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kind of books are they ooh baby this is pretty nuts it's pretty nuts a bit oh alright guys so it is Saturday morning Pam is still sleeping upstairs it's very early Saturday morning today we're gonna be doing something pretty fun the other day I bid on a storage unit I ended up winning hit and I haven't told Pam and I'm gonna tell her live on camera with you guys this is gonna be fun alright so Pam's a week she's out there feeding the cats good morning today we're gonna be going on a fun adventure today we're gonna be going to go and clean out a abandoned storage unit that we bought what that is not a good time did you really buy us watch all right so the description of this storage unit said that it had household items Electronics there's a TV in there and there's some like mystery totes so we paid $100 for this unit and it's our first time ever buying a unit and it probably will be our last because Pam doesn't like it here we are I got Pam a breakfast wrap it make Pam feel better right is it good aha [Music] all right so here we are right the unit this is it I'm gonna open it this is the one grab I see in at end oh here it is look at that look no look look it's a snus no idea Super Nintendo pretty sweet fine right off the bat right right once again spend a hundred bucks on this so hopefully hopefully we can find some profit what is this bucks want to do some reading I got tired yeah that's a good point actually these are like really good condition though these are um what poor tires I know but somebody might need three maybe they got one flat or something wait that doesn't make sense I don't know somebody might need somebody might need just one I could sell what I don't know we'll figure it out but these are these are Ford Ranger rims I know that because I had a Ford Ranger that's my first vehicle so they're pretty desirable rim and tire I think we'll do all right with those I should be able to flip them on Facebook marketplace probably what is that that's disgusting I'm not what the Fox say all right hippies tires out of here got some what some rustic jars all right books are they games yes for games that's actually pretty sweet fine ps4 I wonder if there's a ps4 of the unit that would be sweet tire yeah use one foot yeah I just want you ps4 controller this is a good unit hey this is a good unit yeah ooh what game is this rygar is that a good one probably not it's probably a pickle I don't think I've ever seen that one before though yeah we can give those to Kimmy our puppy alright what else we got are these more books look any more colors holy cow alright this is already a score we're already like in profit here in this one little bin this is this is a great unit what is that alright let's finish this section first and then we'll move on we got this thing I don't know what this is he has four controller pool whoa it's I think it's an airsoft gun yeah it's just a airsoft gun but this this feels like a really nice one whoa baseball card football cards balloons oh we could use those for balloon bucks the camera in here whoa whoa why is this so heavy why is it so heavy babe oh crap what god that is a lot all right all right all right this is ridiculous this is pretty nuts this is pretty nuts all right hold the camera while I open this really heavy bag here I had to guess I'd say this is a bowling ball but it's too small for a bowling ball it's so heavy what are those dragons obviously that's just where are these I don't know if I'm the princess of fire or something I don't even know what those are they're really cold they're like rocks are they do anything I don't know they're pretty neat though so we got those I guess all right this is like a ridiculous I mean we can't judge it by like how much cuz this is foreign currency so I don't know how much it actually is worth in American dollars but I mean what is that Chinese Chinese dollars what's what's their currency called yen maybe is that Japanese I mean that's Gandhi so that's probably rupees so that's um from India how do you say his name uh Gandhi ma I'm up maybe you should put that away so somebody doesn't come by and all right you can look at that Lee so we've got and a bunch of coins to you know know how much that is an American currency but that's pretty cool definitely gonna give that ticket on he needs a murse [Applause] I don't know everything about it's a camera Oh SR mm okay yes I have to look that up I don't know if that's valuable or no that's no fun oh okay all right that's gonna stay in there I wouldn't touch anything in in that drawer it just more clothes more clips yeah we got a flash for it then we got ah we got films hey we got expired film Oh No kidding it's jewelry wonder if it's anything I don't think that anything special that necklace might be gold though yeah see if there's like a says I can't read it it's so small it's alright yeah I can use my loops okay so we got some expired film in here another film so that's pretty sweet wine alright that's pretty sweet pretty sweet I can't get over this this is this is a this is a score we got another camera box here is the camera in this it's a Canon Powershot holy cow yeah the camera is in there oh that's pretty sweet Samuel Adams yeah cooler that is sick I think it was unlatched first it's brand new I tell us whatever man it's beat up on the outside but the inside looks like pristine what is that it's like a home theater system is it like a subwoofer or something I don't know oh this might be this is the rest of the home theater system I think you got all the speakers Oh Bay these are Bo's that's a great brand oh is it we'll have to give that back the lady said that we have to get back to personal stuff I want to show that yeah it's all like personal photos and stuff yep yeah I'm not gonna show that on camera but we'll give it back you're the rightful owner so you got that here well you know there's more personal photos put these away I am so pumped this is this so sick I think we scored for a hundred bucks on this bedroom it's like art that's really cool yeah that's awesome like pumpkins what else we got did we go through everything I don't think we got everything yet this this little crate right here already got us into profit with all the ps4 games ps4 controller they game boys the gameboy colors I mean this is this is awesome yes we got the Sanyo TV here this looks like it's probably uh I don't know I got 40 inch maybe little dusty I put the test out see if it works we could probably sell it on Facebook marketplace yeah perfect room I don't know what we're gonna have to we're gonna have to bring this with a dump I didn't know this was in here it didn't say it didn't show it in the pictures or anything what else we got here whoa these are something else is in this bin books and stuff magazines these could be these could be worth something yeah these these type books here Lonnie's been selling some stuff similar I don't know I've never seen those before this is a hardcover one what is it Oh Green Bay Packers player Dorsey Lewis never heard of him was this yeah you already looked at this right Randy Moss that's a good one I wonder if there's any oh oh that's in like a nice case for some reason oh maybe it's his rookie card this might be his rookie card because this is when he was in college that could be worth something that's why it's in that hard case another one down here another one down here in a hard case Ryan leaf yeah actually most of these cards are in like the hard case this is uh Ryan Leaf I've never even heard of Ryan Leaf yeah these books could be something that's honest hardcover ultimate illustrations those are some interesting working books yeah we got some dominoes yeah so this is pretty sweet bag this pose these boa systems speakers are pretty nice this is else we got some more stuff down here this is like else we got nice little will Rubbermaid cooler awesome I think we did well babe I think we did well there's nothing in this just a blanket that's actually a nice adidas bag nice gym bag for somebody yeah looks like a cat toy all right let's get this stuff moved [Music] pretty cool it says as a Native American legend is told by hanging a dreamcatcher over your sleeping area the badges will be diverted by the beads and the feathers will attract and allow the dreams to pass through keep dreaming you crazy dream alright guys so we got all the stuff home this is actually our second trip okay and that's most of the furniture we're probably gonna donate most of the furniture because we don't really have any use for it and all the other stuff is already in our garage all the good stuff that we got that we're going to probably try to sell there's a great haul that will be a second video that'll be another video coming soon on the channel but we don't usually do storage units actually we'd never do them this is our first one so I'm gonna make a deal you guys if this video gets 1500 likes which is a enormous amount of likes I don't think we really even ever get close to that and we're Pam doesn't like doing these much trying to convince her guys if we get 1500 likes on this video we'll do another storage locker video but yeah this has been fun I hope you guys enjoyed we sure did this was a major score we're not expecting to get what we got today and what a way to start doing storage units I think we got lucky to be honest I think we got really lucky I don't think they're usually this good Pam's tired she's gonna have a nap anyway guys thank you so much for watching we will see you guys in the next one say bye [Music] van Gogh dream okay good night [Music]
Channel: Thrift Mine
Views: 193,039
Rating: 4.8819342 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, storage wars, auction hunters, abandoned storage locker, treasure hunting, mystery boxes, how to make money, storage hunters, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage unit guns, storage auction finds, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage locker, opening mystery boxes, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage unit auction, abandoned storage unit finds, storage auction, storage unit auctions, storage unit finds
Id: JiatyfxExtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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