Nancy Gelber case: Crime novelist hires hit on husband

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the murder she wrote she's a crime novelist  so she knows how things actually work   and nancy mancuso gilbert dreamed up a  plot to die for that she figured would   bring her instant royalties she was going  to get 180 000 without even typing a word   she said she wanted your nipples and  penis ripped off yes she was really mad joseph gilbert jr better known as jody thought  he'd found himself a good wife when he married   nancy were you guys in love yes we were in  love it was jody's fourth marriage and nancy   second and it looked like this one would  last everything was fine for a long time   but after nine years together jody says he came  down with a belated case of the seven year itch   she quit working she stayed  at home didn't do anything   except write crime thrillers like temporary  amnesia her first published novel jody says   that little taste of success went to nancy's  head she just likes to spend a lot of money and he says she turned into  a 54 year old party girl   i was working late at night and it just got to  be where she wanted to party all the time and she   was doing drugs their marriage was quickly  falling apart under the weight of it all   it got to where she was sleeping in the  front bedroom and i was sleeping in the back   and jody finally told nancy he wanted a divorce i  felt out of love he says nancy didn't take it well   she thought i was having affairs any validity to  any of those claims um i was not having an affair   nancy was reportedly deeply concerned that  her life of leisure was coming to an end jody and auto mechanic didn't make a lot of  money but it had been enough to allow nancy   to write her crime stories from home and party  like the local celebrity she thought she was and the divorce would also mean nancy would  cease to be the beneficiary of jodi's 180   thousand dollar life insurance policy so she  decides to hire a hitman to kill her husband   she had told me she was going to get 180  000 on insurance and he was willing to pay   sixty thousand dollars for  someone to to do the job   nancy turns to her local drug dealer jeremy kidd  in bryan texas we're pretty familiar with him and   kid immediately snitches on her to the local  cops she wanted him to find somebody to kill   her husband saying she detests hubby jodie  because she thinks he's been cheating on her   she said something the fact well if it was up to  me i'd tie him up cut his nipples off and cut his everything else okay this is the car bezos  county sheriff investigators ricardo ledesma   and tara young then come up with a plot of their  own getting kid to set up an undercover stick   with young posing as a hitman named dwight what  points did you need her to hit we needed her to   come out and just pretty well admit tell us i  want you to kill my husband i will pay you to   kill my husband nancy agrees to meet young  or dwight in the parking lot of this hotel do i yes okay young wired and recording every  word discusses the deal with a nervous and   suspicious nancy in her truck are you in any  way shape or form affiliated with the law no   are you i am not okay absolutely not i'm a crime   novelist and that's why this is just the  worst thing i've ever done in my life   nancy offers young her wedding ring as a down  payment on the hit 14 karat gold yeah it's got   32 diamonds around on each side okay and then  one in the middle young accepts and asks nancy   how she wants the hit carried out you understand  once this is done it can't be undone okay look i understand okay once this is  done and he's dead i know nothing   okay all right i just generally people will tell  me i want it at the house i want it at work i want   i want him he he killed me here every  night to go to some girl's house he's   got like five or six girlfriends  i don't know about each other   he's receiving underwear in the mail  from california you know this guy's just that's pretty bad i mean with this kind of  animosity you have toward you you want him   to suffer no you don't i want it to look like a  killing i'd like to make it look like an accident   less i know the better off i am the spouse  is the first one that they go go to always so   how can i get in touch with  you then when this is done am i going to have to hear it from you that  it's done do you want to hear it from me   no what do you want to hear the police police  coming to tell you okay so it was abundantly   clear to you that nancy wanted to hire you to  murder her husband absolutely no doubt about it   no doubt about it she wanted him to she  wanted him gone she wanted the insurance money   but investigators feel they still  need more evidence to arrest nancy   we can't prove it at this point then they get an  urgent call from nancy's drug dealer jeremy kidd   and he's telling me that he was concerned for  jody's safety he said she was acting really   strange he said i'm afraid she's either going to  try to go and kill him herself or she's going to   find somebody else to do it police know that crime  novelist nancy mancuso gelber has come up with the   real life murder plot to get rid of her husband  jody i want it to look like an accident because   the killer she's hired to do the job is in fact  undercover investigator terry young posing as a   professional hitman named dwight she wanted him  gone but now nancy's drug dealer jeremy kidd the   man who snitched on her in the first place has  just told police that she's getting impatient   and may kill jody herself we have to contact  jody and let him know that his life is in danger at first i thought he was joking until  jody is shown nancy's facebook page   where she is already describing herself as a  widow and he hears the secretly recorded evidence i know but gosh this is  just a horrible thing to do   investigator rick ledesma gives him more  horrifying details he started telling me   some of the ways that she had talked about  having done which include poisoning him   then i started thinking about it how she had been  acting so i believed him jody was living with   his wife nancy in this house for about a month  even though he knew she was potting his murder   we told him that he needed to really be careful if  you're going to decide to wait they just advised   me not to eat a drink at the house and after that  i pretty much didn't were you were nervous to go   to sleep at first yes but i also still had one of  my pistols and it slipped under the pillow with me   investigators are even more concerned than jody  the case it got to the point where we needed to   kind of push it along for jody's safety so they  arranged another sting wiring two investigators   with a hidden camera and microphone and arming  them with the false story the sheriff's office   knocked on this door to deliver the news to nancy  that jody had been killed are you miss gilbert yes   can we come in and speak with you for a  minute ma'am yeah we would show jody the   video of what happened in a private screening  at the sheriff's office your husband joseph   yeah okay ma'am i'm sorry to tell you this okay  but he's been killed no he hasn't yes ma'am okay   yes ma'am okay i'm sorry no he hasn't no  name he has no wait wait what's wrong man   okay wait why wha what he's been killed it  appears to be a hit-and-run accident okay   was that an authentic reaction i think it  was just a front when one of our dogs died   she didn't throw a fit like this the investigators  with the sheriff's office that are working on this   they need to see if there's any way you can  come down and help us with some information   i'm very sorry it's the worst part of our jobs  come with me in here please come in here with you   nancy goes to the bedroom why aren't i bursting  into tears what's the matter with me oh i don't   know man people have different emotions at  these times and like i said i'm very sorry oh god oh god this can't be true i'm sorry ma'am  i'm very sorry let me get dressed oh my god   oh my god oh my god all right i'm gonna get  my clothes on when she's dressed nancy tells   investigators about her marriage to jody he looks  like santa claus i told everybody i found my santa   claus everybody that knew us just knew we were  perfect and then he turned into tiger woods but   he started just fooling around with every woman  he could find she went right to the affair exactly   she always said i was having an affair because  i was never at home did you ever get the feeling   you were starring in one of her cheap novels  i did she did not show any remorse i don't   even think she cried do you ever just sit back  and be like i can't believe this happened to me   like i can't believe this was my life yeah quite a  few times i often pinched myself to be sure i was   awake nancy follows the investigators back to  the sheriff's office gilbert investigator rick   ledesma how are you ledesma leads nancy through  the hallways that lead to the interview room where   he and another investigator question her i've  shown you these two photos you recognize the point but in fact she does there are pictures of  investigator tara young posing as dwight the   hitman that nancy hired and who had deliberately  let her see him pretending to be under arrest   while she was walking to the interview  room and she and i make eye contact   and she just kind of has a look of uh oh i guess on her face investigator ledesma  shows nancy his picture again is that the guy   that just y'all just went behind yes it is does  he know my husband we don't know i don't know   they're trying to talk to him but he had these two  things in his pocket they are employee id photos   of jody that nancy gave young aka dwight when they  arranged the hit on him in a hotel parking lot   why would he vet these i don't let's they were in  this park that's what we're trying to figure out   knew he knew jody in some way you don't know  why he would this guy here would have these in   his pocket no what the heck investigator ledesma  then shows her something else he says was found   in dwight's pocket the wedding ring she gave  him as down payment on the hit he also had that that's not mine it's not yours no do you still  have yours no just for the record here you don't   know who this gentleman is at all and you don't  know how he got whole or how you would get hold   of these no no that card has until we broke up was  in my wallet and then it went on my dresser and uh   if jody took it off and put it with that other  card but that other card to me i haven't seen it   if i've seen it at all and the ring i just  showed you definitely say it's not yours at all   nancy tries to find out what investigators have  learned from the man she knows as dwight the   hitman and they play dumb what's his name i don't  you know i didn't even ask him what this is i   didn't ask you here okay he said dwight he said  dwight i think that i think that's what he they   mentioned ledesma allows an obviously very nervous  nancy to leave and even helps her to the door   but the crime novelist is about to find out how  this story ends this ain't a book it's real life i strongly need these two photos  you recognize the question   cops played coy the first time they interviewed  nancy gelber about her husband's death   but the next day they turned  up the heat are you kidding me no go ahead sit down let me get those  handkerchiefs a handcuff nancy gilbert   is dragged back into the brazos county  sheriff's interrogation room again and   this time she faces more than just a grilling  about her plot to have husband jody murdered   you have been placed under arrest for solicitation  of capital murder investigator rick ledesma and   another officer in the interview room with him are  armed with an array of airtight evidence against   the crime novelist i don't want it to look like a  killing i'd like to make it look like an accident   including an audio recording of nancy hiring  undercover investigator terry young posing as   a hit man named dwight as well as the wedding  ring she gave him as a down payment on the job and another sting with officers delivering the  false news that her husband is dead like i said   i'm very sorry oh god this can't be true i'm sorry  ma'am i'm very sorry but nancy is unaware of what   the sheriff's office has on her and that her  husband is in fact still alive as investigator   odesma and his interrogation partner get ready  to reveal oil to her we're going to ask you   for the truth the truth only and that's all  we're asking for then a sudden interruption   and when investigator ledesma  opens the door nancy gasps in shock nancy sees husband jody standing there  alive and well what was her reaction   oh my god i should have known and she covered  her face with her hands so right then and there   on her face it said what busted exactly but  unbelievably nancy immediately regains her   cold composure okay don't change  how you feel about telling the truth   as far as way and she starts asking cops about the  hitman she hired you told me my husband died and this was the guy you tell us who's the guy  you know who the guy is who's the guy nancy but nancy's having none of it hold on this is  set up you're not going to do this to me no   this is a set up and he's doing it who is who's  doing it jody no uh-uh i'm not going for this   no nancy this ain't a book it's real life okay  sorry i'm not complying with what who's the guy   you tell us who the guy is who is the guy you  said his name was dwayne how do i know dwight how are you tell us i don't know who is he  who do you think he is well i don't know   if you had to guess right now would you think he  is i would think he was somebody that jody set up   he could not want me out of the picture that  bad so he's alive and this was an elaborate joke   on my part let me make one thing straight  okay it's not a joke this is some serious   business and it's not a joke who set me  up you set yourself up i did well then   y'all are just going to have to lock me up because  oh no i mean we are going to lock you up yes   comfortably assured that that's going to happen  all right um but i did not talk to that man   i don't give a damn what he said then nancy  gets another surprise hi nancy hi how are you   doing all right it's investigating terry young  investigator with the sheriff's office here in   bradford county and nancy has the answer to  the question she's been asking is that dwyane   yes she finally realizes she'd been stung hiring  that hitman in the hotel parking lot i said across   from y'all little sound listen to the whole deal  less i know the better off i am the spouse is the   first one that they go to always now nancy appears  to cry saying she's grateful hubby jody isn't dead   i'm so glad he's alive and jody so glad nancy is  behind bars after being sentenced to 30 years for   conspiracy to commit capital murder you heard the  jury come back with the word guilty what was going   through your mind i felt at peace and calm a lot  better about it because i knew i wouldn't have to   worry about it for a while the irony all this is  your wife nancy was an aspiring crime novelist yes   she thought she could get away with it  she thought she could outsmart the police   she really did but the law wrote the last  chapter of this crime story the judge in   the gelber case says that if she chooses to  write a book about this crime her ex-husband   could sue her for a portion of the profits she  will not be eligible for parole until 2026.
Channel: True Crime Daily
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Id: qCG5pT-0qlI
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Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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