Unlocking UPGRADED TITAN CLOCK in Skibidi Toilet Defense

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we're going to be unlocking the new strongest unit in the skibby verse it's the upgraded Titan clockman this unit does absolutely insane DPS and even has a secret special sword ability at max level stick around to see how awesome this unit is melon get a load of this the upgraded Titan clockman Sunny we need him and we need him now but the only way to unlock him is through this crate let's go I won't give up on him I want to see that sword slice through our toilet enemies hey absolutely but it cost 2,250 gems for nine crates bro this is going to take a long time I'm not worried about it dude look at his ability he's going to throw his sword dealing 75,000 damage if it hits a toilet with a 60-second cool down well I I I hope it hits a toilet that'd be pretty much a big L if it missed sunny I opened a crate and all I got was large TV speaker man are you kidding me yeah that's going to be the norm here Bros ski look at the Rarities in this Loot Crate uh to B the opening can't see the Rarities can you just tell me them yeah let me help you it's 0.33% for the upgraded Titan clock 0.33% for the tri Titan 0.33% for the Titan computer man and 99% for that large TV no bro this is going to take forever and I did not hear the I'm going to be having a lot of large TV speaker man yeah same here there was no cha ching bada bing just depression and disappointment I hate being depressed and disappointed it sucks yeah but one of these days we will get that clock and when we retrieve it melon will be more powerful than anyone in the game oh yes I need him and I need him now plus let's be honest you and I love opening crates yeah dude I love opening crates forever it's pretty cool also I'm going to unlock Theo while I'm here let me just get this real quick shout outs to the homie 500 Robux let's go Tower unlocked and unlike melon I didn't buy millions of gems ahead of time so I got to cop some now oh I only have 10 million gems chill no that's broken that was clearly you got an admin to hook you up no I don't know what you're talking about Sunny whatever get me this gem Titan that' be crazy do it keep going oh there's only 62 in the world that would have been insane if I got it well at least I have 11,000 gems time to open come on hear the bada bing bada boom a nothing anything cool on your side nope just nothing nothing and a whole lot of nothing dang it and you know what's going to be hilarious too we're going to hear the CH ching and it's going to be like a tri Titan it won't even be the clock yeah I know and it's going to suck so much come on one time hook me up nah I'm still just getting these large TV speaker Man sunny patience is a virtue and I'm not very virtuous yeah I'm not surprised bro you're more in line with like greed and envy and and all those sort of things my goodness dude I'm not envious of anything I am enlightened I am the chosen one now give me H did it work did screaming at the game help no it didn't do anything yeah it didn't do anything for me either I got nine more speaker large TV mens dang it sunny I have a feeling I'm going to be here for a while I wish you the best of luck my dear melon and while you're opening those I'm going to go right here and open this and I'll Acquire The Gem Titan cameraman dang it I got a regular gem camera good job Sunny good job did you even get one special ding yet no that's sad every time we open a crate we have a 9% chance no we don't we have a 1% chance no cuz there's nine units and each unit is 1% what oh you no yes melon I know I know that I'm right listen I handle the numbers you there's no chance there's a 9% chance Sun I've opened like 100 crates I'm telling you that's how math works it's technically 9% I'm like over 1,000% then I don't know what to tell you we're just getting really unlucky open sesame come on do it do it stop I got him I'm actually the goat no there's no way you're capping you're actually capping on me I got him upgraded Titan clockman I'm not trolling it was the last one in my crate are you serious bro I haven't gotten anything yet and you've opened way more than me you're trash wait I got the tri Titan are you kidding me there he is melon look at my hot bar and feel the Envy let it flow through you no I refuse I'll just keep on opening crates well if you're going to do that maybe I'll just go to the bathroom and then I'll go to the kitchen I'll make myself a nice sandwich and I'll maybe get the coffee going I'll get a nice pot of coffee cuz you're going to be here all day yeah I'm going to be here for a while I can tell after a while later yes I actually got it the upgraded tighted clockman finally shny oh yes bro are you actually sleeping right now oh that was exhausting wow you finally got it yes sunny and now I shall equip him in my squad the upgraded Godly he's so awesome bro this guy is so much stronger than even the tri Titan actually never mind that's Capa the tri Titan's still stronger whatever bro make sure you got it equipped and head over with me to the scorching desert or maybe toilet Town actually melon let's go to camera base okay let's do that camer base and vote for Insane Mode shy we're about to pop off speed crank it to times two 2x in these toilet speed I don't got time for none of this funny business yeah I absolutely agree also that auto skip took a while to kick in yeah but that's fine and we're going to need to put a tower down pretty soon here I have a cheap Tower of 500 buck arusi so I'll spawn it on the next wave I have one for a small price of 250 buckus but it's the rocket man I can only put him on these pipes all right all right I'll handle it I will place my Shamrock speaker man there uh melon I don't think he's going to be strong enough to take these out he attacks too slow oh my my goodness Sunny you always need me to do everything don't you I mean not everything but a little bit sometimes is nice oh well he can't hit anything Sunny sorry we're out of luck oh no well I should have probably purchased some Shoney there but instead I bought another Shamrock who didn't even kill the spider toilet okay I'm making good money now and then I will put an upgrade into this Rocket Man hopefully he can slay the toilets yeah I hope so dude cuz we need to save up 1,350 and then we could spawn the upgraded Titan clock oh yeah I probably should have put a bazooka man these guys are epic he's not that good on this map to be honest with you Sunny upgrade there upgrade there I got more money cooking how is he not being able to hit those units he's getting them no he's not not my rocket man oh yeah that's unlucky well let's see here if I upgrade his damage uh yeah we're in we're in bad shape melon I need to place down the clock it's the only way yeah that would be lovely that would be lovely oh I don't have enough money dang it wa did I do let's go just in time slap those toilets bro this guy is so solid he attacks every 1 second and does 1,750 damage nice moves Melon really nice moves and I panicked and placed a drill man just in case it's all good sunny and now melon I'll keep upgrading my money because I think that's the best thing to do if we want to get maxed out clock man's exactly sing more money no more problems exact too so I'm going to also sell off my Shamrock in the back don't need him anymore and as soon as I have a th000 buck gusis I will upgrade another scientist o that bazooka man goes hard he does bro he pops off not as much as your Titan clock dude this guy's insane his attack speed cool down is only 1 second that's perfect and he pretty much one shots every single toilet yeah 1,750 damage he's just a way better drill the drill does 3,000 but he only attacks every 3.5 seconds at level one which is trash don't compare my ultimate unit to your puny drill plus dude this guy has a secret ability we've got to level him up to unlock it yeah I want to see it in action I want to see him throw his sword across the map excellente my money is growing nicely melon just a couple more wave Skipper Dippers and I'll have enough to get a lot of upgrades melon we got a problem uh what's that we got an armored toilet with 9,000 health is that is that a problem really sunny what you killed it instantly I know my clock is just too strong it has multiple attacks it shoots something and swings the sword that's pretty epic that's insane bro nothing is getting through this thing yeah I feel pretty secure now and now I got some crazy cash flow all of my scientists make me a thousand every wave almost here as well I don't know if I'll buy the last upgrade though yeah the last one's kind of not worth it although it will pay itself off in seven waves I think it technically economically makes sense but I don't want to make sense I want to make big fat dollars CHP up those toilets Sunny he slices he dices and he gets you a shish kebab toilet beautiful really beautiful almost as lovely as maxing out my scientists yes $1,500 per wave no I'm too asking this John melon there's some tanky toilets head towards your clock no don't worry about it dude when you're 2x your clock also attacks faster not bad cuz you're 2 Xing the speed of everything Sunny oh that makes sense so the game play is the exact same as long as you can play fast enough exact the moo so don't misclick anything dude the game is going at light speeds now we got to focus up bro I'm actually killing the game killing the game let's go oh yeah I'm making big old gu I think it's time I place another clock right in the front yeah fill those spaces in nicely and I'm going to go ahead and max level one of these to see the special attack that's a genius place hny I know that's why I figured I would do it first so I could rub it in your face sell this guy I could get the ability first I know I could do it nah not likely I got more cash than you dang it I actually think it's going to be at the exact same time let's see does he get it at level four no it's still locked dang it bro we've got to get the maxed out level but check it out he just got some AOE ability yeah bro no toilets are making it through now yeah I'm going to sell off the drill I don't think I need that might as well get $400 yeah going still have this rocket dude as well we no longer need them melon we are destroying and technically you're destroying I'm doing nothing yeah dude this is easy work oh yeah I'm going to get $188,000 before you let's see it let's see it Ching upgrade max level unlocked what does his ability do it throws a sword obviously but the question is how I'm just going to press it sunny I have I have a feeling we're not going to see what his ability does wa yeah I was about to say we just saw it that was nuts it goes down the entire track that is awesome I'm maxing my guy out and I'm spamming his sword cuz why not yeah and I'm intentionally going to put one all the way back here where you used to have one so that I can get a sword to go across the entire track that is a j Sunny truly incredible I know I know and the sword does 75,000 damage to every toilet that it hits and I'm going to guess that the sword goes from wherever the clock can reach all the way until the end of the track that is Coolio oh that was cringe melon don't say that again just don't say Coolio what's wrong with Kio it's not cool to say kolio it just sounds cringe cuz is it rhymes with Julio no it just sounds cringe I don't know dude like you should say w Riz or something but but Coolio W Riz why would I say w Riz bro I'm not rizing up these toys I mean you probably are they smell like poo and you like poo what are you even talking about right now dude stop yapping all the viewers know that you like poo and you use it as fertilizer that's how you grow bro that's not Coolio you know what let me show you what's Coolio w risg y upgrade max level and throw the sword no way it's going down oh never mind oh that was not Coolio at all actually that was cringe that was definitely not Coolio it's sunny these toilets they're starting to push through well now we know at least the sword does not go the whole track but it does go pretty far we need to make sure our boys are placed optimally sunny I don't want to die at the last wave I know that's why I'm putting one in every corner slot and you're clogging them up all in the front which is not actually optimal dude what are you talking about this is optimal you want to place your guys right here it's the best spot in the whole game melon if you put one here where I'm standing that would be a lot more effective how explain please because then we have more total coverage let's say the toilet gets past your boys guess what they're no longer doing damage dude that doesn't matter it's all about how much damage you do to the toilet doesn't matter where the damage is done I agree bro it is about total damage which is why I want to spread it out to make sure we have maximum damage all right you know what whatever bro I don't even care anymore and we're covering every bit so these toilets are constantly being bombarded uh never mind melon there's a Max limit of three clock mans wait what yep I guess I'm putting a drill after all uh Sunny that's not looking good I'm placing down a leper corner and I'm going to put a little dito dito Dorito here we go and we have one more we can get here and then we'll unlock dito's special ability he's going to serve them Doritos extra cheesy to cover their fingers in sewer dust oh absolutely B FL Blended on her yes yes poop flavored Doritos there we go let get rid of this guy and all I can really place are these speaker dudes down bro I activated his pay to win Robux what was that wait what did it do Sunny yo a beam at the nearest Target dealing 85,000 AOE oh wait we we got to pop off some swords here I'm popping a sword off bang nice one good clearance good clearance no no Sunny they're pushing through pop a sword sword activate Dorito activate Theo oh we got him uh Sonny I think we're about to die I actually think we're about to die Sonny I'm turning off two times speed we're going to one speed here we need to be able to react appropriately yeah I agree I agree we need time to pop our swords off popping swords popping swords popping pay to win s we need to stop this thing I'm trying I'm activating everything that I have sword sword we got it I think yes we actually took him out and then we need more swords activated I'm out of Swords Sunny I'm out of swards it's not good I can only place three digitos sell them out from the front if you have to doing everything I can we're good we're chilling sell off your money sell off your money oh no did you sell your money I'm selling it now sunny but there's a lot of toilets coming in hot I I'm I'm popping everything I can I'm popping off activate it sell these I have $133,000 Max him out pop sword pop sword no bro how does that always happen wait we just revive ourselves oh yeah what is what happens if you revive yourself at the end of the match I don't know we're about to find out we did it sunny wait does it just give us a win wait we're doing wave 40 again yeah I think we have to replay it oh no this is not looking good melon we got really close the first time that means we can do it this time if we pop all of our you sold units didn't you yes I had to sell and place sunny I think we're going to die again oh we're going to die even worse than the first time oh no much worse uh we can surely take this guy out right yeah surely surely I mean he's actually getting lower than I thought he would and we're dead no you know what melon I'm going to the lobby cuz the most important thing is we got to see the tight and clock winning isn't everything melon sometimes it's about the journey not the destination exactly and you guys should take a journey to that subscribe button
Channel: Sunny and Melon
Views: 470,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5fDjmLGaPJ8
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Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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