I spectated a Plat Ana who was a SLEEP DART MENACE

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all right so today's video we're watching a plat one Anna on PC now to start off here they say that they're normally a mercy player but they were forced to play Anna um but think they played just fine now I think they had gone Anna because the other teammate was on mercy so they say they can't believe how they lost this game so we already know they lost the game uh since since everything seemed to go well up to that point they're convinced that their DPS were lacking compared to the enemy team and wants to know what they think went wrong here so we'll see how it goes I'm I'm not entirely sure I mean I'm looking at the scoreboard right now the scoreboard seems pretty even um outside there's a couple extra deaths on on the on the DPS on on their team so we'll see why they were losing this game let's find out all right here we go this is plat one on PC AC Panda than 11 mon up good nade good sleep so far so good G an grenade okay I mean so far so good I mean obviously like yeah I don't know I so far so good the only thing I can say is your positioning needs a little bit of work on the beginning where you stood in the middle like right now like but like your teammates are kind of also out of position uhoh yeah I just one thing you just did there by the way and and I I want you to be kind of careful of this you I like that you're going for DPS but you have two teammates who are really really really low in front of you you need to give your teammates opportunity there and you're not you're junkrat and you're worried about your DPS I know your junkrat's not playing the best position like why they're playing next to the sigma but at the same time you have opportunity to keep your junkrat alive there and you just decided to go for a shot on the wi so or like maybe the Bastion whoever it was U point being is is like get your teammates up a little bit more there especially to a point where the KN just going get rolled um and then you know but yeah I mean your junk I I will say your junkrats position wasn't the best either position in by the way this is what I kind of talk about and and this is where I said like one of my concerns is like mechanically you seem to actually be playing this very well but your position is just really off so like you can argue that it's your teammate's position and that makes that happen but it's also to the point where like as Anna you need to find a sight line that works for you and then commit to that sight line if your teammates get out of losos and they get mad that's a little bit different but like you're not even giving yourself a sight line you're just sitting in the middle of the open and that's going to be a free pick I want you to think about it from this point of view let's say that you're you're you said that you play a lot of Mercy right let's say that you're you're damage boosting your DPS and you see an Anna in your positioning the call out from you and your DPS is wow this Anna is out of position let's get this Anna right now this is a two-step process in the sense of like your teammates also need to be in your losos but that's a problem they're going to have to deal with at a certain point right whether that's for you telling them hey like I need you to be in losos look where I'm standing Etc but yeah if you find yourself having to do this this is how you're going to fall over uh immediately um because your position just isn't good most of your teammates disengage the other way so say you were playing say you were playing back here in like a like a kind of like a regular losos type of situation you would have been able to rotate back and sa your team right CU your teammates all ended up back here instead you just gravitated here and got rolled see what I'm saying so even though your teammates had not good positioning you had the worst of the positioning see hello there gentlemen got a tire nice sleep by the way that was well well done all right good on a grenade don't be afraid to Nano look by way look what you're doing I know you're heading towards the point but I want you to be careful of learning a straight line down there they're probably going to be able to that team fight but once again be careful you're fine now now now you want to use the cover one of the one of the cool things about Rialto is this statue area could be good cover until they get map control so like find opportunity here find a spot that will work for you right don't don't just sit there and like go in and try to you can make this work you go back up a little bit focus on positioning by the way I love that you slept the Winston there yeah you just got rolled right there I love that you slept the Winston cuz there was absolutely zero chance you were trying to sleep that Winston I want to point that out there was zero chance that who you were going for I I think they're playing very well like I don't I don't like from a mechanical point of I think I would have had the same reaction you did um from a mechanical point of view they're playing very well from a position point of view definitely need some work like right now by the way look where you're at you haven't rotated cuz you wanted to sit there and stare at your mercy good luck now yeah you got out but like you see what I mean there's things that you can definitely clean up with your gam playay um although I probably would have done the same thing when watching the mercy FAL to go across there to do nothing thanks for the 14 mon thank you so I get that you go teammate teammate teammate new team or rank plat one good sleep again sleep's been great and very accurate which has been cool to see nice pick nice [Music] nade nice sleep again yeah your sleeps have been super accurate that that is something that definitely look at okay I'm going to pause for a second okay now that we've settled a little bit all right let's talk about this for a second now that You' settled for a little bit I want you to start thinking about good positioning all right so we're going to go up here into the sky box for a second as of right now your team doesn't have map control right so you're going to end up in a good spot these angles right here will be good spots for you you have plenty of cover if your team moves up you'll have natural cover up here these are the spots you'll gravitate towards if you start standing in the middle of the open you're going to get rolled and a lot of the time you you want to focus on like blame and DPS at that point but until you give yourself good position and consistently it's really hard to be like oh I can't believe they were doing this because right now you technically have been a free pick twice because of your position so let's eliminate that part of it and then you go to the next step we'll see what you do we'll see what you do I'm I'm giving it time Los is line of sight so like behind a wall a simple way to explain that is this look I'll pause it at a good moment all right one second okay I'm just get you an example you ready see see the ash here they can't see the see the the can't can't see the ash they are out of line of sight right so when we say creating good line of sights for your teammates that means like you're playing an area so if you play here and you have you have cover right here your teammates are in line of sight and then if you need to get out of line of sight of the other team you can hide by using cover do you see do you hear losos a lot but that's what we're referencing positioning you have you have cover right there this is this is cover this is positioning don't no no no okay I it worked I I'll give you that I might have done the same thing so I'll give you that one hello yeah hello there no I might have do the same thing I'll give him that one good sleep okay yeah gold working your positioning work on what you're doing oh I will say your sleeps have been great really good sleeps by the way good job by your life Weaver watch it life protects life okay good job by your team all right focus on good positioning please no okay perfect wonderful basically I want to get you in a good habit of good positioning like you survive that and it's fine but just don't do that because there's a chance you do that you get shot by like a their what do they have on their team their bashing your Ash dynamites you when you fall over right your the ash rolls you when you jump down out of a good spot you get what I'm saying so like you don't have it make that play and you can still do the same thing I'm okay with you pushing up a little bit here you have you have angles you do see the um Moira okay back away back away don't be afraid to Nano your Bastion on their next turret form or your Sigma I'd say those are probably your two Targets right now that's fine I'm okay with this a little bit early of a you know what you know what those like type of Nanos like remind me of though like get rep play and you get Nano like that those remind me of like the surprise and you're like as a as a sigma player you're like uh what so sometimes you want to try to time your Nanos like a little bit better you get what I'm saying like give like think about the opportunity your teammate has if your teammate's not going to fall over give them a bit more opportunity because like then then then your Sigma almost felt forced to go in there and make a play Bastion Bastion your life weever saved but your Bastion you're leaving couple your teammates at low HP Sig is a little bit just I want you to be careful of what you're doing right now yes very decisive about ban I'm not disagreeing with that I'm just saying like I'm more like sometimes when players are like hey what can we do better and like what can we do here here and there Etc I I'm more kind of going along the lines of trying to like help clean up a little bit of the game play because when they aren't having like major mistakes that they're doing during the game I you still want to clean up some of the like the like for example when I was doing the the scrims like it wasn't like I was just running in and feeding it was like oh yeah by the way taking a little bit too much poke damage while that's like a like a a a small part of what's happening in the game I Now understand that something simple as that can help fix my gameplay by a ton you get what I'm saying does that make sense so for me it's definitely worth being able to kind of analyze the that way and look at it that way so y okay here we go but yeah if if your tank is out of position like that sometimes you just need to let your tank be out of position um but at the same time people have heard me say like go with the pace of your teammates I I would say it's good to go with the pace of your teammates but find a good way to go about it you get what I'm saying is that is that helpful What in do something [Music] this okay enemy turret dest I just saw a diva chasing that Soldier don't don't peek don't peek back away back away back away back you're in overtime overtime spawns overtime spawns I want to get this in the mindset of players overtime spawns or longer spawns you don't need to feed here just just play smart back away back away back away you go behind no be careful in the middle right there yes right here good now wait ready and peek don't over peek it on a grenade you have a time perfect on a grenade nice sleep nice wonderful good job you see why I was like really stressed in the idea of like trying to get to a good position right there it's like super important you do that all right SC Z the soldier did live that too I want to point out that soldier who made that Journey survived that whole time I just needed to see where that Journey was going and it worked outting match yeah mechanically the's been playing great if I'm going to be completely honest with you like been playing great I'm if I'm going to be real with you at this point so you like the making one shot all heroes idea oh yeah that sounds great that would really Step Up OverWatch I agree this is what I would consider like okay positioning as in like this isn't bad like you're taking High Ground you have cover if you need it as you can see when the torb shooting at you so like this is kind of what I mean when you focus on that I you know eventually you're going to drop down cuz you're going to realize no one's pushing the card okay your mercy did this is good though this is what I mean like you're see how you they're in sight line and how like you want to focus on this like imagine playing like this type of position most of the time where like it's harder for the team to get value on you and you're not spending the whole time trying to run around like you're playing like you know what people reference like dead by daylight right like you can kind of just chill here and do whatever you want to do and this is what you can create these type of sight lines on most Maps as an uh the big nasty thanks for the four months for the fut f thank you appreciate it dude that tank must hate you by the way I want to point that out that tank must absolutely hate me like I think you're approaching like probably 15 sleeps on that tank this game I I wonder if we can like count how many times that tank has actually been slept I'm telling you eny all right there you go using cover to get away you can Nano this if you need to don't don't like sit there and like there's going to be this like argument back and forth and I want to talk about it for a second because there's going to be this argument back and forth where people are like hey why don't we the argument is going to be like hey why don't you save Nano for Genji and sometimes like I'm gonna be real with you with how quickly you can build Dano sometimes Genji there just and it's not going to be because the Genji is bad it's just going to be sometimes there just games where Genji takes a bit to be able to build up their stuff right you get what I'm saying like sometimes it can just take a little bit for a Genji be a to build blade and you can like you can two to one them on Nanos so like don't be afraid to like be able to like Nano your like your Sigma or Nano somebody um rather than just waiting on the anal blade that would have slept theist if they weren't gold hey okay good you did that you know the funny part is is you were almost at the point where I would have said save it for blade but you actually still use it and I'm okay with you being proactive with that so it's good to see that you did use it um now now it's going to be a hindsight where you're like oh we didn't win that I tried I did this I did that and now it's going to be a bit of a hindsight but like I'm still okay with proactive Nanos and it's funny cuz your Genji did build blades now your Genji is going to have a bad blade and then it's going to be one of those things where you and your Genji can't line up so then the discussion becomes well maybe you should wait on the Nano blade then it's like at the same time like then you're just waiting on one specific play to try to win the game for you the whole time so it's like do you wait do you not wait that was bad position by you because you were at the corner there you were going to be fine then you went to the corner so remember that too okay let's watch this here we go not bad nice job on the tor turret I'm still watching you're close to Nano again save Nano for blade now definitely save Nano for blade now you're going to need this that Bob won't get any value if you don't give the Bob value okay you're going to have nanoade after this team fight you have nanoade this is it this is like your Allin play you feel like you miss all of your shots is Anna out of scope I have a question for you okay so we'll stop for a second did you miss all you feel like you miss all your shots out of scope do you know the difference between the the out of shots not of curiosity because there there's a difference so when you Scope in okay so you ready when you Scope in it's hit scan hit scan is wherever your aim goes that's where your aim's going I'm just letting everybody know this one on that one random the the um when you're unscoped it is projectile which means you have to lead your shots now somebody goes well what is the difference why would you want to why not just scope in the whole time one it's a lot easier to to get a scoped in Anna two when you are projectile aiming okay which is when you're unscoped they can't see the the the Tracer so what I mean by that is when you shoot his an scoped in they can see where you're at right but let's say that you want to hide in a corner and you just sit there and you don't scope in they won't see where you're at you could just sit there and shoot the whole time they might hear the shots of the an but they can't see where you're at because your your shots aren't showing on the screen but when you're scoped in your shots show yeah like the sniper Trail so like that's why it's a little bit different so when you're when you're when you're playing Onna unscoped you need to just recognize it's going to be a bit of projectile it's going to be projectile you know what I'm saying so that's why your your aiming might be a little bit more difficult when you do that anyway here we go yes technically your shots to be invisible when you don't when you don't SC you just need to be able to lead your shots a bit more it's not like an aggressive projectile like if you're playing like it's it's but yeah good nanoade good job try to get one heal in your Genji usually one heal in your Genji is probably good enough during that like to know if they're going to get the blade or not I love that you manag to once again um sleep a tank your Genji be careful of over pushing this your mercy is there try to heal up your mercy if you can nice heal Genji was going to get rolled there anyway I'm going to be honest with you youve played a pretty good H it so far obviously there's been a couple mistakes here and there but like been pretty good that's why we're mentioning any things you can clean up a little bit [Applause] so nice sleep be careful of positioning try to gravitate a little bit left side cuz the cart also is going to cover you and then play left hand corner this is okay for now your angle's okay but remember this is an easy shot good on a grenade saves your teammate and purple a tank well played positioning so far yeah you know reached the checkpoint this is going to be an interesting moment because we talk about this sometimes where like we get people to like submit stuff and say that like oh my you know this player isn't doing that that player isn't doing this Etc but honestly if I'm going to be real with you this has been a situation where like it's not like your DPS playing bad it's the timing of the picks by your DPS that's been tough for you and a lot of that has to do with like your your team comp is more inconsistent so when their team is running like torb and and and Ash there's more consistency to their damage right they're going to do more damage when they're when you're playing Genji and junkrat it's a little bit more inconsistent so like there's going to be moments of like what like like downtime where nothing happens right so like that's probably like another reason why you're getting that feeling of like what are my DPS doing it's not it's not even necessarily they're like playing like inherently bad it's just like it's such a like an inconsistent like it almost relies on a couple of things to happen for them to get that value you know what I mean cuz they had the very they had very similar amount of Limbs but it's the timing of those limbs that have been the issue does that make sense you do have a um what's it called you do have a um solar 76 you can at least have a bit more consistency there oh no they didn't wait on you H hopefully it's a good blade okay it was a good blade it was fine ended up being a good blade now you have a free Nano my Nano suggestion is ratra but I want to see you save it for third position in there by the way that that was an example of what I was trying to like uh point out to you where like your positioning can get you killed you almost just got one shot now you go well I didn't get one shot so it's fine yeah but let me just give you the next step with this what happens right what happens if you decide to you get one shot there okay my Mercy can res you your mercy reses you now someone else gets picked off now your mercy can't res now it's a 4v5 see what I'm saying got to be careful with that stay consistent with the position Nano ratra good Nano you'll be fine there a little bit overall by your team but like I'm in the assumption that if you win a team fight you'll be able to at least have one more Al stack to try to win the gamey and I agree the Genji did win that team fight that's why I'm saying like I don't think it's necessarily the DPS are playing inherently awful it's just like when you're playing in a Genji junkrat comp the amount of times you get a limbs is a little bit more inconsistent right and you can see that so your your your your playmaking by your team is going to happen in bursts while the while the playmaking of their team is going to kind of happen in like almost a consistent like style so sometimes we playing against that consistent style where it's a little bit more hit scan a little bit more like you're not relying on some like random like double mind play from a junkrat or like a a really good like Dash reset by a Genji you're going to have moments of like nothing happens you have that feeling of like what's going on but like if you can kind of like figure out how to time the team comp whether that's communicate with your Genji here I'm going to build we know but stay back and farm blade up a little bit more ET like then it becomes a little bit easier to figure out why team comps happening that way yes you can't you can't sleep orisa alter and Al cuz it's like orisa gold you can can you hack AIS out out of el now they keep changing that stuff I can't remember you can yeah I was going to say so you can hack a RIS out of ultimate but you can't good Anor grenade your honor grenades have been good Genji was a little bit out of position there nice job uhoh run run all right this comes down to a nanoade hey that's pretty much what's going to make a break this game a nano blade okay and I would like to know this and I don't think they're in here but did did your Genji say Nano them or did you Nano your Genji because if you just naned your Genji randomly that's on you a th% there should have been no way that that Genji was going to be Nano so if their Genji asked for Nano that's on the Genji if you Nano the Genji randomly that's on you straight up straight up that that's that is the way I'm seeing that one but yeah that that's going to come down to if you decided to Nano your Genji there randomly that's on you if your Genji asked for Nano there randomly that's on Genji because there was no way that was going to get any value at that point they were too far back for any value I you know the Genji's name is probably perfect for what just happened during that play why weener poop thanks for to get the sub thank you appreciate it thank you oh yeah also you're right the projectile size when I'm scope two good call now one sorry I just want know on a grenade that's good your Genji good heal he your Matra Matra is going to die there maybe not no the Sleep missed it wouldn't have mattered but yeah Cory thank you for the tier one thank you appreciate thanks and there you go team [Music] back a little bit there we go okay so what I will say what I will say about your Anna is that I thought your mechanics were really good I thought you like you were very accurate with your sleeps you were very accurate with your shots for the most part you did a good job of stuff you had said like you feel like your s are like I I think this is one of those games where just understanding that your DPS isn't going to be as consistent when it comes to what you're running cuz you're running you're running like double projectile for a while obviously you're on solder now honestly and this is I'm going to be real with you I I don't know what happened there with that Genji blade but I think that was the Mak or break of at least getting past that point and giving yourself an opportunity to win this game I don't know if it was the Genji asking for Nano or if you decided to randomly Nano but that was like the Difference Maker in this game so like the point I'm making is while you have the team that's a bit more consistent because they're running the hit scan comp and then you have the team that's running more of the projectile it came down to like one last team fight but it ended up being down to one set of ultimates so when you look at this game I wouldn't necessarily say like oh like your DPS were playing terrible oh what were they doing it can feel that way too because like I said it's very inconsistent with like when the picks happen but when you play this like nanoblade style of play nanoade can carry fights and that nanoblade interaction you had about 30 seconds prior to the end of the game or like a minute prior to the end of the game felt like that was probably to make a break in this game because the Nano blades were working the Genji was popping off during those Nano blades your teammates were feeding off of that good game playay and then that happen right so I I think like in this game it really just came down to that one play um but overall like from a from like a positive point of view like your your mechanics were good I think you need to work on your position a little bit um yeah you could definitely play Onna a bit more too so that's my take on that one if you like this video make sure to hit the like button subscribe to all three YouTubes if you haven't uh also leave a comment all that helps um if you want to submit your own spectator look in the description below that is where my Discord is and you'll be able to go on there submit for a bunch of stuff um we also record these live on stream you can see the twitch chat right below the webcam so stop by if you haven't with that being said hope you have an amazing day SL [Music] night [Music] oh
Channel: emongg
Views: 119,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Overwatch, overwatch emongg, emongg highlights, emongg ranked, emongg competitive, emongg, emong, emmong, emoong, top 500, top500, grandmaster, grand master
Id: k6lVLj5mKWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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