History-Makers: The Four Evangelists | @OverlySarcasticProductions Fort_Master Reaction

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[Music] well hello YouTube it's me fortmas and welcome back to another overly sarcastic Productions reaction history makers the four evangelists yeah so for those of you that don't know who the four evangelists are um basically they're you know the four main books of the Bible uh Mark Luke okay I know I went to the Catholic School um but would you believe me in saying that it's been a while since I've uh read the Bible of course Matthew Mark Luke and John of course never mind yeah so um yeah they're the four how if I remember correctly it's like mostly like they tell the life of Jesus but they tell them in slightly different ways if I remember how it was explained to me once upon a time uh it's if I if I think the general consensus is the these were tellings of like the life of Jesus and like his miracles or like certain aspects were um were focused on more than others because they were being told to like different groups of people that's pretty much all I can remember I think remember I think I remember hearing it was either Mark or Luke were it was possibly one of the oldest cuz cuz I remember from somewhere that uh judging by like how they're written it's very much it's very much possible that three of the books were written after one and I'm forgetting which of the ones it was again either like uh Mark or Luke I think though I mean they'll probably be gone over in the video so yeah I mean the amount of history in the world especially in you know Europe where you know things were done because it was said to be in the Bible or you know something like that is um you know not something to be kind of scoffed at cuz I think we all kind of know but yeah I'm just going to get into this so of course original video is linked into the description if you haven't seen yet for some reason Corner video will lead to my let's play of the day and with all that out of the way let's get this thing started then shall we according to Christian theology in the beginning there was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God however those particular written words were not present at the beginning of Christian theology as that very Declaration was written nearly a century the life of Jesus Christ far from a mere curiosity or Quirk of the culture this gap between the event and the hit novelization gives us a window in motion a fossilized image of early Christianity's development see while religious writings aim to describe the immutable nature of the universe they come about on distinctly human time scales the in scripture arise can tell us as much as the pages themselves because many religions around the world revolve around a holy text but the order of causality can vary wildly from one culture to the next did a book inspire a faith did a religion create their book were the authors human or Divine for the sake of respons toship and the cleanliness of my comments section we're going to avoid the thorny matter of God question mark and simply take unattributed holy text as arriving from the great undefined Mist whatever that means to you have at I am a cartoon not a priest point being the historical origins of every religion are as unique as their philosophies and practices and that recurring Dynamic helps make world religion a real treat to explore we don't need to find it true to find it beautiful now actually so that do remind me of something I remember oh what what was I watching I was watching I think it was a channel useful charts and if I remember correctly he was doing a video on what you could basically call like the family tree quote unquote of like how different books came about and like where they came from like what groups originally wrote that section before they were like put together into the single book and he was talking about the um oh what was it um I'm forgetting it's the name of like the Jewish I it wasn't just the Torah cuz because I remember the Torah was just a section of the of like Jewish holy texts but one of them was saying that the what was it like one he was talking about how like a one of the discredit discredits of you know the whatever the holy book was um uh was that it was like an old book written by Bronze Age uh like Jews but if you actually look at the way the book is written and like history of like when things were Co coated it was actually more likely it was actually um Iron Age Jews writing about their past and like and like the stories of it it has been a while since I watched that video I'm sorry if I'm missing a lot of details but it was more but it was just it was that sort of thing where like the the every the way everything was correlated was very much was this after the first temple was destroyed or the second I'm going to have to watch the video again I'm completely forgetting a Christianity is an interesting case because the first half of its sacred text was received via the Hebrew Bible arriving from the great undefined mist and ascribes to the will of God himself according to Christians at least Jews recall that they wrote it over several centuries but let's not make a fuss then was yeah You' think you think you'd like take what they said to more to heart supplemented in the ad years by the work of distinctly human authors via the 27 books of the Christian New Testament that gives us 27 odd angles of investigation that sustain entire universities worth of scholarship granted a solid half of them are letters from one guy but for today's video we'll focus mainly on four the gospels recounting the life of Jesus as written by Matthew Mark Luke and John this set of saints called the evangelists are the big boys of Christian scripture because they tell the tale of Christ himself but each of their gospels are distinct pieces of literature in their own right which leaves us plenty to discuss so to learn the story behind the stories let's do some history after the life of Jesus his followers left Judea for The Wider Roman Empire as they preached about all this amazing stuff that just happened and began converting interested Romans to the spiffy new religion oh I just remembered that part he said about like the ad portion uh was um the section written in the ads um I I remembered something and I have I think I have said this before but the reason why we don't have a year zero is because the Romans didn't have a zero like it's because at the time years were done using Roman numerals and there's no symbol in Roman numerals for zero it was like the number system that was taken from the like the Islamic world or the uh that had an actual symbol for zero so it wasn't until that started becoming more widespread than Roman numerals um then you know an actual zero of stuff you know happened so that's why it goes from 1 BC to 180 I I I love I love little quirks of History like that these Messengers called Apostles relay their experience with Jesus in the most natural and obvious way oral storytelling in visiting communities across the Greco Roman world and sharing their eyewitness accounts earns new converts to Christianity and grew that pool of storytellers friends telling friends neighbor telling neighbor worker telling worker family telling family this and that's how you get stories changing just from constant you know word of mouth because nobody ever retells the a story the same way twice was fantastic for growing a religious community but not so conducive to narrative cohesion because Christians in Italy would have been circulating a distinct set of stories from Christians in Anatolia or Egypt that's hardly a crisis as variation is a natural part of any oral tradition and stories can have differences without being incompatible but it was problematic if not everyone agreed on the core theology the50s ad one apostle was acutely aware of that issue as he had gone around founding churches in Greece and Asia Minor and later realized these communities needed some help keeping their theology straight so he did what high life itself and wrote letters this Apostle Paul wrote to all of his communities about philosophy ethics and of course Theology and these letters are among the earliest surviving Christian writings we have together they comprise 14 books of what later became the Christian Bible though modern scholarship is sus on half of them only counting seven is definitely written by Paul himself okay I did not know that clearly Paul wasn't the only Christian who appreciated a good postal system as scripture includes seven other Catholic or Universal Epistles from other authors bringing our book tally to 21 of course Apostolic postage won't sustain a religion on its own and eventually the oral storytelling about the Life of Christ found its way into writing as the gospels the word comes from an Old English translation of the Greek Evangelion meaning good news their authors the evangelists are therefore Bringers of good news and didn't see themselves as writing a rigid historical account but sharing what Jesus life and death meant ideologically for Christians the first author to do that probably was Mark now that's I was right I was saying it was either Mark or Luke that I that I remember being the the possibly one of the earliest ones even probably is a stretch because all of the gospels were written anonymously with their named authors attributed decades later the early church tradition describes them to four of Jesus's known followers because it felt nicer than leaving the by line blank and we know about very gospels so it's tempting to connect the authors with their named characters Matthew was a tax collector John was a cousin of Jesus Luke was a physician but still characterization for people who aren't Jesus is a little thin on the ground anyway right John was Jesus's cousin I go I you know I forget you know that is the funny thing you forget that if you forget that like you know Jesus is pretty much like the central figure of Christianity so everybody else kind of Fades into the background with the exception of Mary in some cases but you forget you know these people they had families as well Jesus had an extended family and they're just lost to the a mist of time in the most part like whatever happened to Joseph I mean like I think if thinking back I think the only times you actually see him are of course when he's born and then there's another story when Jesus is a little kid and he starts talking to uh the like the priest of the temple or something what was that story again it's been a while since I've heard that one in reality the writers of each gospel are as invisible as the oral storytellers who preceded them we know the rough dates of composition and we can take guesses at what kind of person wrote each in early 90s they to derived from the great undefined Mist ain't that the way so with that said Mark wrote In the late 60s ad and tells the story of jesus' ministry his death and Resurrection Jesus tells Parables about the kingdom of heaven and performs miracles to prove that the kingdom is near but Mark's portrayal of Jesus always keeps his identity on the download to the point where the Centurion who crucifies him is the first character to say holy crap that was the son of God Mark's gospel yeah it is kind of funny isn't it just you're doing your normal day work uh like you know doing your job with prisoners and then all of a sudden whoops you've stabbed the go you've stabbed God or the Son of God which is it's it's confusing hits all the big theological beats but the emphasis lies in Jesus deeds and strength in the face of adversity the next two gospels were written around the 8S ad traditionally attributed to the apostles Matthew and Luke both of their gospels include the Nativity when Jesus was born but each of them handle it in a different way Matthew recites a genealogy tracing Jesus back up to the Israelite King David and paints him as fulfilling the role of the Jewish savior figure the Messiah Luke however traces the genealogy back to Adam and Eve which theologically I'd hope so but the point is to portray Jesus as a universal figure okay going back to King David that I can completely understand but going going back to Adam and Eve I mean what human isn't not just for the Jews and this all gets a smidge dicey when Matthew makes a point to show how Jesus is fulfilling ancient prophecies from the Hebrew Bible yet his narration is vehemently critical of the actual Jewish people in his story and Luke's theological framing is that Jesus was rejected by the Contemporary Jews so he instead took his message to the rest of the world called the Gentiles it's subtle if you're not looking for it but oh boy it's there and it had consequences but huh right yeah moving on rapidly both of these gospels have unique stories and distinct philosophical messages compared to each other ands to mark But if you go to the text you'll see they're deeply similar these three are called the synoptic gospels from the Greek word for scen together and putting them side by side reveals phrases and entire sections that are word for word between them three quarters of Mark appears in Matthew and Luke and those two further share a quarter of their text which may have Arisen in the oral tradition after Mark's composition or simply came from elsewhere in the Roman world it's honestly pretty dang cool to trace these similarities and learn from where they diverge the author of Luke not Luke himself but that's for modern Scholars to nitpick also wrote The Acts of the Apostles a narrative following the resurrection of Christ that details how the apostles began their mission to build this new Christian faith transforming what began as a sect of Judaism into a pan Imperial Roman religion then of course there's the odd man out in our band of Bible Beatles and that would be John the Gospel of John appears to have come from an entirely separate oral tradition as it shares sparingly few details with the synoptics outside of the death and Resurrection arguably the most important feature of John's gospel is the focus on Divinity it's John who says that in the beginning there was the word and that Divine word which spoke the universe into being became became flesh as Jesus this portrayal of the Son of God makes it abundantly clear that he is the Son of God and on top of his proclamations that the father and I are one or I am the way the truth and the light his miracles serve as thematic demonstrations of his divinity I am the resurrection he says so he raises Lazarus from the dead I am the bread of life so he splits aad I am the light of the world so he gives sight to the blind it fits so nicely that's just good storytelling again I I'm saying this is somebody who's you know never actually read the Bible myself since probably Elementary School and um but like I didn't realize that basically all of his miracles were in one book huh okay what's also remarkable is how much is absent versus the synoptics no birth story no baptism no Parables no Transfiguration no Last Supper not even the trial we love illegal drama what we're seeing here one author going rogue but the artifact of a unique storytelling tradition that evolved independently of Matthew Mark and Luke and as we'll see not the only one so these gospels tell the same fundamental story but have their own features sub stories and core ideas the synoptics can align verbatim when you put them side by side but all four have elements that may seem to conflict yeah that is cuz I know obviously there were a lot of um I know there are a lot of gospels uh that weren't select when they were putting together like the official Bible I'm forgetting when that was but I remember one of them one of them was the book of Judas and from what I remember of that one uh it was talking about how Judas uh was told by Jesus that he was going to portray Jesus and that he was told to do it um and then there's another one I think there was one by like the Gospel of Mary from like of Mary Magdalene there are a a lot of them and I think there's a lot of reasons why they weren't chosen to be you know in the Bible marks Jesus keeps his identity a secret yet John has him proclaiming it everywhere is that a problem well not really these aren't histories meant to be cross-examined in a lab smashed together with a particle accelerator to secet atoms of the plot fly off their literature meant to be experienced individually epic poems expressing why Jesus mattered to people I no I'm just imagining scientists putting a pair of Bibles into into accelerator just firing them at at each other it's like we found God that wait that is that how they found the higs BOS on the God particle each tells a complete cohesive story that makes clear narrative Sense on its own and then we have the entire field of theology to investigate them as a set all four gospels followed the Christian Orthodoxy of belief so in the eyes of the church no problem that said elsewhere in the Mediterranean World other oral Traditions got written down such as the infancy Gospels counting the childhood of Jesus before he embarked on his ministry these notably did not make it into the Bible like the Gospel of Thomas where Jesus fully kills people as a 5-year-old before deciding to stop being a Scamp and revive them or the gospel of pseudo Matthew where Kitty Jesus fle to pseudo Matthew what tames a cave full of dragons from fragments to full text we found two dozen of these non-canon gospels but they could have been hundreds some ofes While others were treated as genuine scripture by their communities for very long time like the gospel of Peter discovered in the Tomb of an 8th Century Egyptian monk impressive dedication by the monk because that gospel was branded heretical five centuries earlier for its implication that Jesus was only Divine and not human debates like these are complex even by theology standards and the process of establishing a consistent Orthodoxy played out over centuries of early church history and this runs parallel to the task of codifying the New Testament deciding what gets included and what's left out because just writing a gospel does not make it Universal scripture EX exhibit a Jesus Christ the dragon Prince first the books had to be widely read and Jesus Christ dragon slayer meticulously hand copied frequently enough to keep them in circulation and any potential scripture had to be Church certified heresy free once again Jesus Christ the dragon Prince that's a process the early surviving Christian scripture hails from the late 200s and it wasn't until 367 that Bishop athanasius of Alexandria compiled what we call the New Testament as a readings list for his churches even still it took a few decades before the rest of Christendom got on board as a window into a culture in motion I find the history of the early Christian Church delightfully enigmatic and the gospels demonstrate that gorgeously a set of biographies constructed by an invisible chain of everyday storytellers later codified by Anonymous scribes and considered so sacred that they must have been the works of four Apostles and I don't have to find those stories true to find that history beautiful yeah thank you for watching I jeez wow yeah I had never heard of the of of of those other books I mean pseudo Matthew okay why pseudo though there are a lot of people in the world that you know forget that this is a book made by humans even if and granted I I know I do believe in God I know I'm not the most devout uh Christian but you know I do follow the best as I best as I can but this book is like a is like a an unbroken chain of broken telephone going back centuries and before it was even written down it was by word of mouth and there were many books it's God may be infallible but humans certainly are let's just put it that way so yeah of course original video was linked in the description if you haven't seen it yet for some reason Corner video will lead to my let's play of the day and with all that out of the way I hope you guys liked if you did leave a like subscribe if you have not and I'll see you guys next time goodbye [Music] [Music] [Music] by
Channel: Fort_Master
Views: 143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fort Master, edited, fun, YouTube, HD, Commentary, Release, Fort_Master, Fort, Master, gamer, reaction, OSP, overly sarcastic productions, blue, history makers, bible, the gospels
Id: aA9jNyPZ5T4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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