UNSTOPPABLE! | Overly Sarcastic Productions - The Monkey King (Journey To The West Part 1) Reaction

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how's it going everybody my C here back another reaction video and today we're here to watch a video from the Oly sarcastic Productions yay yay now I think it was during October we had watched uh their video on Frankenstein I learned about the frankeny lur from the book series and the way they make their videos is pretty entertaining and informative and so today we're here to check out another looks like a series from that channel which is a Journey to the West I think quite a bit of people requested this video Series in particular but I think Alpha Noob requested it first so bam shout out to you Alpha Noob shout out to you that's a homie right there thank you for requesting this because I really enjoyed the Frankenstein video so I want to see what the Journey to the West is all about which I think it's The Monkey King right I think so but yeah let's check out the first video which is Legend summarize the Monkey King Journey to the West part one we're going to check that out and depending on how you guys feel about it we'll continue the whole series I'm probably going to Contin anyway but yeah let's start it let's get it let's get it all right let's get it Journey to the West the Journey to the West is one of China's poor great great classical novels it's an ancient allegory for enlightenment and it's approximately 2,000 pages long as such it's not exactly a text I could easily summarize in a single video of rational length anyway the Journey to the West is packed full of symbolism dense literary context and some majorly influential characters and it's widely agreed upon that the most memorable of these characters is Sun wuk Kong the mischievous Monkey King Sun wuk Kong's most famous Mark on the modern world is probably Dragon Ball Son Goku a character specifically designed to emulate the abilities appearance and overall impulsive goofiness of the original Monkey King but Sun wukong's influence is far from being restricted to anime stories based on the characters exploits have appeared in almost every form wait wait wait wait wait there's a Wii game I know there's a game coming out I think it's on the Xbox I think it's black m fuk Kong I think that that's coming out next year I don't know anymore saw gameplay looky from being restricted to anime St based on The Monkey King we I didn't know there's a wi game for this interesting character's exploits have appeared in almost every form of media which is why it might come as a surprise to learn that he isn't the main character in The Journey to the West that honor belongs to the monk schwen Zang a character so vital to the plot that we don't even know he exists for the first seven chapters which devoted exclusively to the life of Sun Wukong and how he made it his mission to single-handedly piss off every deity in all three of China's major religions now I am nothing if not faithful to my source material so in keeping with the structure of the text this first video will be covering the history of sun wuk Kong and then in later videos we'll see about actually getting to the rest of the not inconsiderable length of this text so our Story begins on flower fruit Mountain an island paradise full of dragons magic Birds Immortal peach trees and one really big rock allow me to direct your attention to this rock as it is about to perform a magic trick T The Rock splits in half revealing another rock but this rock is special it's actually a rock egg no not that one and it appears to have inherited the magic prowess of its daddy rock as it scarcely existed for more than a minute before it abruptly transforms into a stone monkey now this monkey may have spontaneously generated bar wait wait time out so the the big rock from a MAG to someone to create a smaller rock but that smaller rock bir The Monkey King right now or the monkey guy he's not the king right now okay I'm getting the context for more than a minute before it abruptly transforms into a stone monkey now this monkey may have spontaneously generated barely 3 seconds prior but he already knows his manners so he bows to the four cardinal directions and in the process inadvertently activates his laser eyes which cause quite a disturbance when they shoot all the way into the Palace of the jemp of Heaven himself so the stone monkey hangs out with a friendly population of not Stone monkeys who one day decide to follow their favorite River up to its source whereupon they find that it comes unsurprisingly from a big fancy waterfall so all the monkeys are like oh man if only one of us were impulsive enough to jump into the waterfall and see what happens we' make him The Monkey King and the stone monkey is like did somebody say impulsive and Dives in so on the other side of the waterfall he finds a gorgeous Cavern decked out with an Iron Bridge and an enormous Stone Mansion fully furnished with all the necessities of life the monkeys are understandably impressed and they all Pile in live in this newly discovered cavernous paradise and for his achievement the stone monkey is now officially crowned The Monkey King so the monkey population of flower fruit Mountain live in peace and security for several hundred years but one day Monkey King has an existential crisis pulls a Gilgamesh and goes on a quest for immortality n years and two continents later he finally finds an immortal DST Sage who lives on top of the mountain of heart and mind in the cave of the slanting Moon and three stars man these names are a mouthful so the immortal Sage takes on the I know I know I be reading some mangas and they be having some mouthful mouthful names for their places and locations I'm like dang I can't remember all that in the cave of the slanting Moon and three stars so the immortal Sage subot takes on The Monkey King as one of his disciples and he gives him a new name derived from a large number of increasingly complex character traits and long story short his name is now son Wukong so after a seven-year training montage subot finally teaches Sun Wukong a way to become immortal which Wukong starts practicing another three years go by and Sun Wukong is feeling pretty good about life he practicing the da he's functionally Immortal and life is good but sbod warns him that he's not out of the woods yet turns out the court of heaven doesn't actually approve of this method of immortality and he'll send down three calamities in an effort to kill him one every 500 years first they'll strike him with lightning then later if that didn't work they'll set him on fire and finally if neither of those do the trick they'll straight up disintegrate him this understandably wigs out son Wukong but offers to teach him the art of the Earthly multitude which will let him transform into 72 different things with this the three calamities won't be able to touch him he also teaches Wukong how to fly just because but unsurprisingly giving awesome Cosmic powers to a suicidally impulsive magical monkey leads to some wacky hings and master sabot has to kick him out so he won't accidentally reveal his secret teachings so son Wukong now Immortal 20 years older and hypothetically wiser at last returns to the water curtain cave on flower fruit mountain and he returns just in time since the monkey population has been being harassed by a monster known only as the Monstrous king of Havoc who's been intermittently stopping by and kidnapping them to use his servants so Wukong goes and challenges the monster to a duel and proceeds to absolutely kick his ass with his new found DST superpowers and then he rescues the captive monkeys and flies them all back home so all is well on flower fruit Mountain but Wukong decides that his monkey Kingdom should probably have a monkey Army so stuff like the kidnapping thing doesn't happen anymore on that not Wukong also takes a trip down to the Dragon Palace in the Eastern ocean to see if the Dragon King has a weapon befitting his strength that he could borrow long story short after dismissing every Super so he just he just he just say hey Dragon kinge what up what up my G I guess a friends maybe they were friends back in the uh in the stories that but she's this person's like condensing it for for me for the viewers because 2000 kidna does Happ on that note Wukong also takes a trip down to the Dragon Palace in the Eastern ocean to see if the Dragon King has a weapon befitting his strength that he could borrow long story short after dismissing every superpowered weapon The Dragon King offers him Wukong ends up taking an obscenely heavy magic size changing iron pillar out of the palace Treasury and using it as a staff so wukong's very happy with his new weapon and asks the Dragon King for some fancy new Duds to go with his fancy new stick thing and by now the dragon king is so terrified of this super powerful monkey that he gathers all of his Dragon brothers and together they assemble a fancy outfit for Wukong just to get him out of their house Returns the flower M to show his mates' gear he gets so hyped up that he briefly turns into a huge demonic caricature of himself which terrifies the local demon population so much that demon Kings show up at his front door to form an alliance with him so life is going pretty well for The Monkey King until one day while taking a nap he's abruptly kidnapped by two emissaries of Yama the king of Hell who carry him off to the underworld wuk is understandably pissed seeing as this is technically death and violates the whole immortality deal and he starts bashing his way into the Palace of Darkness to logic complaint with the 10 Kings so the 10 Kings who there must have been some kind of mistake I mean there must be a bunch of dudes named s Wong right and Wukong is like yeah right show me where that's written down so they sort through all the ledges of the dead until they find the one about him and he scribbles out his name along with the names of as many monkeys as he can find thus freeing them from the jurisdiction of the underworld Gods wait so so they kid hold on time out wait a minute I got I gotta pause so he so he got the staff thing that the powerpole extended staff or the staff from the uh God of high school anime manga web tune that's what it is he got that but while he was sleeping he got kidnapped and basically sent to hell he was like Hey nah this ain't happening so he he wrote his name out of out of the hell like he took it out of it and his monkey Brethren and at okay I a going to worry about hell no more how do you do that how you how do you get kidnapped to Hell said uhuh this ain't happening Take Me Out of Hell he took his his name out of hell wait a minute that's kind of that's kind of badass I ain't going to lie like yeah right show me where that's written down so they sort through all the ledgers of the dead until they find the one about him and he scribbles out his name along with the names of as many monkeys as he can find thus freeing them from the jurisdiction of the underworld Gods satisfied Wukong bashes his way back out of the underworld then wakes up and tells all the monkeys the good news but all is not well in the Kingdom of Heaven as the Jade Emperor finds himself inundated with complaints about this Monkey King who keeps causing trouble so at first the Jade Emperor wants to have him arrested for his Shenanigans but the spirit of Venus suggests instead that they offer The Monkey King a position in the bureaucracy of Heaven whereupon they'd be able to better control his actions and easily discipline him the Jade Emperor gives a thumbs up and they send down the gold star of Venus to deliver the offer to Wukong who eagerly accepts so the gold star takes him up to heaven and takes him to meet the J Emperor who appoints him the position of Pima which makes him the head of the Imperial Stables so wuk thinks that's pretty sweet and he's fairly chill with the whole situation until he thinks to ask what exactly his rank is whereupon he is informed that pwen is actually the lowest possible position in the entire bureaucracy of Heaven Wukong being a bit of a diva at this point is understandably pissed once again bashes his way out of heaven and returns to flower fruit Mountain to Silk so Wukong decides to make himself feel better by calling himself the Great Sage equal to heaven and meanwhile the Jade Emperor learns of his temper tantrum and sends down several Celestial soldiers to capture him the first among these is the mighty Spirit God who challenges Wukong to a duel wukong's like dude just tell your boss I want a better title and the mighty Spirit God is like why don't you tell him yourself father no no let me take this time to collect my thoughts here and figure out what's going on so after he got out of hell the I forgot his name up there in heaven he was like Hey you know here's a position but the monkey kinge did not like the position because it was too like low was the lowest on the uh ranking thing I guess he wants to be like the strongest or he wants to be viewed high he wants to be like a high position so he didn't take that to the spec he just left and then the uh the J Emperor the J basically the guy up there he was like all right we got to figure this out here's my Warriors go go uh arrest him and so I ended up with a commercial break so we're going to skip it that now and see what's happening let me go back a little bit I want a better and we're back title and the mighty Spirit God is like why don't you tell him yourself in hell and gets UT destroyed for his troubles so then Prince NADA confronts Wukong who's like what are you 12 look kid just tell your boss I want to be called great then Prince n confronts Wukong who's like what are you 12 look kid just tell your boss I want to be called great s they like new W Smite I might be to Heaven all right and not like 12 and transforms into a big scary monster with a ton of weapons Wukong is of course unimpressed and matches the transformation with one of his own they fight for a while until Wukong gets the drop oned with a duplicate and smacks him with his stick thing so they tell the Jade Emperor what happened and the emperor is all like how dare he resist rest clearly we must execute him but the gold star Venus apparently the only voice of reason in the entire Heavenly bureaucracy suggests that rather than risk their entire Army on one super powerful Immortal monkey they just give wuk Kong what he wants and empty title so they do and it proba set up in heaven for him to lounge around and not cause trouble unsurprisingly Wukong iset down for spending his days languishing in heaven being waited on hand and foot by Celestial Spirits determined not to give him a reason to go on a rampage but one of the resident DST Immortals suggests that Wukong might end up getting bored which carries with it the terrifying possibility of the great son Wukong rampaging through heaven looking for entertainment we need that we need thatx not just don't do anything crazy just let him let's let him chill let him chill the Jade Emperor assigns a relatively harmless but time-consuming duty to Wukong tending The Garden of peaches of immortality Wukong super down for that but quickly finds that having to maintain a garden full of delicious immortality granting peaches without eating any of them is impossible possible for his poor impulsive brain to handle so if you've been taking notes this means he's now double Immortal but this comes back to bite him on the butt when the time comes for the Queen Mother of Heaven to hold her annual Peach Festival and seven colorcoded Immortal maidens enter the Grove only to find that it is notably lacking in peaches they inadvertently wake Wukong up who decides that he wants to go to the Festival too so Wukong paralyzes the maidens impersonates a local Immortal who was invited then scoots on into the banquet hall see stuff like this it's why you weren't invited in the first place exactly you should just let him sleep you should have let him sleep didn't give him a job now now everything is when he arrives he's immediately distracted by the smell of wine and proceeds to make off with the entire supply of heavenly booze which also makes you immortal so Wukong now triply Immortal and thoroughly drunk inadvertently stumbles into LSU's Little Slice of Heaven while searching for a place to sleep it off and if you want to know who this LSU person is I'm working on it godamn it ninj oh God so drunk stumbles into lau's palace to say hello but he can't find the sage anywhere but he does find lau's alchemical lab in which he finds several gourds full of pills of immortality three guesses as to what Wong does next not quadruple Immortal but he's definitely taking it eat them allong now quadruple more realizes that that might not have been the smartest move on his part and opts to flee back to flower fruit Mountain to escape the consequences of his actions meanwhile the seven Immortal maidens the wine carriers the people in charge of the banquet Lau the officials from wukong's department and the immortal Wukong impersonated all independently present their grievances to the Jade Emperor who quickly puts two and two together and dispatches pretty much the entire Army Of Heaven to apprehend son Wukong now of course because Wukong is absurdly powerful this is ineffective and what was supposed to be a simple capture Mission turns into a fullscale battle between the forces of heaven and Sun wukong's Army of demon monkeys now while all that drama is happening who should arrive at the Heavenly Palace but the bodh fwan and her disciple Moka who came for the Peach Festival and are understandably surprised to find the Heavenly Palace in complete disarray so Quan asks what all the fuss is about and upon being briefed she sends MOA down to get a sense of what's going on so MOA arrives at flower fruit Mountain just in time for wuk Kong who's been thoroughly kicking the collective asses of the army of Heaven to demand a fight with somebody so Moka and Wukong battle for a while but MSHA unfortunately can't quite keep up with The Monkey King and asked to return to heaven and defeat but Quan Yin now better briefed on the situation suggests to God who could be sent to fight Wukong Lang a powerful Loose Cannon of a Jade Emperor's rules so they summon him and he goes to confront Wukong who's like mind you send out the D to fight me CU I'm I'm kind of getting bored over here and our Lang is like not as bored as you're going to be and they fight they both end up turning into Godzilla scale monsters but Wukong inadvertently terrifies his own Army into a route with how scary he looks and in turn the sight of his own fleeing Army disheartens The Monkey King who shrinks down and runs away but Lang isn't going to be evaded that easily and he uses his magical third eye uh he has one of those to find who's turned into an innocent looking Sparrow her Lang responds by turning into a sparrow haw in response to which Wukong transforms into a corant and this kind of goes on for a while in the end it's our buddy Lau who manages to capture The Monkey King by entrapping him in a diamond snare wuk captured last is brought to the monster execution block where apparently the court of Heaven forgot the meaning of the word immortal since nothing any way so the Jade Emperor is at a loss as to how to kill him but LSU has a suggestion if they stick him in his magic brazer of eight trigrams and leave him there for 49 days they should be able to separate out the elixir of immortality from his body and as a happy consequence leave the Troublesome Monkey King about his dead as you can get so 49 days pass and they finally open the brazer to extract the only to find that it's still firmly attached to Sun wuk Kong whose only issue with the experience is that the smoke gave him awesome looking red eyes so Wong is 110% done with heaven so he started fighting his way through the entire Heavenly Army the Jade Emperor now completely out of options finally calls on his last resort the Buddha himself so Buddha and his two best disciples Ananda and Kapa go to deal with Wukong who is at present fighting 36 Thunder deities because why not so ask Wukong what he wants and wukong's like you know what I'm kind of feeling like overthrow the Jade Emperor today wouldn't that be fun is like uhhuh tell you what I'll make it bet with you okay if you can successfully jump out of the palm of my hands I'll believe that you're qualified to rule heaven in this place and wait Tom what wait so if he jumps out the palm of Buddha's hand he can Ru rule Heaven okay all right bu let's see jump out of the palm of my hands I'll believe that you're qualified to rule heaven in this place and it's time for another exciting round of what will sun wuk Kong do next let's hear it ladies and gentlemen to the Palm he's def no no he's got to be going to the Palm son Wukong takes that bet and blasts off from Buddha's hand until he reaches the very edge of the universe itself where he finds Five Pillars supporting the sky Wukong decides to leave a momento of himself there graffitiing one of the pillars and then for good measure peeing on it I mean a monkey so Wukong back flips all the way back to Buddha's Palm like shows what you know old man I made it all the way to the pillars of the universe and the Buddha is like is that so well I have a little plot twist for you see one of the perks of Enlightenment is that I'm one with everything and as it turns out that's not just hyperbole sure enough written on one of Buddha's fingers is wukong's grati oh my God he's a trickster he's a trickster fair play to Buddha fair play fair play the faintest whiff of monkey pea turns out the whole universe is the palm of Buddha's hand W so Wukong freaks out and tries to scaddle but the Buddha uses more of his Buddha magic to trap him under a mountain which is also his hand it's complicated which Wukong ordinarily be able to escape stupidly easily but then they stick a magic seal on top of the mountain and that's that and it is here under this beautiful and scenic loal that sun wuk Kong spends the next 500 years dang man the Buddha don't play around in case it wasn't clear the person who wrote this story favorite Buddhism over the other two major Chinese belief systems namely confusion confusion ISM and talism I can see that I can see that which is why the confus bureaucracy is completely inadequate inadequate at controlling monkey who at this point represents the uncontrolled human mind hence his overround power but complete lack of for that yeah that makes sense okay and why the tower says Lau was unable to destroy him okay but I said the bo don't play around this has been that was fun no no no we're not we're not watching this we're not watching that was um seven years ago that video was made that's still I think that still holds up I think that still holds up right there that doesn't hold up now I'm invested in the in the legend of The Monkey King Samu Kong I didn't know he was that much of a troll maker okay now I can see why since Goku was based off of s Kong why they're why he's goofy soong is way goofier than Goku but I see it now I see the semblance in this one video Alone s Kung fought through hell and heaven and he was Untouchable until buddha showed up and I guess erling erlong earling too uh they had to bring out the Buddha the big car the Triumph that Triumph car over there the last resort Buddha to stop The Monkey King for now at least but yeah so that's why he's a monkey King because they saw so him and his group of monkeys they saw a waterfall and someone said hey jump in that waterfall but makeing you The Monkey King that's how he became The Monkey King okay just that simple all right I that was like something crazy happened like you know fighting through Heaven and Hell and made the king n it's just he jump you a waterfall Monkey King he has some insane beats I am definitely going to watch the next videos now I definitely got to watch it I got to continue to lure I got to continue the story of some calling The Monkey King that's going to do it for this video hope enjoy my reaction hope you enjoyed the video hope we learned a lot together cuz I did not know that he was like that Wukong was like that some Kong um yeah thank you for watching my cup of tea is out of here um see you later guys man now I feel bad for the Jade Emperor I think the Jade guy in heaven I feel bad cuz he's like how do I stop this monkey man he just be causing too much problems with everyone how do I stop him I can't stop him he making a mess out of Heaven what do I do I need help I need help
Channel: MyCupOfTea
Views: 2,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the monkey king journey to the west, journey to the west, journey to the west part 1, overly sarcastic productions, overly sarcastic productions journey to the west, overly sarcastic productions reaction, overly sarcastic productions monkey king, the monkey king, reaction, mycupoftea, my cup of tea
Id: mU7cmWIiQ-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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