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hi there post processes here and welcome back to my Epic Production pipeline series I just ran out of names for my series anyway in today's video we will talk about Asus workflow what it is how to set it up for your renders in Unreal Engine color graded in DaVinci Resolve using proper post-production Pipeline and what are the benefits of using it I don't want to waste your time with a lot of theory so I'll try to be quick Aces stands for academic color encoding system which is an industrial standard for color accurate workflow developed in 2004 for seamless interchange of motion picture images regardless of the source as more digital cameras and Technologies got into the motion picture industry implementing unified color management scheme for diverse sources coming from a variety of digital cameras film CGI and composure in other words Aces actually a framework for CGI composure and color grading if you have multiple file formats like raw footage from different cameras and CGI elements you will have unified workflow you have IDT input devices form which transforms Source image to Asus and ODT output device transform which matches your output signal with the color space of your monitor or Cinema projector but in between in Asus all the magic happens here you have color grading composure and all other stuff all of post-production companies are using Asus framework as it helps to keep the work in order and Unreal Engine also implements it for renders as it's get into film industry it should meet the requirements now let's jump into unreal and set our color management first we need to make sure that you have all needed plugins enabled in your project as in default empty project there is no movie render queue or oser plugins enabled go to settings plugins and look for movie render queue and enable it after that search for Oco and enable that too we will be using it for our color transform jiren renders and rail will ask you to restart after that do so so here I've downloaded the archways interior from Unreal Engine Marketplace set the camera and the sequence now we need to create open color configuration in order to render it in Asus in your content browser right click on an empty field and start typing open color when open color configuration appears selected I will name mine Oso Asus open configuration blueprint in a real legend 5.2 you already have all what you need in previous version you had to download configuration file from GitHub or open colorio and locate the downloaded file and reload the config but right now it's much simpler and you don't need to waste your time on that keep this parameter as it is in desired color spaces add two elements by clicking on plus button first select utility linear srgb it's the default color space and real engine works in in the second element select Aces ACG rendering an ACG will give you a wider gamut but it doesn't mean that it is better than rendering by default and linear srgb as I showed in my previous video and it's up to you to decide but here I'm demonstrating you Asus workflow so it is what it is right Carlton's form setup is set now let's add it to our render open movie render queue and add your sequence open sequence settings click on ADD setting add color output make sure is enabled checkbox is ticked here choose open color profile you've just created in Source color space choose linear srgb in destination transform accg for this example I will render only one frame for demonstration purposes while it is rendering it's important to let you know that Asus is much wider color space than Rec 709 you must use either axr or prores 44444 for that purpose now when render is finished let's get into DaVinci Resolve I would like to remind you that resolve has free version with some limitation and Perpetual license which costs 295 dollars or comes with Blackmagic design Hardware such as cameras and panels before we input our sequence and Aces we need to prepare project color Management in DaVinci Resolve navigate to right lower corner and click on Project settings select color Management in color space tab select Asus CCT and set Asus version 1.3 tick checkbox apply Asus reference gamma compress set Aces input transform to rec 709 I will explain why in few minutes and set output transform to Rack 7092 and use color space aware grading tools okay let's sum up what we just did and why you should use these settings for any of your projects we chose Asus CCT because it's working space for color grading it was requested by colorists to create grading environments similar to traditional logarithmic film scans when grading but using Asus family of color spaces also if you would like to know what is Asus work in color space or interchange color space you can check the link down in the description I've left all the resources which I used for this video down below I chose input transform rack 709 so I can manually set up input color space for my footages sometimes if resolve doesn't read metadata properly it can create incorrect display of your footage and it's better to set them manually in media pool output track 709 is set to properly display final result on PC screens as a default display color space checkbox for gamut compressible fix over bright areas such as neon lights or bright light sources in your shots and finally color space aware grading tools will make all your instruments work in Aces resulting for example correct exposure when using HDR Wheels now you can drag and drop your Unreal Engine sequence file to Media pool before dropping it to timeline you need to Define color space for that right click on your footage Asus input transform color space conversion accg drop it into your timeline it should look properly but as we don't have metadata in the XR file resolve wouldn't be able to correctly recognize it and if I switch Aces input transform back to no input transform we will get incorrect results so keep it as accj as we did it before drop into timeline now we can color grade in ASUS work in color space whoo this is it now see why the previous video explained my lazy approach between this one let's get all wrapped up we assign proper color space for our unreal render transformed it into Aces so we are working in Asus color space without losing information from your file but you see on your monitor final image in Rec 709 which suits your computer screen and any raw file which you drop on timeline from cameras such as Blackmagic red or Ari has metadata in it which DaVinci will read and applied properly in order to convert input color space from mentioned cameras to Asus color space and will display correctly in Rec 709 only a screen now even can do composure infusion merging these footages and up that color grading them as a single clip without any issues because they both sit in one color space the benefit of this approach that you can apply same show lot for entire timeline and it will work the same on each camera CGI render or composed footage and that's Aces workflow if an iPhone support that right now so you definitely should know how to use it hope you found this video helpful don't forget to subscribe to my channel if you would like to know more about Unreal Engine and post production tips see you in the next one
Channel: Post Processed
Views: 20,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine, Cinematics, UE5, Realtime, realtime rendering, rendering, CGI, 3D, 3D Artist, cinematic, colorgrading, color grading, make unreal more cinematic, make renders more cinematic, renders cinematic, cinematic render, indie game, arch viz, unreal engine 4 animation, unreal engine 5, ue5, davinci resolve, colorgrade, post processed, cinematic look, film look, Davinci Resolve 18.6, resolve 18, resolve tutorial, color grading tutorial, ACES, Academy Color, ACES workflow, sRGB
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2023
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