- Again, license plate
that we are searching for is going to be Henry Charlie Victor 44-01. (bright music) (gentle music) - Today we're in Cleveland,
Ohio looking for John Hall. Now this one, kind of hits
me a little bit different because John was 46 years old
in 2019 when he went missing. And one of the last things
that he ended up saying was, "I'm going to drive
myself off of a bridge." Now we have, you know, you did a little bit more
research last night on this one. - Yeah. - 3400 Block. - 3,400 Block of East 146th Street, is where he was last seen,
which is just a couple of miles to the east. There's no real main bodies of water. This is the most direct lane
of travel that you could get to a body of water, is
right where we're standing. - Now when we're dealing
with these big cities, you have like communities, like he's from the Mount
Pleasant Community. And as east side boy, I mean,
you've been in the city. So kind of talk about
the different, you know, regions within these big cities and how an east side boy
doesn't really leave east side. - Yeah, yeah. So if he was an east Columbus
neighborhood kid, young man, you know, you're in your neighborhood, you don't go around too much
and I'm sure some people do, but usually you stick to
your neighborhood, your area, and this just makes sense, you know, the Cuyahoga river where we're
standing right here and yeah. Well, great access here. If you wanted to do
something along those lines, as far as driving a car into the river. - Yeah. - This just makes sense. - Now, with this, you
know, John has stated, "I'm going to drive myself off a bridge," but, you know, as you take
a look at it, you know, even within your own community, you start looking at the bridges. You know, you have guard
rails, you have, you know, brick barriers and steel and everything. You're not getting through bridges. So then as we come into this
and we start researching, what's the next most likely
as we're thinking about this? He's from the east side, he drives across bridges all the time. He knows the city, he's from here. - Yeah. - And so then we start
looking at next to bridges. Do we have any boat ramps next to bridges? Do we have any access
points next to bridges? And one of the things,
we're going to start at this location today
because as we're coming down, this is one of the closest,
you know, rivers to his house. It has bridges next to his house. We have a boat ramp just down here, two, actually two, one that you
can put in, take out for, you know, some smaller boats,
but then as we're coming down and we're actually putting
eyes on it this morning, what was the first thing we saw up here? - Yeah, we were, so you're coming down the hill up here right behind us. There's an access to
drive right off the corner of where the bridge begins right over that cliff right there. Not only that, right where we're standing. - Yeah, coming through the park. - Come right through here. And off, right in. You know, there's no railing
protective here at all. - So with that one, we're going to start
our search right here. But we also have somebody
else joining us today. We have Jacob from Chaos Divers
who you've seen him come in. He's part of the team from time to time. We appreciate you coming in
from Harrisburg, Illinois. - Yeah. - The case before the last
of case, John Zarkowski, it was Jacob that played a
huge role and the information that provided to him being found. So thank you, Jacob. That was really insane like
how we were right there and you got the phone call. (indistinct) Yeah, yeah. - In fact, we'll put links down below to both Jacob's channel as well as the John Zarkowski
episode where we ended up finding John Zarkowski's
72-year-old veteran. And then with that,
let's go get in the water and see if we can find John Hall today. - Well, we'll bring him home. - All right, sounds good,
thanks for being here. Let's do it. (bright music) - Yeah, not supposed
to be a car here, Doug. (bright music) - [Man] We went way back over there. - Okay, hold it hold up right there. Bring it up a few feet right there, okay? And bounce it and you
should snag right on it. - So, there you go. - Solid solid. - Solid solid. (bright music) Well, let's go put eyes on it. Jacob's suiting up, I'll
shoot him with them. And it's right here is where it's at. - We run out of here. - We just going to go. - You guys would go in a boat. - Yeah, we gotta go. - And then we'll tie the boat
off and leave it out there. - Yep. - And then when you guys are done, you can just take your PCs off, and come back on the
boat or I'll tow it back. (boat engine revving) - Two divers on the shore. - So he's not going to
take the blue line down yet until he verifies whether
or not it is in fact, the car that we're looking for. (water bubbling) - Two divers down. - License plate that we are searching for is going to be Henry Charlie Victor 44-01. (water bubbling) And is that Ford? Not a Chrysler. (water bubbling) - Pour your some store. We say SUV. I don't believe it's a pickup truck. Visibility is so short that
I cannot make out what it is. The windows I was able to get into I was not able to feel anything. I felt a little where the
license plate frame was. Did you get the license plate? - I got the license plate where it was. - Okay. Yeah, so it was lost. - And then, I didn't know if
this had any markings on it if it's a fuel can or the fuel lid. - Yeah. - And I also got vehicle
identification letters. - Oh yeah. - Yeah, so that's what I was
picking off at the very end. - All of them together? - When you grab, I don't
know if I got all of them because you grabbed me and
we said, we're going up. - Right. - But I grabbed enough
where I think we can put the pieces together and
tell you what it is. I think it's a SUV of some sort. - Yeah. - Got the hatchback. - All right, well, it's
not what we're looking for. Other than it's a Ford,
that's all I can tell. - Here's all the letters that I got. I couldn't get them all. We were going heading up. If you could piece those
together, you can tell what it is. It's an SUV of some sort. Maybe a four tracks. Oh, four track, that's
not a vehicle, that is. - The E-X-P-L-O-R-E-R. Confirmed it was a Ford. That is confirmed it's a Ford Explorer. I'll just, I'll let the captain know that we found a Ford Explorer. It wasn't what we were
looking for and if they. - No license plate on it. - Yeah, there's no license plate. Most likely it's just dumped. Okay, so we'll go back down as far. And then, yeah, we've got
a lot of daylight left. I'm actually going to call
the patrol officer first, just so that it's his area
that they're covering. Fact, I believe they're over here. Yeah, yeah, I'm pulling up right now, I'll talk to you in person. - All right, (indistinct). - Yep, all right. So officer court is the local
beat officer in this area. After speaking with the
captain, the beat officer in this area came down and it
was very nice and just wanted to be kept up to date on what it is that we found if we found anything. So we'll let him know. And like I said, hopefully
they'll get a dive team over here and figure it out and, or
might belong to another case. All right, so after our
scan there, you know, we did what we normally
do, drop a magnet on it and buoy line, a guideline
basically for the diver. We did dive on it, it is a vehicle. It's not the vehicle we're looking for. It's an explorer. It's been down there a
while, no license plate. The driver's side window was down. Our diver Jared was able to feel around. He didn't feel anything
out of the ordinary. So yeah, I mean, it'd be a good
mark for your dive team or, good project, whatever, you know, get it out of the river there. But yeah, we're just
going to, at this point, get our divers out and continue scanning the rest of the day, man, you know? Yeah, anything else that we find we'll let you know
right away and obviously if we do find the vehicle
that we're looking for, we do this all the time. So at that point we're
hands off completely and it's all you guys. Good job, Jacob. - Thank you, sir. - Onto the next. So let's scan out. 'Cause we have bridges
down and then to the right, to basically to the east
on the east shore up. - All right. - And I think we're going to find them. - Okay. - Yeah, right. And right now it is 12:59. - Let's go. - Yeah, the more ground
we can cover the better, that would be awesome. Park the vehicles and
then we'll figure out which one's the best. - So this right here,
Carson is going to be the closest boat ramp to his house. Let's see if there's a
car hiding here, huh? - Let's get the ramp. - The motor. - Yep. All right, so back in the water, Jared's going up to Lake Erie,
Northeast side of Cleveland, Jacob Grubbs from Chaos Divers. He's going down downstream. We're going to be going upstream. Both of us are going to be on the Cuyahoga river
target we just found, not what we were looking for, but it was still a win we know
where there's a car there. Their dive team now knows
where there is a car. So yeah, it's a win for the
environment today so far. Let's go find another car,
hopefully it'll be our car. The depth right now where we
are scanning roughly 30 feet out from the channel shoreline here. 23 feet on this side. It's 25 feet on this side. So we're coming up right now on an area where there's a gentlemen
fishing and there's a car parked up right there in this little gravel lot. And you can clearly drive
a car off right there. We're going to come by and
see if there's something. Nothing at all. (water bubbling) - Hold on, oh, there we go. The funniest thing water
seems fairly clear here. There's a lot of seaweed growth. I'm not sure what they are, but it's flat. I see the pylons or the air
pylons I think they are. It's like a forest under there, honestly, with all the little seaweed stuff. Nothing new, nothing yet. Right, let's go back in and
check that second boat ramp. It's over there. Nothing here. (engine roaring) Nothing yet. Let's go check the wall. Action will come out this
way just to make sure. We'll come back, there's a boat coming. Yeah, hold on. We might have something here. What I thought I saw was a
truck and not ruling it out yet, but I can tell it's not here. I can see the bottom of two
feet, so let's get it out. I can see the pile on the way over there. The barrier wall, just
a lot of vegetation. All right, so we've got all the vegetation that's just everywhere. Like here's the bottom of the lake, but everything above it
is just grass basically. I got the same thing over
here you see on the side scans for the live feed. All right, we're going
to come up on that wall where I thought there was a
truck, but we'll find out. Ah man, I'm pretty sure that's a car. I can tell right here. Right here. Yeah. All right, I'm going to
go this way on it now. - How rusted out those
beams are right there. So you can see this wall
here is the same right here. See the beams. You can see the, that's
how accurate this is. - A six inch difference
and it's picking it up. - Oh yeah, definitely. - And freeway right
there, all the way back. - We're not going to pass that one up. - 13 feet deep. Looking great. Clean as a whistle right there. One little log, that's it
and it's a complete log, and it's not anything else. - It's like the seaweed down there, whatever it is, is like creates shadows and now we're past it I
think, I don't see anything. Okay, let's go on it sideways. Okay, so that's the dock. All right, pillars dock. To the right. - Is that it right there? - That's what I thought was it. I'd say 20%nit could be because
it's never consistent Jared. It seems like it's moving. That's why I think it's seaweed. Right here, you're getting in? Was there anything else out there? Just that. - Yeah, that's all it is,
just vegetation there. All right, that clears this one. Let's head over to the next boat. Two boat ramps done, two more to go. - All right, so we're
roughly at about a mile south on the Cuyahoga river, from
where we first started this. So far it's been cleaned. We haven't identified
anything that is remotely near the size of a car. There's been a few what
I think cement blocks, a few stumps and logs, but other than that,
it's been pretty clean. But as you can see, we're
coming up to a main overpass where I believe on this section of river. If we're going to find a car
it's going to be right in here. And this is an area where
you gotta be really, we're going to double scan this because we don't want to miss something. So before I just showed you how smooth and clean it was coming up right
now, it's not clean at all, detecting a lot of
objects, which we know is all this concrete, but we're
going to have to scan it two or three times just to make sure, because if there's a car here,
it's gonna be a lot harder to detect on side scan with all that concrete debris in here. - Well, back in. - And at this moment, if
you haven't yet subscribed to the channel, please do
so with your subscribing, hitting the bell notification,
commenting, viewing, that is all that makes this possible. You know, everything
that Jared has this using we're out here, I'm on a second boat with a full sonar set up
motor and he's able to have me in a completely separate
boat because of the viewers that have stepped up and
donated, purchased T-shirts that directly fund all of
the equipment that we use. So it's priceless. Thank you very much for
everybody who continues to make all of this possible. Our search power is magnified. Right now Jared's in a
completely different part of the Northeast Cleveland. I'm here, we're searching
two grounds at the same time. When we found John Zarkowski, that day had we not had
both boats in the river, we might not have made it and
had enough daylight to make it to that last spot because
where we had both boats in the river on that lake would have taken to triple the amount of the time. So, because we had two boats
we found John Zarkowski, I firmly believe that. All right, so I've scanned
this area right here, where we have all of the concrete debris. And I'm very, very confident that there was no vehicle on this side. At least when we come back up river, we're going to scan this
side on our way back up. All right, here, you can see, this is where a lot of the debris begins and you could see the wall there. And then this is where the
debris starts right there. We're just going to scan
this area here at Carson. And then we're going to scan
that doctor right there, the edge of it just in case
they went around and drove in and it shouldn't take
us more than 10 minutes to clear this one. - Carson key duty. (boat engine roaring) You see, this is all eight feet of water. We can confirm it's not over in this area. It's only two, three feet of water. And I can see the bottom. Right, I'm going to go in on
one of the ramps and then do a horseshoe and come back
in but I gotta get along. Pass, I feel like I'm
just seeing all the grass, 'cause I see it on the side scan too. It's just way more vivid
with the live scan. Nothing here, let's go to the next one. There's one, a couple miles down the road. Let's go see what's there. Okay, so at this moment now
we're roughly three miles from where we first started today. And again, so far it's
been very, very clean. Anything that I've run across,
it's a potential target. I've been easily able to rule it out with the different scans
and referencing each other. So, so far, man, we haven't
come up with much at all, except for that Explorer that I've found. But we have Jacob with Chaos Divers, he's searching north on this same river. Jared's out on Lake
Erie and the boat ramps. It's covering a lot of
ground at the same time. This, I still feel confident. There are a lot, it's 3:14. We got a lot of daylight
left and we're not stopping. All right, so we're scanning
over here next to these clips. It looks like we have a car. I'm going to rescan it again. - That's what we put in over here. This is next to where we put in. It's just a bunch of debris buildup. And that's the difference
from having one sonar system. Sonar system to multiple. - Being able to reference
this, I took it on diet. I took it and spotted it on
side scan, which you saw. It definitely looked like
it could have been a car, but we got the down
imaging directly over it. You can clearly see it's a pile of debris. (bright music) - So right now I'm looking
at just a flat bottom. There's no vegetation in this dock, but there's a road that goes along there. I mean, it's a big drop. We're at eight feet right now, but it's, nothing's on the bottom. So we're at another spot
for John Hall, a boat ramp, very nice pretty area,
but nothing's in here, can't find anything. - We wish that we had more
information on John Hall and this is where we need your help. We started here at this bridge today. We searched four and
a half miles that way, four and a half miles
back, that's nine miles. Plus then in addition to that, we had Jacob going two
and a half miles that way, two and a half miles back,
there's another five miles. So that puts us at 14 miles. Plus we ended up doing four
boat ramps today as well. - Yeah, - Here's where we need your help. We have zero information on John, other than he's driving this Chrysler 300, this license plate and we
have no picture of him. We don't know who his friends are. We don't know where he worked. We don't know what bars,
you know, he frequented. So while EWP is not going
to be back until next fall, we got Jacob Grubs here from Chaos Divers. He is local to the area for
the most part over in Illinois. And so if you can email us, support@adventureswithpurpose.com, if you have any information,
we need you to open up and help us out so we can
solve this one, where's John? We have absolutely no idea. So I want to thank Jacob for coming out. I want to thank Doug again
for being a part of this. That's it for now, we're
heading down the road. We got another case that we're working and hopefully this time we may have solved that one tomorrow. Be sure to subscribe if
you're not already done. So it is free, be sure to
subscribe to Jacob as well. And if you are not
following us on Facebook, please do so as well. Again, that's free to
follow us over there. Till next time, we'll
see you down the road. (gentle music)