preachers speaking god help us they're all in this room but you can't hear it because your ears are tuned to the frequency that my voice is speaking at and so you hear me but the truth is i'm not the only one only one making sounds here in this room there are many sounds in this room there are many images in this room and if you have the right equipment to pick it up you tune into it right now there's nfl football games going on i'm anxious to find out what the broncos did today i never heard the score don't tell me i might be disappointed but there are all kinds of activity that's going on that we don't see simply because we're not tuned into that realm and i want you to know that there's a realm of the spirit that is more real than the realm of what our eyesight and our ear side his ear is tuned into and that's the realm where god has angelic beings there's demonic spirits and there's a real world of the spirit and this nation is beginning to wake up and realize that they don't have the answers to the things that cause columbine and i meet with politicians every week around the country and i've met with the president twice and i've met with entertainers and i've met people who have authority in this country and i look into their eyes and i can see that they know that they don't have the answers and young people i want to tell you something i no longer believe in my generation we blew it we set back and let a handful of dissidents dictate to us how this country should be run and what we could and could not do when it came to god and i want you to know that god has placed an anointing on your generation to make a difference to go back to your schools and not allow legislation to dictate to your conscience but to obey obey and honor god where you're at amen am i getting taller is this thing shrinking because of time we have another service that's starting in a little bit because of time i want to i want to just go directly into the story of columbine and i know that's why you're here to hear me this morning but i want you to think about something as i share the events of columbine jesus said if your eye be single your body will be full of light and then he said if your eye be evil your body will be full of darkness and how great is that darkness and a long time ago i had an incident that happened to me when i was in my early twenties that prepared me for my daughter's death and the lord taught me to look through things and not be as a look at her but a see through her don't look at things but see through them and ask what is it god that you're after in this situation and if you only look at tragedies like columbine you will you will never see the heart and purposes of god but if you dare to ask lord show me what has happened here and see through the moment i heard about the columbine tragedy i was across denver i jumped in my truck and went as fast as i could to the other side of town traffic was horrendous but as i turned on the radio i knew i had two children in that building and i listened to the different reports and there was no names called no one knew what had happened at that point they just knew that there were some people shooting kids at the school and as i prayed the lord began to speak to my heart and over and over again i heard these three words a spiritual event a spiritual event a spiritual event and i didn't understand fully what that meant until later when i was able to look back the lord prepared a number of the people that were in this tragedy and i'm friends with all of those victims families and with many of the wounded victims families and on their behalf i want to say to you thank you so much for your prayer for your tears for your sorrow and for your support that you gave to us i really i know that many of you did pray many times for us and i thank you from the bottom of my heart not only for my family but for all of these families because the grace of god was real and i've had people ask me how can you even get up five months after your daughter's been killed and talk about these things and i can only say that it's the grace of god because i know and no one else needs to confirm that that god spoke to my heart and that he's given a grace for what you're hearing what you're about to hear today the columbine tragedy began way before columbine it began in the hearts of two young men but it also began in the hearts of the young people there that were killed and specifically i can talk about my daughter because a year and a half before rachel began to write about things that god was preparing her for one of the pastors who spoke at rachel's funeral which was seen on cnn by the largest viewing audience in their entire history and it was seen worldwide the whole muslim community we were told tuned in when they heard the word martyr used and we know that tens of thousands of young people gave their hearts to the lord jesus that day in their living rooms and in the dens in the basements of their home and bruce porter who was one of the pastors that spoke at her funeral pastors a small church outside of denver had a dream on january the 20th now i'm not here to tell you that dreams should be believed in or trusted but i do believe god speaks to people at different times in different ways for different reasons and all dreams and visions and things of that nature need to be judged by the word of god and by confirmation and circumstance but bruce porter had a dream and this dream was documented by many people at two o'clock in the morning he woke up shaking and sweating and his wife woke up because he was shaking so strongly and he she said what's wrong he said i just had a dream i dreamed that i was in a room and there was young people all around me and i heard bombs going off and i heard gunshots and i saw young people falling all around me bleeding and he said then the dream stopped and i saw i was outside of the building and i saw this group of young people running single file out of the building with their hands over their head and their fingers interlaced and he said then a third part of the dream was these young people stopped and they looked back at the building they had come out of and i saw a look of steely determination come into their eyes as they turned and marched back into that building and began to bind up the wounds of those that had been wounded bruce shared that with his wife and she wrote it down in a journal that i've seen with my own eyes he then shared it on sunday morning with his whole church my ex-wife and her husband go to that church they heard the story that bruce porter had to tell on that sunday morning many other people heard that story he shared it again on a friday night with the youth of their church so there's many witnesses to the dream he had but bruce and everybody that heard that dream over a period of time forgot about it and on april the 20th bruce porter was in that room that i was in with us and that handful of people still waiting to hear from their children and he told me later he said daryl it wasn't until the next morning when i opened up the denver post and saw the picture of those teenagers running out of the school with their fingers laced over their heads that it hit me like a ton of bricks and i realized that that was the picture i had seen in my dream and he said it wasn't until a few days later when i spoke at your daughter's funeral and i challenged the young people in that room who will stand and pick up the torch that rachel and cassie and john and others have dropped and 1 000 young people stood up in that audience at her funeral but around this country tens of thousands of young people stood up maybe some of you did and raised their hands he said when that happened i saw a look in their eyes there was the fulfillment of the third part of that dream which was a look of steely determination to go back to their schools to go back to where their sphere of influence was and to make a difference and that's why i'm here tonight young people because i believe in you i believe in god in you i believe your generation has an anointing i know that it was on my daughter i know that it's on my children and i see a willingness to make sacrifices that my generation wasn't willing to do and it's anointing to prepare you for sacrifices that may need to be made because i will tell you something evil is getting worse and god's people are getting better and there's a polarization taking place between godliness and ungodliness in this country right now and you're going to have to at some point make a decision as to which direction you're going to go because it's going to get worse and it's going to get better and you're going to make a difference amen three weeks before john tomlin was killed in the library john was a fine young man he did missions work in mexico he told his mom and dad he said i i take my bible to school every day and i just leave it open on the dash of my truck and i'm praying that god will somehow use that open bible to speak to somebody's heart i walked out there at four o'clock one morning to do an interview with maria shriver looked over at john tomlin's truck and there was a ring of young people about five deep worshiping the lord with her hands raised four o'clock in the morning and i looked at the dash of his truck and there was that bible but his mother turned to him about three or four weeks before he died and she said john they had moved from wisconsin six months before to denver and she said john let me ask you something if anything ever happens to you where would you want to be buried and she said daryl the minute i asked that my goosebumps rose up on my arm i couldn't believe that i was asking my son a teenager where he would want to be buried but she said you know god use that question to bring me comfort later to realize that he was preparing my heart for john's death and john said mom i'd like to be buried in wisconsin and that's where john is buried tonight four days before my daughter died we sat at a table and i had the most incredible talk with her that i'd ever had in my life for two solid hours we poured our hearts out to each other we wept we hugged each other and we expressed our love for each other in appreciation to in a way that i've never experienced with any of my children i love all five of my children with all of my heart and i didn't understand that i didn't understand a year before rachel died when she came in my living room one day and she said dad would you pray with me because i want to do a mime called watch the lamb a song by rae bolts in my high school talent show she said i'm scared because i don't want the kids to make fun of me but she said i want to do it as a witness and so she went out and bought the makeup she got the unit the the the clothing she needed she taped the the recording and she took it to her high school talent show where rock bands and all kinds of activity was going on and she stood up and the lights went dim and a fluorescent light was turned on and she did a mine called watch the lamb i sat there on the fifth row and sobbed like a baby and i've been to all kinds of events i've been to plays and skits and mimes and football games and wrestling matches and soccer tournaments and when you're a parent you go to those things i've never sat and cried at one of my children's performance but i sensed an anointing from god in that high school auditorium that day and i sat there and wept and i had no idea that that mime was going to be performed behind her casket by the young girl who taught her that mind one year later to the whole world that they were going to see the mind that rachel performed in high school i want to tell you something when god speaks something to your heart be obedient you never know when he's going to use that john tomlin's truck and the open bible on the dash of his truck was seen all around the world on cnn and other stations be obedient to the lord on march the 1st 1998 i'm going to go to my daughter's diaries and just just finish this up by sharing some things that she wrote rachel knew that her life was not going to be very long and i say that i say that with authority because she said that several times rachel was a bubbly outgoing young girl she was beautiful she loved life she was boy crazy but she told her sisters i'll never live to be old enough to get married she told her best friend jeff god has a purpose for my life jeff's her first cousin and they went to school together she said jeff god is going to use me to touch the young people of this nation and i'm not going to live to be very old and i don't know how he's going to do it but she believed that god was going to use her i walked into the living room two years ago and she was watching the oprah winfrey show and she just tilted her head back as i walked in and smiled and she said dad someday you're going to see me on oprah i forgot all about that until i was walking up the stairs on the oprah winfrey show and glanced back and in the backdrop they had rachel's picture up on the screen and my knees buckled and i literally went to the floor and oprah came over and she said are you going to be okay and i said i don't know and i told her what i just remembered and she started crying and 12 times during that taping we had to interrupt it because people were breaking down and crying this columbine tragedy is not the only tragedy and i grieve deeply for people in fort worth i will be there in a week and a half with a brother named josh mcdowell we're going to minister to some of those parents that have lost their children there i know how to relate to them i belong to a club i wish i didn't belong to some of you belong to that club parents should never have to lose their children and my heart goes out to parents who lose children and they don't have closure and they don't understand any reason for it or rhyme because in our case we know that rachel's life was intended to be 17 years and it was intended to have the impact that it's had on this world we know that from her own lips and her own diaries so she was writing on march the 1st 1998 and she wrote these words one of her diaries was addressed to god and she wrote dear god sometimes when i'm craving your spirit nothing happens how many have you ever been there you pray and you say oh god where are you are you are you are you are you and he seems to be a thousand miles away i want to tell you something he will never leave you and he will never forsake you but he'll pretend to and when he pretends to you have to learn to pray like i've learned to pray god i know you're there so i'm going to talk to you anyway but sometimes he'll withdraw the consciousness of his presence to enable us to grow up we would never be tempted if we felt his presence all the time so he withdraws his presence to allow us to go through things to cause us to grow up but she was feeling down this day she was feeling where are you god and she says i stand there with my hands stretched toward heaven crying out your name and nothing is it because i've not been keeping quiet times is there sin in my life that's keeping me from your salvation what can i do why have i been able to keep faith like a child until now why do i have to question your existence the reason i'm reading to you this portion of her diary is to let you know that rachel one week could be down and the next week could be up and she was a teenager just like some of you are and if you put cassie bernal and rachel scott and john tomlin or any of these other young people on pedestals you're making a mistake god has called for all of us to lay our lives down all of us some of us just do it on the installment plan you know what that is you pay a little every day it's little by little that you lay your life down for him and for others and some may be called in this room to lay your life down for the name of jesus you may i don't know but i will tell you one thing if you are called to lay your life down you have a loving father who will prepare your life for that and prepare your family for that because god did that with our family and with the bernal family and with the tomlin family and i know that because i talk to these people and i hear the stories and i know our story and then her tone changes and she says i don't understand i want to feel you in my heart mind soul and life i want heads to turn in the hall when i walk by i want them to stare at me watching and wanting the light that you've put into me i want you to overflow my cup with your spirit i want so much from you i want you to use me to reach the unreached and i'm here to tell you that my daughter's prayer got answered tens of thousands of young people tens of thousands have given their hearts to the lord just from her funeral alone a young man in texas walked into the living room with a gun in his hand he sat down on the couch put it to his head was planning to commit suicide cnn happened to be on the television my daughter's funeral was what they were showing and he began to watch that funeral as young people began to talk about rachel talking to them about god and her life and then he continued to watch until bruce porter got up and he said who will take the torch that rachel has dropped and he was one of the many that stood to his feet in his living room with no one watching dropped the gun from his hand and raised his hand and he said i will i found out just the other day i thought he started in texas but he started in little rock arkansas and ran to washington dc a thousand miles with a torch in his hand he was so moved to make that kind of a commitment and some of you may have seen that funeral and been affected by it but i'll tell you what god used rachel to reach the unreached she had more of an evangelism campaign in one day at her funeral than most evangelists have in their entire careers and i thank god that he answered her prayer it's not the way i would have wanted it how many of you know god does answer prayer but he doesn't always answer it the way we want him to answer it how many of you have ever asked god for patience stupid you know what he'll give it to you you know how he gives it to you the car won't start your golf game's going downhill the wife's going to get bratty the kids are going to get bad the husband's going to get mean because when you ask for patience he's going to give you patience through tribulation because tribulation works patience jesus said one time ask and you shall receive he turned around and repeated it and said everyone that asketh receiveth in matthew 7. then he said it a third time and the third time he said it this way if you ask the father for bread he's not going to give you a stone i'm paraphrasing if you ask him for fish he's not going to give you a serpent why would jesus say that i'll tell you why he was preparing us for when we ask because sometimes we ask and what we asked for was bread and what we get handed looks like a stone i got handed what looked like a stone on april the 20th and i started praying fervently god help me see through this thing that looks like a serpent to the fish that's really there help me see through this stone to the bread that i know is there let me have see through vision and not look at vision and rachel prayed and she said god i want to be used to reach the unreached then she said i have such a desire and passion to serve you but i want to do that now i want to know and serve you now i want heads to turn now i want faith like a child now i want to feel you in my heart mind and soul now i want you in my life now i am crying out to you father asking for your spirit now seven times she used the word now i believe my daughter meant what she was praying god use me to reach the unreached and use me now seven days later she writes god i have this terrible sharp dull pain in my stomach i don't know if it's a spiritual feeling but if it is i ask you to bless it that's maturity that some 87 year olds never come to at a at 16 or 17 that's incredible to me that she could sense that god was doing something in her and preparing her for something and it was painful and she told her sister dana she said dana god is doing something in me and i don't understand but he's preparing me for something and sometimes it feels like pain and i don't understand what it is she's going to write about this even in more detail a little bit later she wrote a poem about this time that goes like this just passing by just coming through not staying long i always knew this home i have will never last and then on march the 9th eight days after she wrote why do i have to question your existence listen to where she's at at this point nine days eight days later she was down here and now she's up here she says jeff to her cousin you want to know what i feel what i think about constantly what is on my heart god seriously he is all i think about i want to serve him so much now rachel wasn't a spirit a super spiritual person that went around always spouting out religious things my daughter was was popular in school she had many friends and she had two ambitions in her life that seemed incompatible she wanted to be an actress and she wanted to be a missionary now you go figure i don't see how those two can ever come together but that's what she wanted to be she was a junior starred in her high school play writing next year's play very talented and gifted but she wanted to be both of these things and you know what in her death god answered her prayers she became in essence an actress her face is seen all over the world on television it will be seen in upcoming movies and in books in magazines it has been already but at the same time more importantly she has been a missionary to young people across this nation and across the world who've given their hearts to the lord as a result of her living and her dying testimony and so her prayers were answered and she says to jeff on this day i'm sorry if i come on so strong i just wish you knew how it feels i just feel so happy and fulfilled i know that you don't understand that right now but i'm praying that someday you will and at rachel's funeral jeff walked forward and knelt before her casket and committed his heart totally to the lord jesus and this last week he was in tampa speaking to young people about the commitment he's made to the lord because of rachel's death she goes on and writes on april the 20th 1998 it's like i have a heavy heart now remember this is one year to the day before she died april the 20th she had witnessed to eric and dylan three weeks before they killed her she had a class with them two of her friends overheard her talking to those boys about the lord and about the violent videos that they were making and she writes on april the 20th 1998 it's like i have a heavy heart and this burden upon my back and i don't know what it is there is something in me that makes me want to cry and i don't even know what it is things have definitely changed last week was so hard i lost all my friends at school now that i've begun to walk my talk they make fun of me i don't even know what i've done i don't really have to say anything and they turn me away but you know what it's all worth it to me i am not going to apologize for speaking the name of jesus i am not going to justify my faith to them and i'm not going to hide the light that god has put into me if i have to sacrifice everything i will if i have to sacrifice everything i will if my friends have to become my enemies for me to be with my best friend jesus then that's fine with me on may the 2nd 1998 she wrote these words this was all she wrote in her diary that day she wrote this will be my last year lord i have gotten what i can thank you she told her sister dana right about this time that she didn't feel like she was going to live much longer that god had a purpose for her i wish that i could bring her back and talk to her about those things i'm not sure that she understood all that was going on but i want you to know one thing i'm convinced with all of my heart that rachel joyce scott knew god was preparing her heart for a sacrifice to be made and she expressed the willingness to make that sacrifice in her diaries she then wrote things untold things unseen one day all these things will come to me this came from a bible study that she and i had done about illusions and seeing through things life of meaning life of hope life of significance is mine to cope i have a purpose i have a dream i have a future or so it seems and then rachel drew a picture and i want them to put the picture up on the screen because this picture is the picture of the the christian symbol the fish symbol with a cross in the middle and this particular picture brought closure to our entire family and i'll explain how in just a moment but in this picture you can't see it up close but there's a verse of scripture that she chose to write around the fish symbol and it's the verse that says greater love hath no man than this then he would lay down his life for his friends and on the right side of that picture is a picture of a rose with what looks like blood dripping off the rose there's dark drops that are dripping from the rose and when i first saw this picture in her diary i thought it was blood later i was to find out it was something else but when i first saw this picture it didn't make sense to me it was just like another little doodling type picture with something about jesus on it but my daughter pointed out dana pointed out that the the rose was growing up out of a columbine plant columbine is a flower that means like a dove and the rose was growing up out of that columbine plant and it's dripping with liquid that looks dark that didn't mean much to me at that time the last poem that my daughter wrote in her diaries goes like this am i the only one who sees am i the only one who craves your glory am i the only one who longs to be forever in your loving arms all i want is for someone to walk with me through these halls of a tragedy please give me a loving friend who will carry your name until the end someone who longs to be with you someone who will stay forever true a month after her funeral i had a very good job very good income and i've just been given a huge raise and moved from sales manager of the company i worked for to a vice president uh i'd been offered that position but i for some reason had asked to be given two weeks before i made that final acknowledgment and it amazes me that i didn't jump at the offer but a week after i was offered that columbine's tragedy occurred and then the owner of the company that i worked for gave me a full month he said you just take a month off and and come back with your answer at the end of a month and it was near the end of a month after rachel's funeral that i sat on the edge of my bed and the lord had spoken to me about two days earlier and he spoke to my heart god is real and he does speak to people and sometimes that's subjective you know when people say to me god told me to spit on you you know if god told you to spit on me have at it but i don't believe you so but how many of you know it's hard to argue with people when they say you know us i'm not a baptist incidentally but us baptist i've been in so many baptist churches i think i'm ready to be one but uh baptist people i'm just kidding i'm a baptistal baptist uh baptist you know i hear him over and over i travel some with with brother jerry drace here and and i hear him over and over brother i just believe if it's in the word i believe it well so do i but how many of you know you and i may have a i don't mean me and you baptist i'm talking about baptist and baptist may have a difference of opinion about what the word says and that's why we have all these different denominations and all these different sects of christianity because everybody interprets the word a little bit different from everybody else but if it's in the word i believe it and i think that's a universal sound from christians or it should be anyway that the word of god is the standard but i also do believe that god speaks to our hearts and it'll never be out of juncture with his word and it will be confirmed but i know this i had beat myself up because i had been in ministry for a number of years and i went through a divorce 12 years ago for some of you it may disqualify me from even standing here and that's okay because i did that to myself for four years i beat myself up with the church's help it's okay to laugh some of you might have aided in beating up other people divorce is wrong it's sinful and you're responsible for what happens but at the same time it's not the end of your life and god is not necessarily through with you if that happens and so i had put myself on a shelf and i said i will never again minister to people except one-on-one and for 12 years i continued to just devour the word and walk with god and and talk to people and fellowship but i had beat myself up so bad and it took something very strong for me to be here with you today and the lord woke me up at 4 30 one morning and said i have brought you to the kingdom for such a time as this and i will put you before rulers and kings and you will not be afraid of what to say because i'll fill your mouth he spoke that so clearly to me that i was stunned i called my ex-wife and her husband and i shared that with them and we prayed we we had reconciliation a number of years ago and her close friends i called my fiance and told her what had happened and i sat on the edge of my bed that morning and i made a decision and i said god i'll do whatever it is you want me to do and as soon as i made that decision the phone rang i picked it up and it was a man by the name of franka media on the other line frank lives in ohio and he owns businesses across the nation he has businesses here in the dallas fort worth or this is nashville in it here in the nashville area in dallas fort worth almost every major major metro area i forget where i'm at sometimes i'm sorry uh and and frank said the reason i'm calling you he said uh god put you on my heart at your daughter's funeral i watched it on cnn he said i've prayed for you faithfully every day but he said god put you on my heart and i want you to know that whatever it is he's calling you to do i want to financially help you get that done and i went thank you lord i needed that confirmation because nothing was happening within a matter of days i got a call from congress to come to a judicial hearing and i talked to them there and then doors just began to fling open all over the country and i was getting 80 calls a day and i had to just get somebody to help me screen through all of that but frank said that's not the reason i'm calling he said the reason i'm calling is three times in my life i have had dreams that i knew were from god the first two had to do about the business that i own he said the first time i had a dream i only owned one business here in ohio and god told me some steps to take to expand and i did and he just blessed it the second time it had to do with my business and it went nationwide but he said the third dream i had was after your daughter's funeral i had a dream about her eyes and he said i'm going to ask you if this means anything to you but he said i had a dream and in that dream i see rachel's eyes and there's tears streaming out of her eyes and they're watering something but i can't see what it is in the dream and he said does that mean anything to you and i said no frank it doesn't he said would you ask your family if it means anything to them and i did and it didn't mean anything to any of us he said if it ever does will you promise to call me he said i've written a song i used to be in a band years ago with a guy named alice cooper how many of you remember brother alice he was a forerunner of marilyn manson and alice cooper incidentally is a brother now he gave his heart to the lord just a couple of months ago and i want to tell you never give up on who god can change never give up in your prayers elton john saw my daughter's funeral and he caught had his secretary to call and he said would you come and bring your children and meet with me in my dressing room in wyoming where he did a concert and we went and met and i knew god had a word that he wanted and i he didn't give me that word till i walked in the dressing room and boom it hit me and i shared that with that man and tears began to run down his face as he responded to the word that god had put there don't ever underestimate the power of god to use you as a pawn in his hand to checkmate a king or to deal with somebody's life and so he said frank said i was in his band and i wrote a song called rachel's tears and i'm going to have that done professionally and give it to kids all over the country but he said if that ever means anything to you will you let me know and i said i will four days later i got a phone call from the sheriff's department there in littleton in colorado and he said we have the contents of your daughter's backpack now rachel had a backpack on when she was killed eric and dylan came up over a hill at the back of the school they shot a young man by the name of mark taylor who was witnessing the two of his friends at the moment that he was shot they then turned and shot my daughter in the leg and she got up to run and they shot her through the chest and a bullet went through her backpack and she fell they went down some outdoor steps to the cafeteria where they killed danny robba a young man who was bravely holding the door of the cafeteria open to let his friends escape they then came back up the stairs and walked over to rachel lifted her head up eric davis or eric harris lifted her head up by her hair and said do you still believe in god because he knew she'd talk to him about god and she said yes i do and he shot her through the temple and killed her and the last word she heard where do you believe in god and the next word she heard were the very voice of god himself saying well done thy good and faithful servant amen they then went into the library and my son was in the library and he got under a desk with matthew kechter his close friend and isaiah scholes the black young man was running around looking for a place and they invited isaiah to join them and those two boys came in and killed people in the in near the entrance of the library 10 students not counting themselves were killed there in the library they then came around to where craig was at craig said dad i looked down the barrel of a shotgun as they sat there with the guns aimed on them and they turned to isaiah first and they began to taunt him and for two minutes the last words he heard were racial slurs aimed at him and then he was killed and i want to tell you people if you harbor any prejudice in your hearts toward any other race or color or nationality or any other people god help you and god forgive you because there's no room for prejudice in the kingdom of god that's the kind of hatred we need to get rid of and they shot isaiah and then they turned the guns on matthew kechter and they killed him and my son craig fell as though he'd been shot and he said dad i lay there for 10 minutes in total terror just knowing that any second a bullet was going to enter my body and he said i began to pray and god took away my fear almost instantly he said that's when i realized how powerful god is that he protected me and he took away the fear and then he said the lord spoke to my heart and said get up and get out and craig got up helped a young girl off the floor who had had her shoulder blown off helped herd those kids out and led a prayer meeting by a cop car outside the building a few minutes later he ran right past his sister's body and never saw it and i'm thankful for that but craig's faith was strengthened that day yes he lost his sister but he also sees from her diaries and from what happened and many of the families that lost children were the least afraid when school started this year there is a grace that god gives in a time of need that you can't understand unless you're there but i got the contents of my daughter's backpack and i raced back to my truck and i sat there and opened up the last page of her diary and what i saw shocked me because it's what you're about to see on the screen and if you could put yourself in my shoes and you could see the picture that you're looking at in her diary you would probably do what i did i could not move for over 30 minutes i sat there and wept and cried and i said god what is it that you're trying to say through this because i knew there was no way that franka media could have seen that diary and known what my daughter drew there's 13 clear tears coming out of her eyes and they turned dark as they hit that rose and that rose is the same rose she drew a year before there was coming out of a columbine plant that was connected to a scripture that said greater love hath no man than this that he lay down his life for his friends and i said god what are you trying to say and the lord said that rose is the youth of this nation and they're being watered by my tears and i'm going to raise them up and use them and it's coming out of this columbine tragedy that there's a wake-up call for the youth of this nation and i shared that a few weeks later in jackson tennessee and a young lady walked up to me and she said before the meeting began god had given me some verses of scripture to to have you read and i had no idea you were going to share what you did about rachel's tears she handed me her bible it was open to jeremiah 31 and she said read verses 15-17 and i did and it says thus saith the lord a voice is heard in rama lamentation and bitter weeping rachel is weeping for her children she refuses to be comforted for children because they are no more thus says the lord restrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears for your words shall be rewarded declares the lord and they shall return from the land of the enemy and there is hope for your future declares the lord and your children shall return to their own territory amen [Applause] in 1962 my generation said we don't need god where our kids are concerned anymore and we removed him from our schools after 170 years of having his influence there we took away god and as a result of that the moral fiber of our educational system began to deteriorate and fall apart and this country thinks that gun control is going to change the problems and it's not gun control is like slapping a band-aid on a gaping wound what we need is god what we need is a change of heart not a change outwardly but a change inwardly amen thank you i want to pray with you for just one second and then dr dress is coming up to invite some of you to give your hearts to the lord tonight father i ask that this anointing that i have come to trust that's come out of this tragedy will touch the lives of the people here in the next few minutes as they listen that you will draw their hearts to you and i ask that you bring many to your kingdom today and that you bring a commitment to the hearts of young people here who've been lukewarm or backslidden that you would change their hearts that you would touch the hearts of parents the hearts of teachers and principles in this place the hearts of politicians that are in this place god that you would cause us to see that our need is not legislation but it is you we need you we need to humble ourselves and pray and seek your face and see the change that's needed and i ask you right now to just begin to do that work that's needed in the hearts that are here in jesus name amen [Applause]
Channel: Vision Video
Views: 124,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christian Video, Christian Film, Christian Movie, Religious Movie, Film, Movie, Entertainment, Feature Film, Vision Video, Untold Stories of Columbine Movie, Untold Stories of Columbine Full movie, Untold Stories of Columbine 2000 Movie, Untold Stories of Columbine 2000 full movie, Columbine High School shooting, Darrell Scott
Id: D88tG7eEvYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 9sec (2769 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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