He Had NO CLUE This Was Valuable

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20 40. there you go this clock's worth every bit of 20. all right let's go we were here last year but i believe last year when we came to this house it was a different owner oh they have a broken window so yep i think this is because i remember they were moving so this must be the new owner he broke in that's why the window's broken and the people are actually gone and they're trying to sell all their stuff maybe oh there's a little high chair that's kind of cute it's wood it's bird is it what full house reference i don't know what that i never watched that when i was you never watched full house no not really or not a consistently i guess what team is that bears oh embarrassing [Music] i'll give you 20. these mugs are like our cups okay they're square oh yeah yeah those are cute look at this i know see that this is your halloween question yeah right and after you wear that you can put this one what's up i have no idea my little four-year-old grandson thought it was the coolest he prefers dresses to anything else at this point anyway so there it is fine go for it kiddo yeah that's funny that's right oh yes and he knows all the ballet positions i said he really is going to be a dancer oh yeah or theater or something yeah yeah broadway watch out yes yeah why would you want your wine oh a brandy warmer i saw that why would you i don't know to heat it up i didn't know you did that i thought it was wine and then i saw it said it's like some sort of weird stand or something but i know you can like that's my old alma mater oh yeah that is that old that's from the 16th he went to notre dame huh i went to the academy yeah until 66 and then i i went to saint mary's oh okay yeah hey i want these would you take five on this sure okay and then two on there okay seven bucks five six pictures seven bucks okay thank you thank you thank you so much have a great day thank you is it cincinnati he's wearing a hat like john five bucks for this i don't know we'll see there's gonna be more stuff next year yeah some of these garments that have the lifetime like software updates they're the ones that are worth money i don't know if this one is one of those but i grabbed it five bucks if it's garbage i'm out five bucks and pam found some cool things yeah i want to put whatever they're called pictures they're picture holders yeah or that's what i'm going to use them for i think that you can use them for plates too she said yeah why why are you going to put a plate in this i want to put a plate where i can eat food i know i've never understood collector's plates i just woke up and i came here i had a flintstones vitamin it tasted like grapes ooh rain or shine well it's definitely not shine it's actually borderline snowing right now last week it was like 70. good morning good morning how are you next we'll get out and see people right yeah that's true just saying last saturday it was like 70 degrees and this now it's like borderline snowing it's crazy we were at the lake last week and it was beautiful yeah everything over here is freezing everything's free okay that's cool we were way up in maine and we saw the ice go out and i've never seen the oscar wall before it was so great the ice go out yeah you know when the lake's all frozen and yeah one day just yeah it's just it basically falls really cool no way i didn't even know it did that well i'm this old and i've never seen it before and it was wonderful next year ryan we're gonna go find a lake okay okay i only laugh a bit because i just got rid of it this is cool [Music] oh this is cute yeah i want to get this okay i want to get it for nina though for my sister because she likes flowers mr gumpy when i was little my grandma had a bunch of the mr books we had a whole bunch of them mr messi was my favorite did you take out the doctor's suits just in case oh [Music] you have one right here you want this one too i just saw the cat and i was like oh that's doctor i should have had you organizing for me oh you're good yep oh kids on that side and adults look at that old chain drive my grandmother had like the whole series of all these mystery books when we were little yes and i love well she didn't have us like like we got to pick which one we wanted her to read at night and we'd always like pick them and then that was like our nighttime story but i loved mr messi he was my favorite yeah i mean fun fact of me i guess dr pepper 50 bucks i'm gonna get this clock i want to set it down though um can i just put it like right here i'm gonna get that clock there okay you want me to put my stuff over here too yeah is this part of that is that is that part of the clock oh wow a tortilla maker are these goggles sudoku coca-cola oh those are kind of neat 25 bucks what that that's a can crusher 20 bucks [Music] i'll take a shot on it i need to stay away from little boxes i have like six of them i don't even do now the cat's sleeping it was over there in the dollar i have some stuff here i'm going to get these two things and then she's got those i pay for hers so it looks like 40 bucks to me okay deal 40. there you go thank you very much guys i really like this clock enjoy yeah these are they were called mystery clocks yep and i've owned a bunch of them and i just can't have everything i have right understandable okay well thank you guys good luck with your sale now it's snowing yep what the heck mid-april and we got snow at a yard sale i couldn't find any comps on this on this mic i looked it up quick but it looks interesting to me so i took a shot on it for 20. i can't wait this clock this clock's worth every bit of 20. what this book is a legend it's a legend pam says it's hey look there's a bear on the pole where oh i thought it was a real bear i got excited [Music] would you take five on this so i couldn't find any microphone like this listed or sold on ebay currently so i decided to do the daily weekly auction and just see where it goes i listed up for 99 cents plus shipping so wish me luck hopefully we can get our money back out of this i really don't know what it's worth but i just thought it was cool speaking of auctions i want to give a big shout out to gerald you guys might remember this thing that we picked up last week i put this at auction well a viewer of the channel gerald ended up winning this auction of this cool little bus that pam found at a garage sale and it went for 51 plus shipping so gerald thank you very much we really do appreciate it and we'll get this thing shipped right out to you [Music] that's gonna do it for this video guys thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Thrift Mine
Views: 128,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: R1-xBZduNNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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