Unreal Engine 4 Decals - How to create Normal Decals Tutorial

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hello and welcome to upside-down in today's tutorial I'm going to show you how to create normal decals inside unreal 4 we're going to learn how to create such effect inside and you know for which can add extra layer of details to our scenes I'll first go quickly to the setup sculpting and after that we are going to set up all the materials and show you how to use it inside unreal let's start first I'm going to create a plane with measurements that are three by three meters and also I'm going to add a few subdivisions I'll be creating this plane because we are going to use it for the baking and as well I'm going to import it after that inside ZBrush and I want both the high poly and the low poly model to have the exact measurements so that once we are baking everything will fit perfectly now that we have our plane done I'm just going to import it assign ZBrush and we are ready to add some subdivisions turning off the smoothing because we don't want any of the corners to be around it and now we can already pick a brush that we like and start sculpting [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now that we already with our damage the cow we just need to export the high poly and since we use the plane that we just created the positions of the high poly and the low poly are going to be the same so we can just open substance painter or any other application that we want to bake it and do our baking here in sigh substance I'm just going to create a new file I'll bake everything on 4k and now I'm just going to select the low poly of the plane that we just exported we are going to texture bake mesh maps we don't need ID and thickness and for resolution again I'm going to choose 4k on High Definition meshes I'm going to load the mesh that we just exported from ZBrush and once everything set I'm just going to click bake notice that while we were baking there were some parts that didn't take into consideration the information that was provided from the high poly this is because the distance for the projection was not correct so I'm going to go one more time into baking options and increase the rear distance now that we are ready with our bake our next step is going to be to export the maps that we just baked remember that we were just creating at the cow which is going to influence the normal map and how the normal map in our scene behaves so we don't really care about any of the other maps that are being generated and at the end we are just going to bring the normal map to unreal now we are ready to start inside unreal for what I have opened is just a default regular scene with the third person template inside I also imported our normal off that we just created inside substance painter and now I'm going to create a decor material I'm going to right-click material and we are going to name it mmm cow 0-1 I will drag and drop our normal map inside and now what we need to do is few changes first we are going to change the material domain instead of using surface I'm going to change it to the Ford eco and instead of Park you I'm going to use translucent another change that we need to do is to change the DeKalb blend mode instead of using translucent we are going to use normal and now we are ready to connect our normal texture to the normal slot we can we can now compile and save it close the material and I'm going to drag and drop from place actor a decal and into the decal material slot we are going to drop our material that we just created now as you can see we already have on our surface projected the normal that we just created this is a very easy way to add extra layer of details on your scenes thank you for joining me in today's tutorial I hope that it was useful and helpful for you subscribe to my channel for more free tutorials leave a comment down below if you want me to make a tutorial on a certain topic see you next time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Upside Down
Views: 25,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial, How to, Unreal Engine 4, UE4, ue4 tutorial, how to use unreal engine 4, physics unreal engine 4, unreal engine tutorial, unreal engine, game development, unreal engine 4 tutorial beginner, unreal, tutorial, ue4 tutorials, unreal tutorial, tutorials, decal, unreal engine 4 decals, decal tutorial, how to create decals, zbrush, substance painter, 3ds max, normal decals, ue4 decals, ue4 decal material, ue4 normal decal, bake normal substance painter, decals
Id: VqluxWhS3Zo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 1sec (361 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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