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today I'm going to be building McDonald's in bloxburg and then inviting all my subscribers to come to the opening also if you guys want a chance to be in a future upcoming video all you have to do is join the Discord server with the link in my description so that being said let's get on with the video okay so this is kind of like the outline that I want to go with also I'm going to make this two-story this ain't gonna be no regular McDonald's this is going to be the most modern luxurious McDonald's you've ever seen in your life you know in Australia it's really rare for someone to call it McDonald's everyone's just calls it macca's like oh yeah let's go get maccas now I'm gonna make the exterior kind of come out like this because I want the sign on this wall here actually what I might do is actually knock down this wall here now obviously when you go past a macca's you say the massive McDonald's and sign so we're definitely gonna put this right here out of basic shapes because you know me if you know me you know I love my basic shapes more specifically the cube me and the cube we go far back you know like this Cube loves me I love the cube what am I saying I don't know how big I want this m okay obviously we need two cubes on the side like this and then we're going to paint them yellow because obviously the McDonald's sign is yellow duh and then to kind of make this go in we can use like the transform tool and kind of maneuver our way okay so one like that and then maybe like one like that and oh my God what is that oh my God what is that okay okay what on Earth is that yeah stop that ain't even funny that ain't even funny delete it be gone that is disgusting what if we just use a decal just put a square decal here right and then let's just hope they have a McDonald's sign decal ready I'm loving it you better be transparent ready yes sorry a demon just came out of me yes y'all thank the Heavenly fathers this decal works so now I don't have to put myself through Hell by making a m sign okay so obviously the two main colors of McDonald's are red and yellow so instead of like a bright in your face saturated red we can do like a nice little rosy red and then the McDonald's sign can go kind of like up here and obviously I want this big I want a big massive Macker sign oh my gosh wait you know what I'm loving it no pun intended instead of the commercial Windows we're actually going to use Clear modern Windows because I don't know why they just look better than the commercial ones for some reason okay so the windows can go all at the top and all at the bottom and you know what I'm also thinking maybe the door can go underneath here okay so far so good now we just need to add the roof and as it's a modern McDonald's we're going to use a flat roof actually most modern houses in general they use flat roofs I don't know why and instead of making the roof red because I don't want it to be like too red I'm thinking like a nice dark stone gray and then obviously there's some light so it's not like pitch black and then finally for like a little bit more structure we can add some pillars at the front I don't know what pillows at the front do they just make it more fancy for some reason the reason I'm adding something at the front is because I want to have like a outdoor seating area right here so I'm thinking we can just use two of these outdoor tables and then on top of the table we can have like napkins and tomato sauce have you ever been to a McDonald's where the tables are this organized I don't think so okay the last thing I need to add is obviously a drive through okay and then finally a nice modern fence around the driveway I usually double my fences like I put a small hedge underneath this aluminum fence we're obviously gonna need like a massive McDonald's sign over here so people will know where to go when I invite you guys all on my server oh my gosh guys I just heard my TV on from the other room and I'm not even kidding they just played a McDonald's ad okay there we go we've got our massive signs so people will know like where to go and obviously as this is the driveway people will need to like take their order somewhere so I'm thinking I might just put a basic shape here and then put like the TV on top so it's something like that it's super simple but I mean it does the job okay good news is I think the outside is finished so now we can start working on the inside now because this is a modern McDonald's we can have marble floors and then when you walk in the first thing I want to add is like those weird little robot order machines if you've seen them I actually had no idea this existed until like a couple weeks ago because I have celiac disease which means I can't eat like any takeout because I'm allergic to gluten so I went into a McDonald's and I'm like what you know what for these order machines I'm gonna make them fancy we're gonna have fancy little order machines is that even what they called probably not I also have to figure out where the kitchen is going to go obviously so I'm thinking the kitchen can be this big but we also need stairs because this is two-story you know what I know it's insane but what if we add these modern stairs right at the front and we'll make them nice and white I don't know if you'll look good or bad we'll see okay now that I do true story and then obviously we just need more modern Windows you know what I'm thinking this entire thing can just be Windows because most McDonald's are just filled with Windows oh and we also need a window for the drive through so so we're just gonna have like a sunset window right here and you know what we need on this window uh curtains more specifically we need shutters just in case you know one of my workers gets a Karen and decides to jump through the window and scream at them okay the first thing we need is a welcome mat do macca's even have welcome mats so we're gonna leave this section empty because that's kind of where like people walk in I'm thinking over here in this section we can add a booth so for the table we're going to use these outdoor tables and because I want this to kind of be a boost I think we might use these sophisticated lounges and then along this wall we could have like a fancy bench there we go I think it kind of breaks it up a little bit and obviously in every single McDonald's you see a bunch of promotional posters so we're just going to fill this wall up with posters and then over here is where you're going to be taking your order and we can't forget the door because how are the workers going to get back to the kitchen okay so most fast food chains they usually have a little tray at the front here so on top of this we can put like trays and a few paper bags okay and we can't forget the menu so we can just put like basic Square paintings up the top here once I'm finished building I can change these to menu decals oh you know what we also need down here a cash register okay I'm also going to copy this shelf and then put it on the inside of the kitchen as well and heaps of notes because you know what maccas they always be forget in your order okay that's looking good and obviously as you can see we don't have much like seating option here I think I might add like another seating area behind the stairs I actually might use basic shapes for this I know classic me always using basic shapes okay so two cubes like that and then like it's semi-transparent Cube that we put on top okay so there's a little table and then if we go into chairs we can place like three of these fluent stools just with like lots of plants on here okay you know what I actually like the way that turned out I think I might add it over here as well I've only had like one more seating option I just don't know where to put it actually I think I might get rid of these two paintings I don't think we need four little robots that way I can kind of split this wall in half also to make these pillars stand out what I usually do is go in with LED lights and oh oh my God thank you guys my mom is so sweet she just walked in my room and gave me a piece of gluten-free chocolate mud cake also do you and your family ever have like weird Traditions so me and my mum we always buy we buy birthday cake like once a month because it's like the only gluten-free cake where I live so it's like my little special treat and I love it actually I'll show you a photo of what it looks like here's what I'm eating right now and you're probably like Alaska why are you eating birthday cake well you know what someone's birthday somewhere in the world okay and if it's your birthday happy birthday I'm eating cake to celebrate this speaking of birthdays it's actually mine soon my birthday is actually the 3rd of July and I didn't know if I told you guys this but I'm actually planning on having a little surprise for you guys so if you're not already make sure to join my Roblox group because I'm gonna have a little bit of a surprise on my birthday third of July be there or be square I wanna add these cute little curved Ottomans this like I've never used them and they're so cute also I think I might make this table a little bit more smaller okay I think that's it for the downstairs area oh wait no yeah I nearly forgot the kitchen also I'm just thinking I might move this window back here and put like a little wall here for privacy also if you guys work at McDonald's or like any fast food restaurant and you work at like this window tell me your worst customer experience like the worst Karen moment I'm pretty sure if you worked here you'd get some pretty funky stories okay so obviously we're going to need like a chair here and we're also gonna need like a computer of some sort so you know what we can just have like a basic counter here and then give them a nice fancy computer and usually they have more than one computer screen at the window so okay so far that's looking good now we just need to put some shelves in here and we can just stack these with like tableware you know what I'm not gonna put these nice and neat I'm gonna put them messy because you know what every McDonald's I've seen it's it's usually a little bit messy back here I love her at the beginning of the video I'm like guys we're gonna make this a nice clean modern McDonald's and I look at the way I'm stuck in these trays okay now what you need in a McDonald's kitchen is obviously a lot of commercial fryers and a commercial oven why is that oven seven thousand and six hundred dollars I know I have one million dollars but am I Really Gonna spend that much on an oven yes yes I am you know what I'm not gonna add in here though um an ice cream machine I have an ice cream machine but like I feel like it'd be pretty funny if someone came into my McDonald's and was like Alaska can I have some ice cream and I'm like sorry ice cream machine's broken okay the one thing I don't like about this kitchen is that it's so small oh my God yeah we also need a stove and a sink how am I gonna fit all this in this kitchen this kitchen is Tiny what's this elderly ceiling lamp why have I never used this before what is that and then the rest of this McDonald's can be like nice pretty pendants okay so the first floor is done so now we can work on the second floor of McDonald's so I'm gonna split this up into like two sections okay so firstly I want this to be the bathroom so I'm gonna put two toilets here I think we're just gonna have like two toilets should we give this McDonald's like the most fancy toilets ever okay now to close this off and then some towels okay to be honest if McDonald's have and towels let's be honest I would never use these towels okay so I think the bathroom's done now we can move on to these seating options so I want this section to be like a long boof kind of like downstairs and then copy the sofas from downstairs and then put it on this section as well we might even add another McDonald's logo here so just copy the one at the front and put it here but obviously make it smaller because it is way way too big right now I feel like we also need a TV in here it's like I swear some McDonald's have TVs in them okay this table is looking good I think we just need to add some lighting okay we've got our first upstairs Booth done so now we just have this little section over here also I just realized I forgot to add rails a little bit dangerous Alaska not having rails in your restaurant and the last thing I want to add in here is like three columns of seats maybe if I use these Primal console tables okay so one row here another row on this section and I might even copy these outdoor tables and put one along this rail and then for the chairs we're going to use stylish chairs so in McDonald's I feel like the chairs are never this organized as they're usually like all over the place so I'm thinking we can make these more lifelike by kind of like bringing them out and placing them kind of like on the corner because in chairs are like too still they start to look a little bit unrealistic and we can make these yellow chairs because obviously this is a McDonald's after all okay and I think that is our McDonald's all complete so now I'm just gonna go ahead and fix the lighting a little bit and then I can invite you guys over okay the McDonald's is all finished and comes through a total of 112 000 so here's what the exterior looks like and as you can see I've hide someone because I cannot do this alone yeah so this is my head chef she'll be helping move the customers so this is what the inside looks like obviously as you can see we've got an outdoor seating area we've got a drive through that goes all the way around sword ready for my silly burger for King fans Burger King this is McDonald's you fool so coming in we've got these little robot things I don't know what to call them it's like the seating area under here this is kind of where you order your meal here's another seating option and then another one back here and obviously if there is rude customers out of town Alex you can just close the window and not really talk to them so you know what hopefully we won't get any rude customers also can we talk about italics fit look at this look at this is that meant to be fright she's killing it okay well this is the kitchen as you can see it's very very small it looks like a corner shop takeaway also if she wants to go back here she literally has to like jump and parkour her way over here it's very it's it's so bad but it's it's fine and then up here is the second story so that being said okay are you ready for your first day italic it's gonna be very chaotic yes ma'am Born Ready oh I can tell okay italics ready so let's invite everyone on the server okay let's hope some people show up to this McDonald's imagine no one shows up it's just a flop okay I see people joining oh okay I see a lot of people joining oh no I'm not ready wait I need to lock the doors I need to lock the doors because we need to prepare ourselves metallic they are coming we need to get some food ready okay we need to get some food ready so um well first thing I need is fries oh oh my God look at all the people at the front it's not even ready oh my gosh there's people breaking in yeah I need to shut these windows I need to shut these windows okay um where is the fridge we need some fries first I need to cut the fries where's the board oh my Lord yeah I didn't add a board to cut guys this is an actual flop italic is literally cutting the fries on the only counter we have which is behind the computer oh my gosh look at all the people at the window I'm not ready I'm not ready okay guys we opened soon I'm like there's people breaking there's two people that have already broken in um guys this is so bad I just went into build mode because I had to add a bench okay we're gonna we're just gonna have to jump in through the second window I guess no don't come in don't come in don't come in guys this is an actual mess there's toilet paper doing push-ups on my bench okay now that we've got a bench I think italic is getting the food prepared so I think it's now time to open the doors even though half of you guys are broken in but it's fine yeah I'm scared to open these doors okay come in oh my Lord you know what I'd say our opening day is going pretty well there's lots of people here I might have to actually help italic with the kitchen hi can I get some nuggets okay okay someone wants nuggets um I didn't even know how to make nuggets I tell you you need to move out of my way I need to make these nuggets okay I cannot make chicken nuggets currently because all of the ovens are full okay nuggets are on the way take a seat okay we've got our first order of fries it only took us like 30 minutes but it's okay okay good news is someone is using the bathroom what is that I'm sorry are you a Roblox character why what is this I've never seen a Roblox character looks like that y'all who ordered these fries okay this person's sitting down so I'm assuming they ordered the fries so I'm just gonna place them here okay enjoy your fries good sir yeah no one is sitting down this is a mess okay finally someone is sitting down hello can I get a triple stacked burger with fries and a shake please of course your shake is coming up but here is your burger and fries for now there you go free of charge I'm not gonna charge her yeah out of this kitchen get out of my kitchen yo why is there a fairy in my kitchen excuse me this is a luxury McDonald's why are you jumping on my counters I prayed Gordon Ramsay every night oh okay okay and for that you get a free hamburger okay so finally we have some normal people sitting down look at these people on the road by the way that is so dangerous that person's gonna get run over soon okay we've got another person sitting down okay what can I get you look she's even wearing a suit she is a very serious business woman over here hi Alaska can I have some fries and chicken of course who are these random people in my kitchen get out of my kitchen I'll get out of my kitchen I cannot yeah we need security this is too much and I get a 20 piece chicken nugget please of course oh okay I think I just gave her her nuggets she didn't pay I think I just got scammed oh my gosh yeah look at the drive-through I cannot these people ain't even in cars there's people dancing on my fans like who are you BTS hamburgers are on sale we're selling BTS hamburgers okay the good thing is someone is working out the window so okay I think my workers are managing so I'm just gonna go check around the rest of the McDonald's and see how everything is coping okay there's someone doing push-ups at the front of my McDonald's I'm a bit concerned guys I burnt my nuggets okay this person is sitting down she's so organized so what can I get you can you make ribs uh no sorry but we call Burgers okay hello what can I get you this person looks very serious right now the yasa vanilla milkshakes okay that person wanted a vanilla milkshake so we'll check if they have it over here oh okay we do have vanilla milkshakes oh no we don't have a blender though probably gonna get a complaint but um we don't have a blender but uh here's the ingredients enjoy okay the McDonald's line is actually pretty long surprisingly although someone has littered on the floor which is not good oh my gosh there's no one working at the window I've got to work at the window okay what can I get you sorry for the way Alaska can I have some chicken nuggets hey italic we need nuggets at the drive-through oh my God why is there a car in my MacDonald you know what I'm running away I quit I cannot handle the stress of owning a McDonald's it is too stressful I feel so bad this person has been waiting for the nuggets for like 30 minutes so yeah that was me building a McDonald's in bloxburg I'd say our opening day was pretty chaotic we had lots of angry customers customers that littered on the ground customers that broke into the staff only kitchen customers that climbed the wall with their stink clouds but overall I think our opening day was pretty successful thanks to italic you really saved Alaska's kitchen even though we had some pretty chaotic customers I'd say overall some people were pretty chill and just wanted to come in for a simple little Happy Meal but yeah I hope you guys enjoyed me building McDonald's in bloxburg again if you guys want to participate in a video like this make sure to join the Discord server with the link in my description and I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Alaska Violet
Views: 325,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fP16U5AdRbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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