Unreal Engine for Fortnite (UEFN) - UE5 Tech Demo and Roadmap (Metahuman) | State of Unreal 2024

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incredible year this year, and you were a critical part of that. This time last year, we launched unrelated to Fortnite and the new creator economy to fuel investment and development in the Fortnite ecosystem. And today we have lots more to share about what's next. Since we launched the beta, we've released countless features, and you've built and published more than 80,000 incredible experiences that have been played by more than 130 million players. Let's take a look at some highlights from the islands. Published with Uofm . The breadth and depth what you've been able to make in Uofm continues to amaze us. Like every day feels like Christmas. Like when we go in and see what people are publishing and your amazing work has already resulted in more than $320 million paid out since we launched Uofm and Creator Economy 2.0. There's no secret path to success. When you publish a game in Fortnite, you make a game. Players play it and you get paid. But we're not here to talk about what's already happened. Instead, let's take a look at some of the highlights of what's new in Ufn for 2024. So with recently released features, you can now design top down gameplay. Sidescrollers and more. Try out the fixed point camera, fixed angle camera, and third person camera devices all for yourself. And later this year, we're happy to finally announce that we're going to release the highly requested first person camera. It took a while. We know, and we're making more IP from Epic's portfolio, widely available for use in creator made experiences. I'm here to share that we'll be adding Fall guys assets, animations, and of course, lovely fall Guys beans to you in May so you can build your own frantic obstacle courses right inside Fortnite. And also starting today we're releasing rocket racing templates and devices for you to build your own racetrack using the same track designs we use to build rocket racing. So for the next stage of Fortnite and ultimately the metaverse that epic is building towards, we need tools to solve for interoperability, scalability and resilience. That is what led us to develop verse a powerful programing language that we released last year and since we introduced verse, we've added loads of new features persistence, runtime error, telemetry, incremental garbage collection. We're continuing to move as fast as we can. And on top of that, this year we are introducing that. We are building a scene graph system built right on top of the verse language. It's an entity and component framework that enables you to dynamically manipulate objects in your game. The system is designed to be simple, easy to learn, and eventually powerful enough to build game content. And an important point about the scene graph is that while it's coming first to Ufn, it will eventually become the foundation for all content built in the engine. We're starting with an experimental version launching in the next couple of months, with the goal of Scene Graph being available to all creators in ufn by the end of the summer. If you want to learn more, we have a scene Graph Talk tomorrow at 4 p.m. over in Mosconi. So So next this year we're also going to be enabling physically simulated characters in UFM and creative. And the ability to dynamically simulate any static mesh. So this is basically the Lego Fortnite physics and destruction system that we worked really hard on, that now being released broadly for all creators, we're super excited about the potential of true networked physics sandbox gameplay to enable creators to make interactive and emerging games that were previously not possible in Fortnite. So beyond the technical, the technical capabilities of the tool, just as important as making your game, is finding your game. We saw new islands published in Fortnite go from 50 islands a day to well over 500 brand new experiences published every single day in Fortnite. So in discoverability is a key focus of ours. The goal is to give every island a chance to find an audience. We've already done a lot over the last year to improve discover, and now we're going to be adding features and functionality specifically to the creator pages, including ability to follow creators, link out to social media platforms, and make it much, much easier for you to build your own distinct community. So we've talked a lot about what's coming to you in 2024. That's a much deeper roadmap. Talk tomorrow that I encourage you to go and see in Moscone. But let's talk a bit about like, what are we doing next for our first party development here at epic? So we've always used our own games to push the engine forward, make sure it's battle tested for creators, and it's time for Fortnite development to move over to Ufn and verse. By the end of 2025, we are going to ship our first season of Fortnite Battle Royale developed in the oven. So by moving our primary development to Ufn and verse, our aim is to accelerate feature development and ultimately result in a much more robust toolset for all developers. Faster and what it means to everybody that that chooses to use Ufn is that this is us ensuring that you're going to be able to build experiences at the level and depth and quality of battle royale going forward. Right inside Fortnite. So there's a lot more coming for creators in 2024, and some of those features are much better shown in person and in a live demo than me. Just talking about them. So why don't we welcome Pat and Michael to the stage and they can show you more? Hey everyone. All right. Thank you. Saxe. You mentioned the evolution of Wbfn, and now we'd like to share a project that we've been using to drive that progress. Hey, Michael. Hi everybody. Here we are running live in Ufn, and Michael's playing for us. We're surrounded by just a handful of the prefab buildings and props you can find in the content folder of every project. But if you can't find the exact theme or the art style that you're after, you're going to need to customize. For example, what if you wanted to make a game set on a classic 1970s style sci fi spaceship? Let's step into this rift and show you what can happen. When come to The talisman, a deep space cargo vessel, we built this ship to show you how unique your world can look when you create high quality, custom assets and bring them into your oven experience. Hey, Michael. Yeah? Can we get Bright Bomber back? We still need a player to help us look around. I think she should be dropping in soon. Oof! Okay, maybe not the most elegant entrance ever, but she made it. And now we can start to explore the ship straight away. We're switching off the Fortnite HUD with the HUD controller device so we can show you more of our environment. As Sachs mentioned earlier, cameras are also one of the things that can be customized in Ufn for example, with the new orbit camera device, we can push way in pass the player entirely. Let's use this camera to explore the crew quarters. All right. This view allows you to focus more on what the player is looking at, and it's helpful if you're interested in making more narrative style games. All right. How about we compromise and back out halfway so we can see more of our player again. All right great. Now we're moving across the hall to the common room in the galley. I'm excited for you to see the complexity of lighting in these rooms. We're optimizing for lumen by selectively disabling shadows, reducing light overlap, and swapping in light functions for geometry, shadows. Customizing the look and feel of your Ufn game is going to be a consistent theme in 2024 and beyond, combining release devices and verse code as we are here gives you the control and the freedom to make your experience unique. That verse code you just saw actually has to do with assigning our player a quest. We're going to trigger it using several standard devices, but instead of going back to the Fortnite UI, we've styled the pop up messages and the maps to fit our sci fi experience. All right, you'll notice there's a waypoint on the map for us now, so we've got a mission to find our crew, so let's get moving. It's worth noting, even though we're showcasing a tremendous amount of detail inside the ship, the total environment still checks in under 200 megs. It's incredible that you can get this level of visual detail in that size profile. And to achieve this, we're relying on a combination of mid poly kitbash parts, fully procedural materials, and mesh decals with efficient build techniques, you can make big games fit into small packages. All right, according to our mini map, our objective is waiting for us on the other side of that door over there. Let's go check it out. I'm glad you're here. The crew's been waiting for you, and we're ready to help you build what's next? Come on, let's go. All right. Eddie, humans are now available for import into Ufn as non-player characters. Thank you. So Michael's jumped us back into the editor so we can get a look at our captain behind the scenes. As you can see, we carefully optimize for both quality and efficiency. We've gone from almost one gig for a hero metahuman down to approximately 60 megs in Ufn with an average complexity hairstyle, and we wanted to make this process as easy as possible. You just save your custom metahumans and the metahuman creator. This captain character was based on the room at a human preset. Once you have your creation saved in My metahumans, they'll be available to you in our new metahuman importer in Ufn. And depending on your project's requirements, there are also multiple quality options for you to choose from. Now we can't talk about metahumans without also addressing the workflow creators use for creating costumes. There are many ways to author clothing, but in this case, we're using Marvelous Designer, a leading digital clothing software. In fact, we worked with our friends at CLO, the makers of Marvelous Designer and CLO 3D, to integrate our metahuman body data into their software and provide a new USD export option for your garments. That export includes geometry, materials, and the data you need for simulation setup. Now on screen, you're seeing the garment that was exported from Marvelous Designer. Being brought into the cloth panel editor in 5.4, and from there we're setting up custom chaos simulation that have realistic cinema quality looks as part of this tech. In the upcoming UI 5.4, we're introducing an auto SIM setup that has SIM data and ingest auto Lod generation and auto skinning. In addition, you always have the option to take a more bespoke approach like we have here. If you want more iterations and finer control. Okay, cloth physics are available in Ufn as early access starting today. And now we'd like to show you how easy it is to dress a metahuman character. Michael is going to demonstrate this for us. Live in the Ufn editor. All right, take it away, Michael. Thanks, Pat. So the first thing we're going to do is hide the default outfit that came in from metahuman creator. Next, we'll add a new chaos Cloth component. This allows us a place to drop our new dynamic cloth object. This was actually created in Marvelous Designer set up in 5.4 and imported here into Ufn. Now that we have that, let's, add a new animation so we can see how the cloth moves and we come down to the cloth, turn on simulate. And just like that, we have moving cloth here inside Ufn. All right. Cool. So from there, our metahuman is ready to be used in the game. And we're really excited to offer cloth physics in Ufn for the first time. It's so important for creating convincing characters, and you're not limited to clothing or characters. You can use cloth physics anywhere in your environment. At last year's State of Unreal, you saw the power of Metahuman Animator in you, and we're pleased to say that those same tools are now available to creators in Ufn and don't forget using our latest character device. You can also add a performance to some of your favorite Fortnite characters. You might have seen this in the recent joke Night Experience, produced by Trevor Noah. For getting captured data into oven, we recommend using our new Live Link Hub application. This allows almost all capture devices that can stream to Ue5 to also stream directly into Ufn and get recorded there, even more third party devices will be supported in Live Link Hub soon. What's next for the talisman is really up to you as creators. It's just one example of the many worlds that you might be dreaming of building for your next game. We've presented a workflow you can use to make compelling characters in a much clearer path for dynamic clothing. I'm really excited to see what comes next. Metahumans as NPCs and cloth physics are available in Ufn today, and the talisman environment is playable in our booth here at GDC. It'll be released as a template soon. We also have a tech talk here at 3:30 p.m. this afternoon. That explores the techniques we use to create this project. Thank you sax. Turn things back over to you. Thank you both. Huge thank you to everyone who built the demo. And it's so awesome to see metahumans finally make their way to Ufn and to celebrate that we're starting next month. Ufn creators will get a one year license to Marvelous Designer for free to clothe the digital humans in Ufn
Channel: IGN
Views: 227,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine for fortnite, uefn, state of unreal, ue5, unreal engine 5, unreal engine, unreal engine 5 graphics, unreal engine 5 games, unreal engine 5 gameplay, unreal engine 5 demo
Id: hQdqGP6RF0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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