Unreal Engine 5.3 Tutorial: Creating Stunning Waterfalls

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[Music] no [Music] d hello everyone today we're going to create water material so first I'm going to delete this floor I'm going to select this all theet I'm going to P this outside go to landscape and set the landscape accent size to 127 127 quads and hit create I'm going to create a landscape material for this landscape I suggest you to go uh a BM Marketplace there is a uh free asset which is available you can download them and you can add into our project by clicking uh to project it's completely free so once you added you can go to the content dryer there is a folder called stf so you can open up this stf and double click go to environment landscape landscape version two so version two I'm going to so right click create a material instance okay can create a metal instance I'm going to give a name uh water environment just give a name okay and uh I have created a folder so yeah Senter and uh you can click and drag drop into the folder water tutorial so move here so have this so I'm going to select this material and select the landscape I'm going to assign landscape material so once you apply go to landscape I'm going to sculpt uh before that go to paint the paint layer go create a layer info by clicking on the plus and uh select this BL going to leave the name as it is now you can see we have the landscape material with auto generator uh Fage next I'm going to go to the tab sculpt select the sculpt and set the tool strength [Music] to18 hold shift and click and drag we can able to P the landscape down okay fine then I'm going to set up the noise noise scale I I will make it about 30 or 25 20 or 25 so it create noise so actually you can smooth the center so there uh I'm going to create a water uh in the center so I'm smoothing to increase the tool stren okay you can see I have created the landscape something like this most yeah looking good let's go back to selection now you can see the rock tiling is looking very small so you can go to content draer go to the folder open up the material so inside the material instance scroll down all the way down to tr planner mapping and here uh first I'm going to adjust the Trion Rock text scale so I'm going to make 2500 okay and I'm going to change this detail also 2 it's fine I can't give 3,000 okay fine close it now I'm going to create a plane so click OD stapes plane and I'm going to reset the position increase the size to 300 this down I think it is too much so you make 200 works okay looking good now I can see this and this is going to be the water so for water material I'm going to create a right click new material emore okay so double click to open and click and drag and dock into the S okay to create water material you have to first select the material change the shading model to single layer water now you can see there is a error warning uh in order to make a single layer water you have to create the single layer water material output so if I right click type single layer water material output which is independent uh because we're not going to use this color this color is going to Define by this and the opacity also it's going to Define by this so you can see there is a scattering coefficient absorption coefficient and face behind water so first uh for this I'm going to Define by color uh I'm going to create a three vector by holding three on the keyboard and left click that creates three Vector I'm going to convert this into parameter I'm going to call this name score color by default I'm going to set this color to white and save then uh I'm going to use color and intensity also so I have to increase the intensity of uh scattering coefficient so use multiply node to create a m uh intensity hold M or WR click you can search multiply hold M and left click connect to a right click on the B promote to parameter going to give name SC intensity okay so I'm going to leave the default value to zero next I'm going to create a divide node divide node we use it most of the time for blur are fading out kind of effect so hold D and left click you can create a divide node connect this into a the B I'm going to right click from mode to parameter going to call this SC fil okay then I'm going to connect this into scattering coefficient okay so next I'm going to duplicate the whole thing control D so same network I'm going to use it for uh absorption coefficients so I'm going to rename this all uh parameters which I have created BC F2 see connect this into to this okay good next uh color scale behind water um I'm going to I'm not going to use fade so I can use only this multiply control D select this if you want you can duplicate get this also but for this it is not necessary F2 I'm going to call BH behind F2 BH connect this into the color beginning that's all so we have created the color if I save this and uh I'm going to apply I do this so first you have to right click on the material create material instance apply this instant to the now you can see here we have the color dark and white doesn't looks good but you can open the you can open up this midle instance you can see we have all the parameter nodes are available that you can adust but you see that the attributes or are not in order so I have to reorder the attribute I have to organize this properly so that I can use it properly so let's go to the material first I'm going to select this SC parameters I'm going to put it in a group called give 01 underscore s 01 because the parameter order will be defined by alphabetical order so if I give 01 this will appear in the first group so this I'm going to put this into 0 to second group AC okay select them all and select this to going to make 03 uncore BH now with this groups if I save this and you can check out this parameter we have separate groups for each parameter groups now let's open up this all so first I'm going to enable this color and inity I'm going to change the color to Blue for example okay going to increase the intensity okay and I'm going to increase the fade you have to give uh fade about 100 or something we don't see any any different now because we have to Define opacity so for opacity opacity uh roughness and specular I'm going to create a parameter so right click on the specular promote to parameter to leave the name specular the specular value always I use point5 fine for roughness right click promote the parameter roughness value I like to leave zero and opacity I click promote the parameter leave it zero and save this now you can see you start seeing this color reduces IND density you see how nicely uh the color is fading according to the depth this fade if I reduce it it makes sharp blend so this is nice okay so then AC okay I'm going to increase this so immediately you can see that looks black because it gives so some metallic and if I increase this to about uh and reduce 200 something and you can change the color of this also this is really important AC absorption coefficient uh you have to give a negative color which means you are going to give uh blue you have to choose this yellow see right now it's yellow but you can see if I choose blue that's defines some orange color tint you can see here I have given this uh pink color but you can see the green that opposite color will appears in this I'm going to choose some somewhere this okay look at this and okay can increase the intensity and radi the intensity and you can modify that okay the cool thing is the behind water color so if I enable this uh if I increase this and you start seeing the brightness in the edge here if I see wherever uh you have the the the Water behind the color you know can changes so sometimes something like this but I'm going to leave this okay you can see here we get a nice smooth blend is happening you can control [Music] the things according to the the project okay you can see this nice then I want to create uh Ripples and water waves I want to create to create a wave I have to use uh normal map so I want to create some ripples on the water and I'm going I'm going to put this all these things into new group okay open up the water material I'm going to select this specular of and everything and the group I'm going to call this PBR okay so I just want to organize this little bit like them all just move out going to press C on the keyboard going call this uh single call it watercolor why know and with this comment selected so change the commment color to Blue going to command this C CB give it name okay set up the color okay next I'm going to create a normal map uh to get a normal map go to content draer go to settings enable uh so engine content and plugin content there are some few texts available in the engine content select engine search water and choose only texture enable this filter and you can able to see that there are some few normal maps are available so let's use this texture and I'm going to use this texture as well so I'm going to use two different textures to create the waves so let's connect this into normal okay directly if I connect this into the normal and you can able to see the depth you can see that looks really big I want to adjust the time of this uh water so go to water material and there is a option you tiling and V tiling you can able to edit this but I I'm going to control this UV dialing through parameter node so hold M for multiply node and left click Connect into the multiply then the B right click on the B promote to parameter I'm going to give uh name uh noral underscore e type because I'm going to create two different normals so connect this multiply into this the default value I'll give four okay save it now you can able to see the the vaves you open up this instant and now you can see there is a normal aing if I increase it you can set up how big you want the the normal Texas to be okay but you can see the normal intensity is too much so we have to reduce the intensity so you go to water material there is a material function called normal strength you can right click search Al length WS World space take this normal output into this for the strength I'm going to create a parameter so right click promote to parameter call this normal in intensity or stren you can call it by default I leave this one connect this into normal save this material now I change enable this normal a intensity I'm going to reduce it and you can see the the normal intensity we have reduced next I want to uh adjust I want to animate this water texture this normal to animate this we're going to animate in the UV coordinate actually so to animate there is a node called Panner Panner you right click type panel and you see this is uh have a coordinate we have a speed X Y so take this multiply and Connect into the coordinate this output goes to UV in the Panner node going to set01 on X sa now you can see the the animation is happening already save it now you see the water is moving on the X Direction but I want to control this animation interactively using a parameter node so I don't want to you know animate directly in the material if you right click and create a parameter what happens is this will affect both X and Y because this speed is a two Vector okay but but we have connected a one single uh scalar parameter so that will affect both X and Y simultaneously so what what will happen if I go and you see there is a speed if I increase it it's moving on X and Y so we can't control this individually X and Y so to do that so because I want to use different direction for uh this normal I want to use a different direction for this normal so disconnect this holding alt and disconnect this speed and I'm going to create uh another parameter two parameter which is going to Define X and Y the first one I'm going to rename normal a underscore a a x speed okay and contr E copy this name I'm going to paste it here F2 contrl V actually y speed let give a okay so both I have to combine them so we have a two scalar uh parameter I have to combine and I have to connect into the two Vector so to do this you can use upend Vector up and Vector will combine two vectors and and that gives a one single output so this using this we can able to adjust the direction individually so for example we go and you see this we have a this is a y speeed is set zero you can see this y speed set this x speed I can set this zero I can even give minus okay so that's minus Point 05 okay fine next I'm going to do the same setup for the normal B for example consider this is a normal B okay so first um every thing I want to put it in a parameter groups so that I can organize this all okay select all these parameters which I have created even this Tex sample also you can able to convert into parameter later on if you want to change the normal map you can change this normal okay select this all and and see let's right click uh convert to parameter give it [Music] normal a okay now select this all the parameters okay so I think good okay sorry going to give name normal a this is 04 I think 04 normally select this select this normal I'm going to set up the group normal a okay so then if I save this and I just wanted to show you how this is going to look on the metal instance open up this see this normally you can enable this you can change this if you want actually it's supposed to be four h okay no problem can select this all four select it okay next I can duplicate this all the thing except this okay contrl d contrl d can duplicate this connect now I have to rename this all um F2 call this B okay all right you can see I have renamed all the attributes I'm going to select this all the thing I want to put this normal uh sa uh I have to create a new group 05 uncore normal B select this that's it now I have to combine this two normal Maps as a one single I have to connect here there is a node to combine two normal map so you can right click search blend angle corrected normals blend angle corrected normals so you can combine two two normal Maps this is going to be the base this is additional the end result is going to be the now you can see here we have combined the both uh n map okay now you can see normal a normal B so I'm going to enable this normal B tiing I'm going to increase it I will reduce this intensity okay can increase little bit more then I'm going to adjust the Y speed1 02 now you can see the water both normal maps are going in a different direction that's giving the illusion like creating a rles and waves so I will increase the intensity of this one little bit okay I'll make this 01 on this direction -2 going to enable this x speed [Music] minus5 okay all right so you can able to edit them if you want you can see here uh the Water you see this water creating some nice ripple effect okay fine next I'm going to create waves on the edge ripples on the edges okay I want to create ripples on the edge so for that uh that ripples also I'm going to create uh using in the normal map itself so before that I have to organize this properly so select them all you can create a separate comment for this normal e so to create a waves in the Ed just so there is a node called nearest surface if you right click so it's distance to nearest surface node this will calculate any object to nearby this material it will affect Okay so I'm going to create um divide node so I'm going to make a fade okay divide and uh right click remove to parameter so this is going to be the distance Ripple wave R wave I can it wave let me show you this with the different material here a new material mcore going to paste it so distance to near surface distance wave and I have a divide and this I'm going to connect between hold l i can directly connect this okay you see this but we have this okay so let's create [Music] uh plane let's create another Spar okay now right click create metal instance play this and you see this is detecting this here if I move and you see the black color so that's interesting if I open up the instance and you can see the wave distance so that will increase the distance okay it's not right so I have it's a very minute one so you can see this is if I move it's creates the small uh the different color here okay so so that's what we are going to use for the water material so so um then I'm going to um invert this okay invert is like I can use a one minus can right click search one minus or you can uh use W on the keyboard and left click you can invert them so connect this invert will make a opposite white black black white like that because I wanted to um you know this I'm going to connect with the normal map so uh it has to go in invert mod then to clamp this if you want to make you know it should not go too much value more than one or it should not go minus so for that reason I'm going to create saturate or you can use clamp also it's fine Sate Sate is a very simple node which will clamp uh the value from 0 to 1 right whatever value you are giving okay so then um for the Ripple I have to create animation okay I have to create animation the the waves will go from here and it's Goes On The Edge so let's close this here I want to use sign sign uh will animate see create a sign node sign node needs to have time so right click and sech time this will work with the time because we have to Define how long it is going to happen Okay so so both we need to add okay both we need to add but when you add also I add this too and um the speed we have control see if I right click Start previewing this node and you see the animation is happening if I enable this you see the animation is happening but this is how we going to make a see consider this white color some object nearby this the white color appears you see this is happening if you want to control the speed of this pulse I want to create a you can adjust here but I want to create a parameter so hold M and click left click like we used to do the B I'm going to right click from mode to parameter so this is going to be [Music] um speed H Ripple speed okay now if I increase this say it is you know it will increase the speed and reduce the speed I leave this one buff for def default so before that I I wanted to increase the uh number of ripples say for example we if you want to connect this into normal so what you have to do uh normal Map works in red green blue right uh it will mostly get the light information from red and green okay so any RGB if you are connecting um into the normal the blue has to be one it should not be changed okay for that reason and this is giving output of RGB I want to remove the blue I want to take only red and green only red and green so I have to mask the vectors so left click and drag the output search mask component mask which already it is RG only the red and green is enabled so this is having the output of only red and green I want to set the blue should be one so if you hold one and left click it creates a constant node and give a value one consider this is a blue and this is red green so we have to combine all or GB as a one uh three Vector so we going to upend this both upend Vector a is going to be red and green the B is going to be blue which is one so this we are going to again use angle corrected normal so I can duplicate this control D this output goes to this space and this goes to the connect I'll stop this I click Stop and Save and you see something is happening okay let's open up the parameter and here is the the distance and the Ripple speed I increase it it is happening a little bit closer but I'm not able to control this anyway but it's happening so to fix this what we did in this actually uh I have to add this from this and uh I want to connect multiply again one more multiply before sign that is going to Def find uh how many ripples are going to happen Okay so let's disconnect this and this also so what I will do you're going to uh connect this to here and multiply and this multiply is going to make how many the whole thing is going to multiply by this B so promote parameter uh number of R this is going to decide how many numbers I'm going to leave this value default one and take this and Connect into the sign okay so one last thing I want to do um we want to multiply saturate and uh whole thing I want to add see directly I take from the saturate and the sign I'm going to connect it here and I will take this into the mask now save this and check it out what will happen Okay we don't see anything right now um I'm going to adjust the number of ripples I'm going to increase it going to increase the distance actually nothing is happening yeah now I can see here had to give more distance so you can see the the Ripple is happening here I'm going to reduce the speed okay if I increase the number of ripples get more ripples are happening okay so but I wanted to make this thing little bit fade out and I have to control the height normal height of this one okay so I'm going to set up that so here before going into the mass I want to fade out the Ripple has to nicely Fade Out from the center to outside so use divide right okay divide will smooth so right click on the B promote parameter F okay and take this you can see this now now if you go to the fade I'll increase the fade see how nicely is fading I can increase the number of ripples reduce the speed I can give minus value if I want um minus value will go this direction you see this get a really nice um ripples are happening I'm going reduce feet okay so the good thing about this is like if you drop some object uh have some static I'll drop this you see already we having the ri is happening so any object you can drop instantly will create R I will reduce the distance okay so you can check it out now we have uh View beautiful uh waves and ripples and it is interactive you can add any objects inside the water and that will interact right so next I'm going to make a little bit index of refraction I want to enable the refraction check out the material um here the refraction is disabled which means we have to enable the refraction in the material you have to select the water material search refraction okay it's in the lost and you can see the refraction method it's none so we can set up this index of refraction there is a three methods are available um so this you can input the value so right click promote to parameter okay going to give the default value one and I want to put this parameter into the group uh bbr okay I check PBR I will leave the six6 okay I want to create uh separate uh group for these all uh and I want to have one more before going into this okay I want to set this normal strength also control D select this normal stren D connect and right click promote to parameter B okay so I can duplicate this contr D any one of this parameter I can duplicate and rename this uh normal inity connect this into this take this output and connect into the addition so let's put them all in a straight line just not name them comment this give a name okay see actually I have to select all the parameters I will cre a name 07c save now if I open up this we have a separate if I increase the normal intensity you can see I can't Ed it I want to make a little bit of Tri I can adjust so nice Okay now I'm going to create a waterfalls over here using uh landscape spines select the landscape go to landscape I'm going to create a new layer by right click and create and rename this F2 or right click country name false so right click on the layer reserve for spline say yes now go to manage select spline so I'm going to create a spline from this from here hold control and click control and click on click now you can see we have created this line but I don't want uh this planine should affect the landscape so I have to select hold shift and select this two segments by selecting in between the points you can select the segments and go to details there is uh landscape deformation I'm going to switch up this race ter now this is you know it is individual if we go to wireframe alt to and select the point you can [Music] move I can rotate this I have to enable this local space alt for split mode you can see I'm going to move up I have to rotate this switch up the angle snap Al to going move okay you can see this spine which I have created take this a little bit now I'm going to create a fake waterfalls which means I'm going to create waterfalls using a material itself so first going to create a modeling tool go to modeling create box I'm going to set this box to 300 300 I set this to five or two right H accept and you can see here for this box I'm going to apply a material to waterfalls material uh you can go to Google so you can search in a Google waterfalls texture and you find out this one is interesting so I'm going to save this okay I have opened this texture in Photoshop the first I'm going to control J duplicate this layer and uh I will delete this alt double click and delete this layer and I'm going to remove this black area I want to have only this white color area so go to select color range pick the color you want uh I want to select the white area increase the fussiness to 200 and hit okay and uh in select and delete shift control I all or you can go to select iners delete the area which you don't want you can see this I have deleted the most of the the black areas I want to remove the corners Corners also have to remove you can do it uh you can go to filter go to op other opset you can adjust the horizontal okay about here so I just upseted a little bit actually good filter other opset I don't want to offset vertically zero I set the horizontal 308 minus and uh I'll erase with the move brush the this Corners I want to then I'm going to save us PNG waterfall St save it I'm going to import this into unreal right click import open this now we have opened this texture so right click on the texture create material going give a name memore waterfalls material enter to open very first I'm going to change this material blend mode to additive additive and uh I can directly connect this Alpha into opacity but I want to control the opacity so I'm going to create a depth F depth f it will calculate the nearby object object distance according to that it creates the transparency so I'm going to multiply with Alpha this goes here connect this into opacity now I'm going to create a parameter for opacity right click promote to parameter right click okay this is the material I'm going to use for the cube okay so before that I want to create a midal instance right click create a midal instance and uh open up this uh editor control e control e or you can right click and edit apply this instance to the so right now save it you see this control B and you can check this is a mes we have created actually I want to rename this f2m [Music] underscore I'll put this inside our folder click and drag and drop into the folder move and here we have next I'm going to open the material instance this waterfall metal instance and I'm going to increase the opacity now you start seeing this texture uh because I created this depth fad which means if I rotate this 90° select angle snab and rotate 90° if I move this down nearby the ground if I increase the depth there and you see the the fade is happening smoothly so that's that's the reason I created this depth fat I like this and I'm going to assign this uh static Mist to this sply okay so go to landscape click on the make sure you are in the manage and select this spine select segments and there is a option landscape spine misses click plus sign open this and I'll connect this waterfalls to this now the first thing is we are having the issue that is oriented in a different direction that you can fix it by the forward axis select this into y now you see this but we need to animate this we have two issues one is this is not animated and second you see the the planine does not have smoothness that's because this mess we have created does not have much divisions subdivisions so we have to add a subdivision horizontally so you can do it go to modeling go to model poly group edit choose the insert Edge Loop I'm going to add a loop I'm going to select proportion uh position method to even give four I want to give four on the other side also if I hit accept now you can see that this planine comes really smooth I like it now I want to animate this texture it's very simple you can go to the waterfalls material I can use spanner Banner okay and uh connect this into UV actually we want to animate in y axis let's see point1 save it it's going in opposite direction I want to set minus one so instead of giving the value here and adjusting I'm going to create a parameter for this V we have already uh created this water material and we made this right the same thing I can [Music] copy now we have this pile is four we leave it one uh the what T [Music] speed minus one and you can see this started from Min -.5 maybe now I can adjust this fade distance radius of fade distance I can increase opacity to make more brighter okay it looks okay uh I want to have little more uh splines overlapping splines so I get more uh more waterfalls so to do this go to landscape select the first point which we have created and control and click here and uh you see this I have created another uh point the another point is it's here you see this it's here I have to switch off the the lower terrain also switch up this and you can see this one I'm going to rotate this I have to have another point if I go to wireframe you can see here select this segment control and click on the center it will create another point so that I can extend this just want to move and you notice this this water going in a reverse Direction that's because we we can select them select the segment hold and select this both there is a flip selected segment if I flip it and you can see we have this so I'm going to move little bit and you can see this I can repos this I want I can if I move down little bit you see that depending upon the size it will uh change the size as well and it will adjust the speed also okay to select this point if I move this point see this flow you know like going that direction so if I select this point I can reduce the site follow top withd you can select this point reduce the half width and you can see this is uh I can select this point finder it's spreading then it's comes down now go back press G on the keyboard a game mode now I can open up the material okay so I'm going to increase and reduce the settings and I want to increase the opacity when you increase opacity you see this the sides will be and I increase this fall distance that will fade out if there is a any nearby uh object that will fade out it is also depending upon the uh distance the the transparency will happen this water so you can add even multiple one more uh spline from there press G you can see that the spine if you can go to the landscape again displine I can click on this point control and click control and click see I have created another uh segments select the segments see and I'm going to flip that I'm going to switch up this okay can I can switch up the I'm going to move this point show you see this I can alt two wireframe and there is a point can adjust the positions rotate this so I'm going to switch up the angle snap and I will rotate this I can increase the half withd for this 2,000 for example it will spread the the water flow like this but I don't want that I'm going to make 800 fine I'm going to move this point a little bit closer and you can see in the center we have a more dense uh water than the the outside going to select this point see if sometimes if you are not able to select this point here you can go to settings there is a option allow translation selection off so now that will not select whatever the translucency material objects that will be uh ignored okay I go back to selection and you can see here G on the keyboard can see some we have created this fake water false and still you can able to create some more in this side with a different direction and one more thing is if you want to spread this if I go to landscape press G can see the point here alt four alt four is a light mode right can alt and click duplicate this move this slightly up so rotate slightly now see it is spreading out here I'm going to increase this half withd to 2500 okay you can see it is looking like spreading water once it falls and uh I can select this point again control and click this direction I'm going to increase the top fit okay press G on the keyboard you can see that we have some water splashes happening you can create particle system to create Mist on the Falls there is a project in uh became launcher there's a sample project particle effects so in that project have some particle you know you can download it is free let's go to new level on this project you have to create a project and uh you can access this all the assets and here there is a FX particle system there is a water so you have some few particle system is available waterfalls also available but what I need is this Mist effect see here um there is a m collide you can use that also there is a one particle which is in the snow blowing missed okay I can use this particle uh to make okay let's explore this okay I will use this blow details so right click asset accents migrate I don't want to save hit Okay so this will so I have to put them into our project I have already so go to the so so you get the effects folder here in the effects folder you get this particle and I'm going to drop this on the keyboard you can see there is you have to rotate this you can see I can increase the size not right but uh this project I'm creating this I can press alt and duplicate this okay play place it here so that looks like water splash is happening there are other uh particle system uh this missed Collide you can use this one but doesn't look good uh when I overlap with this it's okay but still you can use this if you want you can increase the size of this you want you can use but it is not visible okay so want to delete this I don't want and um yeah this one also waterfalls you can use okay I leave this uh I think it is fine for me next I'm going to set up the light control l move the light Direction hold control n and move to keep it and select the X Sky atmosphere I am going to increase this m absorb some scale little bit looks like [Music] some cloudy see and I can adjust this also if you are making a rainy type can increase it but I'm going to reduce this to zero almost you see this snow so this mist is really too much actually I can select this overlap then okay reduce or increase the size can modify it see this you can scale it okay it okay next I'm going to add some more objects go to meas scan I have uh downloaded these assets from Pixel Bridge so say this I can't scale it going to rotate this keep that things like is overlapping I'm aligning with this duplicate enable this local rotation okay you can see the I I have added some few rocks uh in the scene I'm going to place some trees also so there is a European home beam uh that is uh also available for free megascan trees you can use then let's get this click and drag and drop inside then I'm going to use foliage I'll drop the sum of this tree this drop it select and reduce the density to five and I'll switch up this line to normal paint I have to increase the size the tree uh just very small so I'm going to increase this scale X maximum 10 so that is too much three reduce the density [Music] to one I'm going to enable this align to normal which means if I click over here you see this this will create some trees from the direction of the surface okay so now we are going to create a procedural folage system to fill this same with trees and uh small plants so just's create a new level save it going to delete the floor so to explain I'm going to create landscape C okay I have this basic landscape to create a procedural foliage system so first you have to go to edit editor preferences in the editor preference there is a category uh experimental in this experimental there is a procedural foliage which you have to enable this first then close it now once you enable that I'm going to create a new folder so right click and go to foliage then you have this option Pro procedural Fage spawner and you have this static foliage so foliage spawner giving name PFS underscore call it Forest okay this Forest double click to open and you have the option so use uh foliage types foliage types we have to create manually if we click plus and you can able to create a Fage type if you click on the N there are some few foliages are already available which is comes with the landscape material but I'm going to create my own uh foliage type to create a foliage type right click Fage create a static message full VOR okay I'm going to give a name SMF for example we create threee I open up this so you can see the options here have a lot of options which is similar to foliage uh paint op what do you have so so here I need to connect the this [Music] so so European on beam and there there are a lot of trees available so enable the filter I'm going to use this one this one click and drag and drop into this and save it so I'm not going to change any settings here just I'm going to it as default now we have this page go to procedural I'm going to open this forest forest uh spawner just double click and open this spawner then in this Fage type we assign this St this now once you have assigned it we have to spawn this Forest on the level for that you have to create a page so uh volume actually procedural type procedural page volume okay so this will allow you to create a full just inside this volume okay you can see this is very small so I'm going to increase the scale okay see here so with this volume selector this volume selector scroll down there is a poage SP here we have to connect this Forest and click on this AR then you have to click res simulate otherwise this will not work so I'm going to click on the res now we can see we have generated this Fage with uh randomize size and random rotation the good thing about this is like you can position anywhere uh and re simulate it and you see the the foliage is generated according to the landscape but for some reason I need to generate this foliage vertically I don't want to align with the surface normal to do this you can open up this tree static m folage double click to open and there is a option align to noral which you have to switch on and save this now with this procedural poage volume selector and re simulate and now we can see the poage is generated straight vertically then you can see the the folage is uh revealing this bottom so I have to move this down a little bit so to do this there is a z offset minimum and maximum so I want to set this to Min - 20 let's see save this and now we can see it's going inside maybe minus 30 work for this simulate okay so later on I'm going to create some uh grasses some other plants so that will not be visible clearly and the good thing is uh you can able to scale this proportionally or nonproportionally for example I want have size and Ro increase in it Y axis you can increase it then every time if you modify you have to Res simulate and that will generate the foliage now we can see the foliage it looks very dense forest okay uh but I want to generate grass uh inside this page volume increase the x value about what we simulate this now can see here let's move little bit over here for explanation and purpose I am just uh place this procedural volume in this area now I'm going to create another static Miss Fage actor which is going to be I'm going to create a grass to do this I'm going to duplicate this controll D and going to give a name grass so let's open up this double click and open I'm going to replace with the grass so you can go to meas scans there is a 3d plant and there we have the crass grass clamp clumps okay so I'm going to take any one of this drag and drop and replace this and save it now I have to assign This Grass into spawner inside this Forest just double click to open I have to make another type of H then take this grass and connect it to this save it now select the procedural volume res simulate now you know what is this be you know this have a little bit there are some few grasses be generated it is not visible now okay just just want to check once uh click okay now this graph does not [Music] have delete okay now you can see there is no graph is not clearly visible that's because of I have to uh adjust the the is in the grass you see this I'm going to reset this and save it now reate because it is inside the inside the landscape that's a reason and another thing is you see this is generated vertically so I don't want uh to generate this vertically I'm going to enable this align to normal save it now reate now we see this is aligned with the normal of the landscape but you notice this this grasses are very very less so I have to increase the number of uh grass so if you open up the grass we don't have the directly control the density of this so this is happening uh the density is happening according to the the Collision if you open up the collision and you notice this Collision radius which is 100 cm each of the the grass so let's make this 10 both Shar radius and uh poision just re simulate now you notice this we have uh more you know trees as well as we have a little bit more grass okay to increase the density of the grass you have to adjust the clustering so I'm going to increase the number of steps to 4 and save and I'm going to increase the initial sh density here very similar now we can see we have more grass or populated okay now um you can see we have a lot of grasses happening but still if you want to increase uh you can increase the the seed density so you get more maybe I will reduce the the radius to one this to three so be careful do not increase too much now you can see we have lots and lots of grasses populated but you notice this every tree it is having the Gap in the the bottom of the tree that's because this tree will not allow you to generate the Fage system in the shading area which means uh you have to adjust in the tree if I go to the tree then you have the option the shade radius and collision radius so if I reduce the S radius to save it and I have to reduce the Collis radius also but we going to re simulate this now you see this we don't have much trees okay we don't have much trees is because this generating all the the grasses everywhere uh it is occupying more uh space than the tree okay so let's make this 50 save and I have to reduce this poision radius also so this will increase the density of the tree now you see this we have more dense tree and you see the grasses populated underneath the tree as well okay this is really nice we have some flickering issues that we can fix it and you see this grasses or created in the the way it is created is kind of a cluster or clums of grasses happening in a random pattern so that you can fix it by increasing this uh in the clustering go to the clustering grass okay go to grass and go to clustering uh there is a option distribution uh I think spread variance sorry spread variance I'm going to make 200 so it will not generate the grass in a cluster bit just uh if you spread this the grass will spread all over the place and evenly it will distribute you notice this in the slope it is not generating the grass because in real it's not going to happen in especially the slopes I can show you in the other side you see this this area have lot of slope the slope areas that will not generate the grass which is nice actually and uh that is also you can able to control if you go to the grass there is a ground slope angle so if I increase this to 80 for example so this will will generate pages on the slopes as well you can see so you can able to control the the so I'm going to save this 30 and re simulate this now you can see here so we have avoided mostly on the slopes area we don't have much now we can see we don't have much grasses on the slope but I want to make about uh 50 60 save de simulate and you can see this almost everywhere it generating the grass I guess the 40 fine 45 is good okay so that's nice now if you want to generate some other uh static M poages uh it's very simple you can duplicate this grass for example I want to make a flowers control d let's open up so I think in I SK check out do I'm going to download a plant from pixel Mixel pixel Bridge sorry so there I have already some few plants I have downloaded if you want you can download 3D plants okay once you open this bridge and there is a category 3D plants you can go to flooring PLS there you can download this some of this plant so I'm going to download this field copy I have already downloaded it going to click blue now you can see here I'm going to drop this instead of the grass and uh I connect this floor save it then I have to assign connect this into the spawner procedural spanner so go to my folder open up this Forest create another Fage type take this connect to the save it this then select the PO system and reate this okay can see have a lot of Flo because uh we have duplicated from grass right so I have to reduce the go to flers I have to reduce the density that so it's very simple you can go to the clustering but reduce this to 2 three make this to one and uh yeah go save this re simulate you can see here we have some few flowers distributed looking nice and uh I'm going to increases initial density going to increase the spread variance to 600 I want to spread this all over the place so I have increased the spread VAR I can see here it's nice looking good and I want to add some rocks add some rocks so I have to uh create another uh Fage type so I'm going to duplicate this FL so contrl D I'm going to rename this into rocks and let's open up this I have to replace with some rocks so I have already downloaded from thean so you go to 3D assets so going use this this rock you can find find uh in Bridge so drag and draw so before uh simulating this I have to reduce the initial density then 300 and I wanted to make this two save it and check out I have to adjust this oh I have to connect this rock into the Fage spanner before simulating this open this full H time click select this rock and drag and drop into this save it simulate now you can see we have lots of rocks generated in all of the place but it doesn't look good so I have to reduce the number of the Rocks so open this still I have to to One 600 spread I'm going to increase the potion radius 100 radius 100 okay that's perfect and you see the the rocks or uh generated randomly in a different position and if you want to increase the number you can increase the steps to going to save this uh level okay it's very important to see fine go to procedur volume I'm going to re simulate this now we have a lot of rocks a different position different location and different orientation and still I can able to change the size I want to make it randomly so I can scroll down go to growth and there is a procedural scale I'm going to reduce to.5 2 we simulate that will generate randomly with the different size now you can see here good still I'm going to increase a little bit pretty good nice I like it this I can use it for our project which means this procedural uh po system can be used in different levels like if I go to this our level here so here I have to create a procedural foliage volume so you can clck click on the plus and you can go to the all classes you can find in uh procedural Fage volume or you can search so reset the position first I'm going to increase the scale th000 and you see that's too much 500 yeah you can scale nonproportionally nonproportionally so I can switch up this water scale 120 uh 130 okay now I have created this volume so only I have to select the forest spner connect with this foliage volume scroll down procedural Fage assign this re it that's all you know that will generate the same Fage system inside this level now you can see have this all the VES generated here you see we don't see the the forest and you see this generated on the The Rocks also you see the water so this foliage uh generator all over the place in even inside the the water also it is generated okay so I have to remove the areas which I don't want this to be generated so there is a volume you can go to volume go to all classes and uh scroll down and there is a proced procedural foliage blacking volume if I click and drag and uh again so wherever you have this volume okay so that area the procedural foliage system will not be generated now I'm going to make 50 so you have [Music] to gen uh create this this volume and select the procedural foliage volume and re simulate this so This blocking volume will remove all the foliages inside uh the blocking volume you can see this this you know this has been removed but you can see here have the procedural Fage has been generated and it is you know it is removed on this area okay but you notice this the blocking volume it comes only with the square cubical volume but I want to restrict only the area this area actually I should not uh you know do you see the the volume it's abruptly cut the foliage system something like this you see that that is not right so I'm going to customize this you see this this happening like this I have to customize this to do this um we don't have any other option for the the blocking volume it is only a cubic but if you wanted to make customize the shape so what do you have to do first I'm going to hide all the procedural volume sorry I'm going to hide all page system so you can go to the go to show and go to Advanced going to switch up the foliage so I can hide everything all the Fage system and uh I'm going to create a box some uh geometry and after that I'm going to convert them into volume so to create a blocking volume customized blocking volume so I will go to modeling mode create cylinder with setting 5,000 height 3,000 let see this I'm creating the cylinder maybe 2,000 fine I'm creating the cylinder and and I'm going to change the poly group mode perace instead of perace I'm going to set this per except this then go to model poly group edit so I can able to select the face you see this I can select the phase I can move I can perfectly I can select the edge can move I'm trying to match perfectly suppose you want to select only Edge you can switch up this phase and vertex so I can select only the edge so that will filter only Edge okay I have created this blacking volume something like it is I am you know have already uh tried to match this even if you wanted to edit this little bit I want to keep it here so I'm just overlapping with the like this so once I created this geometry then I'm going to convert this into Fage blocking volue so you can you can duplicate this actually so suppose you see this control B you see this is I have created this I can duplicate this because I can use later if I want okay so the selected go to x form there is option convert convert output type here is a really important thing output type to volume then you get what kind of volume you want to choose so I'm going to choose procedural foliage blocking vol accept that okay we press G on the keyboard if you're not able to see and you see this this volume we have created this is a uh procedural blocking volume I'm going to delete the the the Box volume which I have created just delete this now if you select the procedural volume I'm going to re simulate this okay now this will generate page everywhere except the Water Area okay now we can see this is nice and you notice this we have some foliage because this volume it is the height is is small see if I move this down if I move this [Music] down and you get more over here select the procedural volume reate nice you can see I save this same you see this there are some trees on the Rock okay it's looking good and you notice this if I go closer to this there are some few fages or generator on the top of this that's nice I like it press g g is a game mode and then go to so Advanced great enable Fage start see this all the vage system you can see here we have a nice volage Forest zoom out also you can see a lot of trees you can animate the camera you can change the light Direction you can set up the light different direction control L and check out this so go to exponential he increases uh scattering distribution you get this nice uh light shft happening from this side okay guys that's all thank you so much bye-bye
Channel: DigitalRealm
Views: 27,780
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Keywords: UnrealEngine, UE5, GameDevelopment, WaterfallTutorial, UE5Tutorial, GameDesign, IndieDev, VirtualWorlds, EnvironmentDesign, RealisticWater, WaterfallEffects, InteractiveElements, UnrealEngineTutorial, UE5Tips, CinematicDesign, UE5Materials, OptimizationTips, GameDevTips, UnrealEngineProject, DownloadProjectFiles, UE5Download, GamedevInspiration, UE5Showcase, LearnUE5, CreativeProcess, GameDesignTutorial, UnrealEngineCommunity, SubscribeNow, LikeAndShare, GameDevCommunity, 3DGameArt, EnvironmentArt, Digitalrealm, WaterSimulation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 30sec (7710 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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