Seagate 24TB Ironwolf Pro HDD for NAS - Review & Synology NAS Testing

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24 terabytes that's absolutely insane for one drive to be 24 terabytes that means in this simple little 4bay NZ here I could put four of these inside and have 96 terab of storage let's be realistic that's too much space this is going insane you do not need 96 terab of storage in your 4bay Nas system and if you do you have got a problem and if that's coming from me that's when you know it's bad [Music] that is right that rather petulent introduction aside this is the Seagate ironwolf 24 terabyte Nas hard drive otherwise known as the Seagate ironwolf Pro 24tb this is the latest release in a long running series from this brand of Nas hard drives drives that are designed for the rigers of 24/7 server use and it's a pro series drive as well which means they dial it up to 11 in a number of ways rocking out the gate with a price tag depending on where you are in the world of about 450 to 499 nicker depending on your currency depending on your local tax there this is a drive that's taking capacity very very seriously it's been a number of years now we've seen uh Seagate effectively overtake everyone in the market with a larger capacity drives beating everyone to the punch this drive arriving with 10 platters that's 2.4 terabyt per platter it's a 10 platter Drive rocking out the gate with a 7200 RP PM I tell you what really surprised me about this this drives CMR it's conventional magnetic recording or perpendicular magnetic recording if you are old school it's not even SMI it's not jingle magnetic recording something that the majority of brands are still heavily riant on at this capacity level now on top of that it's got a workload there we could talk about meantime between failure but it's not the past let's talk about workloads it's 550 terab annual workload on the drive with a reported performance of between 270 and 285 megabytes per second more on that later on and alongside that much like other Cate iron warolf drives is rocking out the gate with all of that agile array stuff and again I'm not going to bore you with do it but basically its vibration sensors its stability sensors its dual plane balancing inside and ultimately it means when the platters inside the drive are spinning you need to know that things aren't going to wobble you need to know that that arm is be able to rethink on a stable platform as possible and thanks to helium ceiling inside these drives allowing lesser friction to occur inside it means those platters are Getting Thinner and the amount of space when you were looking at heat assisted magnetic recording or energy assisted magnetic recording or microwave a s magnetic recording the amount of data that's going on those platters is getting bigger and that's where we come back to this drive when we had this drive set up in an external USB dock the numbers we got were pretty darn good and I would argue pretty darn consistent we had it in a Windows 10 machine uh rocking out the gate with an mvme OS drive inside and 16 gig of memory it was more than powerful enough um I believe it was a 12 core uh 12 gen i5 processor in Aji uh we tested a 1 gig 4 gig and 16 uh gigabyte test file there and within Aja we saw performance numbers of 278 over 273 272 over 272 and 271 over 270 megabytes per second so stained performance in read and write for the better part of 15 minutes this did not get oversaturated then we move over to atto uh dis Benchmark and from there we tested a 256 Meg a 1 GB and 4 GB test file and pretty consistently across the board we saw performance numbers of 255 to 263 megabytes per second on both read and write performance there finally we went over to standard good oldfashioned Windows transfer and with Windows transfer there we transferred 20 gig of data three times and every time we saw it take approximately 2 minutes and it was 2 minutes 5 to 2 minutes 10 and the average performance there was 262 to 265 megabytes per second but it peaked at 265 regularly depending on the density of the data there now you didn't come to this video for this 24tb because you're going to stick this in a PC that would be Bonkers let's be realistic you want to buy a drive like that because you want to stick it in a NZ the aformentioned 4bay I mentioned at the start of the video which I still claim would be Insanity to put this in that but nonetheless I know there's going to be a number of you that are going to do that you're going to fill a system like this with 24 TV drives so I went ahead and did it I took these 24tb drives and I took this sonology DS 923 plus and I know you're about to say in the comments sonology doesn't let you use these drives and you're right but nonetheless I took four of these drives and stuck them inside this DS 923 I set up the device and stuck it in a raid 5 and later on I stuck it in a raid zero unsurprisingly Sony's operating system uh did not like me using the sigo 24 TV drives CU they weren't on the compatibility listing and we got a full video coming up soon where we're testing these drives inside a myriad of different Nas systems to show you what happens when you use this drive in a qap a teram master an ASA store and of course theology again and maybe even a u Zim blade and whatever else so we can find along the way but even though it did argue about using that drive we went ahead and set ourselves up a Shar drive on a raid five and a raid zero later on we then connected this device up with uh a 10gbe connection on the rear of this system that's why we went for it and over 10gbe these are the performance numbers we saw in a raid five array over SMB we saw uh in Aja performance numbers of 730 mbes per second read over 590 mbes per second right and that was an a raid five environment via Aja over 10gbe from the same system we tested earlier with a single drive now we weren't content with that and that was over by the way a 512 Meg a 1 gig and a 4 GB far we went ahead and formatted the system to a raid zero cuz we wanted to see although we're going to have no redundancy what if we actually wanted to hit that 96 terabyte limit and really push the boat out in terms of performance this cheeky little dual core 4 BAS system with those drives inside allowed us to hit 785 mbes per second uh read and 740 megabytes per second right which means we pretty much 3/4 saturated that 10g connection with these drives in this modest little 4 by from technology now imagine using these drives in larger quantities with a more powerful CPU with 25 gig 50 gig or 100 Gig this is a very high performing drive and over smv performance on 10g on AJ a and earlier on when we saw sustained uh Windows transfer speed to the single drive this is a drive that can back up its performance claims that seate are putting out there now what do I like about it as mentioned I like the performance I like the sustained performance I like we've got for example the annual annual workload but I also like that we've got Cate Iron Wolf you know Dy value protection there in terms of if you lose your data they'll go ahead and go data recovery for you we've made a video about it before I'm not going to bore you with it also the fact GL it worked with an anology although no one's going to tell you it is a nice thing and I tested it already we've already half filmed it I got it working inside immediately inside a qap and inside an ACA store they already work the price tag is definitely going to put users off but you've got to factor in its 24 terabyt and by the way again I bloody love that this is not SMR given that you know the majority of drives at this capacity already rocking out the gate with SH all magnetic recording and sigot have managed to largely bypass that for this NZ drive and they' still yet to taint their um Nas serus with any kind of SMR drivve which is great to hear also alongside the agile array and load balancing we haven't even talked about the time limited error uh recovery which means when the drive can sometimes get into bad patches of read and right when that can happen ordinarily with hard drives it allows the drive to just move on rather than get into hang mode which can happen with a lot of non- naaz drives again it's not specific to them but at least within that inclusion of all of that bells and wills uh bells and whistles of NAS Drives that's really desirable to see in something like this but again is it perfect no one the power consumption is a little higher than I think some people would like to see and obviously en larger race is going to creep up but not hugely surprised by the capacity it would be like that the price tag is not going to be for everyone understandably so and I quite like that seate are rocking out these big drives but I really really really wish they would lean heavy on the nas Brands to get these on compatibility lists earlier than they do but apart from that it's very hard to fult what is currently the biggest Nas hard drive in the market right now in terms of performance versus stability and arguably versus price maybe don't go filling a 4bay little modest system like this with a drive like this I don't think you're the intended user but maybe you want to proved me wrong what do you guys think would you get a hold of a drive like this maybe there's something I've missed in this video for you let me know so I can include it in the multiz test video coming up on this series of drives thank you so much for watching there's a link in the description to the full detailed written review and we be go to even more detail on all of those tests on this drive so if you want to find out more go in there and find out if you've got any questions about this or test scenarios that you want to see let me know and apart from that did any support that myself and Eddie just us here at NAS compar can do to help you let us know in the comments or use the links to the support sections below thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: NASCompares
Views: 42,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SEAGATE, SEAGATE IRONWOLF, SEAGATE IRONWOLF REVIEW, SEAGATE NAS HDD, seagate ST24000NT002, ST24000NT002, seagate 24tb nas hdd, seagate 24tb, 24tb synology, 24tb qnap, 24tb asustor, seagate ironwolf nas compatibility, 24tb nas compatibility, 24tb nas support, seagate ironwolf 24tb review, seagate ironwolf review, seagate 2024, seagate review, seagate 24TB HDD, Seagate vs WD, Seagate ST24000NT002, Seagate 2024, Seagate 2024 HDD, Seagate Ironwolf HDD Review, Seagate Review
Id: XEwjDdSA81E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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