Unreleased Games - Game Sack

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hello and welcome to game set we are talking about unreleased games this time yen I'll be honest with either games that I played the majority of them I'm glad they weren't released because here big steaming pile of crap but there was a few exceptions there well I played some good ones so did you well thanks for handing me up the bad ones you're welcome and again we are playing these on real systems you can use the everdrive family to play a lot of these other other games can be burned onto CDs or whatever if you can find them they're up to you to find yourself we're not going to link you to them but have fun with that anyway I've got the first game so let's get right to it rescue on the Genesis is a game by Psygnosis and it was never released from everything I've read it was totally completely complete in this game you play as a futuristic Centurion who flies a ship around different areas in order to rescue miners to do this you hop out of your ship and run around on foot in fact it kind of reminds me a blaster master anyway you find the miner and you tell them to follow you back to the ship once you both get there that miner is considered rescued but be careful as the miners are not invincible nor can they do all the cool stuff you can do like float in midair for a limited amount of time some miners will give you tools that will help you get to areas where other miners are hidden after six of these levels you get to play a 3d stage where you fly to the next area hmm you think the developers ever plays starfox yeah I'm thinking they were pretty big fans these areas are a nice bonus and they're pretty cool the graphics are very good with lots of small details everywhere the music is outstanding with great sound quality and none of that screech eNOS of us made Genesis games maybe that's because it wasn't made in the US the game itself is also very fun to play and some of the puzzles can get a little complex the developer who made this game tempest was actually frustrated that the game got cancelled so they dumped the game and released it online themselves as freeware I really don't blame him at all for being frustrated pouring all that work into making this game and all of a sudden it just gets cancelled for no-one ever to see again yeah that would piss me off too they made a good game and it deserves to be played so check it out if you can mr. blue pea for the Super Nintendo is definitely a game for young kids is pretty much a game where you need to solve over simplistic puzzles to advance and reach the end of the level the puzzles range for matching faces memory type games and copying designs with falling blocks you can't lose in this game and if you make a mistake it's no big deal as you can just try again mr. blue pea is a mess though you can just tell by looking at him that he's a nervous wreck this is not how you want the hero of your game to look the music is very simple and unappealing and the Santa FX are just horrible the control of mr. blue pea isn't that great either but like I say it's a kids game so it might appeal to kindergartners who are learning about shapes and matching and stuff like that a much better blob type game is jellyboy - for the Super Nintendo this game was developed by Game Freak and as we know Game Freak has made some great games the first game in the series was actually released here in the USA under the name smart ball anyways jelly boy 2 plays fairly similar to the first game with some minor enhancements that makes it more user-friendly basically you and your friends have been turned into a ball I'm guessing your friends were taken hostage or something because at the end of each world you rescue one of them once you rescue a friend they become a playable character they all control the same but they each have different attacks these attacks are helpful and necessary to defeat enemies they range from projectiles to even a dash that can kill enemies besides these you can land on top of an enemy and just push down which will also kill them you have the ability to stick to walls and ceilings and slide along them I'm not sure if you can go around corners while stuck to a wall or ceiling as I always fell off this would be super helpful if you could anyways the game is as colorful as games get and the music is just as colourful and sweet which is great while playing I had a fun experience with this game and I really don't see why it wasn't released another unreleased Genesis game is Fido died oh by the world-famous third party koneko kenick oh I don't know how to pronounce it I guess Fido Dido used to be a mascot for 7up and in some places of the world he still is weird anyway right off the bat I really don't like the controls at all none of the buttons are where you'd expect them to be they seem to have been designed by someone who's never played a console game before anyway you play as Fido Dido who is basically just a pencil drawing and you've got to do some convoluted nonsense in each level each stage has a different task you need to accomplish like repairing the insides of your Genesis here now the concept of that is kind of cool but the way it came out here and not really the graphics are mediocre and the game just really isn't very fun some of the music is decent and it's definitely the high point of the game but really that's not saying much even though that this game is reportedly finished I'm almost kind of glad it wasn't released should I feel bad about that I don't know time tracks on the Genesis was also finished but never released I have no idea why not in this one you play as a character from the TV show who has the ability to slow down time for brief period so that you can do what you've got to do you like to kill people and bust open boxes but your absolute favorite thing to do is collecting stars and coins just like the TV show I've never seen or even heard of the show to be honest so I'm only guessing that this game is 100% faithful to the original material I mean it's a game it's got to be right the gameplay is fun but it can be pretty tough at times as there aren't any continues so be sure to bring all your skills to the table when you play this one it's time for PAL system so it plays a bit too fast on the US and Japanese consoles so if you don't live in Europe you'll need even faster reflexes but hey I like it that way the graphics are pretty good and at times exceptional the music is also pretty good and at times you guessed it wide exceptional there's definitely more good stuff than bad stuff here the Super Nintendo version of this game was actually released and is pretty much the same game except for the music it's nowhere near as good as the Genesis music by Tim fallin and as a result the game itself just feels a lot more boring overall this is a fairly fun game and it's always great to hear that Genesis outperforming the Super Nintendo in the sound Department Star Trek 5 was a super high-profile game for the NES that never came out I'm a huge Star Trek fan here's a picture of me standing next to my VHS copies of Star Trek 1 through 5 I love Star Trek 5 but I sure don't love this nest game just kidding I don't like the movie either actually the game man might be a little bit better but it's still awful first of all there are a ton of typos in this game like control Lily read lurid Brahe washed dice I'd yeah anyway there are four playable stages in this game in on each stage you get to play as a different character on stage one you play as Sulu who beams down on a one-man mission to free some people from the robe wearing villains Sulu can jump really high because you know he's a ninja it's really easy to get hit and die in this game you can barely even see these little cannons on the ground and you have to be right in their line of fire to blast them with your phaser speaking of phasers I thought it was set to stun how come all these guys are dying thankfully this game has a password if I enter the wrong password it tells me to be different but I don't want to be different I like Who I am anyway stage two has you running around the enterprise of Scotty trying to free Kirk Spock and McCoy you can enter tons of different rooms and they all look the same so have fun figuring this out oh and Scotty can float oops sorry I mean Scott Oh Scotty's the last character ever thought I'd see floating well maybe there's a ham sandwich up there somewhere in stage three you play as the enterprise itself flying through a field of blue asteroids if enough of them hit the ship well yeah you guessed it you die this is a cool change but it's tough to shoot the blue rocks without being pelted by another next stage please this is the last one where you play as Kirk in this stage Curt must find and defeat God like he does in the movie I like how the screen describing the stage doesn't even bother to finish his thought upon arrival on the surface of the creation planet Kirk well Kirk what what does he do what's my motivation for this stage yeah overall the controls are decent but the game design just sucks neither the graphics or music are anything special now if only the movie could have suffered the same fate as this game and been abandoned during production now we all know and love mr. nuts on the Super Nintendo right I mean how could anyone not he's amazing he was also released on the Mega Drive and the Game Boy Advance and he's clearly the sexiest squirrel mascot ever yeah I know there are so many nuts jokes I could come up with but I'm pretty sure they've all been done already anyway how about the unreleased mr. nuts - otherwise known as mr. nuts hoppin mad on the Genesis yep you're back braiding your nuts around again and this unfinished prototype this time they added a weird map mode where you go around and get hints open treasure chests and use bombs to clear your path in order to find the flags and each flag is a side-scrolling stage that you've got to clear at first these stages are really really short but they eventually get pretty damn long the controls definitely feel unfinished as I keep accidentally popping up a menu saying that the treasure chest has already been opened when I was just trying to get rid of the menu in the first place the side-scrolling stages can be pretty tough and I'm not sure there's any other objective I need to worry about other than collecting gems and making it to the exit the developers went all-out on the graphics here for a Genesis game the color is tremendously bright if you like pink this might actually become your new favorite game there's also some crazy multi-layer scrolling with tons of overlapping parallax especially vertically the sound effects are average but the music was surprisingly good I was surprised at how surprisingly good it was I might actually record a few of these tunes from my own personal listening pleasure on my iPod gameplay wise it's really easy to get hit and mr. nuts moves around really fast which only makes it tougher but like I said before I like it that way yeah sure not all the time I guess also I feel that the overhead mat portions play way too big of a role in the game but still I'm glad I stumbled across this game because it really showed offs on the super sweet 16 bit powers of my awesome sega genesis jim power the arcade game was another cancelled game for the genesis this one is based on a game for the amiga and other exciting european computers you play as jim power who is powerful in name only in reality he is extraordinarily weak one touch from anything and he's dead even small drops of water can skeletonize them in less than a second what a wimp it's a pretty tough platformer unfortunately you get some decent weaponry to help you out everything has a very euro feel to it I'm not saying that's a bad thing it's just you know you can tell where it was made the game also wants to be a horizontally scrolling shooter in some stages these are okay like the platforming segments it's really easy to get hit and die the graphics are really good but the scrolling is I never thought I'd say this but perhaps it's a little overdone at times it can even be distracting as a bonus you can get a real 3d effect if you wear a pair of sunglasses with only the left eye covered while playing the 3d effect only appears when the screen scrolls and only when you're moving to the right it works best on the shooter stages since the screen is constantly scrolling also the game is designed so that you rarely even need to walk to your left the music is great but there's only one tune in this unfinished version a version of this game came out for the Super Nintendo and even for the PC engine CD ROM in Japan and it has super-sweet music well Joe first good half of the show I suppose I mean there's like I said crappers in the newsroom they were pretty good well you got mr. blob man or what is it called mr. something no loopy yeah yeah amazing amazing amazing yeah really so anyways well you had mr. nuts oh hey big fan Annette's yard you can't yeah you have nuts on your Sunday's you have nuts on your cheat and give Ness anyway you've got the first game after this I think we've still got some good ones to look at um so let's get going okay son man on the NES by Sunsoft is a game that was never even announced much less released I mean usually you'd see at least a screenshot in a magazine about a game but not this one and it seems to me like it's 100% complete anyway you play a son man who has a cape he can fly and he plays kind of similar to son tops others Superman games maybe that's because this actually was originally a superman game but sunsoft lost their license and so it became son man hell even the title screen barely makes an attempt to hide his Superman origins in some stages you run across the ground and punch enemies and other obstacles that are in your way you can float by pressing the UP button and drop by pressing jump there's also flying levels and these are not fun at all because it's almost impossible to not get hit by the enemies or their shots check out this boss fight where I need to punch this missile how am I supposed to avoid all that I managed to make a pass though you're doing great son man the control while platforming isn't too bad you get three lives and two continues the graphics are pretty good they're what you would expect from sunsoft on the NES and there's even some effects here and there that you don't see in too many NES games the music is nice and it fits the game but you know it's not as good as Batman or blaster master or anything like that overall I'm not sure why this game was canceled as there are plenty of released games that are far worse than this one major damage is an abandoned project for the Saturn by Capcom of all people her companies I mean companies aren't people anyway this is clearly a very early prototype as a lot of the sprites are glitchy and the collision detection on the vertical surfaces hasn't been programmed yet you start out by picking your character it doesn't matter which one because they both play exactly the same way you wander around shooting stuff and it's basically a run-and-gun it's really easy to get hit in this game because you're pretty big and the controls are really slow thanks to some of the excessive animation it can take what seems like at least a second to jump after you press the button still your life meter is large and it's pretty tough to die the graphics are decent I guess they have that 2.5 D look but the gameplay is strictly 2d oh hey why not stop at salmonella Sam's for some of their delicious sushi chicken mmm once you get to the end of the third area the game resets to the title screen anyway Capcom cancelled this game because well they get canceled the Saturn they pitched it to Sony on the PlayStation but they said it looked too much like blast oh perhaps the best thing about this game is that it makes a reference to Street Fighter 4 how did they know that game would come out it's like they could see into the future how about toejam and earl 3 on the sega dreamcast this one was about 4 or 5 months away from completion before it was cancelled and moved to the original Xbox instead this game is a lot like the first toejam and Earl on the Genesis where you basically just got to run around and collect as many presents as you can and make it to the elevator to go up to the next level toejam and Earl both have a lot of voices this time around and of course they're full of tude yeah what's up weighted mean I think I've been here before I don't know I kind of like the voices there's also a third alien who's been added to the playable roster of characters her name doesn't even get to be in the title of the game so I guess she's not very important I'm out of here like the first game you're best off by running away from the Earthlings as they're pretty hard to defeat if not impossible however you can funkify most of them which gives them an afro that seems to make them stop chasing you around for a bit and it's really tough to escape a lot of the enemies who do chase you you still have presents that you can use to help you get away like the spring shoes the levels don't seem randomly generated this time around and when you fall off you just go back to the start of that very same level in the original game you fell down to the level before and if that happened in this game that would require loading time and that would have sucked this game was going to have multiplayer online play which they actually took out of the Xbox version that version came out a few months before Xbox Live is launched overall the game is somewhat decent and that's interesting to play it on the Dreamcast the graphics are pretty good for the most part but all of the trees are 2d objects so they're always facing directly towards you which makes them look like they're spinning when you turn around the music is definitely appropriate with lots of funk and some arranged versions of the older tunes someone bought a Dreamcast dev kit on eBay and found this game on the hard drive and made it bootable so you never know what other secrets may still be lurking out there waiting to be found yes some money now that's what I'm talking about mr. tough on the supernintendo by the same guys who made firepower mm is a basic platforming game where the object is to smash a certain amount of pillars in each level what an interesting concept I can't believe nobody's thought it as before the levels in this game are all fairly short you go through each destroying enemies along the way mixed with a small amount of platforming trying to find these pillars once you smash the last pillar the level is over there are boss fights at the NW which is nice the controls are fine and work well enough graphically the game isn't bad and actually looks fairly good the music's not great but it doesn't detract from the overall experience I'm not sure why this game didn't get released as it feels fairly complete I probably wouldn't have bought it though as there are much better games out there but who knows wilee coyotes revenge for the Super Nintendo is exactly like the cartoon the whole time I played I chased and chased the roadrunner but never caught him I mean really what's the point of this game if you can't catch the damn roadrunner beats the hell out of me this game was supposed to be the sequel to Death Valley rally which itself was quite the turd I've never been a big fan of Looney Toon based games they just feel like shovel where to me they seem super cheap like they were just made to make a quick buck and they usually have no substance at all this game is no different and in my opinion I'm glad it never got to the assembling line it's really quite boring the game controls okay but not great there are some branching paths that you Traverse back and forth trying to catch the ever elusive roadrunner I mean I've got the damn bird in my grasp in nothing he just speeds away why even bother there is some music here but it's so quiet I can't make any of it out at all the sound effects are the best part of this game they seem to be taken from the cartoon and it's the only thing that added any enjoyment to this game at all you think the game was canceled because there's no point to it but in actuality it was cancelled because of Sun sauce bankruptcy one of the higher profile unreleased games is the original half-life for the Sega Dreamcast this was hot stuff back then but nowadays everyone's totally up this guy's asked to release half-life 3 this is an extremely ambitious game for a console back then and from what I played it's really good you will be running into this though and you'll be running into it a lot anyway you stars this Gordon dude you go into this big room all by yourself to do some science and then of course something bad happens now you think all this would turn you into a superhero but no instead you get monsters and aliens roaming around everywhere the first weapon you'll get is your crowbar you can attack with it and of course do other things like break glass so that the glass is not there anymore and stuff like that later on you'll get all sorts of different weaponry but the crowbar almost never runs out of ammo the control feels really good for the Dreamcast pad and pretty natural for the most part I didn't really have any problems with it but this is coming from a guy who's not really into first-person shooters you can also use the keyboard and mouse to control the game but I don't have a Dreamcast Mouse I'm kind of tempted to get one now actually the graphics are pretty good for the Dreamcast and sometimes you get 60 frames per second and other times maybe five it quite literally varies all over the place all the time that's because this version has the HD texture mapping pack so it looks a little better than the original unpatch release on computers there's not a ton of music in this game but when you first put on your suit it starts rocking out that's how you know you are a badass there's also some ominous music in other areas as well there's also quite a bit of voice work in the game Lauren mr. Freeman looks like you're running late but you wouldn't believe the low times on the way to work this morning now let me out of this thing you tampon you can also play the blueshift expansion pack remember expansion packs back in the days before DLC anyway it's built right into the Dreamcast version here this game was due to be published by Sierra but they cancelled it at the last minute due to changing market conditions gee thanks guys we sure love you Steven Seagal is the final option was an unreleased game for the Super Nintendo by tech magic they came received a fair amount of press back in 1993 for his digitized characters and Steven's participation in that games development no no he didn't do any of the code writing but he did model for his on-screen character anyway the game was never released in as far as I'm concerned this is a good thing I'm probably not the best person for this review as I really don't like games with digitized characters like this I know this is just a beta version but everything is so sloppy and the controls are slow and horrendous I don't know what the storyline is but I'm guessing there are these evil scientist's out to do something really evil like maybe make chemical weapons or something Steven Seagal doesn't like this so he decides to kick the ass of every scientist he sees in anyone else that just happens to be close by controlling the game is kind of similar to flashback or Blackthorne but much much worse you feel like you're in quicksand all the time I think the background graphics are fine but when you put these ugly digitized models on them they get ugly everything gets ugly the music is easily the highlight of this game it kind of makes you feel like you're on a mission to kick ass so that does help all in all it's really a good thing this game wasn't released the Super Nintendo didn't need any more crap games like this and I would be very surprised if Nintendo actually put a seal of approval on the box so surprised that I might have even been slightly mad at Nintendo yeah right all right Dave so which would you rather play half-life on the Dreamcast with all those loading times or Steven Seagal is the final solution or whatever the hell well oh that's a tough one Joe um is it really yeah I'm gonna go with half-life though because Steven Seagal just plain sucks you know what do what I wash it oh I'm sorry well you know he's probably happy to agree released either because of how crappy it turned out maybe I don't know maybe that game was only like 70% complete and you know maybe what it turned out awesome but had he done anyway that was certainly not all of the unreleased games that are out there on there are quite a few that I wanted to put in this episode but didn't because you know we don't want the episode to be six hours long and I don't want to work my ass off making just one episode so anyway let us know if there are any that weren't in this episode that you'd like to see the next time we cover this because I'm pretty sure there will be a next time and in the meantime thank you for watching games say all right you're gonna like this unreleased game Dave it's for the parity 2x called Richard Gere's virtual gerbil now basically you're supposed to guide the gerbil through these colorful tubes and find the exit I don't know I've never really done it why are the gerbils legs moving I maybe because it's well lubricated in there I really really don't know dude why don't you think this game was released even I'm guessing because Richard Gere pulled out and they lots of celebrity endorsement and they just didn't want to say it again okay okay I've had enough why don't we try this other unreleased game that I know it's called Bill Clinton's virtual stain the system is it for oh it's for the 32x
Channel: Game Sack
Views: 422,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sega, nintendo, turbografx, pc, engine, gameplay, video, games, retro, prototype
Id: _LpV2Y32-BU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 51sec (1611 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2014
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