Unsolved Mysteries That Have No Explanation (r/AskReddit)

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hello everyone thank you for checking out today's video I would really appreciate it if you could leave a like and subscribe let's get started what unsolved mystery has absolutely no plausible explanation came home from work with a 12-pack of drinks I was walking up to my door when I dropped said 12-pack a bunch of cans roll out of one end so I stopped to pick them up and put them back in the box but there are 13 no matter what one of the cans won't fit and they were all clean no chance of a soda just being left outside I count 13 cans when I get inside no idea how that happened in another universe you drop your 12-pack and can only find 11 about two years ago my sister was home alone while my mum was at work and I was at school I finished early that day and was home at around 1:00 p.m. I was talking to my sister and she casually mentioned my mum came home for a while right away I thought that was odd because my mum works a few towns over and even if she came home on her lunch break she'd have to leave to go back by the time she got here but I thought maybe she had an appointment or something so I asked my sister if she said anything here is what my sister says happened she was upstairs in her room when she heard the front door unlock so she walked over to the stairs to see who it was the stairs were facing the front door so you could see it from the top of the stairs and saw my mum taking her coat off and hanging it up she looked over at my sister without saying anything after which my sister was just like oh okay it's just mum and went back to her room she also didn't hear her leave when she told me this I was pretty spooked because my mom wouldn't have not said a word she'd say hi at the very least I proceeded to call my mum to ask her if she'd been home recently just to make sure and just like I thought she hadn't been home since she left that morning we still don't know who or what my sister saw that I was afraid of being home alone for the next two weeks long maybe a look-alike intruder who decided to do TFO after such a power move your sister just checking her and going back to bussiness this whole doppelganger thing freaks me out properly I read so many of them and no one ever gets hurt or anything but something about it just rubs me the wrong way and the doppelgangers never speak did you guys notice that my sister lost her car key and had turned up buried in my grandmother's garden she lives two hours away and we see her two to three times a year edit answers to commonly asked questions no dogs involved my grandmother loves to garden so found it while gardening somehow my grandmother never had a copy of the key we rarely visited her and my dad spent half the year overseas our only relative / person that we have contact with who also has contact with her the most likely prankster wasn't around when my sister lost the key originally there were two sets of the key but I held one until my sister lost hers at which point I gave her mine my only semi plausible explanation is that my sister thought she lost the key visited our grandma a few weeks later and actually lost the key somehow still out of her back slash car something and then it turned up later I have no idea how that would have happened though that'll show those little [ __ ] for not visiting me more often or alternatively those little [ __ ] always showing up see how far they get without keys all those little [ __ ] would have an easier time if they had a spare set of keys I'll plant a key bush for them in Australia 2008 an olive grove of 400 trees were stripped of every single of em overnight by hand the owner who lives on the Grove bTW says it usually would take a team of six a full three days to harvest the grove he heard nothing overnight no machinery and found not a single alive on a tree nor the ground the next day none I can't imagine the size of a team of silent thieves picking and hauling four tonnes of olives in a single night the owner says he knows of five other similar rates in the area accumulating and 7.5 tonnes being high stood at a value of $10,000 the numbers here are just confounding the number of people it would take to do the work not get caught and for such a comparative measly payoff I got this 18 men did it it was overpass call it six hours average workday is eight hours they'd need 33% more people make it 24 men 25 for good measure or 20 good men ah the infamous certainty Goodman I had a wristwatch that my dad bought me back in the 90s it was one of those kinetic watches that would wind itself when you walk et Cie anyway for some reason it kept stopping at around 1:30 a.m. never 1:30 in the afternoon sometimes it would keep going but three times out of five it would stop at the exact time we sent it to the swatch company to get repaired and a month or two later we got a catalog of watches with a handwritten note basically saying we don't know what the hell is wrong with your watch we are stumped pick a watch out of this catalog and have it as a replacement so that's my possessed watch story I was waiting for you to say then one day your dad died at 1:30 a.m. I'm glad your dad didn't die at 1:30 a.m. I thought he was going to get a bunch of new watches that all stopped at 1:30 world been creepy as [ __ ] but no claw I had one of those Incredible Hulk face ice creams you get from the ice cream truck I took a bite and watched as the rest of it fell off the stick only to look down and see nothing on the ground I still don't know what happened to my ice cream I want my money back edit didn't expect this to get so much attention I love you all but replying to all comments would take me years cool to see others having similar experiences I read a similar story on Reddit dude was drinking coffee from a mug dropped it no sound from it landing never found the mug maybe all the particles lined up just right and it fell through the floor makes me wonder if this ever happened to a person this happened a few years ago to my brother and my mom it was parent-teacher conference at my brother's high school literally the largest high school in the US with about 6,000 students and after waiting forever to finally meet with the teacher they walk in and sit down the teacher then says that our father was just in there right before them and my mum was shocked and told him that there was no way the teacher insist that he just walked out and gives his name and a perfect description of my father very tall man with a lot of freckles brown hair and a thick mustache and summarizes their meeting my mum then informs him that my father has been dead for over 10 years and is in disbelief the teacher had absolutely no background of our family and no way of knowing this is shocked himself to this day we have no idea what happened that day he faked his death but still wanted to check in on his kids from time to time that is just as unsettling as the idea of a ghost if not more so I was given a potato in school cannot for the life of me remember why and I was having a really good time playing with it I went into my room and started throwing it up in the air and catching it but one time I threw it up it just seemed to inexplicably curve backwards over my head I heard it thump on the ground but when I turned around to pick it up it was gone I spent 10 minutes looking everywhere for it and it just wasn't there when we moved house a year later and I was emptying my room I fully expected to find a gross rotting potato somewhere but still it was nowhere to be found I asked my parents and even my sister if they'd found and got rid of a potato in my room nobody had any idea about it I'm going to spend the rest of my life wondering where the hell that potato went if it was there you would have smelled it exactly that suggests it just vanished instantly which makes it stranger he mops long-lost dog the potato was delicious I went to visit my mom's house to go say goodbye to my dog before my mum was going to take him to get put to sleep since he was really sick I didn't want that to happen yet so I was arguing with her about it for a while at one point my dog wanders off and I don't see him for a while I couldn't find him figured he was out chillin in the horse pasture as he was wont to do it was dark and he wasn't coming when I called I just thought he was doing his thing I was sad I couldn't say one last goodbye that I had to get going I walked to the front of the house where I was parked and the little [ __ ] was in my car sitting in the driver seat looking at me with that stupid look he always got on his face when it was time for a car ride I started crying right then I'm crying right now my windows were all the way up my doors were locked I had the only key to this day I have no earthly idea how the [ __ ] he got in there got I missed that [ __ ] dog r.i.p barky i was late for an appointment one day and was speeding up a hill with a big curve to the right the direction I was going almost as soon as I got around the curve I saw there was an accident in front of me blocking both lanes on my side since there were only one or two other cars stuck behind it it must have just happened because there were no emergency vehicles there yet to the right of me was a sidewalk where people were standing gawking and to my left was oncoming traffic in the other two lanes so I couldn't go around it and I was going too fast to be able to stop in time I knew if I relaxed I was less likely to be a severely injured so I quickly shut my eyes and relaxed as much as I could and absolutely nothing happened when I opened my eyes I could see the crash behind me in my rearview mirror and I was continuing along an empty on my side road this happened about 35 years ago and to this day I have no idea how that happened that's seriously freaky I've had other similar stories like this and it boggles my mind
Channel: Aussie Ibis Reddit
Views: 613
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: updoot, reddit, r\/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r\/, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, storytime, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, brainydude, just, karma, brainy, memes, comment awards, dankify, meme awards, mystery, reddit mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, no explanation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2019
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