UNPAID INTERN EPISODE 3 ft. Wubby, Squeex, ExtraEmily, AustinShow !RedBull !OMEN !HyperX

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hello hello welcome back to unpaid intern I'm your CEO of Mogul moves Ludwig and today we are joined by our interns who are going to have the chance of being our employee of the month you can take a look at our former employees of the month right here I'm pretty sure Daniel's mewing in that picture cuz he looks weirdly [ __ ] good but but one of them will be on this wall and just a bit so let's say hello to our uh contestants but first got to say hello to my good palan how we doing baby how we doing no how we doing one more time let's go look at him you said I wasn't allowed boxes I had to go into your garage and get all this [ __ ] one more time whatever man yeah oh now yeah that's what we offer okay yeah we'll make it bigger that's my those are prescription those are yours yes those are mine let's take a look at our how we doing today Austin you look like [ __ ] yeah I uh I totally forgot that I was supposed to dress up I thought that was the whole interview process now we're done with that I'm in my casual okay you didn't just forget how to dress up you are supposed to be an intern today yet before the show started maybe 45 seconds before you said can I get a dry cappuccino 2% milk and I I don't know if you guys remember this remember on the shooting day when he had his [ __ ] pants people don't know about this Austin had cumy pants sometimes you got to ejaculate right on your pants he also I don't I don't know if he wore the same pants but also had C pants today you come pants today he did have comp pants today some sometimes I get a little horny well are you hoping that gets you the wi today see bra all I'm saying is nobody here came on their pants well actually check again I don't know I look I mean I I know I I look a little underdressed but I don't think that's important I think I think that my tape is going to show yeah are you judging us based on how we're dressed today look I'm factoring in everything but let's be real I don't know if you can can we do we got a wide look what I'm come on see these little guys yeah C under the under the table I don't look good right now are we are we revealing things stand up stand stand up I don't want to stand up I'm not wearing underwear this is not a meme I'm not wearing underwear he's not wearing underwear so stand up texed me to bring him underwear to the shoot that's a weird thing to do and you did it yeah cuz I thought that would be like sexual harassment okay well let's you know let's move on Austin we'll see how you do today speaking of sexual harassment [Music] yeah an intro that was good was haven't seen the videos but once you see the videos once you see the videos it a little oh my God you did that you'll see what T did he tell you to do what did he told me to do Jesus Christ I wasn't there for shoot but I do know right after you went to the hospital I did what did St do to you A lot it was a lot of mental it was a lot of emotional was it related to the shoot do I owe you workers comp I want to say yes I want but but no okay kick me in the face so he's got a track record of of hurting people on set that was homophobic in nature back to you so it was okay how do you feel like you're going to do today I I'm here to win or I'm here to kill myself I mean It's All or Nothing you're going to change our lives forever in front of everyone can we retali your scores and they're just going to wubby seven through it all yeah that's right would you continue the show if that happened show goes on I would like him to another episode he would want it he would want it just just pin me to the wall some self uh squeaks hey baby squeak thank oh you don't have to do this big money no uh you've changed oh I'm wearing a suit he's changed hasn't he he has changed in what way name well lwi asked me to do background checks on all of the interns and I have to say you told us about a felony you're committing you were stealing your contacts data on a flight that was first class you can't afford $20 yeah so what squeaks does is he is he he goes on a first class flight and then they give you free internet if you have T-Mobile squeaks famously does not have T-Mobile in fact curses the day it was invented so he goes through his contacts puts in their phone number until he finds a T-Mobile hit wait that's genius here's the worst here's the worst part guys you have a limited number of uses that's [ __ ] up you're you could only do it three times you stole it from them forever hey shout out to Gabe from high school and I'm sorry I actually used that hack on my way here you did I was like squeak I'm so what airline is it American I used it je American American charges so much for internet that's such a rich what is happening thank you squeaks good yeah of course can you really blame their tenacity it adds up squeaks or squeaks that's okay two in it's confusing uh can I tell you that's not the most cringe part about saks's flight what is going on here he doesn't watch movies he steals their data so he can run Apple Maps text people when you're are above their state and say I'm in your state and when they reply he sends a picture from the place that's all he does a good B yes that's Weir it's weird it's weird that the whole flight you look out the window and I know you do this cuz you would message me and you'd be like I'm over Vegas now and that is in the middle of New York and La I mean we're we're participating in the miracle of flight I'm sorry you're looking at your phones but I like to look out the window and see the world sorry being I would agree with you one of the most frustrating thing is when everybody has their [ __ ] window shade shut yes they tell you okay relax C pants Hi l welcome to unpaid ENT thank you we are glad that you're here today yes uh but you are someone else who's committed some felonies I heard about this in the background chat trespassing you're a trespasser you think we don't see these that's why I didn't get a ticket oh yeah you didn't get AET but you still did it and it's on camera you filmed yourself committing let's be real she emed her way out she did it is you just you just have to smile be like sorry and then say thank you she does try that in these videos to be clear we should get you to like break into the Pentagon and see how far Emily gets you through it oh with my camera like streaming secret files so sorry wait I should try new content idea can you like actually like tell me if the plan actually crash here cuz I actually don't believe it you guys can just plan the next January 6th right now that's what you're doing Emily uh you are the most educated here oh on thank you wa wait wait oh okay do you know where she went where where'd you go I went to Columbia that's crazy the country yes oh all right we just couldn't afford to go but that doesn't really mean much because I didn't really you know learn that much did you finish do you think it'll help you today um yes I think I worked really hard in my tasks and I want to prove to be the best intern better than these Hooligans and you know what a half of our hires are women so inclusive all of them are white why would you diversity that's right Emily and I got a Lego I mean you can't win them all right yeah did we clap for that I don't did clap did I didn't uh well stands look I'm a busy man yeah I wasn't there for the jobs and you guys were working so what what do these cats get up to what was what was going on you might not know this they probably know this but lwig likes two things in life creatine and anabolic steroids do not and that makes him very very thirsty okay I do take creatine but I do not take steroids steroid I do not take steroids show your forehead don't do this to me show your forehead if you don't take steroids you have clear skin wa I'm taking steroid forhead the train hide it God hide it [ __ ] do you feel big I really you to British I mean we're both on roids let's just get into it and it's showing both production can we roll our tape we had our interns get lwig some water cuz he's thirsty oh God thirsty little kitten nice to see you you can tell you [ __ ] it you [ __ ] it guys new to unpa intern I have controls before we started I put everything in slow-mo cuz Emily sounds way funnier in slow-mo that c you caught me you caught me I'll fix it all right let's replay we're we're going to go back we're going to go back I'm not going to pause too much I promise hello St hey Emily nice to see you hey St you walk so sexy you stand so sexy no one's ever said that before I feel like you have a new sense of confidence with a suit you know I feel like I'm back in my Investment Banking route you look like a cool youth pastor come on man excited to have you here I'm excited to be here have a job for you thank you okay I'm very excited I'm so excited to work for free for you today yeah not for me for lwig but I'm excited to have you oh Lord oh son of a [ __ ] what's it say papa is a thirsty little kitten me so I called you this Uber to come help me out fill as many cups as you dare with water and then get in the Uber as you drive around try not to spill the intern who returns with the most 28 Man start a family 28 stop saying that to start a family it's time to grow up all right well you get it Papa thirsty I need some water all right so let's see which one of you [ __ ] is able to get me enough water to to to quench my thirst these are very full oh you're going to pour some out yes the goal is to give as much water back you have a poncho we don't have a poncho but we have like a jacket a jacket yeah that could get wet may I ask like how long the drive is going to be you can ask and okay that that's fine okay here's the head okay oh oh you guys do have ponches yeah sorry I didn't know you've been doing squats I can tell I've been trying not a position I'm familiar with let me straighten out there you go does that work hello and I've done some consideration just so no rules are broken and for safety protocol I'd like you to ride with me me yes if you would would would you like to hold a cup uh yeah I think I can hold a cup grab one let's go can I bring in this water to your car um yeah just try not to spill any you got it first I'm going to put oh disaster W is it just water yeah just water it doesn't oh my God I'm sorry Bill I'm sorry Bill oh my God it's okay let me set it down no I got I got it I got I think I got it cuz you know if you get it I don't know what could happen I don't want you to be responsible can I open the trunk okay I mean it's not my car but we can use a trunk wa do I do a license to use a trunk you have another Poncho another Poncho maybe just in case just a third Poncho in case the first two ponchos don't three ponchos so so many nobody thought of this and I was so [ __ ] proud of this it's smart because as an intern as a worker you need to be Innovative yeah it's true nobody thought of this okay it's true but ultimately it doesn't help you bring more water unless you're more ambitious it just keeps you dry it just keeps you dry I almost feel like and correct me for I'd hate I'd hate to have a wrong impression of you I almost feel like you cared more about not being wet than getting me my water I cared more about being I get that impression in hold on yep I'm sure of course they got their impression cuz I'm fighting for the job they're fighting for the job now let me tell you this bro you look like a loose condom you talking about t guy what do you mean about profession it it's important when you're doing a job that you show up to work presentable that's and if I'm if I'm uncomfortable I'm not insane crazy look at you look you have C pants in an Iron Maiden shirt look look but I'm wearing look at the boots they look good look Good's wait can I say something cuz I feel like Austin's trying to pull one over on you boss he asked me if he could just take one cup he said what if I don't actually care about the just one cup that wow that's the face of a guilty man I need I need I need to call something out here bring let's bring attention to the fact that nobody else I'm sure ask for a poncho that's Innovative that's got to have points WR down it needs to have I need credit for this this is innovation nobody ask for here it is plus one for Poncho minus one for how you look let's go P help yourself I me we might be leaking oh this is the wife's car you're a twitcher you're a streamer I'm a streamer that's right oh yeah yeah yeah like uh Mr Beast exactly like Mr Beast do you watch his videos oh yeah I'm I'm subscribed on like five accounts okay name three of the videos oh come on it's like everything in evolving like all the all the he does the punks he does the punks that's not as you how many houses he's demolish you just take it a little easy here I got a lot of water oh yeah we're going to be very safe all right very happy that we're going to be safe Stanley I need you to uh close the door sorry it stands okay oh my God Emily the car isn't moving so absolutely stationary vehicle she's like short C's not going like reating I sent production to buy extra clothes because Emily was first and was absolutely Dre also it's the worst outfit for this I got to say okay my skirt was black it see before it got wet there we go that's true okay well let's see how this goes surely you will not drop any more water okay Emily we'll have a towel for you don't worry I'll be the towel and it's Emily right yeah okay here we go all right we're going okay there's yo there's water all over the uh can we that is a lot yeah we're we're going to do one of the oh [ __ ] oh God you good no I I think I lost a few oh if you need us to pull over if you a restroom break you just let me know I'll be honest with you it's all going to mix in back here this is the wife well ex-wife's car oh what happened you think a glass of water will winner back I can give you another okay you feel big yeah that was so mean that's how I am I've got 3.2 on Uber I'm not proud of the things I said but I'm going to say sorry I mean since you're asking water in her car dude Denise Denise no no oh no my nephew's got an internship he works at a vet oh really what animals does he work with well all animals it's a vet oh that's right well I thought maybe there was a maybe a dominant breed of animals well we're the dominant breed of animals oh that's true well I guess if you look at it like that I like YouTube I'm more of a Facebook guy wait Facebook is great Phil you still poke people poor people you know they say that La drivers are crazy but oh oh oh oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay oh [ __ ] okay I'm sorry I thought I saw squirrel are you okay you good back there I'm good I have to reveal something a little peek behind the curtain the audio guy gave us one rule he said this microphone is very expensive don't get it wet got it wet slash is that why your face like he squealed like he's like and then me and weby both go oh no he hit the brakes a single cup flew to the front seat and just it just when you thru did it ruin it oh probably yeah I know wait who to pay for that uh you okay you good yeah D this is crazy no it's La man no it's not La it's oh my God it's in my socket well I mean this is what happen when did that water get up there I hope I'm not talking too much no you're not talking too much at all I actually appreciate the conversation oh oh oh oh oh oh oh so oh God what was that you've only got one light no sh no Chill Bill what are you interning to be it's not vet no it's like one of those open job listings so like a temp agency yeah you get what you get I'm at a point in my career where I'd like to look for something a little bit more stable like a an internship at a temp AG well yeah I don't know if this is a temp I'm not nobody's been really clear well Mr Beast likes to do the hygiene well yeah but it's not Mr Beast I hope I'm not Mr Beast to you no you're not you're being sincere you bully me who bullied squeaks who bullied bill bullied Austin it was just kind of like he just wentt I didn't feel like I was being bullied is that how it looks Domin at one point bro I mean I thought I held that held my own in that situation bro no one looks tough in a poncho realiz you know what it just goes to show you you can edit something to fit a narrative here we go fake news I [ __ ] him up I believe that all right back to hope that you're like you're going to give me five stars I'll take it like I'll straight up give you cash for a five star ready I need this God you have wait hey can I yeah thank you so much can you just hear driving recklessly are you crazy bill can you pull over can I put can I will what are you Socrates okay that's so funny all right what we're going to roll this video and but but for a moment I want you guys while it's playing to whip out your phone I want to get your Uber rating at the end of I'm going all your we're going get back to it but I do need all of them we love tips it's so important like especially now I need I need some like straight help yes don't worry I got you so you got a wife oh yeah you you're on the single scene yeah I'm on the single I'm gay too oh you're gay yes I am oh nice nice okay cool yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's right you know that's what you do damn that's the most real interaction I've ever seen dud that's how I feel the gay I didn't know how to I don't know how to really continue the conversation when you tell somebody you're gay and they don't expect it they're just like oh yeah that's cool that's great that's awesome do you often tell Uber drivers you're gay not really most of the time I just go with them like I just they'll be like yeah you man like I've had fullon conversations with Uber drivers talking about hot chicks and I just have to agree with them the whole ride yeah they'll meet the for some reason some of sub drivers will think that like I'm a manly dude that can talk about boobs and like girls and chicks and then they'll start going they be like bro the chicks are hot and I'll be like yeah they are and I'll just go with it you never drop in like d aren't bad though no you I just don't I just feel like it would I don't know I just I'm just like get me to my destination safely not even that I'm I'm not like I'm going to get hate cried in the back seat but like I just feel like I'm just like easier it's easier to just kind of play along sometimes I'm with that not in this situation though back to that's what that's well that's what you do that's what I do you could do it too all right so one second thank you okay yeah he's getting angry don't what are you doing you should tell me Bill I have no more water left I just gave you a water yeah I understand but I have to put them in cups oh right we're here we're here yeah we're just going to pull in I mean we got to dry the [ __ ] up you are terrible at holding water hey Steve I I think he spilled a a lot of the water what happened I'm so sorry St we hit a couple of bumps okay sorry what are you doing back here St look at distraction what the hell are you doing what are you talking about where did you get that how did it go really good really good really good here I'll trade you you take those okay thank you how do you think the trunk did the first thing I heard was look at how he drives this is what he does and he's going on speed bumps I'm losing it this is so bad for my hair loss I mean from Top wait you're actually dry I mean look at that and there is I didn't I made a mess these are all the ones you saved okay for them in poor Papa's going to be so disappointed okay poor Papa not bad so that's that's a good start out that's pretty good that's half a court all right here we go yep oh how many more of those you got it's drinking water well no not necessarily for me yes it's for Papa it's me I I drink it I thought I thought with that sort of uh self description of yourself maybe you would have liked it yeah I would pay extra I'm Papa by the way not bad I feel like oh my god dude how long do we have you can get going that's what I'm saying Oh okay that's this is just become a fetish though I'm just spitting you're a generalization that me spitting is a fetish says more about you I went for the stars in a way that the other contestants are too cowardice to do we shot a little too high okay you think you took too much water oh no I feel like I could have done so much more if I you know was just not a pool again I literally like to build it everywhere I'm a little frustrated that there are four pictures here so this one's clearly filled so we're going to we're going to do that this one is this one is not so we got one and a half and if we want to mark it down that we got one and a half what are you doing thank you Stan I'll see you in the next job had a great time please consider me for the job I will there's many more jobs to doday oh is there yes we're not done we're not done okay thank you that's it I'll I'll take care of that you can go ahead and wait for the next job I think I'll be way better than everyone else give me a break give him a break give a break thank you squeaks bet bet we'll see you for the next job yeah thank you okay holy CRA I asked at one point if I it didn't get make the cut but I asked if I could pee in it yeah and I said yes you did say yes I'm glad you didn't I'm really glad you didn't cuz I already at to drink squeaks and your spit combined I thought better of it but why didn't I mean what's why didn't you I I don't know honestly I thought you'd were willing to do I didn't have to pee I was dehydrated because I flew in that morning because I cared so much about the job yeah well you guys all had a single job of course is carry me as much water as possible and it seemed like ambition won the day cuz it's pretty obvious it is pretty obvious who won let me bring out you crush it I I mean Round of Applause great job there is so much water this is wubby's water holy [ __ ] wait did you is that the same one that's the same water you it that's kind of gross would would you mind could you actually pour me a oh wowow you would mind do I get points no not everything's transaction sometimes you know what some sometimes but I'm just going to do this on the it's about just gumption guess has a little less water now do you have a napkin or something I don't worry about it all right we'll get it with the cappuccino all right all right well that was wubby yes who was next in next in filling up an eagloo bottle that's not bad that's pretty big who's that Emily see love I didn't want to like overhydrate you cuz you have to pee a lot so you know I kept that in consideration I won't even think about that for giving you more points than wubby but you still did good okay thank you don't be sad thank you thank you we have two wiers left you think is who one of them is what you get at a dentist when they ask you to swish it around and both of these people spit in there oh so it's literally just their spit mostly spit at this point why don't you drink this one L uh you know what a water bottle I'll do it that's crazyit who who take one oh for the team for the team right okay oh yeah lucky who's is this one salty salty who's got salty spit it's got to be Austin this Austin uh I also want to call out we to a why are you so mad I just can't believe everything I do I lose the the job was bring as much water as possible can you lift up your [ __ ] cup and put it next to Wubb do you see wubby's cup bro don't do that come on don't do that that was the job it's an OB it's not like I I wish I could give you more points cuz of how swag you did it but it was an objective measurement I just thought that maybe you'd pay more attention of the fact that I wore a poncho well here's what we're going to do I'm going to give one point to Austin two points to squeaks three to Emily four to wubby but I do have a bonus point to give your Uber ratings please well [ __ ] is it Uber or lift Uber Uber Uber okay uh aren't they kind of mean my Uber rating is 4.90 that's not bad no way what you got I can't beat that 4.81 okay squeaks my uing I got I got like a 38 are you serious that's insane how do you do that let's just move on okay Emily mine is a 4.97 no wait is that real 4.97 and Uber's favorite customer that's not fair she's a girl that's [ __ ] she a girl they rate her good cuz she's a chick you're not dodging the misogyny you're really not going to dodge them uh well that's one extra point for Emily and if we pull up our leaderboard that means we have a tie for First with Emily andby Four Points each s in third with two and then Austin in last 1 wait hold on wait what was your Uber rating 4 4.97 right she had a 497 I had 4.9 Z lower I know I thought maybe there was bonus points for can I ask a logistics question so after every Uber ride they rate you and it's like an average of every single one in mine's not even a four yes why I hate you that's crazy no squeaks I genuinely want to know what you do in your Ubers to get that rating that be something I want I mean I lie yeah so what I do is I take the shoes off I take the TOs off and I like I I think it would genuinely because I've had some shitty rides well I'm in New York so I think that plays into it where everyone kindest New Yorker challenge not mention it bro come on dude New York we do things different La Uber and then the whole time he goes the sub would have been faster uh well look that's your first job but we have a couple more today you did you did some more things with stands what else they do with you well for this one you told me to find the four most artistic streamers I could find that's not what I sucked wasn't [Music] artistic Mr show Stanny boy good to see good to see you again Dan good to see you good to see you what do you think about art wow that's me and LeBron James are you on the left here yeah hi St I'm back hey Emily good to see you uh yes St great to see you again yeah I heard you've been fired from a job before yeah laid off Mass lay off on Zoom hate for that to happen to you again so oh why the [ __ ] did you add a graphic there show that was that necessary the editor looked for that little article I told him to make a gift of you crying going did you did you do an interview for that article or something no I was just part of the zoom call where the guy was like if you're on this unlucky group yeah and that's the [ __ ] article yeah laid off Mass layoff on Zoom hate for that to happen to you again so slow motion yeah we can do slow motion great thanks guys been fired from a job before yeah laid off Mass lay off for that to happen to you again so we can do this no wait I'm sorry what you say what just Jed to me and said is that you in the photo that's that I never would say that in my life goad close enough we take it average this a threat I'm feeling dry dry are you feeling as creative as I'm feeling yes I am hopefully you're not dry of ideas you're wet with ideas I'm I'm actually soaked your job is on the scanner okay I will go grab it this is exciting this is exciting are you excited okay I'm getting a little tired of decorating my office with items off of Amazon it just feels like there's something missing using the scanner on the copy machine create a piece of art any piece of art well art that you think that the boss would like it's going to start in three yep two yep one yep go okay art has come make me an R piece I've done a lot of Amazon streams I want to say one thing real quick I don't like how you read my voice squeaks what do you mean uh just the way you do it sounds really douchy that that's more of a reflection on you L maybe Big Boss should I start like today that you'd be the can you imagine being fired by lwig like how would he do it there' be no T have you ever fired somebody I fired people and I do start with boys you're part of the Unlucky group I got Chad Chad this is an L this is an start saying we' decided to go another Direction uh I no I I say it very quick I say I say very ter I say you're [ __ ] out of here baby and no one will believe this happened it [ __ ] all right art pieces let's see what you guys make colors and shades and Shakes art is also up to the interpret it's [ __ ] St art is subjective it is nonsense it's an inside joke for rich people to spend millions of dollars and not pay taxes that's like the three things lwig likes okay wait I actually I think I'm on to something now remember this is going on Ludwig's wall like in his room he's got to like it gosh damn it I'm going to create an amalgamation of ludwick's favorite things okay oh he loves Crocs he loves Crocs does anyone have a Croc I do have a Croc shut up I I do are you willing to take your pants off of course I'm going to need those off okay okay this is what I need something perfect you gravitated towards red I see Yes red because you know he's a republican good call this a penis that's a okay there you go piece of art you're going to hit start yep uh this doesn't even look like what I put in there I would say that highlighter is probably a little light for the scanner we only got the balls I put in the whole the whole shaft I haven't used this in so long right you used to work a real job right yeah I never did any scanning stuff though are the pants off well not yet I'm kind of waiting for the moment can I be honest with you I can't really do this with the pants on okay well let me I have to take my shoes off to take my pants off that's o what did you find ooh I don't know you were really ooing and on a lot literally like Majestic wow that's kind of cool it looks like an x-ray almost do you see this he went to ASU so he loves drinking alcohol I'm just going to bring everything here for now and then as something speaks to me uh we're just going to improvise okay I'm going to I'm going to hit the button for you all right here it comes is this dude for an R piece for me you just did your face smush just wait just the first T just wait all right it's just just wait you haven't seen the that's TR that's fair try that oh yeah yeah I feel like that's very artistic though oh you like that you're like screaming into the void yeah yes yes okay okay why are you taking off your pants put your pants on Jesus Christ dude this it's [ __ ] weird of you man that was [ __ ] weird why you take your pants off this is a workpl it's like a workplace bro what are you gay yeah you can say that office what is something lwig has to like equality because it would be embarrassing if he didn't like equality he would just be canceled okay that's going to be part of the art okay Dez nut so I'm going to prank him and put Dez nut there wasn't enough letters for these nuts so uh with a little bunny what's the bunny about it's because he brings a lot of joy to people's lives like a bunny oh please give me more points okay you ready yeah okay got it one second did it happen uh yes go killer idea wubby that's funny that's [ __ ] good dude that's [ __ ] good dude now what do you think about that wait this can I be honest this is this has inspired me we all wonder how the dinosaurs went extinct sure me you you made the dinosaurs extinct so man that's crazy H that's terrifying that's not you that's me look at it's starting to come together okay here's a quick little paper airplane do you think he likes paper airplanes well he flew me out first class so I think this would be like a nice little homage I'm going to write like a quick little Jet Blue wow now if you need to know the ingredients of a Red Bull it's right there you're right you're right I think he would appreciate that and the bunny wow this one came out good yeah it's a cute little you can see his face maybe a T-Rex you know what this called that's an anosa surus a dinosaur oh wow we got um I'm embarrassed are you comfortable putting your balls on this I am not comfortable putting my balls on and that was a test and that was a test you know one time lwig took his balls out on a podcast and it kind of didn't end well for him cuz if this was just you and me I would put my balls now I'm getting idea to like make a like a make a body out of this out of the things that he loves a body is that because you saw like a head yes and then this could be the neck with with like his belly now I need I need like a uh arms and legs okay now I need the now you need this way okay ready yeah okay oh that's a good one okay now I need another one okay of this way oh you're giving up that first one okay fair enough so now it's like see you got three faces hold on I found more there's a whole room in here what is inspiring you in here the Christ and the zins oh okay let's just put the whole first aid kit in there doesn't he like safety he famously hates hat safety he hates safety I'll do a first aid kit and then I'll say [ __ ] being safe go to ASU oh which wait that is a safety it is a safety school people kind of know what his that right safety is for nerds he's going to be overlooking yeah he's going to be overlooking the cards and the M oh but then the lid does the lid have to go down it's better if the lid goes down says who you know what so true I saw him uh playing with this before the shoot so he was playing with that for a long time it's so exciting we only have uh 3 minutes Red Bull is so delicious let me tell you I love Red Bull and we flattened it I really leaned into the Jesus thing the first thing you said to me when you arrived was hi I'm wubby I'm a cristof fascist I'm going to be honest with you this is going to come down to Jesus coming through he's let a lot of people down like a lot of athletes you know like God if you're real I'm going to hit this home run there's been a few Wars too that buddy yeah you know I wasn't going to go there that's fair that's fair neither did he now stance what do you think like that those are some good legs those are some good legs I'm choosing a green pen because he has a lot of money and a blue pen because he is beautiful like the sky I would say double thumbs up yeah right righty I feel like Emily will just find any object and be like he's like a tape dispenser cuz he's always sticking by his [Applause] friends I didn't even like plan that I didn't plan that you do that great racism sucks if lwig says that mine's bad then I'm gonna play this card if you know what I mean I think this is really this is really coming together and the gray kind of comes to brings R dungeon Vibes I would say y I mean look at that okay oh and then I hit the start yep now you did not leave yourself a lot of time you have 1 minute left like what if you don't like this trust me this is my final product okay I think this is going to do really really well or lwi is racist so oh my God this looks amazing I think I think it looks really cute his name is bunny Bud of your dreams like but cuz BL Bud cuz L Bud bunny Bud of your dreams yeah they used to not be called BL buds but I'm not allowed to say the old name I'm just going to hit it right at the Bell are you ready begrudgingly yes that's kind of perfect that's kind of good it's like when he was on a tortilla that one time I'm sorry but that's it that's actually good that's something you look like a like a father waiting for to hear the news of a see deliver you see so nervous there was fear in the room okay yeah that's it that's art yeah the cards are interesting wow Austin show from the genin podcast yeah that's right that's right you did fantastic work hey thank you so much St real recognizes real real recognizes real thank you Emily thanks Dan we'll see you next time you've done great thank you yes I really hope you consider me for the job I will you've said that many times today I'm going to need that hat back thank you I pay for things that get stolen it's like lwi makes me God bless hey hey good me the Hat though all right all right all right good job applause applause uh that was good I feel like you know what I was I was actually a little surprised some of the art pieces came out a lot better than I expected I think you were considering who's viewing the art a lot and I think and I think the creativity shines so let's see him in real life we have the pieces with us oh good so this is the first one uh this is wubbies yes it is uh with the zins as it were or at least the Jesus the figure of Christ I well you know what I love about it it has three of my favorite things yep God dinosaurs and gambling yep so I I I like this already I want to make it clear that wubby would not stop talking about his belief that God put dinosaur bones in the ground to trick us and when I said the Earth was a sphere he called me a globe [ __ ] and laugh well that did happen that happen true I got a little lost you know but then you brought it back to God you brought it back to the dinosaurs myself gambling maybe he did bury the bones mhm I wasn't there right our other first place tied contestant Emily ah yes this is the bunny this is bun bun the L okay it doesn't it doesn't hold well in like the persevering I kind I kind of like the Red Bull neck yes of course long neck yes okay all right else got a little got a little we have better pictures of them we have better pictures of them do my best uh this is squeaks who did play the race card early and often right safety is for nerds and it honestly the racism part's cut off it just says aism sucks yeah was a reference to wubbies cards yeah that's right uh it just says a quality and then airplane in an arrow to an airplane which you also wrote jet on cuz you really wanted to make sure people knew this is an airplane yeah yeah well was be Jet Blue but that's fine and it has Red Bull there so go ahead made me chug one so he could use the can that's right yeah yeah because we needed I needed to use resources what's wrong with that I guess it was just like my fifth Red Bull of the day and what's our final one this is Austin's show you're you're laughing already why are you laughing G Exodia wow czy it looks like a mug shot no now let me tell you something art is interpretive yes okay and I needed I thought that if you were to look up at your wall it's like you the middle one doesn't look like it's not me I represent humans in emotions you represent pure evil that horrifying the the middle one looks like an after photo from an MMA fight that's all right well look we have a a four box with all of the art P they didn't even give it a chance no they didn't uh can we take a look at this can we pull it up on the screen here want me to switch Dan in the back I just I just can't they they right so chat you should now be able to see all four art pieces oh come on Chad give me one uh and I'm looking at them I'm just making a call here come on guys look at that look at that art this is you look so proud is I am very proud thank you I'm going to give thank you very much one point to Austin are you kidding me used one page I'm sorry I said racism is bad but go ahead Austin uh I'm going to give two points to you say anything about what this the same as the first task I'm going to give I'm going to give three points to wobby and I'm going to give Four Points to Emily for the bunny I thought the bunny was very creative wow this is [ __ ] up I liked she's the only person who thought outside the one sheet oh thank you can weets I had I had three sheets and hold on taped them together okay I'm judging them by you you guys cut out my the editor cut out my very like powerful spe stop this campaign you're trying to string together editor has ruined that middle photo is it's horrible who is that Austin I really don't like looking at it look how it looks on your wall free yeah the wall do you want some tape here look at this no let's no look at this let's put it let's put it right under here no pants alert come my God this guy that's that kind of says you're winning the episode that's a sacred Zone put it on the right just get it you get it on the right there I'll hold it for you hold it flush you got that just reach just reach around there's a hole in his armpit oh there a huge hole in his armpit hey if you know you know okay and now can can we do can we get a tight shot of that can we can we just see how it looks on the wall and thenal how do we how do we how are we feeling about this on the wall dude it really is hard to look at yeah but that's art I guess if you think about it it doesn't always have to be positive would you call this artart piece I go back I want to see it cuz I can't see it we pull back up we'll pull back up let's pull back up one more time it looks like the death of the [ __ ] boy almost you know you have like the pH see that's hold on wait stop everybody stop that's the point of art you look at something and you interpret it what does it mean to you you have to kill to build I created a blank canvas well and you interpreted something from it and that's that's what art is you should take points from him not Austin is not good you should take they they pigeon hold themselves into something I gave something that was interpretive artistic give me another point you know what I've thought about this okay I think Austin's making a lot of good arguments okay and so because of that I'm going to allow him to represent himself in a third job keeping the points Wow real quick though before that we're going to take a look at our leader board do that it means that he'll have a third job that we can watch and we'll give him points there but he's not guess what I'll do something I didn't do it I'm lwig I think rigged which honestly kind of pisses me off I feel like he takes you for granted he takes me for granted we had a rehearsal yesterday and he didn't even [ __ ] show up I all the work for this show it's not even on my channel he puts it on his channel he takes away my desk he gives me this [ __ ] stupid assar thing [Music] everything I quit what' you say you couldn't hear me no I was drinking a Red Bull oh I guess just do the ad read oh yeah sure happy to uh guys I would love to thank the sponsor of unpaid intern hyperx this show would literally not happen without them you guys all know hyperx but if you haven't please check out their Cloud 3 headsets they're Dependable comfortable and a great value type exclamation point hypx in chat for links and show these guys some love and thank you to hyperx for supporting Mogul core going to need that yeah probably going to need everything you threw there uh stance yeah you good now I'm I feel good to get it out get what out I I will say the room got quiet let go let him go this is my art I Channel maybe it felt a bit real you know you said I couldn't be an actor not even on a sitcom comedy you said I'm not talented made people see me in this and go man's going to act he goes no he can't he has to we did the trailer for this video and he said saying the people someone said SS could be on the office and then I said isn't that funny and he said not immed he he said I could be I could be and I and I said the office is all hard no actually I agree with him Steve Carell John krinski Ed Helms who were they before we J that's what I said Jenna fer popped off with the office were they before we allar cast it is now F you lwig Fu you how dare you speak this dance like I get it I it's controversal you're so tough behind that desk don't you uh well as the boss I do feel a bit powerful yeah let keep with the theme of lwig ruining the show and making us do things we don't want to do he's good at button mashing or something and so we made them Mash buttons can we roll job number Co it's cool it's not cool everyone it [Music] oh so colorful stand the man hey Austin oo sorry was that sarcastic no no this is real is this sarcastic no God do you like my game yeah it looks like a cult this is a threatening Aura by the way this is like a party I feel like at my age of party is like at your age of party is like a wake isn't it uh this for me [ __ ] you st that's in that was a great for you whenever you're ready just yank it yeah it's kind of cool okay all right let's see let's see here as the greatest button Masher in the world I expect you to have as many useless skills as I have the next job will put it to the test every time you press your button you earn a point every time you press an opponent's button they lose a point the intern with the most points wins that's so good you have 5 minutes can I move the podiums can I move the podiums you can do whatever you want you can't do anything until I start the timer I'm going to attempt something right out the gate if it doesn't work I'm going to mash the [ __ ] out of my butt I think squeaks and wubby are going to go really hard so I'm going to spend 2 and a half minutes mashing mine and a minute like mashing this yeah just go in between them and your time starts now okay you guys remember this one I I'm confident nobody did what I did I want to add that after every single job Austin came in and said well that's first place and so far he has two points I'll be honest I'm a little shocked I thought there would be more Credence in the first one given I knew I artistic value the the artistic one I flopped yeah the first job so you admit it that's crazy to say after that presentation damn half hour still on the wall get off oh [ __ ] he's protesting we shouldn't break but let me say something I'm not even angry cuz that action was art oh okay done well done he's Banky well you know one point for Austin thank you kidding okay oh these are heavy I can't do that okay well hold on my you really gave up let think of a strategy oh interesting n okay those no nope okay no you're not going to move it you're just going to M it was Heavy it was really heavy I didn't I'm more confident now it was it was pretty heavy confident but they did give up fast hold on hold on can we watch that again hold on can I [ __ ] can I do one of these can I do one of these like hold on stry oh interesting n no no no okay no you're not going to move it you're just going to M okay you're kind of wiggling you you moved it 2 feet so that you could hit two buttons at once is there a reason you moved it closer to Emily's and not to wubby's I don't know I really it's kind of misogynistic to be honest it kind of be okay you're not denying the mogy allegations I'm just fully embracing that lean into it is easier okay you're insane this is a good rate ah you're you're doing good oh if you do like the small TS it's really really effective okay you're you're just going to move it over [ __ ] wubby this is just okay [ __ ] I'm sorry where did that come from now 5 minutes is quite a while yeah yeah yeah you might have to sensor the hand okay sorry you're I was getting hot and bothered listen oh you're good you you actually could could you find another frame to free look at that another frame the vein in the forearm no you look good I to yeah wait I mean that's how the pants you're going with like someone else is about it didn't look much better motion what is this maybe a slow motion you look so much more strained and then you're going so slow hold up yeah we can do slow on this guy a fist yeah yeah you might have to sense of the hand okay sorry you're you're going with the fist yeah yeah oh interesting why' I do that well now I got it wait interesting you want to help me out I don't want to be a good sport uh who would be good Austin show why Aus because he was talking [ __ ] to me after he came down and he was like dude I'm going to win this whole thing okay it's true everyone he told the Uber driver he told production can we P leader just to clarify I just want everyone to see the leader at home I thought I was going to win I really did and you know what I still could you could still win I will say it's anyone's game but you are currently in last place with two points it's not your game I find it a little weird that I am in last place strange uh there's there's a card that's adjacent to the race card you know let's just play actually is this dangerous this is fine oh cross the middle see see I kind of like this so now you're hitting squeaks in your button oh my God okay but wubby they have no idea that I'm doing they do have no idea I have to look at wubby in the eyes after this yes you do wubby I'm sorry I was really uh gunning for you sorry Emily oh okay interesting so this is now just become a game of cardio for you yeah yeah yeah I squeal in person like an old lady in shirt oh my God's me me strong man just something about the tattoos and the sweat you're good at this one Jesus Christ I mean wubby hopefully sucked in the last one you're just going to hope that he sucked and kind of yeah there's a little you know what but I'm going to oh okay just get a couple in there yeah oh that that is heavy it is a couple hundred lb okay here we go can I be honest with you yeah I feel like they targeted me I'm the odd one out you know they they know I can win this I'm [ __ ] Emily up right now yeah they don't want the dog to get off the chain oh the triple this is interesting thing okay look I'm not the most coordinated guy the plan to watch we're going to watch a kick again they up right up yeah they they don't want the dog to get off the chain oh the triple this is interesting okay one one kick that that kind of slowed you down on the other two a little bit notice how I'm the common denominator here I'm always gaining points while they're losing points that's part of the strategy that's part of the strategy I probably can't do this for very long to be perfectly honest is this good oh my God it's like a machine gun do you think you can do that for two more minutes yeah I think I can you just stuck I can't come here could you would you do you mind if I like kind of get comfortable straddle please thank you anyone else you want to come poke one a bit they just they're just ignoring you yeah no he doesn't like that that's crazy can you work on a little bit uh sure thank you thank you anyone else louder do you want to come down here come on oh so now it's like four four hands there go get there wait that's so you're formative Coalition my God cuz I thought I did the best with what I did he's with Bo he's getting he's getting worse workers turn it out that's [ __ ] I think that's cheating well I almost appreciate that an intern can also delegate work I don't understand why you would I don't think you should be able to get people to help you in life at all I don't no no I no in this particular situation the fact that he brought somebody in to help him I think he should be disqual if a p wearing a Pon would that be cool you also think if you bring someone in to help you should be disqualified I think so that's insane let's roll the tape okay thank you thank you all right guys only 2 minutes of this can you go a little faster some urgency here hey I'm helping you out do me a favor yeah hit both of these um excuse me wow okay you know what I take back what I said I think I think he brought in maybe a couple too many I mean like he's on camera that's fair game but you took it too far when the other producers came you start letting people behind the camera get a second in front it's too much it's you got to draw the line somewhere I think it no it makes so much S no but multiple times over and over again no no over yeah keep keep going rapidly rapidly rapidly rapid like this like this there you go Squig SS is gr Mall he's basically bald and you know what I say about bald people what do you say what you the [ __ ] we had to all right let's see what she says about ball people say about ball people they're great [ __ ] Emily feel that's so sweet [ __ ] Austin and [ __ ] wubby I'm annoyed no one else is out of breath right well you're this guy's having fun he is smiling he's trying to hide it but oh he's loving it do you think we look alike no not at all you can be honest I don't think you look the cameras are off no I don't the cameras aren't off okay there's no way Austin will even try that hard I'm sure faster it's been a long day faster go well you may me go faster now getting TI don't be a [ __ ] you know when we hire someone we hope they'll eventually take a manager position that's your micromanaging yeah don't be a [ __ ] it worked though it did I was I was clicking because what let's let's run the scenario he doesn't do it and he's a [ __ ] on camera and he would hate that he would hate that gender language I feel like you have a good Rhythm on wubby just the blue is so enticing forearms don't give up on me I have to win I kind of like the straddle I'm I'm getting Pow Wow Vibes oh like we're like at the beach and we smoke some weed that's that's right this guy I'm noticing you're getting a little lackluster on Emily's thank you I'm sorry thank I appreciate that is it appropriating if I had lyrics no not at all okay no it was it was that was bad oh my God as an editor watched this and left at it I didn't think that the amount of things we had to cut from wubby in all three jobs that didn't make it it's crazy they gave up we don't have enough footage oh that's funny oh 1 minute left okay karate chop kind of slowed you down a little bit yeah that was too much I shouldn't have had so many Doritos downstairs yeah you did you had Doritos for breakfast dude there's got to be a better way there's got to be a better way with 10 seconds left you should have thought about it for a second 5 Seconds 5 seconds on wait three two one stop oh the belly hit one hands off was that good for you as well two stop how do you think he did I think we did fantastic we did I think no I I can share in this Victory I like the Obama sleeves rolled up you know no I'm not going to do it but here's what I will say frankly sash Mulia go to bed I can't help myself I think I dominated I think it's over I'm so confident I would like to bet $10,000 that I win this challenge really yep and and if I lose cut this okay do you think that you kind of like were making a statement here like down with men I mean now that I look at it that's I'm so happy that you mentioned I caught that do you think that they would have had the same strategy you had of like stereotyping each other I didn't I don't like your use of stereotyping that's what you did no I didn't you just handed me a vake ramas Swami and said this is you great job thank you it's been an awesome day your hand is it's like a noodle yes yeah thank you and you say the thing that you always say I hope you consider me for the job thank you take it easy take take it easy all right thank you thank you bye thank you guys great work thank you all right wait wait wait wait wait 10 rack who said what 10 band said when well it's a wager and we did Keep It In weirdly enough you did broadcast that's interesting said delete it if you didn't so like do you want to maybe stick by it what what what yeah well uh we do have the info here oh we do have the numbers before we pull them up I just want to say shame on three of you because everyone hit Emily's button so many times unbelievable amount of time women's month is over most targeted production do we have the actual numbers coming up hold right there so red is Emily squeaks is green wubby is blue and Austin absolutely dominated the challenge by way of most people not hitting his button yeah so the uh the total presses wubby was in first place you pressed the button 3,25 times Austin you pressed it the second most 2866 times sque you pressed the third most just 20 less than Austin 2844 not b and Emily you only did 2300 almost a thousand less than wubby you only did one button at a time that was the real I didn't think of using asking other people I just like the final score because again if someone presses your button it counts against you is emily7 40 I want to say that's misogyny but she also did horribly for the pressing so she could have made up a thousand wubby 35 okay squeaks 78 yeah and Austin show 55 yeah that's what I'm [ __ ] talking about now now let me tell you first of all I'd like to say okay you got to keep pressing your own butt okay I'm going I'm going to stop you for just a moment I'm going to stop you for a moment so it's one points two points three points Four Points let's pull up a leaderboard before you give us a victory speech uh you should know you are still in last place now hold on now hold on let's pull up our Uber Eats ratings so wubby and Emily are tied with nine points squeaks you have seven Points Austin show you have six points all I had to do was like okay in the other rounds look it's not over it's not over you didn't do bad oh wait you came in last sorry about that uh it's not great but it's not over you know there there's still uh of course secret job our secret job you know I learned something about our interns what and that's only one of them watched the previous episodes wait really because wubby came in today and said I watched the last two episodes on 2xp just to see what happens and he said there's a lot of Secrets a lot of secret jobs thing he did it before the live episode should have done it before honest about that uh well what was our secret task our secret task Ludwig is the only person that Mogul Corp allowed to lie if you look at his driver's license it says he's 6'3 [ __ ] Li we recently did basketball with some fifth graders to make him feel like a big man and they looked him up online and said this guy's not even 6 foot they did say that but but also I [ __ ] destroyed that fifth grader yeah you did destroy the fifth grader although is that video out we should cut this cut don't cut it I put put in the ground put but honestly he'll never forget that yeah ladies and gentlemen we asked all of our interns their height and we are going to see if they lied to us let's roll I don't remember you s I'm an actor from The Office let's take a look guys an actor man we have some footage we'll take a look oh you had to get custom pants how tall are you I'm 510 okay how tall 5'9 person how tall are you sixish sixish never get too specific or they call never get too specific yeah around here how tall are you without the shoes 5'4 and 3 quarters how about you you are five eight five eight oh [ __ ] I don't think I lied oh no God this is incredibly damaging I really appreciate honesty at my company so today we're going to find out if you lied about your height now starting with you Emily if you could please make your way up everyone just make your way over stand line line up no I got to win this I need to take my shoes off why why why have no idea you're going to [ __ ] us all over wait I'm Tak I got a win she does have wedges it's fair take them off she's got wedges we don't have to take them off though right no we're good you can keep your shoes on or keep them off I think it's fine corri all right go ahead there's some there's some like foot holes here go ahead face the other direction exactly stand par if we lie about in direction are yeah you can do that okay any last words did you lie to us I got uh measured at the doctor's office 5 years ago so I assume years ago I haven't how old are you now if I could ask I'm 26 so maybe we'll see if you've grown yeah yeah yeah you said 54 and 34 64.75 in is what we should see if Emily wasn't lying to us flatten it out flatten it out uh flatten it out flatten it out lerer little yeah that's right there there 65 in she was a quar inch off quarter inch off not bad I think we give that to her well we'll see it's compared to everyone else five uh you're five five yeah you're five five yeah you're 5 five 5 five exactly squeak Get on Up come on in okay yeah I'm not wor actually do take your shoes off what do you mean take them off I don't take them off no cheating are you sure yeah everyone take them off actually I think it's more honest no BL we come on I Aus take the shoes off everyone Austin you have platforms on I don't know shoes off I demand it in back facing I don't think we need to do that I'm okay with now squeaks you told us you were 70 in tall put your head down you look what this is how I stand it feels like you're cheating but I don't know how what you mean so St I'm just standing so you're so erect right now uh ladies and gentlemen he said 70 in maybe an eighth inch off he's exactly 70 he's about that's right h w are your shoes off no WBY yes take him off this is going to be devastating 6ish not even I haven't measured myself in probably 10 years okay well you said you were 6ish which there was a question mark there was a question you said never let him know well we're going to let him know right now so go ahead feet in there backwards you said 72 in would be 6t it should be 5'8 it should be and if we just kind of Squish that down there it wait no way it's more than six feet oh it's like 6 feet and an eigh of an inch okay W that's I mean that's like dead on that is 6ish that is 6ish wow wow who's going to be the farthest off oh who's going to lie to us right now Emily is the farthest off that would be tough if someone lied to us did that count as lying I don't understand how tall are you how tall am I I'm about 61 and a little bit want to clarify that 6 want to clarify shoes are off here right yeah godamn they're a little bit for little no in front of it like the Austin what you say Austin is trying his hardest to cheat in any way he can what you you son of a [ __ ] what are you thrusting for okay on said 69 in that's funny and he is ladies and gentlemen dead on 69 in wait wait wait wait they're all honest well the only person who was off by the most was Emily em off by a I take my socks off 69 in uh well look you guys all did a great job being honest however Emily you were off by a quarter inch and because of that you do lose one point shut I'm sorry you were the least honest everyone else is within an eighth of an inch round of applause guys fellas great job yeah we're honest do you want to stand by the you want to stand by the machine I'm so busy today cuz not wearing underwe God that would be weird if we saw how tall you actually were do it lwig huh do it no why would you we have to make some money on this show there is an ad read and then like a break and like oh we're so busy so we shouldn't right we shouldn't we shouldn't un we should your wiener cuz you're not wearing underwear okay okay that's crazy strange call out well I don't want his wiener to be shown we don't yeah no that would I've neverone weener be really unfortunate I'm flattered he thinks it would show your pants all right are you ready stand back there okay are you ready how tall do you think you are it should be 6'3 should 6 all right well uh 6' 3 would be right about there I kind of feel it on my head a bit you feel it yeah but if we sink this down we are seeing 510 on the you saw the ruler right it's just right to the ground it's the same ruler we use for there [ __ ] [ __ ] go ahead and do your ad read I'm 6' three I feel like I'm walking like a short person does you did kind of just stomp through I didn't stomp it was a March you trudged well guys uh maybe I'm short and I don't pack a lot inside of my frame but the omen HP laptop does it is the world's lightest 14in gaming laptop and inside that 14in frame which isn't small nor is 510 you'll find an Intel Core Ultra 9 processor an Nvidia 470 GPU and 32 GB of RAM guys that's a lot in a small package and it's not bad to be small so please type exclamation Bo Omen in chat and show them some love for help making the company run woo yeah HP to a break tell we're cutting to a break we're going to go to a break we'll be right back we're going to check the ruler you're a piece of [ __ ] I could have done so much more if I was just not the pool again [Music] [Music] Red Bull gives you wins [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] why are you taking off your pants put your pants on oh hello hello welcome back to unpaid intern I'm your CEO lwig and today we have four beautiful unpaid interns who have so far I would say done a fantastic job thank you truly Round of Applause to yourselves great work i' I've been thoroughly impressed at every single job but we eventually have to whle it down to one and throw them up on the employee of the month wall and to do that we of course have our live job now before we jump to it let's just take one more look at the leaderboard to see where we all stack up it's a pretty close race it's anyone's game it's wubby in first with nine points Emily in second with eight squeaks in third with seven and Austin show holding it down and last with six points nice all right well we'll see how that that pans out at the end of the show it's like you seen the movie before they don't know that was a threat all right well look it's it's within a point for all of you so anyone could win this uh and for this last one we're going to split you off into teams push-ups no it's not going to be push were are you guessing I don't know just was wondering maybe we're going to split you off into teams and the two team captains are going to be our two top placers wubby and Emily wubby okay wubby because you are our top Point earner you can pick who you want your teammate to be would you rather squeaks or Austin wait what pause before you why is that unfair why is that unfair he's obviously going to pick squeaks Austin I'm sorry let's let's continue down this thread for a moment why would it be so bad to be a teammate with Austin I mean I guess Austin is drinking his 2% coffee that he has Emily here's the deal yeah no I love challenge what if it was like you have to land a commercial airlin sweeps or we have to I don't know what what could be another challenge I could be really good at yeah who did the best like Indian accent sh you do get to pick do I get to know anything about you nothing not a single thing you just have to a very tiny desk that's all you can I do how do you feel about that confident yeah really ready I want to be first pick so bad okay I'm going to go with uh my man here all right let's go I said that so we can build no it's no you that's a really great strategy right and then we will win oh we're going to kick your ass so you are you're you're trying to phrase it as if you're picking Austin now even though of course okay all right was that your first he was my first pick team Mor at an all time low way I only didn't pick you cuz the points are not looking good yeah yeah that's it no I understand I understand where you're coming from respectfully you're wrong okay fair y well let's let's this is our teams it's wubby in squeaks against Emily in Austin and the job that you guys have today is starting with our captains you guys have the first job so teammates sit idle stand by stand back Advantage because I'm in last place or anything not a single one this is not myio party you two might see this little stack of items here I'm sorry this is my desk well yeah but we just picked random items from the warehouse to make your desk your desk I took so long to build this well yeah but like I'm doing this thing where every single episode you have less so for that you're going to help me out by picking items from his desk and Whatever item you pick you guys can point one out I'm allowed to leak what they're going to do with it right yeah I I can do that I guess H I have to right you have to I mean you don't have to you could give me a desk and you could like I don't know hug me and tell me I'm enough so wubby you're going to pick an item from the desk yep and then your teammate squeaks is going to place it onto that table okay and then we're going to flip Emily you're going to pick an item from this desk Austin you're going to place it on the table okay whichever team makes the the pile that will build up Topp all over loses [ __ ] [ __ ] that Mak sense okay cool [ __ ] so it's going to start with you wobby you basically have to make sure that Whatever item you pick will will balance well or maybe you're trying to screw them over but ultimately if it is squeaks who drops the ball your team loses if it is Austin who drops the ball their team loses and what I pick squeaks places you allowed to leave your chair you have to do from your chair oh squeaks of course you can get up Aus up you will be moving back do the music and wubby your time starts now uh okay squeaks you're over there what are we thinking do we want good foundation whoa whoa hey shut your shut your chat oh I can't talk no maner decide he's the brainer I'm thinking good found we could also just totally [ __ ] him right now no let's let's start good foundation mhm um um 15 seconds grab the cone just grab the cone straight up yep there it is now just to be clear to everyone items don't have to go on top of other items they have to be on the desk and not fall give rid that little paper there an item hitting the you L just kidding you're good you do you you do you yeah okay it's up to the Builder places it precariously hear it I'm scared all right next up Emily whatever happens to looking up how to build a strong tower on her phone see okay so I'm thinking we either start hard and do the helmet or we just use the mailbox and get out of the way Austin's hm um what is that a bike that is a bike ay no way that is a bike can I see the bike uh okay we probably cannot put the bike on the table so so you just ruin the desk that's a little too risky there goes the desk who okay I'm going to full send the mailbox so they don't get it I like the mailbox uh all right going for the mailbox here and now it's up to you where you place it she cannot tell you where you place it again if you're just tuning in the challenge is stack things up on this tiny little table wait they can't communicate where they place it right he has to basically do it on his own I mean she he she can give some inspiration okay look you guys give a little inspo true yeah yeah you're but there we go all right that's not a bad Strat huh very placing items on a little table first team to have an item fall off the table loses what item are we picking here wubby and I can't stand I have to just you can eyeball cuz there might be some good [ __ ] what's that purple thing back Sor what's the purple thing back there squeaks [ __ ] no let's not do that that's crazy stup um I like the lampshade you think you could o I kind of like that too that's new let's let's play it safe put get the katana on there get the katana is that playing it safe yeah yeah okay Katana this guy this guy he's a riot he's a riot okay now if it isn't clear by now of course you're not allowed to move the items below yeah right you have to just only touch the item that you were supposed to place you can you can hold an item still while you place on top of it you can't movie yeah of course yeah Austin I'm think uh what What's plushy back there what's like nice and soft so we can kind of you think sexy mess them up no oh so sussy okay he has a little he's a little hard can I can I see the Pikachu too see the size difference he's like modeling yeah God Austin no way he BS like that I think we should do the Pikachu to make it a little harder yeah place it cares a little bit about if it stays on why is sexual you're so silly off yes that's great that's great voice all right all right next up and by the way time is going to be decreasing oh squeaks I see a little Crown I want that I think right on the watch yourself yep I think I want that and just make it work yeah [ __ ] it yep awesome I want the sword the sword between uh oh sorry yeah the sword all right you have 10 seconds to place it uh uh is that allowed that's allowed okay totally fine rubber chicken 10 seconds to place it my God you're squeezing it it's a real chicken okay okay is there anything like skinny like the sword Austin left that we can yeah look for something small perfect perfect beautiful okay 10 seconds in the clock anything small you see over there beautiful strategy seems to be grabbing something small to build it up but they're eventually going to run out just get it right in there yeah yeah right in there 5 Seconds to place an item oh my God it was shaking I like um yeah something small eight small look for small yeah perfect nice and delicate yes remember your captain has to make the call oh sorry that was great WBY what's your call I'm thinking what's in his hand right now he made the call Nice Nice uh uh uh the uh furry head I think could be nice and soft furry head's the call my name is STS good job W umez you tripped every time pull the pull the plant out oh it's 5 Seconds to pick an item four three grab the among us behind you among us behind you Among Us is the call 10 seconds to place it no way 7 Seconds oh there's there's another sword on the ground there's another sword on the ground Austin the sword lot of Swords all right it's your stuff that is fair I do love oh no how is he placing it there's no way he's that bold time good job Austin oh my God all right what's the item WBY uh uh something small yep yep right there yep that thing all right 10 seconds that was a crazy item to grab that is it's the only way yep yep cover the ass yep wow bring it towards you bring three oh my God shaking oh my God scary scary and half three one and a half you got to place it you got to place it it's impossible [ __ ] this [ __ ] dude it's okay [ __ ] helmet yes yes we have crown I knew it I knew lot more easier objects in all right everybody take your seats take your seats take your seats folks take your seat take your seat I always do this take your seats folks take I knew it I knew it see I knew I had a little chip on because it was a team test okay the winning team will receive Four Points that's a lot like each each the losing team will receive two points wait what how the fck so if we take a look at our leaderboard how do you how do you get a participation trop that means Austin show is at 10 a rough turn around beat me once again wobby is at 11 how the hell am I still in congratulations extra Emily you are our Employee of the Month yep oh my God here you go please please please please an absolute pleasure please if you could to the camera your employee the month an excellent job uh if you want sit on my desk you can sit on my desk here I remember when I had a desk thank you congrats I'm so happy oh can love having a woman in charge for once you know you know it's good it's good for the business yeah not Indian people though right what you're implying I wouldn't afraid it like that personally well it just implied then you'll eventually come yeah we'll give it a shot uh well hey guys thank you for participating how do you feel good really good I feel like I could have done better in the first couple rounds uh it's weird cuz after you did it you thought you won every single one uh but you know what I think uh I I recovered well you beat me you did great did you at the end of the I did great in the rounds and you guys all did fantastic Emily how do you feel do you uh I'm really happy yes uh I think it was really fun the contenders were very uh you know Noble they did really great like a leaders 75% women right 66% 66% that's got to be a point down right's no we are gonna retroactively make Austin Austin tied for last that's way more comfortable for well guys thank you very much for watching un paa entn episode 3 thank you guys for being here I appreciate it we made Herer and we'll see you guys next month goodbye see you later bye goodbye forever we're never coming back [Music] oh [Music] pap [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 701,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Id: S4txwdWLDPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 39sec (5379 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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