I made an UNREAL ENGINE short film in THREE DAYS

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I'm gonna be making a film in Unreal Engine in the next three days and I have to post that online no matter the outcome the final film must be a minimum of 60 seconds long I will only be using green screen key reactors plus it must include one piece of photogrammetry I am going to be writing blocking out an unreal Lighting in unreal shooting on a green screen and bring those plates across to Unreal and bring the unreal shots back over into the editing software so I'm not wasting any more time let's go so I've written this script about a guy called Seth he is a very rich wealthy person in a world where rich and wealthy people are persecuted for having money anyone with it is is getting chasing killed just me on a green screen monologue in a kind of a dystopia sounds like something that I would enjoy there's a whole bunch of stuff that I've written down that I don't even know if I'm going to be able to do so that's gonna be fun so I finished the script a little bit early I'm out here now to try and get my one piece of photogrammetry for the final film and I'm out in the back alleys right now looking for something with a bit of character embrace the chaos Josh embrace the chaos [Music] okay so the computer is chewing through those photographs I'm getting kind of impatient and I think probably I need to go and have a little look at the green screen there's the green screen that I've been using there uh this this whole thing is going to need to be sorted before tomorrow if I'm gonna actually shoot [Music] change of plan the photo processing has taken a bit longer I need to get into unreal and block the scene out and put the lights in place otherwise I don't know what I'm trying to match to when we actually shoot on the green screen so photogrammetry to come let's dive into unreal I need to find assets that are going to help me build this together quickly the main setting is a back alley so I'm gonna need brick walls graffiti and most importantly an oil drum where he sets his money a light top of my head I feel like the construction site will be super useful there'll probably be some Mega scans assets I'll download I'll use some quixel Chrome [Music] rusty metal Barrel okay that's good [Music] I had another look at the script and I've done a short list so I've now got 10 shots that I need to complete tomorrow and edit and key roll on day two so it's day two I'm a little bit stressed I'll be honest worried that I'm not going to be able to get this film finished there's nothing in the can at this point and I didn't finish the Unreal Engine block out last night so I've got no engine lighting to match to I dove in here to see what I could kind of do with the space and it turns out I can actually do quite a lot it's only a garage about two by three meters I've lit the green screen with two godox lights set fairly low and I'm not getting any of that bounce onto me which is really good because I think I'm going to be able to pull a really good key and I might even get some pretty decent edges lighting me on the other hand I've got a newer LED panel at the back and then they were overhead as well which is going to be a kind of Searchlight and I'm going to be operating that myself like this so I'm gonna go finish the block out but at least I know what I can actually achieve in here so I'm just going to mirror that in the engine [Music] so it's going well kind of bit of a villain I guess I've made a whole bunch of fake money probably wasn't the best idea to dress up in a coat and a jumper and a hat two days after the hottest day of the year we're gonna start shooting I'll see you once I'm done it's done took a couple hours really hot I've got an hour left of the day and I've got to assemble this and do some really quick healing so I think I'm going to dive into Premiere to do this but maybe use ultra key not ideal but I do not have time for After Effects yeah I'm gonna need to take some shortcuts I think okay it's day three and I'm really feeling it guys we shot yesterday and the footage looks great I used Premiere to cut it together and I tried I really tried to use ultra key but it just looked terrible I've used After Effects like I said I wouldn't it looks so much better but man did it take a bit longer to get those frames my plan to get this done is a little weird but stick with me I exported the whole 60 second short film from After Effects as PNG with Alpha and I'm bringing that now into Unreal Engine so that I can play the whole thing back on one plane as one image sequence then I'm keyframing the position of that plane to the different parts of the scene that it needs to be in for each shot that may be a very weird way to work but ultimately what I really want is to be able to just export this as one sequence and for it to just work fingers crossed I'm Gonna Keep hammering away and I will tell you how it goes soon I think my GPU is having a heart attack just stepped out for a second it's three o'clock on day three I've just set it off to render through movie render queue using path Tracer I'm not rendering with a terribly large amount of samples it's going to be quite noisy because I just don't have the time to spend am I happy with it um no no no there's a lot more I could have done with this and it was never going to be perfect but that was the whole point doing something quickly coming out with a result and accepting it for what it is three days ago we had nothing and out of nothing we have created something a film it's it's 60 seconds long it includes one piece of photogrammetry and is called capital punishment so without further Ado let's roll the film how the hell did it come to this for a minute I was sort of revolution is something from history not something for civilized times turns out it was just around the corner that worked for this poured my time and effort into the pursuit of it a mad frenzy fueled by Envy Envy accelerated by social media and the desire to burn us lucky few away I mean what a simple idea in exchange you do this for me and I'll give you a bunch of these to help with these idiots don't they know how good we all had it there's no plan no alternative Anarchy and the extinguishing of anyone with capital they've spent too long now I just want to say I know we all have the big project the thing you've spent loads of time writing and planning and that it has to be great and live up to your expectations that's not what this project was about sometimes it's good to just go out there and make something just for the sake of it and scratch that creative itch Perfection may be overrated at times and sometimes it's good to just make something and put it out there for the world to see I may want to run this as a competition on the channel so if you're interested in that pop a comment below and let me know and in the meantime go out there and make something and I'll see you on the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: Joshua M Kerr
Views: 141,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make a game in unreal engine 5, short film, unreal 5, unreal engine, unreal engine 5, unreal engine 5 cinematic, unreal engine 5 film, unreal engine 5 filmmaking, unreal engine 5 for filmmaking, unreal engine 5 movie, unreal engine 5 movie making, unreal engine 5 short film, unreal engine 5 tutorial, unreal engine 5 virtual production, unreal engine film, unreal engine filmmaking, unreal engine short film, unreal engine tutorial, epic games, unreal, ue4, indie
Id: MJ1Gsapr8_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2022
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