This Game is way too Realistic for us

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Grizzy I'm just warning you I'm going to fully roleplay this put your hands up put your hand body cam is a game where oh oh my God right off the bat I'm just going to say it this video is not like my regular content if you're not familiar with this game essentially it's an FPS where your POV is a body cam there was something so immersive about this game that really just sucked us all in and we felt like if we literally got shot at this game we were dying in real life that's what it felt like paired with the fact we were only using in-game chat we were quiet as mice at some point just sneaking around I was even holding my breath at some points while people were around me it was legitimately terrifying we definitely want to revisit this game if you guys want to see more of it so please leave a like if you do want to see more of it subscribe if you're new to the channel and find yourself enjoying the content and please enjoy the rest of this video Jesus Christ is that what yall hearing yo yo yo yo yo Friendly Fire put the Bumblebee on our team who put the Bumblebee on here yummy your mic is so [ __ ] up what's wrong dude I have my M mic in I wonder if the flashbangs in this game are like let's see what it's like all right fellas we need to reevaluate we need to leave this room follow me ready it's tough out here follow me follow know we were starting I was staring at a black wiener last let's go let's go let's go hey look me out bro did not have to look down no two down throw flashbag out flashbag out flash out Flash B out oh man that might that might have [ __ ] ass keep it in a corner god dude he's so good in a corner he's so good he literally just cowered up he didn't move a single inch that entire round bro what a [ __ ] hey guys I think we have contact with them the guy we were just shooting at are you still alive dude what the [ __ ] how did you hit that I was behind a building is that the Drone talking kill it Dr I didn't know you could do that what kind of [ __ ] is that it's coming back oh my [ __ ] second floor oh my God I just saw yummy die yummy I just saw you die it was insane what Happ you got shot from second floor I'm whipping the deagle out this round boys head shot only let's [Music] go welcome to America [ __ ] I in a very dark corner okay I I appreciate that because you turn your light off and not give away my thank you by the way you can use night vision oh you crashed can we just talk this okay I like that how about we have a deagle fight okay I got mine I got mine I have mine too do you have another teammate alive I don't think so I think it's just me okay all right on the count of three we fight okay full Sprint yeah sure why not one two 3 oh we got tra did we trade oh just K oh my God that's crazy I just hit the shot of oh my [ __ ] that [ __ ] bro what the hell nonverbal G I shot first oh let's go war zone drop let's go let's get out there nuclear war see you later nuclear war oh my God this looks so real what is this dude did you guys jump out of the plane absolutely bro that was insane that looks so real wait what is it is this free no no what we're here we're Team why would we spawn next to each other if it was freefor all it's freefor all Grizzy let's go yo I just I should have turned off my body cam before I did that bro how do I turn that off is that possible this game's not realistic if I can't turn off my body cam rzy I swear to God shots fired shots fired Kobe Bryant hey you piece of [ __ ] you shot me the head without I was that wasn't me that was Grizzy hey Matt sorry about that man you just blasted me head it was for the clip you understand it's all right I already told my Editor to put your eyess in the video so it's not free for all don't worry you owe me I mean I owe you why do you owe me wait I owe you wait what yeah you owe me a shot in the head at one point wait I'm not going to do it now obvious I'm yeah do it when I'm least expecting it I don't know if that was him or not or I just got shot by somebody you got to love with me dog was it you or did I just get picked off in the hallway no no that was me see that's what I I said the first thing I said was Matt Matt what why don't we just wait here yeah you know what maybe we'll push maybe we'll be aggressive [Music] bro oh my God man you still alive Droid he's not even in that corner bro it was just me they swear they swear dude it was just me you're freaking out over nothing damn it man oh my God someone killed someone how are they both Al I I don't know there oh finally somebody [ __ ] hits a [Music] shot oh yeah the all right you back up though I didn't know he was the last one dog oh oh man he twitch it was going to be as soon as I said it I get put down your back I'm dead no more reasoning With the Enemy the Drone he was your ass definitely saw me creeping up and was like oh yeah okay hey wait you didn't die that's not fun I shot you in the head how'd you not die coming out coming out coming out I call this the wheelchair shot bro and the wheelchair shot didn't work damn bro you really going to shoot a dude in the wheelchair huh that's crazy I didn't even see I didn't see the wheelchair BR my that's czy they deploying anybody nowadays [Laughter] oh my [Music] God I'm in like one of those Red Bull videos I'm not going to lie I killed this guy right here on the ground in front of me CU I saw him through the wall [Music] what what kind of spot is that that is just such a crazy spot bro what did the you can sh on things that high that's crazy I want to see whoever's POV of whoever I just popped in the head just watched their friend die through the wall I'm my oh my God he [ __ ] died where is he don't die Grizzy there's one right outside the room I cannot confirm right now yeah don't try come in here again buddy it's going to be a lot worse for you shut the [ __ ] up I flashed myself ah I'm blind I'm blind ah I can't see ah yeah I definitely should have turned out the body cam for that one not going to lie that was a bit excessive oh hey I didn't kill anyone that Roundy I flashed the [ __ ] out of myself when you were in that corner yeah you flashed me too dude it was so bad I couldn't see a single thing it was Pure White yummy you were walking in I unloaded on you but none of the bullets hit you look like buny and I was Elmer bro it was crazy I was like stuck in the door I was jumping around I couldn't see like where I was I was freaking out said I was like yeah you better not come in here again or else like I can't hear those gunshots I was like you're lucky I trip dude holy [ __ ] he still in the game oh this is insane what dude yo where are you guys tell me if you hear this no actually no we actually how big is this map bro yeah shot shoot ready oh I just I didn't hear that at all I think I just heard theay like the echo E Yeah but it was very faint yo ready oh whoa whoa we shooting wa what's going on no no I was just trying to figure out where you guys were yeah you got to hide in the shadows behind a tree I'm oh my God died just happened to me it was FL I thought it was a flash boy what the [ __ ] was that I wanted flashbag sorry I'm going to throw this straight up and see what happens oh that's def grenade oh it just goes up the hill it's going to roll down though yep W damn cuz one of us is going to get shot in the head and then we just going to die I think I got eyes on one Grizzy I can't tell and I'm afraid to Peak but I'm going to do it I think he's down dude this is so freaking weird man damn cleared them out baby yeah ah ah ah [Music] [Music] damn what the hell I can't who's who you Grizzy was a teammate yeah I thought dude Grizzy Grizzy and I were [ __ ] making bird calls to each [Laughter] other open open Discord mic around God bro I'm just [ __ ] crouching here nothing the last 30 minutes he don't see us bro are you dead he might have seen us [ __ ] I think I got one are you dead dead I'm dead yeah oh I'm dead too oh I still got secret agent Grizzy on the case hey I'm Not Dead by the way piece of [ __ ] liar bro oh my God got another one Desert Eagle round Desert Eagle round see you there I don't trust you now Desert Eagle round I'm doing it I'm do throwing a grenade and shooting you with the scar in that order ahead of you 22 M 22 M 22 M Straight Ahead Straight Ahead there's 1 2 3 there's 10 trees in between you guys no 11 my M we lit on my mama we lit oh I had that shot wait there's two bodies here the round isn't over puffer he's like he's on a down street puffer he's crouching that means that means still around is hit me hit me close oh my God how' you come around the corner like that that's crazy you came around the corner with perfect aim I was already hurt didn't count I was already hurt not a fair round wait this is actually kind of crazy that's amazing I was watching you the whole time watching that sound is stupid okay I'm dead immediately bro you fell like a sack of potatoes that was insane sh him from the side that was crazy I shot him too I K I'm assuming he's 30 me out from you 20 M closing in closing in he's in the building we have you surrounded Target come out of the building come out of the building we know you have illegal neonics in there wait is he in the building not in the building sharing is carrying sharing is carrying he is in the building oh oh [ __ ] yeah this sh is definitely being shown in court bro that was insane where you guys at that mean they see somebody he told understand his bird calls no way they see somebody get down back up back up you guys yes how he wallbang me I think he wallang me they're making noises they know they see yeah they're saying got yummy got yummy yummy down Yumm two Sam got a gun bro all right guys next to the house next to the house two of them two of them boy spotted boy spotted using a pistol behind the giant ass tree big ass Tre treey tree looks like for at least 100 years yeah good work you won your 3v2 all right guys don't worry I got this i got this if you guys want to see more body cam make sure to leave a like [Music]
Channel: SMii7Y
Views: 1,885,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smii7y, smii7yplus, smii7y+, smii7y plus, bodycam, bodycam game, bodycam gameplay, bodycam gameplay demo, bodycam gameplay 4k, the bodycam game, steam bodycam game, bodycam gameplay trailer, realistic bodycam game, unrecord, new bodycam gameplay
Id: UbhLncboGEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2024
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