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i'm hungry lanky box wow it's mr tomatoes adam we've been hired by this giant evil tomato to cook food for him oh man he looks really hungry uh i have some dishes here we can try okay and if you try all your dishes i'm gonna eat some fries in the meantime all right mr tomatoes um my first dish is a siren head dish here you go siren head try again oh he hated it oh man guys now in this video we're actually gonna unlock a secret ending that adam taught us about guys it's crazy yeah this might be the first time you ever see this on youtube it's really crazy all right here's the second dish here is an evil paw patrol dish for you hope you enjoy paw patrol good thing these fries are good you want one adam ah no that's okay those are all yours these fries would be better if i had some ketchup though well we don't have any ketchup here oh we got a tomato here though yeah but that's mr tomato you can't make ketchup out of his tomatoes i just did he's gonna get mad oh it tastes nice oh yeah he does seem a little bit upset say goodbye [Music] today we're trying to unlock this secret ending in this scary mr tomatoes game oh mr tomatoes okay what's this adam basically it's a game where you have to feed mr tomatoes and if you mess up he oofs you no i don't want to get oofed by a tomato yeah and there's a secret rare ending okay what's he saying thank you to feed me because i'm very hungry and i can't eat on my own i can relate to that what do you say you were talking i was trying to say he was relatable i don't know what is that a steak some potatoes i think we gotta feed him maybe try the steak steak if we get it wrong adam then he gets really angry and his anger bar goes up no it's not my fault i'm sorry okay i'll listen closely it's probably steak right i want to eat some chocolate right we guessed it right chocolate yeah guys you got to make sure you're listening real close okay i'm listening i want the bacon he wants the bacon wow hey i'm good at this adam i'm gonna ace this game come on the carrot okay he wants a carrot oh he wants the meal feed him the milk i'm gonna feed him no no no no he's gonna get angry still okay i know you know the drill i'll give him the milk oh you're gonna get angry yeah i did not ask for this i know huh what do you say fish oh fish whiskey but now see his anger is at one i want pepper he wants a pepper oh pepper i want some tomato soup i'm good at this game i see i'm good at this game he's just asking about food that's i'm a pro yeah but he's a tomato and he wants tomato soup okay i want a glass of milk i want to eat some french fries he wants a french fry oh oh yeah ketchup those go together yeah if you mush a tomato you get ketchup don't mush mr tomatoes don't i want some chocolate soup oh he says he wants some chocolate soup chocolate soup chocolate milk yeah chocolate milk with like some chocolate chips in it oh you can't drink that cream this cream oh tomatoes and cream i want a lemon well i love it okay and we're doing pretty good we only get eight more yeah i want a carrot carrot okay here you go buddy have a carrot i want fish so yeah we're doing a really good job this game's too easy obviously i'm saying yeah we can't even mess this up huh he said milk i think you're just thinking about milk no i think it was milk salad or something milk salad i want strawberry it was milk wait what did he say strawberry okay strawberry okay yo we're about to win the carrot okay wow i want some spaghetti we did it so now that was round one but it gets harder and harder and if you mess up again he will literally turn you into a smoothie no he won't yeah so keep your ears really good okay i can't because you were talking i didn't hear what he said i think he said sausage okay okay i'm sorry it was our fault okay he was a pepper okay that one i heard that one i want some sauce you want some sauce oh okay just some sauce by itself i want pepper a pepper okay you eat pepper yummy wait what did he say adam huh i said yummy i heard i i'm not talking about you and i was wondering what he said i didn't hear you were saying yummy i want pepper okay pepper adam we gotta listen all right i will be quiet some spaghetti okay i like spaghetti i want the steak with mashed potatoes oh man steak with mashed potatoes i guess you put them in the blender you can combine them yeah big brain big brain oh that's awesome wait that looks so good oh i'm hungry dude i bet if you ate that you get such big muscles okay okay i should have my mom make that breath for dinner i didn't hear what he said oh i didn't say it would give you good hearing okay wait he just had steak and potatoes he must want this right that makes sense yeah okay salami okay salami oh no i did not ask for this i want an egg an egg eggy wagon okay adam loves eggs i love eggs guys i didn't hear what he said did you i'm the one that's supposed to be talking you have to listen right what yeah i was supposed to listen to you no no you listen to tomato oh i just talked to myself when you keep talking about eggs i love eggs i think he said sushi that was it yeah you got it i want pepper pepper spicy tomato all right just seven more okay i almost missed that one okay don't worry i'm listening i'm listening i want pepper oh pepper okay another pepper we got five more wow that one what did he say uh apple or water i don't know what he said i'm gonna go right in the middle and say potato because you miss every shot you don't take okay i'm gonna put out my foxy ears from my foxy cosplay set because this will enhance my hearing oh that's a good idea okay i think he said water i'm pretty sure he said water yeah i want chicken wow it literally is foxy what tilted okay here you go buddy i want a carrot a carrot here you go buddy one more i want a cheeseburger cheeseburger oh i actually like a fish burger a fish swiss yeah let's go and i will be hungry again so that was round two round three is apparently the hardest part of the game what no now we're fine don't worry we're fine and then after that guys we're going to show you how to get this secret ending which is really really tough i'm pretty excited top secret okay i didn't i hate what he said and there's two bags here what is this can we use the scissors to cut the bags no then i guess we just gotta get wait so these are foods we just had to guess yeah i don't even know what he asked for what if he said cherry what if i just give him a cherry yeah maybe i want pepper yes oh he said he wants pepper so pepper's one of the two bags definitely not this it's one of the other pepper lefter i think it's left i want some carrot soup some carrot soup okay that's more you can see that one nice got lucky on that one apple apple oh okay where's the apple apple a for apple a e b a a a oh good idea the alphabet yeah we're just looking at alphabet now i got it wait i i hear what he said and this one we can see all of them and i didn't hear i was telling everyone that we're learning our alphabet we are what did he ask for i would get milk bro i don't know that's the safest guess i have yeah go for it okay come on i want to eat some chocolate chocolate oh we have a 50 50 shot chocolate chocolate we're chocolate in the middle in the middle middle okay oh we got it we got it okay where's the apple apple it's here hey a b c a a i did not ask for this i want some sauce some sauce okay guys i want a carrot what's a carrot so yeah we're doing good yeah this is awesome potatoes mashed potatoes with chocolate what do you know i think so no he wants mashed potatoes i'll put these to make mashed potatoes yeah give it to him oh yeah i can't combine it with chocolate okay we did it okay you're welcome mr tomatoes i didn't hear what he said i you have been telling me you hear what he said no you've been saying speak your mind more let your feelings out so i'm trying to do that more that's not what i said my guy i think what he said was ice okay come on come on come on come on i want a doughnut nice i don't got it nice i want some ketchup ketchup okay it's not cherries one of these the middle ketchup ketchup here yeah ketchup in the left up exactly ketchup left up i want chicken with potatoes let's go yummy okay wait we're actually doing good we're like a good chef wow chicken and potatoes salami some salami okay one of these is salami which one is it rocky which one do you think it is every inch of your brain to figure this out you're asking me yeah where is the salami yeah on the right side okay is this one it's this one come on rocky come on don't cry don't cry wait i think what happens if you get to 10 anger is he gets super angry you didn't tell me that are you a 10 anger i'm not eleven eight because i think justin's getting super excited be at night anger if i didn't have you talking next to me and i can't hear right all right what was that well then i tried to move me i think there's only one way to solve this teeny meeny miny moe [Music] i don't look like we did he turned evil guys guys he's literally gonna hack us oh man dude this is what happens guys the tomato literally hacks your computer and makes you feed them like brains and stuff i put on my rocky hat to protect myself bro that's a good idea what do we do feed them a brain i can't feed a mine because it's under this awesome hat oh eyeball i think i think you'll eat anything which is pretty strange more brain more brain keep feeling him he'll be all come right three more two more what's gonna happen what's gonna happen when we run out i think that's it what is he saying and then it curses your entire screen guys like we can't get rid of this image we have to draw our computer what yeah you literally have to throw it out no i don't know i want to try and see if i can get you to get the secret ending i thought you could throw away our computer yeah how do we get the secret ending if i can't throw away my computer recycling dude that actually scared me what yeah okay whoa what is this guys we've never seen this before this is not good wait our computer literally got hacked bro now guys hey this is a game i don't think it actually hacks your computer like adam said but this is really weird yeah i think it's literally in the process of binarying what i don't know like a lot of bad hacking okay guys now i'm going to show you how to unlock this super secret ending go to the shop okay now you notice there's some items here so we can try buying some stuff but you see that bottom right item what is that so if you click on that and then you enter a code it brings you to a secret like debug hack menu what and i'm going to tell you the code right now what's the code t somato 1 b one nine one a two one there it is what yeah and now we are groud played to this spring don't grab like me anywhere now we are greeted on this screen to the password menu because this is where if you know the password this gives you like this super scary ending what is it what is the password i know it was like something like one one five five two glitch i didn't do anything did you just glitch in real life right stop what's so funny i didn't do anything just then i think it was one five five two two stop wait one what stop laughing why can't either i say that password it's not funny look at my face you look like a tomato what's the number one five one five two five two two one okay i'm gonna go one one five five two okay here we go no we're having wrong password blocking access we're banned and now it's just a scary image of the tomato again dude we did it wrong guys hold on we gotta get the secret ending here we go okay adam if we just play the game and we don't get his anger to ten i think we can get a secret excited to help me i want some ketchup okay so guys we're gonna max focus okay i want some eyes we're not gonna mess up i want some cream oh cream i thought you said i want something green bro oh that was tricky am i getting hacked bro is my brain getting hacked i don't think so of milk a glass of milk okay we're gonna get we're gonna try to get zero and the steak steak okay i got you i want a doughnut go go go go go i want a glass of water glass of water okay yeah we're doing great i want some green some cream okay there you go i want a carrot carrot carrot i want to eat some chocolate chocolate okay we got it we got it we got it okay for now visit me when i will be waiting for you and we have points we can buy some stuff to help us oh we can buy scissors they can cut open fabric so you can open the bags you can see what's in them that's huge what does the flashlight give you is this disposable flashlight that can illuminate a small area of time i don't i mean we don't need that right what does the knife do i don't know no yeah just get scissors delicious candy i like candy what is this can normalize sound what is that like when he speaks in the code at the end you can hear what he means oh maybe i'm gonna buy a bunch of scissors because this is really helpful yeah buy a bunch of scissors and one of these things good idea okay all right here we go guys we're going back let's go all right we can't mess this up guys we're taking this seriously come on come on come on yeah we do a lot better when i don't talk i'm very hungry i want a donut donut donut donut okay let's go let's go let's go i want to drink some lemonade lemonade okay we're gonna make lemonade we haven't even never make that before yummy let's go let's go whoa i want a fried egg a fried egg how do we do oh friday oh that's tricky he's asking for new stuff we've never seen before what oh no what was it eggs and bacon ah the blender needed our food okay we have to take one anchor point right here it's okay it's okay it's okay all right it's okay i'm sorry i want a lemon okay i'm actually so focused guys my brain hurts i want a glass of water okay i want some chocolate soup chocolate okay chocolate i want an ice cream i wait ice what ice cream oh ice cream oh this is ketchup right this is not strawberry so put in the ice first yes come on work work work perfect wow that's cool i want to eat some mashed potatoes mashed potato potatoes and sauce right yeah not potatoes and bacon okay yes yes i want a glass of milk i want potato two more two more potatoes i want salami salami we did it all right nice and we have more points we can buy more stuff in the store oh you just get to keep going should i just buy even more scissors get one flashlight in case we might need that get one candy oh candy's really expensive i'll just get it yeah there's nothing else we can get yo we got a lot of stuff we're ready we're ready for the spaghetti whatever is out there guys hey we're not even gonna talk this round i gotta focus right here this is round three this is one where we always oof guys come on all right we will win guys welcome be quiet i want fish you guys are about to see lanky box at max brain power bro i got the rocky hat on to contain my brain let's go we're never this quiet let's go i want to eat some mashed potatoes well unless your mom puts us in time out then we have to be quiet yeah but not now that's not now i want salami salami okay let's use some scissors oh we use the scissors wow you want a salami right yeah let's go i want an apple okay we can use scissors again an apple wow wait we actually figured this out guys we glitched the game see our like mouse cursor vanished but we're gonna keep going or maybe the game did on purpose i don't want to make it harder i don't know it makes it harder i want potato potato okay we know this okay i can still move the mouse let's go i want a lemon okay lemon okay we're gonna use this dude thank goodness we bought the scissors yeah okay we can actually see everything let's go oh i want some chocolate soup oh we don't even need to use scissors it's right there oh wow nice i want a lemon lemon scissors nice oh thank goodness i want some ice some ice i don't know how many scissors we have left though yeah we're getting close i want a cucumber cucumber okay it's a pickle okay i want a lemon lemon okay scissors again okay perfect i want to eat some french fries wow we might be running low on scissors we're so lucky we got those scissors bro i think we're out i want potato we are but he wants a potato we can see it i want a combo meal a combo meal that must be burger and fries right yeah gotta be nice yummy i'm hungry eat some salad some salad now we have to guess bro it's up to you it's on the left i'm against the left if i'm wrong it's okay we're not even close to 10 anger i want some eyes we got that right awesome ice ice here we go last one i want some ice ice it's probably under ice on the right that's all right do not ask for this visit me when i will be hungry again we gotta go to round four bro wow but now we have even more points okay what should we get we already have scissors i'm getting one more flashlight or more scissors yeah just five pairs of scissors yeah because they're so useful all right we're out of points let's go and our mouse is back oh cool i hope it's back forever it might not be that might be a part of the game i don't know welcome back it is i want salami salami okay let's speedrun this let's go forty food to eat some french fries fresh fries okay let's go let's go i want to drink some lemonade lemonade is water and lemons yeah i almost just gave him a lemon that would have been bad let's go i want the steak steak scissors let's go thank goodness yeah you're right with the scissors i want the bacon bacon bacon i want an apple oh so this is where you have to use the flashlight guys we don't know how to change our items but that's what we got to use here yeah we're just guessing i want a carrot we got that right we got that right in the dark i want some tomato soup we're running out of scissors we're out of scissors we have 25 more oh man oh no okay we can't mess up we can't mess up i want chicken with potatoes chicken with potatoes okay we can't mess it up because some of these are easy some of these we can figure it out but we might have to guess on a lot of them i want some carrot soup like this one guys please don't ask for this i want some tomato soup oh man i can't see anything i want to eat fried fish with salad oh wait you know it's those two big brain fried fish with salad it has to be salad and fish here yeah oh yo this game is actually like a puzzle poor geniuses adam i want potato i think i saw it i saw it yeah i want a chocolate ice cream you can see it for a second wait chocolate ice cream is that icing chocolate or chocolate and cream is it all three it's iced chocolate it's a chocolate ice cream it's gotta be ice and chocolate okay can i put all three no you cannot put all three it's gotta be i'm this idiot that's all right i'm sorry all right here we go i want the steak yeah guys right before the lights go out you could see it for a split second before the screen goes dark yeah okay okay i'm focused i'm so focused right now i want an egg an egg okay we just have to straight up guess egg middle middle let's go no it's okay it's okay ask for this okay i want some eyes i didn't see anything i didn't see it either [Music] i did not ask for this i want a bacon oh man another 50 50. all right middle let's go are you serious i did not ask for this i want some spaghetti with tomato all right chill adam chill he wants me to sauce i almost missed that that was close guys focus i want some strawberry yogurt and his brain has sputtered out of control middle cream let's go come on yes wow i want cherry cherry 50. what do you think boxy boxy says right okay right here we go come on it's okay i want to eat fried fish with salad fry facial salad okay fish waste salad okay we still do it we can still do it we got two more mess ups we can do it i want to eat some chocolate oh man another 50 50. let's go right do it i want some tomato soup okay we got this i want some ice cream we locked out we left out shh okay here we go i want a lemon yes don't celebrate don't celebrate i want some ice i'm so focused last one i want salami yes what's gonna happen i am full for now see you later we gotta play again i'm gonna look into how to play it'll tell us how to change our items e and you can change them by pressing right left we're idiots oh but we still made through it so we still have the flashlight what should we buy dude what should we buy definitely more scissors because we have zero right now we need we maybe two flashlights yeah we got five of these in three of these all right we're looking good let's go adam this this might be the final round guys can we get that sea granny let's go the pressure's on the pressure's on i want some ice oh nice well he's still at eight anger 45 i want to eat some french fries fresh fries all right let's go guys hey we gotta do it i want chicken with potatoes chicken with potato hey i gotta use a scissor okay dude we gotta try our best that's all you can do in life i want a glass of milk we've already used two scissors already yeah man i want a cheeseburger okay nice we lucked out i want cherry oh arrow key but we have to use scissors too oh that's not fair that's messed up he wants a cherry i did that just for the oh come on i want a doughnut we gotta use the scissors it's getting so hard guys he wants a donut hey but i gotta do it for a donut i want a combo meal combo meal okay we got you guys this is the most focused we've ever been ever in our lives chocolate bar was on the right i saw it from the left no it wasn't i'm an idiot i'm so dumb oh it's a fish with seals right here oh flashlight but i think i'm holding it it's right here yeah it's right there that's all right all right one more i want sushi oh our last scissors item i want an apple i saw it it's right there i want a cheeseburger 50 50. this could be it bro this might be the last round where's the big mac you can do it you have to choose i will not be responsible if we lose it's right here i did not ask for this yes what is this i don't know oh no it's a new idea it's a black tomato dude it's the poison and poison oh [Applause] yeah what tomato it's a blue purple tomato guys bro make sure to leave a like and subscribe that was the secret ending the poison ending that's so hard to get so make sure to leave a like subscribe help us get to 10 million subscribers man you shouldn't we shouldn't have played this bro i'm scared bro yeah is that a coincidence bro we got hack.ios and it's like apple ios it's a tomato you know what i mean yeah we got the secret ending with the super evil scary tomato we're gonna eat some tomato sauce [Music]
Channel: LankyBox
Views: 7,979,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lankybox, lankybox playing, lanky box, lankybox mr tomatos, lankybox mr. tomatos, lankybox mr tomato, mr tomatos, mr. tomatos, mr tomatos all endings, mr tomatos ending, mr. tomatos all endings, mr. tomatos endings, mr. tomatos ending, lankybox tomato, lankybox playing mr. tomatos, lankybox plays mr tomatos, lankybox plays mr. tomatos, lankybox evil tomato, lankybox secret ending
Id: Ksrekngn_X4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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