Untitled Goose Game - THE GOOSE IS ON THE LOOSE!!!!!! RUN!!!!!

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hello hello just a goose laughs oh there I am hey guys what's up today it's the goats here well we're gonna be the best goose that we have ever been in our laps the best the best goose ain't none of the geese gonna make fun of me ever again is that my treasure it's my treasure that's definitely my treasure come here treasure no how am I ever gonna get my treasure oh yeah we go there we go there we got I got a I got a I got a bindi Nick look at the other camp no ladies look how far can bend down Wow Oh human technology is so amazing thank goodness that humans are around to the blue to my land blue mullet you know it it's time I'm done with this I'm done with this they driven up all the ladies you know I was supposed to fly you know south for the winter or northward to winter one of the two ways and and then can I go to Boosh no I can't oh oh I know what to do I know what to do we get it dare you tell you Chad its flattened and killing me oh look at that I can glide Wow untitled goose game this is like this is what you guys wanted me to play you wanted me to play this goose game and look at its image get it own city she's immature let's put it in the water for later for consumption later on this oh there we go can't get out get in here red I mean I'm a famous goose from the migrating flying be Dean Flynn genius Cousteau no hi hey was it me definitely wasn't me am up we got oh we got some pumpkins look at all kinds of things can I turn this on Jim come on it's my favorite song cuz my Jim leave me no peace neither is it cute oh we got the groundskeeper where that's the right groundskeeper what are you kidding don't you kiss me you're mean I mean you didn't even want the gym even went to gym with the head but the head is the best picnic of our lives right there beautiful beautiful the gym alone pee sir please take my Jim for his rock with you please but Jim you want to Jim you go get it you go get the gym I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry don't touch me like this please okay I'll get the gym later you know this is a struggle you know we got it this is the only way a goose delirious can find a goose loose girlfriend the only weight I take his keys I'll get his keys apologize apologize sir they say I will get the kids whether you like it or not sir need those keys [Music] we have the keys come on fight you why'd you why'd you hopefully doesn't see me stealthiest stealthiest Holmes I've ever been in my life we're good he didn't see us we're you know we're getting ready for a hot date it's gonna be very beautiful never cup let's place this right there how do I drop it there we go all right now we need a sandwich a pumpkin gem radio and a best got a sandwich right here the water yeah it does it a little soggy it doesn't matter it doesn't matter if it's soggy or not there we go I uh move this nice brilliant brilliant brilliant and have some tunes for the date this is gonna be the most magical experience a goose has ever had sir this is Spit disrespect yes I've ever seen in my life it was immense I apologize I didn't steal it it wasn't me don't don't suspect me God suspect me I'm not getting the gist no no what you're talking about sir oh he doesn't know where to jam with yeah now he's looking for the thermostat how is this guy psychic how does he know about 210 thermos stand with this wrong with you sir Oh Jim I got the keys keys hey you go get your keys get your keys here we're good listen sir you will give me the radio back no pumpkin wait what would you do this will you quit me and stop taking everything I love he's picking it off take it all every day I've loved all this stuff yeah go get that pumpkin there's plenty of pumpkins in the sea Danny look at this big one this farmers going down for his crimes against against couscous manatee so he's bringing the fake pumpkin that was the fake pumpkin farmer farmer John the fake pumpkin in hopefully after we get this pumpkin hopefully this task is finished what I'm hoping yes we have had a picnic so we don't we don't want to worry about all that stuff anymore agree else if you want to date with goosal eeriest come on down to the picnic right on the corner of the farmers place and have a picnic we'll have a day and it'd be beautiful okay yeah yeah go get the gym go get the gym now I've already have my my date let's get the rake we're gonna have to sneak this around guys we're at the sneak this one around well guys new ones make it to the water and we're good you know I think he ARA Pacis I think we're good good look this yes then were we have raped the lake new to do this what do you do what he mean make the groundskeeper hammer his thumb now we got a UH we also got to make him wear a hat raus keeper what are you doing basket bruised uneaten needs you to wear the hat over here where's the raycast it's gone Rick it's gone now you know what happened to it I wonder it's so mysterious but steer you here come over here come over here oh how we gonna make them wear this what are you doing so sir sir what are you doing you need it back to heading up groundskeeper man looks like he wants to put up a sign off the hammer Oh what no goose is flying and we cute no No so how do we get how do we get that I look a beautiful rose is this mine not me this is a while go get give to my girlfriend's alright give it to my grip oh no no please let me give him the girlfriends oh my nice don't mind me I'm just uh I know your your ruse my roots this is it I need it for a hot date Anita for hot date please this is my rose you're even so even snatches hair snatches hair ball head it bastard give me the hat please this ain't the rose [Music] [Laughter] where did I go huh where did that go it's gone forever forever it's gone yeah yeah you better caught you better cover that bald head yes oh this is the final piece yes right farmers that's right keep the head on my life nobody know what I think about this sign right here [Music] never ever gonna hang sounds like this it might be some kid hello hello charleen near a bar buta ball that's right that's nice for my butter are you opening that door for huh are you scared you scared yeah you better hide in there do you but I gonna eat you grab the boy in the phone booth it's calling the cops no we gotta get out of here okay he's calling the police calling police this is my airplane I'm at airplane now break the broom make the boy wear the wrong glasses make someone buy back their own stuff get on TV go shopping put it in the basket a toothbrush loo paper hairbrush and food cleaner fruit and veg so we don't need anything to do with this right well maybe we could put this back on here oh yeah what happened to your to your airplane ever do your airplane huh Oh what happened to your airplane the gun the gun huh oh where you going we're gonna little boy that's right baby afraid afraid be very afraid give me a sucks wait untie the shoes oh no sorry I'm so sorry optimatus loose in the world I'm so mean hmm just gonna we're just gonna throw those right there for right now you need to we need to bring the basket over here so she doesn't see it and then we're gonna have to try to steal everything put it in the basket over here ma'am ma'am you need to calm your Devereaux's break it again [Music] mm and what's going on man you know you know how much a goose needs toilet paper need toilet paper a lot toilet paper is gone ma'am it's just gone this car never no no no what we're master thieves then 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 please please please busy you didn't see think she saw just need cleaner what is the cleaner all just glasses right there I see glasses oh is that cleaner right there know what this is cleaner situation glasses because okay okay we gotta go get them to the kid got a red there's a life with that situation we got here life or death all the little boys gonna put it on he'll be so happy let me still have not found your glasses found your glasses they in here there you go there you go are you proud no right yeah I think this is the cleaner hoping nope all we gotta do is put it down I think we're done what ho maybe oh maybe there's a toothbrush [ __ ] over here yeah knock that over Oh surely does it oh my god you you that's disgusting you we got a toothbrush we're good we're good we're good put the toothbrush in here boom oh no she did the cleaner cleaner this has to be cleaner right let's put the cleaner in there there we go you're human but how your mama tell her I need a date with her but now I got to get on TV yes what there yes that's what's happening yeah we got pressed button [Music] baby you can't hurt me you can't hurt me I was on TV how dare you okay don't you know who I am don't you know who I am so what you get the snitch the mean is loose ever make someone buy back their own stuff and trap the shopkeeper in the garage how what oh no no go to sleep this place - why am I'm coming time em I got eukaryote over here look ma'am I got a carrot don't you see aw do you want the carrot this is what you want so what you want take the carrot [Music] [Laughter] no one's ever gonna hear you again you're stuck in there forever forever [Laughter] it's cheating to D you just cheated put the pain right here with you and I'm making sure you're doing business okay hey ma'am yeah what happened to the airplane happening - it sure did you forget about the damn ball balls gone get it but the ball get it but the dead bodies all day you're tripping again why you always trippin have wrong with you oh oh did he see us he sees his pain Oh genius the most genius stuck in the world get him who's like this is my plane oh she she stuck it from Wow why she's like give me money if you want this pain Wow it's the meanest shopkeeper I've ever see it she may help him get his glasses Wow we got to get out of here before these human shut Achilles hey I'm Captain America no one's gonna take me up it's really interesting being a goose guys very interesting then we go left or right let's try to hit it right right here let's see what's over here first [Music] Breaking and Entering make someone break the fancy face help the woman dress up the bus make the man spit out his teeth get dressed up with a ribbon make the mango a barefoot we got to wash a bra a pair of socks slipper and a bar soap guys me sir excuse me I'm here to change your shoes for you even he'd even notice guys even notice about his shoes yeah we're just shook oh ain't your dick change your foot get a newspaper you don't deserve newspaper deserve to read newspaper every day yeah oh oh really really you don't cheat that bit okay fine fine all right I'm sorry I'll go back here right here so you can't see me he felt suspicious why is he so suspicious Hey okay better get me we're a good team let's do this - it's my tuk has it no it has it no okay oh no way this is the weeping I'm supposed to have get this guy's Oh Oh gotta be careful gotta be kept that ma'am ma'am ma'am ma'am you need to calm your damn rose ma'am yeah yeah go go fix your fish go fix your fish I didn't I didn't mean to do it I apologize I apologize unlike the toilet we need this soap I think I need to take the soap in the water right here this is world yes all right let's get in here and take what is this human contraption do I wonder I wonder just put that in there does that work is this where we need to shower yes all right era socks and a slipper we need we need to take this they throw it like oh I know what when he switched it loses she'll never should never notice she'll never know come on it's my brother I will fight the hair absolute hell out of you you get off me I'm supposed to make it before she makes it yo you mad at me I'm sorry ja she's mad yeah yeah what's happening now huh what's happening that what is this oh my god oh my god it get this out of the way nobody around come into dim slipper you thing no it is even now he's even though he didn't even know I'm a genius oh just a goose I'm just a goosey and I try not trying to do human clothing there we go we did them watching guys we watched wash the dishes and then the clothes and everything he's got a spin stay out so as soon as he drinks genius genius go strikes again he's mad he's mad he's not yelling at her and stuff now Madden and why they're angry and stuff can we can we can do diced through the ice okay go free free brother you'll never suspect that's it she need human mean yeah go fix the door go fix the door how do we how do we pretend to be a goose right here oh my god wow this is gonna work yes yeah the goose be there goes oh wow okay now we got to help the woman dressed above the bust and we got to make someone break the fancy vase how we're gonna do that oh I'm scared okay I scared it that's right apologize I apologize yeah beautiful I'm a beautiful goose oh she put it she puts a singing in the bus right there I need to find more items to put right there take this this is the thing that we need to break need to break this somehow I don't know how don't know how how do we break it I'm sorry you have it you have it Mike isn't my mic in line with the head man what are you gonna do we gonna throw it over he broke it you're a terrible neighbor yes your neighbor broke the vase he did it it wasn't me was an area yeah you just gotta throw soap over here like that he's on throne every Ava threw my brother over here with his relative oh the Hat right there of course I'm a goofy I'm a goofy goof no glasses no yeah my glasses please come your absolute scum absolute scum oh thank you thank you think you think you think you think you think I think it okay alright I think we need to get the hat over here - yes go get it get it sir you never had a load what is up with you in hats yes go get your coffee this is my hat now you can't have my hat okay alright do this grab this we'll go put this back up here oh he did what she did put the glasses on my head man Oh doing who's this worker that's right my pants EVF heads make someone prune the prize rose someone pruned the price rose you get him barefoot it and we need to make the prune the prize the prize rose oh I get it I get it ha ha ha oh yes I get it go prune go prune we need the we need the shoes take your damn shoe I'll take it not you oh okay don't go together gonna go together you can have the shoes earth my shoe did it he's never gonna see a shoe ever again never gonna see it ever get it Oh she cut the rose she cut the rose well he did break her vase they're even now they hate each other need I need it I need to get his last shoe this is the last thing on the list so we got to make the mango barefoot it okay we got it we got it we got it yes we did it guys we did it yes oh my god out of here what does he think he do it that's message Brutus he's a Goose's what the hell man I know when I'm not wanted in his neighborhood you're lucky I can't fly what's this when can I make it a drop this can I make a wish wish yes we do that we make a wish did it come true Betsy this is secret things surely that was something I was supposed to do right I don't even know anymore I have no clues please I will open this door does the coin I've just dropped in it in the will right there in the water we're right back in the beginning we're back at the farmer Wow how the the world is very small oh my goodness all right guys I'm gonna John I'm gonna stop the video right here please drop a like leave a comment let me know if you want me to make another video on this personal opinion I think this game is best best played without talking because then you get to experience life as a goose you can do this more often please if you want to see more of this drop a like leave a comment I'm also probably the next video might not be the next goose video I might uh might play that scary game home sweet home episode 2 if I got a key code for that because the game just released and I've been wanting to play a scary game the first game was awesome by the way if you haven't watched the first game piece but watch it because they that that game was scary okay my so scary but again hope you enjoyed the video choppa like leave a comment we'll catch you all in the next video peace out everybody [Music]
Channel: H2ODelirious
Views: 1,131,169
Rating: 4.9622674 out of 5
Keywords: H2ODelirious, Funny, Hilarious, Random, Moments, H2O Delirious, Funny Moments, H20 Delirious, Untitled Goose Game, Goose
Id: 6CFpgr4QnFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 32sec (1532 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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