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in the box that Cher like to the oh that's huge oh my God look at that I should have made you do the Pogo thing there's some heaters in there oh wow never out of the oh yeah you can tell thanks buddy if I just told you I hit two grand slimes in one day would you believe me bow baby the Lord has blessed me no you better believe me 1450 any home runs yet two grand slams oh what is it this time [ __ ] Super Nintendo your boy cdy bang we're going to conquer today I'm not kidding it's a lot of stuff man yeah I got an item that no one's ever seen wow Uber rare no one's ever seen it Super Nintendo what did I do to deserve this we got the whole thing huh oh yeah this is the best man GRL [Music] [Music] my dude's B your boy Cy bang we had the antique swap me just got here we're about to get up in there and see what's going on I'm a little bit excited I got two sellers that are holding stuff for me they told me to come through and um this is going to be the third Capcom pickup and there is going to be a fourth and the fourth is probably going to be the final at least for now unless we get more calls but anyways yeah we're about to jump up in there right now excited got the GoPro on so we'll see what happens let me get myself together let me get situated and uh I'll be back all right all [Music] right the adventure begins I'm feeling kind of weird today I don't know what's going on hopefully it wears off as the sun comes outar jackp baby clean 600 the Box although that was from my buddy original though that's a 1986 C Ghostbuster man a $200 B that's worth two right there there's some heaters in there oh yeah those two right I think there some better ones yeah those two are the B from the original sealed oh yeah I know you know exactly what you're looking at a lot of yeah what these are for the Atari 400 800 oh those are 50 boxes and manuals when you find the game yeah they're really clean man basically look like brand new I'm not going to waste your time that's the one you were telling me about it's never good to pick it out of there it has four papers that go with it and all four sorry you got an old school setup all like so game the one that comes with it in there in the Box W that's in great shape the St stack yeah I'll get them thank you thanks I appreciate it thanks a lot brother wow oh the mar oh that's nice dude look at that NSS take on it dud that's the real one wow that's pretty cool got the whole thing huh oh yeah he gave you a whole package deal oh yeah nice oh yeah Fu your ass up fool there the gun down there thanks for finding that I wanted to show you this it never was out of this bag that it's in oh wow yeah never out of you tell right look and you could tell and I mean it's never been yeah that's the of that bag that's the order would have all been in I swear to God that's something there's no wrinkles on it so you could tell no one's ever opened it mess with it looking out of there that's what I'm try I tell you damn open that stup seal I know just right there the manuals are underneath for these they match and they're mint nice it's a lot of stuff man yeah that's what I have I brought you all of it and the t-shirt for Nintendo 64 it's a OG a promotional piece I did research this this is like selling for like over 350 like in this condition well this is selling for over 200 in shittier condition I did sell one book and one poster on Monday it was a ninja turtle one and that book went for like3 5 then I had the poster from another Ninja Turtle Nintendo and that went for like 28 there's the Metroid posters in there there's some good other posters that are in that stack trying to think if I just throw out one for prob for everything yeah without Donkey Kong right or is that with Donkey Kong Donkey Kong yeah I'm I'm attached to that I think there're still like $1,000 with the sh and how much with Donkey Kong it's going to be over1 might be like a $200 one I do have that one already probably best if you could just put that one on the auction hold on to that one other in the shirt I probably want like at least like 40 and then 40 yeah like 40 and you could have the gun F the gun and all that yeah I think we're pretty close I can't say no to that just do it the stuff's clean even thei 2600 boxes clean I know you probably have a lot of those those yeah I have to those now one two thanks buddy can check one more time I will that all right all right cool cool cool oh thank you for that now I'll go that Nintendo thank you yeah yeah no problem anytime you need like gaming stuff to complete some or whatever it may be let me know oh hell yeah I'll be right back take this to the car thank you thank you man thank you deal this entry yeah it's a good load yeah thank you yeah baby [ __ ] there's lots of stuff in here man crazy dude let's go man your boy C right just loaded up the car the trunk is packed back in the flea market now now we're going to go meet my other guy he has another bundle for your boy honestly I don't even got to walk around man people just you know coming through for me much respect to them shout out to them anyways going to go get the second bundle right now after we do that we going to do a round or two in this big old huge jumbo flu Market freaking huge and uh yeah man we'll see what happens great start to the day I was feeling really iffy before I got here and um you know that first bundle is always going to get you feeling right get you in the right place you know what I'm saying so feeling good Juiced up we ready your boy cdy bang we're going to conquer today I'm not kidding dude all right I'm going to regain my focus and we're going to get this together and we're going to go get it all right I'll report back let you know what I find you know what going to be good come on man the hunt begins let's do this look at that extra pep in my step you see that bounce good morning how much is the Star Trek got 40 on 40 this one looks a little bigger huh yeah yeah I picked that up from you last time I love it look who post this yeah that the McDonald's one I believe you were telling me yeah they put them out it's a nice picture bro yeah has nice Graphics oh it's a good one come on thank you how hey how's it going all right how's everything what you got on GI Joe 10 bucks 10 bucks shitload of fre today D that can't be good yeah it's five bucks I Don't Really Care thank you yeah where should I put this there still like smaller ones over there use this oh yeah can I use that scoop it up yeah all right oh sorry I didn't see you holding us oh these are cool oh they got names I didn't know they had names what' you want for these 10 bucks for all fre it's a great deal thank you so much Busta that's cool there you go thank you so much appreciate it no worries do you do 49ers sometimes blow up helmet oh pick up so much space What are you asking on that 20 bucks I'll do 15 for you though I'll do it I can't say no for 15 thanks again yeah problem you're awesome okay I'll be back later yeah happy shopping thank you than for shopping hey how's everything some stuff yeah a little bit go together jackp baby got to be life between 4 and 500 it's all Capcom lot of devil stuff good stuff look like double that so that's all posters Super Nintendo the box is really ni4 some Master System w wow is this the original box that these came in yes oh really yeah now all the games they're with the Odyssey so I got it together but that's the original box wow interesting wow everything else the overlays and really good shape [Music] other got more stuff oh I didn't see that Capcom stuff yeah this is Capcom stuff this is like a big banner like a table clo there's two of those in there that like the game yeah okay these are what I was tell you got a bunch of those yeah there's oh there different ones few different okay so there's that no on this um were you trying to sell those as a bundle probably what you want on the bundle this been that's a re some of them did come from the factory like that it's weird it is weird you usually just look for signs of where that would only be there if it was open right so like the edges and stuff like that or like fingerprints under the seal stuff like that how many are in there like 20 20 I'll be right back make sure it works wow that's interesting very cool yeah that's the con structure joystick and controllers and it was set up inside the stores very ODOT ball thing this is what I told you about before I looked it up and it said it was like uber rare yeah you just don't see what are you thinking on that and what are you thinking on the box of chy right there I guess there's three of those you want to see what it looks like I guess why not that's big oh wow holy moly oh that's huge oh my God yeah it's pretty cool yeah look at that [ __ ] wow all right that's a lot bigger than I was thinking yeah wow 5 fo round table for it's pretty cool yeah something different I do that one what are you thinking on the Odyssey and or this whole box with these games that's a Resident Evil damn yeah wow yeah can't say n of that what are you thinking on this guy right here I want to 150 on that 150 on that then we got this box do on that box how many bus are in here point it in a couple bags and that's like all like literature that showed the game when they were coming out give information about the game spec sheets and stuff like that you never know paper Stu probably pass on these just cuz I have so many already no worries take one more look at these are you trying to sell all these as a bundle or whatever you want to do okay I can do it either way what's the bundle price Classics yeah so for these posters that's a lot bro it is a lot you be posted for and no big deal I mean if you to pick out some or whatever what are you thinking on this whole box I probably want 500 for the Box a lot of posters man it's probably a dollar a piece I figure I estimated between 4 and 500 okay let's wait on this maybe for these we could work something out when we do the statues but if you do find someone that want to do your thing problem I'm not going to put them out I brought them you know cuz either you're going to get them or I'm going to do them myself one at a time I know you could use them and I could put them on eBay one at a time for I guess the rest of my life okay um could you knock off 25 bucks 25 bucks 25 bucks make it I can do that for you yeah that's cool yeah that's fine all right see then let's do that yeah that's not a problem awesome back I think you mentioned that um after the statues there's like pretty much nothing left right Capcom unless he goes back there um but yeah you ended up with most of that stuff unless he goes back I think he's done with that job cuz they were just moving from one level to the next and so when he he was kind of clean you know cleaning it out and uh I thought they shut down well they did shut down they shut down they shut down that true true that's what I thought too I thought they were actually moving cuz they have moved a couple of times and what they wanted to do was get off the ground floor cuz they're in the city were getting all kind of walking crap I got these cheeseburgers man spare some change hey baby you want a date yeah crackheads and and so now they moved upstairs and now you got to show a card you got security so you can't get through there I got it yeah was the bottom floor was too uh was too much for them so the other two things that came out of there there were some chairs some really nice chairs they're not Capcom Capcom bottom they were in the reception are they're called alamir they're like $1,500 a piece oh my God they're yellow leather but they're on a swivel base or what's up bro how you doing today how much is that $3 how much is that guy $5 pretty cool I'll grab the VHS from you you have two bucks on you yeah some El oh this is the Giants isn't it they when they were the seals yeah what year is that thing pretty old I think 50s that's pretty cool yeah thank you thank you oh man my dude father just told you I hit two grand slams in one day would you believe me well you better believe me cuz I just did that man your boy cuy bang wow incredible I got an item that no one's ever seen dude no one's ever seen it not even me this is crazy dude wow this is insane hi this your booth very eye-catching Booth that's what we want what it's hard not to walk in and take a look we got to walk out with something I'm working on it how much is a little small Ninja Turtles patch inside the case 10 bucks oh you want to look at sorry you pull it out a friend of mine had it he had it for a long time and he he gave it to me thank you you consider 15 I have one we got Yu-Gi we got Pokemon Legos don't tell The Regulators that I got limited edition J I usually just go after the video game stuff I actually just sold my Game Boy advanced and Game Boy Color today so yeah sorry we kind of you know what's crazy is I always like kind of took it for granted and then it's like yeah we need these things thank you man you're welcome all right see you bottom how much is that guy on that one bro I was ask pretty much 10 on I'll do five bucks on it I can do that yeah yeah easy can't say no that see how easy that was yeah that work I should have made you do the pogo stick I forgot we're doing $5 off if you do five jumps on the puz serious oh [ __ ] man you already got it thank you dude you know exactly what it is McDonald's right 80s yeah shit's cool hell yeah appreciate you man all right man all right take care these are $5 yeah all right can you give me a box a br my d dud it's your boy T bang here almost done with the first round I'm kind of taking my time I'm not rushing it like I usually do we already hit the two grand slams I just hit another little home run but you know I'm going to show that to y'all in a minute anyways I'm going to finish this first round I'm going grab a flat bed hit the ATM pull out some money go take care of the gentleman that has that mother load and I'm going to go put it in the car and go home I'm done I don't need to keep doing multiple rounds I want to be too greedy now already did good so I'm finish this out get that cart and do what we got to do man I'll turn it back on when I do my Victory Run how was the uh picking I found a few Smalls cool very good thank you oh yeah thank you I appreciate it man yeah I'm going do a quick Victory Laff it up the viewers Perfect all right I should do it hey thanks again don't rest your day bye bye man this thing has horrible turning radius man thanks a lot that enough room for you oh that's good I just got my license thanks again man thanks take care have a good rest of your day guys hopefully hopefully this is it the Victory lap Oh Daddy lookus Nintendo you lucky [ __ ] we definitely going to rob your ass I knew I smelled an axhole watch don't leave some games for the kids buddy what a geek whoa look at all those video games what a loser what an idiot you really waste your money on that crap ooh not [Music] bad man Cuddy bang always got them fat stacks no way dude wow H video games suck it's all about the train sets judging by what's in his cart I'm pretty sure he hasn't got any in years no wonder I didn't find any games today it's me Julio this must be the bad man mommy told me about wow it's him he's like so much hotter in person mom this guy has dinosaur Tech holy smokes look at that dude I would totally put that stuff on eBay back up son he's very dangerous dad chill he's a the Dork I'm going to pretend I like video games just go talk to him good idea go ask him if he has that new Mario game for PS5 I wouldn't mind tasting some of that cdy bang what the hell I'll be straight for a day come here cdy bang wow it's so big I hate you cbang he needs some milk huh how much I got it for 125 it's not bad man 123 mom move that guy's junk drunk good deal there good job thanks man no way does foood found all that I hope he doesn't notice my extra fat fingers I swear if I wasn't married I'd be buying retro games like this guy instead of furniture for my wife I bet he used his big ass nose to sniff out those games would you yeah damn [Music] fo would you look at that two grand slams in one day check out what's on the menu ladies who him did you see what's in his cart he's a Manchild you see Manchild I see babysitter oh hell no oh I told you we was going to rob your ass didn't I [Music] [ __ ] got lucky today it's the mega score right here I was going to say all this stuff man yeah it's a lot for you down down Super Nintendo oh yeah all right the goods are in the car we're loaded this is the homeless encampment let's go park and talk to him see what's good that guy's fishing I wouldn't eat no fish out of this water all these homeless people pissing and [ __ ] in there you going to eat that fish we're going to the homes en camera right now here we go wish me luck let's go man hit that thing come on W man your boy Cy bang got that song man two grand slams one flea market and a whole bunch of stuff in between that I didn't get on video but I am going to show you including a rare NES game that I've never found before really excited a lot of stuff to show there was even a third bundle that we got from the homeless encampment but we don't have time and I don't have space to show you that so we'll save that for the next video or another video in the very near future so let's dig in two big bundles one of them is Capcom 3 and um just a blessed day really really good freaking day day doesn't always happen like that but when it does let it come man when it rains it pours I'm with it let's go dude let's not waste no time we got a lot of stuff to go through and yeah man put on your seat belts my dudes it's going to be wild I promise you let's go bam my dudes I hope y'all got them seat belts on man this reveal is about to be huge I have to call in some backup OG hey OG hit him with that bow man I ride I ride the best cuz I come from the West baby let me show you how I ride when I ride I ride bowow bow baby like that [ __ ] that's a f Dy [ __ ] baby [ __ ] sh man oh man oh man your boy cdy Bank we got Grand Slam number one right there Grand Slam number two right here which is the Capcom bundle Capcom number three and we got everything in between man let's not waste no time let's dig in all right first item up we got that t games pinball got it for 20 bucks the Simpson shot glasses $10 49ers blowup helmet it's huge I got a PS3 controller no memory buying that Genesis games I have no idea where I got these from I don't have this one so that's pretty cool we got this pretty cool link keychain with the emblem I don't remember buying that either but hey I'm glad I found it few games right here 360 n PS3 I don't remember buying those we got the Ninja Turtles patch ended up getting for $5 looks kind of janky but it's still pretty cool we got some PS1 games Japanese don't remember where I bought these either empty cases oh boy guess they're not games they're just empty cases bow baby shatter hand quit playing with me do you believe I've been collecting for 20 years almost and I've never come across this game dude that sold it to me hooked it up for the 50 he said it sells for way more pretty happy to add that one to the collection but check this thing out B got the party game Blockbuster oh man I don't know what this is dude I got it for five bucks that's pretty cool I've never seen that let's open it take a quick look oh wow they make it look like a VHS that's dope here's the rules if you want to take a closer look check it out interesting all right let's go let's move over to the right that grand slam let's start over right here with Atari 400 Atari 800 games never find these type of games in the wild very seldomly usually they're loose but these are just empty boxes unfortunately that one is in the Box Return of the Jedi Star Wars we do got a few manuals with the cartridges such as wizard of War Mountain King and Buck Rogers made by Sega and we got some loose 400 800 carts check this out Sheamus translucent red case yeah I had never see that for the older game so that's pretty cool right there jumping over right here Secret Agent Clank PSP 3o a few basic guitar games and check this out we got Metroid music sheet right here looks like some kid cut it out of magazine or something feels more like newspaper but than magazine got the missing link music notes I don't know what this is but pretty funny it came with random paperwork over here Buzz codes for Game Genie some codes that's pretty cool not too sure what that is I feel like it's probably for Atari 400 or something like that Blade Runner manual not sure what system this is for and we got this right here Activision and duro manual Power Pad right there with the manual BB zapper with the manual we got a whole bunch of other manuals let's take a closer look they're all pretty self-explanatory I'm pretty sure you can read if you can't read type in the comments not I'll read them out to you but the best ones are going to be the Super Metroid Turtles in Time Super Metroid did come with match and insert claim dual turbo wireless remote system manual we got a Street Fighter manual the last owner they stapled their moves to the manual [ __ ] Donkey Kong Country with the match and insert we got the Dragon Warrior foldout map for the NES we got a whole bunch of foldout posters from Nintendo Power pretty cool posters in there all right we got some more posters there's 12 total six of these they're all one-sided posters and these six appear to be different let me open them up and show you real quick starting off right here we have the Dragon Warrior decided to open up and show you we got the combo Metroid with the Donkey Kong Capcom for the NES this is the one where we have six copies of right there got another one right here claim Blockbusters star Soldier and tiger Healey let's open up those bigger posters and take a closer look got them open for you we got The Rocketeer Dino War Star Wars Spy Hunter Tail Spin f-zero faceball Metroid that one is clean man Flintstones Sim City and here's the legend of Gaia hope I pronounced that right and it comes with a coupon pretty NE I like how it's cut on top like that anyways let me flip these and show the other side so they're all flipped and ready to go looks like most of them are going to be maps for different games River City Ransom Super Castlevania for scat Tom and Jerry got worm this one's not a map it's the Metroid one right here not too sure which one this one is not too sure what that is that's NES open and the old west I don't know what that is either all right let's move on check out these Nintendo Power super power supply catalogs summerfall 1994 winter 1994 spring 95 summer 95 and winter 95 let's check this one out see kind of stuff they have what figure mask where can I buy this this stuff still for sale what's up I don't see none of this stuff in the wild what oh wow these are cool oh look at those hats oh man how come you never see this stuff pogs cool cases yeah a lot of this stuff I've never seen before that is insane I'm curious I know you are too Metroid cards baseball bags shirts oh wow dude what's in this one oh look at that shirt dude oh look at that sweater imagine finding this stuff at goodwi Legend of GA Legend of Zelda these books are legends man oh my god wow really cool stuff I never seen that Nintendo case very nice I'm glad I have these right here let's move on to these books 1984 Transformers coloring books no joke look at that that's OG right there 1988 Flintstones coloring book from Great America that's a local theme park here in the Bay Area two Super Mario Bros magazines I guess part 1 and two Transformers vintage 1986 book okay got N64 power tip gives you all the secrets then we got some more books from Nintendo Power this is a strategy guide for Dragon Warrior and this is a tip book for NES games has a lot of Classics in there look at that ghost and goblins Bad Dudes Contra stuff like that let's move on to these Nintendo Powers I spread them out for you no Diddy we got the Ducktails Mega Man 2 Ninja Gate and power blade whole bunch of good ones man some of the better ones are going to be battle toads Mega Man and Dr Will's Revenge Super Castlevania and Metroid geek hang in there we got four items left from the first Grand Slam and one of them is this Atari 2600 in the the Box here's what came in it we got the console it's the four switch model came with the manual three controllers and one power supply next one up is a banger we got the stunt cycle in the Box this is what it's looking like this is clean man pretty cool it doesn't turn or anything you just have the accelerator right here uses a regular 2600 power supply no manual though but yeah dude box is really nice really sweet does have a little tear right there where the price tag was some [ __ ] ripped it off but that's a beauty this next one is not cheap got the CR gramar Atari 400 800 computer in the box man look at that looks like it belonged to Mr Lee but now it's Cy bangs here's how you put the cartridge in you got to press the button you slap it in there that's pretty neat dude I like that door this keyboard feels super firm it could use a cleaning and based on all these numbers on it is probably came out of a school there's no etchings on the bottom sometimes there's etchings when they come out of schools but here's what came in it two Atari age magazines the manual for the console then we got the game that came in basic programming and here's the manual and this thing is funny three-hole punch it's not stapled it's not together like how much extra would it have cost them to just bind it together anyways let's move on to the last two items and my dudes they are going to be fire items dude my favorite two items out of this bundle and if this ain't the definition of retro I don't know what is Psy this is right here alien syndrome Marquee from the arcade beautiful beautiful piece this is original Sega dude king of consoles right here that's a beauty man let's go almost forgot Double Dragon manual fold out insert that came packed in with GI Joe toys Lucas Arts pamphlet about their games in Star Wars all right let's get to the last golden item beautiful piece beautiful beautiful beautiful piece right there man Star Wars Episode One racer N64 t-shirt brand new in the B unused mint condition not a stain on it look at that picture me rolling in that thing dude let's freaking go by the way I figured out how to hang that thing up it doesn't go sideways it goes the long way yeah I'm kind of slow Burns it hurts cuty what did you expect I told you it going to be straight heat man I ain't coming with that weak stuff dude straight fire out here we almost done let's get to the Capcom stuff let me blow your mind man your boy Cy Bank know about that monster hunter generation tablecloth that thing is huge dude looks like a freaking sun over there man I got three of them Gran you in the bag quit messing with me all beautiful pieces I've never seen them I didn't know that existed let's move on to some games over here Sega baby Sega in the Box jumping over to the right summon television games whole bunch of them very clean they all have the overlays they all have manuals and we even got two special ones these two games are a little bit different than the rest they require special module for them to work which would be this thing right here in the Box voice synthesis module and what it does is it gives you in-game voice so pretty much without this piece these won't work and that's how it plugs into your system right there you see that and the cartridge plugs into that by the way all those games I just showed you those are not out of Capcom but they came from the same guy that sold me the Capcom stuff but these items right here woo now these are out of Capcom I don't know if they were rep placement cover arts or if they were just promo items they were handing out at E3 and they do have barcodes all of them do but when you look at the print quality it's not as good as the official games definitely looks like one step below as far as the uh the grade goes and quality but yeah they're still nice they're still pretty cool we got Okami Monster Hunter some really good stuff right here a few Japanese ones that's a nice one right there and there's four PSP ones Power Stone let's go now check these things out these are pretty interesting I don't know if they're posters or spec sheets or maybe they're both but take a look they're like a size of a sheet of paper pretty much but when you look at the back they're all identical they all look like something like this basically they list the consoles and the wars and things like that the Aladdin up in there these three are a little bit different than the rest because these three actually open up like a folder some have three pages and some like Dead Rising they only have two that's what the back is looking like pretty interesting stuff the next batch these all have either doubles or triples this is a really good one haunting grounds dark stalkers two of those Street Fighter Alpha two dark watch three of those only one of those but we got five of onisha 3 that's the only one that opens up like a folder there's three pages two Monster Hunters one Beatdown and a Steel Battalion last batch of posters right here is going to be straight fire my dudes the best of the best Resident Evil Dead aim two outbreaks one Resident Evil 4 Resident Evil deadly silent colde Veronica magical quest 2 and three Mega Man XA Mega Man X Mega Man Battle Network 3 oh my god dude too many Mega Man's to name look at that they all singles we got a few trip triples doubles and triples right here if you're wondering what's on the back same thing just like the rest a few specs beautiful pieces we're done with the posters but we do got some folders right there that we're going to dig in let's go you might have seen this folder for my Capcom 1 video well guess what now I got seven of these babies here's what came in it a lot of spec sheets Monster Hunter world of Resident Evil Street Fighter Devil May Cry and Mega Man these are the type of specs they show the age ranges of people that are playing them things like that let's move on to some of the better items my dudes nice big stack of Marvel versus Capcom infinite steel books you probably seen that my last video I had one of them there was also a few different ones in there nuto I don't know what this one is Resident Evil the Final Chapter Hitman and Hitman Trilogy really really nice steelbooks man I love these things all right let's move on those Smalls right here Devil May Cry chain brand new in the bag got a Ru patch we got a spec ops buckle down whatever that means pretty cool though nice and heavy right out of the Capcom we got Devil May Cry visual art book factory seal Lost Planet 2 strategy guy then we got a gem right here Resident Evil 5 clock brand new in the bag look at that that thing is pretty freaking epic man down here we got five Devil May Cry bags all Factory sealed did get these in the last batch now we got like six or seven of these straight fire right there look at that Capcom shirt don't know who that is or what game that's from but it's a beautiful beautiful piece man look at that art dude here's the front it says Capcom up there dated February 15 2017 and it's a large Just My Size how perfect is that let's go let's get to the big boy items on dudes hang tight we got five more bangers we're almost done get ready to see the best belt collection in the world dude let's go your boy Cy Bang three four 5 6 seven got seven Street Fighter belts all brand new they're all different except these two are identical and they are sweet few Resident Evil belts these two are doubles only one of them has a seat belt style buckle down here we got a few other belts these two are mystery not too sure what game they came from but we got a spec ops above that and a monster hunter generation get ready for the best of the best that Mega Man right there we got six of them beautiful belts they're all different all sweet all brand new most of them are going to be seat belt type of buckles but we have two that are standard buckles but take a closer look at those Beauties man wow dude I'm loving this one right here a lot I love them all actually I'm not trying to get the other ones jealous let's get to the last couple items getting close to the end we got two fight sticks for the Super Nintendo in the Box I just pulled this one out and this one is used but it's all there now this one I was shocked dude when I pulled it out brand new never used Factory perfect wrap right there for the cord unbelievable let's get to the last three items my dudes guess what the first console was the first video game console ever released bow if you guessed Odyssey you are right check that baby out Odyssey with the games all these games came in their original shipping box and the coolest thing about this box is from San Francisco 24th Street that is dope I don't know if this is the full set or not but the original Odyssey came in two runs if you look at the bottom of your console if it says run one it's about a 3 $400 price difference compared to the run two I always find run two still hunting for that run one check out these games wipe out volleyball Invasion funzo handball and baseball all mint All In The Box let's get to the last two items man did I ever tell you guys I'm a sucker for Super Nintendo consoles in the Box yeah man when I see Super Nintendo in the Box I got to grab it dude I don't have this variant right here it's the five free game rentals out of Blockbuster check that out this is a previous rental here's what came inside let's take a look it has the top usually these are missing oh my god dude that guy has a sun tan unbelievable let's see if the serial number matches I highly doubt it does if it's from Blockbuster and no it does not match that sucks but hey I'm still happy to have it everything's in there has the game it has all the cords came with the paperwork the manuals the posters so happy to have that let's get to the last item dude it's going to be rare you never seen it it's one of those items that wasn't sold to the public it was supposed to be for in store only so we're going to get to that right now then we're going to close this out thank you for hanging in there sure you guys ain't ready for this the final item the final boss best item out of everything I showed you the rarest one let's open it up let's take a closer look it's in its original shipping box it's never been assembled never been in store like it was intended we got the Atari 2600 test console man you ain't heard of that you ain't seen that until now your boy cuy bang come coming here with the heat Atari 2600 test console test your Atari 2600 accessories joysticks paddles power adapters you bring it over here we going to test it let's unbox this baby and let's see exactly what we have right here dude let's go 1982 that's when this baby came out look at that tari test console this is insane everything is still wrapped up in its plastic even has the screws the washers that's how it looks that's beautiful that is beautiful power adapter will get tested in here here or if you want to test the other end of the power adapter you test it in there controllers going here or the paddles pretty cool let's check out the back didn't come with a power supply but from what I understand it uses a standard Atari 2600 power supply for repair of this test console call I wonder if they still work we should try it one day but yeah this is it the gem of the batch the rarest item that y'all seen today this thing right here hope yall enjoyed it dude hope y'all liked today's episode this was so much freaking heat everywhere man can't be stopped we won't stop we're going to keep going let's go man your boy cuy bang that's it folks you made it to the end really long episode but well worth it man y'all seen all the gold all the gems you're probably wondering what I paid for all this stuff right all the Capcom stuff and all the stuff from the Capcom guy nine bills all that stuff from the first Grand Slam five bills and all the stuff in between I don't know maybe 100 or something sorry I don't want to read display and show you guys like I usually do I'm so tired saying my dudes forgive me I'm exhausted I don't want to redisplay everything and show you guys like I usually do at the end of the episode I just want to go to sleep I'm burnt out hope you enjoyed the show hope you enjoyed the items I know I did and hope I didn't hurt your head too much with all the bows and all the yelling this stuff genuinely gets me excited and happy like a little freaking kid I really love it dude I'm pretty sure you do too all right man until next time you stay safe you stay smart and you stay calculated my dudes you know we're going straight to the top me and you let's go your boy cdy bang could you knock off 5 bucks 25 bucks 25 bucks make it N9 I can do that for. for everything 2 23 24 25 bye swap me bye love you call me later babe give me your games food but playing with me that's my [ __ ]
Channel: Cuddy Collect
Views: 235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #swapmeet #fleamarket #videogames
Id: Nk0FInLwHoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 53sec (2393 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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