What's Inside the World's Most Exclusive Club?

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this video is sponsored by any desk in Berlin there is a building a building few enter But many try it is the hardest Club to access on the planet hundreds of people are rejected in a night no one except those lucky enough to get in knows what it looks like on the inside that is until now I will show you what is inside the world's most notorious nightclub I'll show you what's inside parakai Sophie is a 23-year-old German who grew up in Bavaria she doesn't speak to her mother but she does stay in contact with her Volkswagen employed father a year ago she moved to Berlin to pursue a career as an artist she works mostly at cafes though her backpack is filled with multiple outfits some who get into barine stay for days for so her bag is a tool a signal to the strictest bouncers in the world that she's no amateur it's cold in her fishnets the line starts to move in 1949 Berlin was separated by ideology between East and West their Visions on urban planning divided two the second world war destroyed homes new ones had to be built and both sides wanted to flex I speak of course of West Berlin a huge vibrant City with its Great Main Road comparable in breath and luxury of its stores to our CH in the west the center became the bright Shide plots the kuram its most attractive boulevard shops where you can find everything cafes restaurants that are always full and especially at night in the East it became Alexander plots and right next to it the East German Elites plan the construction of a grand new socialist Boulevard the Stalin Al thein the first socialist Street in East Germany it would increase the amount of homes and try to advertise the strength of socialism through concrete and mortar it also created barine in the 1950s the DDR adopts the 16 principles of urban design a lesson on urban planning from a Russian parent to a German [Music] child the Soviets said that organized housing blocks should be built first so the East Germans did they built six to seven story tall buildings with restaurants movie theaters and other amenities this was a time when the refrigerator was a symbol for luxury the apartments in Stalin Ali had space built for [Music] them the Soviets said to build parallel next to water the stal Al [Music] was the boulevard was built with public transportation amenities and with restaurants and worker buildings but the Stalin Al needed one more thing to complete it a plant to power it in 1953 the DDR constructs a heating plant it's 1:30 in the morning Sophie is closer she's at a point in the line where her vibe of depressed art student will be vital in getting her in if she even gives off the slightest hint that her father sends her more than each month her chances will be ruined right in front of her is a group of loud British men equipped with puffy NorthFace jackets and piles of makeup that happen to come with a British girl attached gut Sophie thinks to herself the Brits will be rejected in an instant the bouncers will be more likely to accept a familiar German after when the Berlin Wall fell East Berlin became a shell while the West filled in the East buildings emptied the city was sliced in half by the wall and after its Stitches the city remained near million East Germans have asked for visas where almost every single European capital is an economic hub for their country Berlin isn't if France lost Paris it'd be poorer if Britain London the same but if Germany Berlin it would be richer it doesn't really have any major companies it isn't the home base for a tech behemoth and its pole for capital is weaker than Munich or Hamburg but Berlin does have one other thing that the others don't it has Edge the leftover buildings in the East became abandoned breeding grounds for techno was regarded as Berlin's most important gay club run by Michael tuell and Norbert dorong it was a place for a different type of music and offered protection for different types of behavior but in 2003 it had to close the city had set its sights on a brand new stadium ot's owners had to find a new empty building Sophie can see the bouncer the Brits are the the only thing standing between her and entering beine in front of them is a man named Sven not someone you'd want to argue with tonight he'll have to fight the fragile male British ego o all right mate Goen to mine friend Jamesy what does he mean M are you taking the Mickey n we've been waiting out here for [ __ ] hours does he mean we should come back at night9 the British men were pulled away by two bouncers Sophie became excited two excited she composed herself and made herself think about the banality of existence and then about how her thinking about that made her edgy and cool producing the perfect combination of facial muscles that could get her into the club it was her turn now Sven was in front of her Sven began working for osut the strict door policy helps administer is not just a marketing tactic it's necessary to keep people away from the prying eyes of adults who are once kids that told an others in elementary school Sven protects those who would be told on to get through Sven and his team of bouncers there are many unspoken rules people think you should follow be in a small group wear black look bored and somewhat indifferent do not speak and if spoken to speak German but these rules really aren't that black and white getting into beind comes down fundamentally to a Vibe Sophie's identity was crafted through years of not eating enough by a distant emotionally unavailable workaholic parent and an Arts education filled with regret tonight her vibe is enough Sven kns and lets her pass when making these videos there are lots of times where I wish I could leave my grandparents basement but I'm always locked in by my PC which is where I render these 3D animations any desk without exaggeration is a literal life Cher it allows me to access my PC from anywhere and it does it seamlessly Lightning Fast connection speeds make it feel as though I'm right back in my room transferring files is easy and that's crucial for large 3D animation work where every second of upload and download time counts its simple user interface means that even my grandma can use it what sets any desk apart is its commitment to security it's a European company meaning data security and privacy are non-negotiable I feel confident that my computer access is secure it has a 99.98% uptime works well in low bandwidth and it is a game Cher for remote video editing it's changed how I work try out nesk at anydesk.com [Music] when we speak of barine we are mainly speaking about this section there's also the Hala which is a much larger chamber that's on the backs side of the building but this area is more publicly accessible and does not have a cult following surrounding it when we speak of barine we're actually talking about four floors each with separate clubs located here the most recently opened Club is called soila located on the ground floor floor the barine dance floor is on the main floor and then there's the Panorama bar located on the top floor beine is where they play techno music which is open from Saturday evening until Monday the Panorama bar on the other hand is for lighter house music the last and fifth place is the male exclusive laboratory it has a separate more mysterious entrance at the side of the building which goes to the basement of barind in the main building there are also dark rooms for play but the lab is the more exclusive and restricted location sometimes beind and the lab are connected via soil and only men are admitted to the entire building but the majority of times it's separate the interior was designed by Studio carheart who had to navigate a fine line between maximizing Freedom while minimizing chaos bound and is resistant Baran has an ice cream bar multiple normal ones dark rooms and large unisex bathrooms there's also sometimes an opening to a garden on the outside for for a club that is based on exclusivity and secrecy it needs to be safe enough so that it can protect itself from having to be opened up to the outside [Music] [Music] [Music] beine may be exclusive because it's good for marketing it might have an air of secrecy so that more people try and get in but at this point it should be clear to you that what's inside is underwhelming to explain I can show you a floor plan stainless steel bathrooms and a stalinist facade but I can't make you smell the sweat hear the droning sound of techno or feel the Comfort some fine within its walls beine was a fortress born from a time of authoritarian restriction today its rules remain to protect a place beyond definition thank you for watching if you'd like to support the channel consider checking out the link on screen to grab a building kit
Channel: Hoog
Views: 2,368,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rAbe9QJD7LA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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