Unseen Barn Find Hunter Footage | Barn Find Hunter | Ep. 9

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- I'm told this is what Mitt Romney used to drive to college. That looks like an Ambassador convertible. Now that's a pretty solid car. Holy Mackerel. (fast paced, rhythmic rock music) You need to put this in a building. Man, that is a rare find. I'm Tom Cotter. The first car I found, I was 12 years old. I'm 61 years old now, and I'm still finding cars. That's a rare car. I don't know when the last one I saw of these. In this series, you'll see that there are still plenty of good cars left. (fast paced, rhythmic rock music) If you've ever gotten to the end of a restoration, you know that you have lots of parts left over, piles of bolts, and nuts, and spare pieces, that you put nicer pieces on. The Barn Find Hunter series that we've done this year, we have some spare pieces left over that I would like to put together in one compilation video. The show you're about to see is a compilation of a number of Barn Find Hunter shows that you haven't seen before. This is kind of fun. This is like stew. I hope you enjoy them. (fast paced, rhythmic rock music) Here we are at Parkway Wrecker Company in Tallahassee, Florida. We met a guy, who knew a guy, who knew a guy, who said, I know some guys that have old cars in their towing yard. It's Sunday morning, but I'll call up. He called up, and they agreed to meet us here, so we're gonna see what they have behind that fence over there. (fast paced, rhythmic rock music) That's interesting. I'm finding out that towing yards are probably a good resource, 'cause these guys are called to clean up people's properties. They go to estates, and if somebody passes away, clean all those stuff off out of the garage, and they come somewhere, and this is where they come. If you live near a towing yard, it wouldn't be a bad idea to make friends with the owner of that. I'm not really sure what year this jeep is, probably early to mid-1960's. This is sitting behind a towing yard. It's a solid vehicle. It's got some crunches here. Open up the hood, and through the spider webs here, there's a four-cylinder gas motor, one single barrel downdraft carburetor. I'd bet you could get this thing running in one afternoon, drive it, order parts that are easily available for this to replace the fender. It's already got a hard top on it. I think you could get this for $2,000, $2,500, get it running in a weekend, make it look pretty over a couple of months, and have a fun vehicle for all summer. That's a sweet truck. - [Vehicle Owner] It is, 15,000 miles. - I bet that's original, wow! Look at this door panel here, probably original paint, door tag, and it's only got 15,000 miles. I think old firetrucks are really interesting finds. - [Vehicle Owner] I've been working on. - Oh, wow. Is that a LS 3. - [Vehicle Owner] This is a 53. - This is probably the last era of Mustangs that are still light weight looking, but you could probably pick up something like this for, in this condition, maybe $2500 to $3500, that would be restorable, solid, maybe even running, and restore it yourself for not a lot of money, and have something that's fun to drive, and it would go up in value. (fast paced, rhythmic rock music) This is an original truck. You found it just like this. - [Vehicle Owner] It's all I ever found. - [Tom] With this paint job on it. - [Vehicle Owner] Just what you see is what you get. - [Tom] Wow, you need to put this in a building. - Well, I had it in a building (chuckles). - That is sweet. Do you think that's original paint? - That's original paint on the fenders. I think the truck has been repainted on the cab and the body. I mean, at sometime, maybe in the '70's or something like that. - Man, that is a rare find. The fairy tale says you've got to kiss a lot of frogs before you find a prince. Well we had to look at a lot of ugly, rusty Chevys and Fords today, but we did find some gems, that '34 Ford pickup truck in the back of Jimmy's house that sitting under the weeds. I would own that truck in a second. I'd never been to Tallahassee in my life until we got in town last night, and just started to ask questions. We found some car guys this morning. They gave us a lead, who gave us a lead, who gave us a lead, who gave us a lead. We wound up finding a bunch of cars. Which just goes to show, you can pull into a town not knowing anybody, not knowing where to go, and by the time sundown comes, you might find 100 cars on your own. Get out there, kiss a lot of frogs. You might just find the prince you've always dreamed of. Happy hunting. (fast paced, rhythmic rock music) I think the benefit of this is this is living history. It's an outdoor museum, and we might go to a Civil War site and poke around, and see cabins that might have been used during the Civil War, buildings, battle fields. Kind of in an automotive sense, that's what this is. Thankfully, here in the New Mexico desert things don't rust, so this stuff has probably been here 50 years, and it might be here for another 50 years. We're walking through a little piece of history here. Some people might call this a junk yard, and I'd call it a museum. (fast paced, rhythmic rock music) Never steer by junk yards. When you can see a junk yard, and even if we can't tell the cars, if there's too much shininess, we just pass by. If it's got a little rust patina, that's the one we want to go to. Tell me, what is this place? - This thing has been around since 1972. It was originally set up as a towing and storage yard by Dugger's Towing Service here in Albuquerque. Then when the three partners separated, three different ways, Misty ended up with the yard, and he's been collecting cars since he was 18 years old. He is now 73. (fast paced, rhythmic rock music) - Pretty cool stuff. I mean, there's stuff in here, and Misty's in his '70's, and the Model A Ford that he drove to high school is in this yard. Again, it's like an outdoor museum. I'm a little bit sad, because none of these cars are for sale. He could make a lot of hot rodders happy, if he would sell these cars, or at least a few of them, and they could be driving around in another six months or a year. - Still racing around by me. I probably shouldn't. Think that should probably be dusted off a little bit. - No, I like it like this. This is Dave's 1939 Ford Standard Coupe. It's a 1939 Ford Standard. The Woody is a 1939 Deluxe. If you look at the grills, how different they were. Interestingly, Henry Ford was a thrifty guy, and these were basically 1938 Deluxe Grills. Ford don't want to throw anything out, so he would recycle them. What was Deluxe one year would become Standard the next year. My car would be similar to the 1940 Standard, but that's a '39 Deluxe, so this thing is Standard. There's no blinker. It only had one tail light. You can see back here, there's no tail light on the right side, only on the left side, and this has the V8 60 horsepower engine. It had the little tiny gas miser type of engine, and Dave's dad bought this car brand new. He picked it up in Detroit, 'cause he got a discount on it, and drove it back here to California. That's a great story. Take a look at the steering wheel. There's another difference in the '39 Standard and Deluxe. The gauges were slightly different. This is a Standard steering wheel. You could see it's got the molded spokes. You only see these motors in midget race cars. That's got aluminum heads. - Yeah, these came with aluminum heads. Later on, in fact that the next year, which was the last year that Ford built the 60 horsepower engine, they did have iron head on the last year. - Can you show us the trunk on this? - Yeah, there's junk in the trunk. - [Tom] Junk in the trunk. - [Dave] Yeah, there's junk in it. - These cars where I live in North Carolina, in North Carolina and Georgia, back in the moonshine running days, these were moonshine running favorites, not with the 60 horse, but you could take the 85 horse, and probably soup it up to 100 horse, but the trunk basically runs from here all the way to the back seat here. The back of the front seat, so all that area you could put mason jars filled with the white lightning, and then try to run away from the cops. - [Dave] Yeah, it cleared up a little bit. - I bet if you take to a show, this is probably the only V8 60 Standard vehicle. - [Dave] Yeah, probably. - [Tom] Wow that's a great car and a great story. Thank you. (fast paced, rhythmic rock music) Apparently, this used to be a wine making facility, and that used to be rum factory. Charlie, who's not here, owns these buildings, these three buildings, the vacant lot, and more in the back. That's quite a hunk of real estate. Wow, look at that. Here's a Marlin. I'm told this is what Mitt Romney used to drive to college, because his father was president of American Motors. (fast paced, rhythmic rock music) There are probably two Hornets. Both of them had collapsed in roofs. What a shame. That's probably worth reviving if you were an AMC guy. Now that's a pretty solid car. Holy Mackerel, a 1948 Packard four door sedan. It's too bad this was taken apart, because look how solid it is. Look at this, factory air conditioning. Most of these cars had small engines, so driving an air conditioner took a lot of power away. This was part of American Motors at the time, a J4000, four wheel drive, V8. It's got a 360 engine. (fast paced, rhythmic rock music) That's an unusual Hudson. The Hudson Jet, so that would have been like a '53, I imagine, a Hudson Jet. This was a small Hudson. We saw bigger ones on other finds. You don't see these. This I guess is when Hudson was really starting to go out of business. That's a very unusual car. You never see this type of Hudson around. This is a 1977 MGB, a Lincoln Continental convertible. This is a Hudson Hornet. These were great race cars in the early days of NASCAR. It seems to have all the trim on there, the tail lights, the grill, the bumpers, all the things that are very often missing on a car like this. A car like this in fair condition, which is I'd say what this would be, $5,400, about $10,000 in average condition, and if you brought this to a concourse level, it would have a value of about $20,000, which, if you think about it, is not a lot of money. You could own a really, really nice one of these, for $20,000, or buy something like this for $5,000. When they knew how to make metal cars. That's not a Toyota. I think a collector would love to get their hands on this car. Pull it out of this damp environment under the trees, get it in a nice dry garage. pull it apart, and let it air out, and make an appraisal of what they have. You could do a lot worse than to take a car like this as a project. I think if you cruise around neighborhoods, that's my suggestion, cruise around a neighborhood slowly, and on a bicycle's good, and walking is good, but in a car as good, as well. Just keep peeking around corners, and over fences, and you might be able to find a treasure trove like this, and maybe go home with a Hudson Hornet. This just goes to show that there are still old cars, that are still in neighborhoods. This is not like a salvage yard, or an industrial park. Sometimes you have to peek over the fences, and you might find something. We weren't able to meet Fred, but Marlene told us that Fred was not really a restorer, he was a car enthusiast. He loved to collect the cars. He was in the Hudson Club, but restoring cars is not his thing. Acquiring cars, and she called him a preservationist, somebody that wanted to take these cars, so they wouldn't be crushed, so that somebody else down the road could enjoy it. Some of these cars you've seen here, they probably would have been crushed 20 years ago. He has them, and now somebody 20 years later, can maybe acquire it, and enjoy it. (fast paced, rhythmic rock music)
Channel: Hagerty
Views: 616,491
Rating: 4.9102082 out of 5
Keywords: Hagerty, Classic Car, Classic Cars, barn find, barn find hunter, tom cotter, jeep, ford, mustang, lincoln, chevy, chevrolet, hemi, packard, jabro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2016
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