Toilet Tower Defense BABY to TITAN MECH

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today my brother melon and I are going to show off the evolutions of the mech units in toilet Tower Defense first we'll use the legendary Mech cameraman then we'll spawn in the Mythic upgraded Mech cameraman and finally it'll evolve into the Titan Mech bunny the rules are simple we need to max out the earliest Evolution before we can summon in the next one and after we evolve all of our Towers to the max level we're going to see just how far we can make it on endless mode can you evolve that subscribe button rest it now to watch it transform let's go sunny it's time to evolve that's right we're going to get the ultimate Mech Evolutions starting with the regular legendary Mech cameraman and working our way all the way up through the upgraded and eventually the mech bunny Titan but first Sun we need money that's right so we're placing down our little Santa Clauses to collect coal for all those naughty naughty children Sunny no our Santas are going to be collecting us fetuccini guacamole straight Hard Cash oh yeah and good gifts cuz I've been a good kid now Sunny we're going to take a little bit of damage but that's fine it's fine it's all part of the plan do you want to take damage or should I kill them bro you can't kill them watch me watch me maybe I can't maybe you're right dang it let it happen Sunny I'll stop the toilets Mech deployed nice one I upgraded my money instead cuz cuz I don't think that was a very smart play melon why you have so much more time look you could have upgraded your money and placed it down you're right sunny but it's too late now I've already committed yeah that's fine you'll be a Brokey hopefully this guy can stop the toilets so far so good and you got him on level two yeah bro we've got to Max him out if we want to place the upgraded me cameraman not a bad idea melon I'll keep upgrading my money though I already got him at level three bro now he's annihilating the toilets dude you're popping off you should probably go back and upgrade your money a little bit yes Sunny now I will I'm pretty sure he's strong enough to kill the toilets for the next little while let's go oh yeah he could kill the police toilets the real test is coming over here with these wait there's not even a dual claw yet it's just spider toilets yeah bro your Mech is good it is chilling it is putting in work sh Bing chill Bing chill speaking of putting in work brother look at my money I'm going to be Rich so early in this game good for you Sunny I've been busy carrying us I know keep it up dude you're doing great work come on kill these toilets keep going melon get me to 800 buckus skis I need 800 buckus skis to unlock the next upgrade it's huge camear a well that's fine two Santa are level five all right I'm getting the next upgrade I won't let a single toilet through bro you're almost maxed out already it's level four yep he's pretty strong WR Sunny too he's not a useless Evolution yeah he can slow down the enemies bro he's actually so good because the upgraded Mech doesn't even come with a slow yeah so he's still kind of viable not really he's he's still trash I mean you're not going to set a record on endless mode with him melon can you show a little more respect all right all right he's really good honestly as a unit that's been here since the beginning of the game he's actually still useful yeah bro 6 months ago this was one of if not the best Tower in the game I need to Max him out sunny cuz it's time we start placing our upgraded Mees okay are you popping off that last level up give me a second give me a second boom nice upgrade and now it's time for me to do this upgraded Mech level up level up son we're going to need that cuz my guy keeps getting slept and some glasses toilet's made it through it's fine don't sweat it don't sweat it look I'm going to put my own Mech cameraman over here to slow down the enemies but it'll also kill off your last little toilet there we go max level awesome sauce honey let's go glasses toilet darted absolutely finished upgrade upgrade now my money is coming in nice seems he's here also bro my upgraded Mech cameraman is soon going to be max level already that's insane well I mean I think it has two more level UPS I think it's 3,000 and then is it 4,500 and that's it I don't know I'm about to find out melan on the next wave Skipper Dipper flipper ooh these toilets are getting tanky though 46,000 Health yikes upgrade he's level four that's big all of my sers are standing up now well played melon well played I need to Max this guy out though we don't have time to mess around I thought about getting all my Santas to level eight but I don't think I could afford it so instead bang level five no way the upgraded Mech cameraman has a another level I forgot about it bro how much does this next level cost 6,000 buckaroos but it does a lot more damage son I feel like he's even got a level after that no that's it are you sure yeah I just bought it so he's maxed out okay let's go we've done it melon we're getting closer now also I'm going to place this drone right here and level it up a little bit wait dude the upgrading Mech has a slow his Scythe slows them down oh yeah I forgot about that you just have to be max level to get it and the AOE on it is pretty bad though yeah but it does a good amount of damage good amount of D speaking of D I'm going to get D senters all maxed out one step ahead of you Sunny now I'm going to deploy my very own upgraded Mech yes do it right about here nice one dude you're wrecking these toilets and soon he shall also be maxed he's actually super cheap yeah he's not too expensive once you have your money makers upgraded for this much DPS 28,000 he's pretty affordable not too shabby boom maxed out and next I shall place the final form of the mech the mech buddy Titan nah I beat you to it that's my spot dang it dude I was going to place him there I knew you were that's why as you were counting down I spawned it in just to steal your thunder well I bet you I'll Max mine out first maybe maybe not what if I sold my STIs to Max it out then what that would be cringe Sunny that would be cringe yeah you're right that' actually be so stupid it would throw the game here it would make us lose oh bro you're only now level three you're definitely not maxing it out before me shut up sunny I didn't know you had so much guac of course I got the guacamole and I'm about to get the upgrade AR Ro bang level four Oho also I think they patched that Mech bunny glitch where you could spam it and then use rabid cuz when I deployed mine my Rabbid was on cool down oh you're right that's lame toilet Tower Defense why are you cringe let people have fun it's fine Sunny melon I'm going to max out this repair drone just so we don't have to worry about sleeping on the job that's a good idea sunny and now our Mech bunny Titans will be maximum level at the exact same time dude we are melting toilets we'll probably get to wave 40 nah we're going to go way past that plus I want to see what these sound like oh that is satisfying all I hear is a constant flow of laser beams and the Scythe slicing through through these toilets it's a thing of beauty sunny it's art melon it's art just marvel at it enjoy it appreciate it just need $10,000 more dollars also we messed up the mech Bunny's AOE is not hitting these toilets anywhere it's okay once we get that max level the AOE will kick in hopefully yeah I hope so but I don't know if it will and come on come on come on come on come on yeah kill one of these toilets we need the payment bang max level dude his AOE is definitely hitting now I mean kind of but we didn't do the best placements ever I'm going to put one on the front lines I know there's a spot here I just got to find it get in there get in there buddy Titan really it's like that there we go got them all right I'm placing one right here cuz there's no way you can fit two in trust me nice and then I'll start leveling him his AOE will be used perfectly excellent work melon we need this if we're going to send these toilets Back to the Sewer realm my speaker repair drone is going to be working over time AOE online and it is going to cook these starter toilets I'm going to say Target The Last Enemy that way it always hits these with the AOE and slows them down how good is the bunny's slow it's pretty strong bro is it stronger than the Astro toilets I think it's the exact same oh wait actually dude that's busted these toilets they're pushing through sunny it's fine it's fine the main difference though is the Astro toilet has crazy attack range and splash damage so it slows everything the the whole time m i see oh yeah this is bad let me Target the first unit maybe we should activate a rabbit oh no it might be too late well melon you should have popped off if you wanted to do that well sunny I wasn't sure if it was the move or not and now we're going to die I'm spaming down some upgrad it's but first i'm activating a rabbit well I'm doing everything I can repair drone Max this guy out Max this dude out come on we can take down this forklift toilet I know it we just worked get oh yeah he's dead let's go that was clutch we got to kill the welder as well I think we got this let's go dude we need another rabbit and we need it now all right poping off come on take out these toilets oh we got this bro we're smelting them dude that was actually so close pH but it's fine because it's wave 40 and the cameraman Temple is holding strong yes inde it hurts but I'm worried about this glitch toilet bro what if it glitches out and zooms the whole track it kills us that would actually suck so badly yeah that would be pretty sad placing down an army of upgraded mechs cuz they're very cheap and I think they're the best bang for your buck when it comes to damage yeah they do a ton of damage for the price but I'm currently saving up 25,000 cuz I almost have this Mech Bunny at maximum level oh same here I didn't realize I didn't max him out and that final level up adds a ton of damage it basically doubles it but this is good all of these scythes are slicing and slowing them down quite a bit come on Sunny I'm getting scared I'm going to pop a rabid it's not going to boost many units but it at least boosted a couple okay that's fine that's fine it's these dang UFOs I hate their invisibility come on we need to incinerate maxed out bunny all right Sunny I'm popping off another rabbit as soon as I can Boom come on please let it happen no I did it I got it off very good very good I have a feeling it's too late though there's just so many toilets melon we must stop them I'll put a bunny in the back lines and start to upgrade uh Sunny the glitch toilet's glitched oh no not like this survive live oh man well at least we set our new record for the week 46 that's a new record what for the week you know what melon I'm proud of us we would have gone probably until wave 140 and seen the SEC toilet but the dang glitch toilet took us out so we'll never know but we will know that you should press that like button and subscribe to get goated do it now
Channel: Sunny and Melon
Views: 256,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vvZQeRsH_ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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