Unlocking the Power of PRAYER: What You Need to Know

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I'm going to speak this morning  on the topic of the secret place,   on developing a prayer life that will  change our life and our ministry.   I was born around Chernobyl which was the  largest nuclear explosion that happened in   the world. I was born very close to it and  I was born also around the same time that   Chernobyl happened which is one of the things  that affected my sight and affected my birth.   During the birth, the doctor damaged an optical  nerve by pulling me out of my mother's womb and   I developed chronic headaches growing up and then  I was in the hospital, in and out for two years.   At the age of about nine, I started to get  bullied heavily in school. I didn't know that   was bullying, I thought that's what happens when  you have a deformed face, where stuff was thrown   at me, I was called with names. My name was not  the name that my mom gave me. My name had to   do with the deformity of my face. When my family  immigrated to the United States at the age of 13,   I didn't speak any English. I didn't have  any friends and the insecurities that I had,   this inadequacy that I had reached an all-time  high. I remember struggling to fit in. I remember   struggling to find meaning and purpose in life and  actually skipping a class in my school because I   was so scared to stand in front of a group of 26  students and do a minute, 60 seconds presentation.   My prayer at the age of 13 till 16 was  this God could you cause an accident   so that You can kill me because if I kill myself,   I'm not going to end up in a good place  but if You kill me, it's Your fault. Praise God! God sometimes doesn't  listen to our stupid prayers   because if God would have answered every  prayer I prayed, I wouldn't be here today.   But I can tell you what started to happen in my  life at the age of 13, 14 and 15 and 16, instead   of taking my own life, instead of medicating this  pain and the suffering that I was experiencing   with drugs, girls, and alcohol and all kinds of  cutting and other stuff, I remember locking myself   up every single day, Monday through Friday right  after school, in my room, blasting music really   loud so that my parents don't hear me crying and  complaining to God and vomiting, it was prayer but   it was really like a spiritual vomit. Whining,  questioning. Why did you make me like this? My   life has no purpose. My life has no meaning. I'm  scared of people. I don't have any friends. Nobody   likes me. We came to a new country but I feel like  my whole life is disrupted. Why is this happening   to me? And I did that for 20, 30 minutes every  day and then I would always finish worshiping God.   The God I just accused of everything,  the God I just cast my doubts on,   the God and then I would finish because you  know like sometimes complaining is like vomit.   Everybody around you get sick but you feel better  afterwards and that's really what my prayer was.   It was just complaining to God. Pouring my heart's  pain to Him and then after I would do that, I   would experience His peace. I would experience His  love and I would experience His joy and I started   to do that every single day, Monday through Friday  as a 13 year old. After a few years of doing that,   God started to supernaturally number one, heal my  headaches. They were gone. Number two, the chronic   insecurity that I felt was gone. In school where  I was struggling, I started to get good grades   and actually started to preach in my classrooms  and at the age of 16, I became a youth pastor.   Out of all things that I could have been doing,  became the very thing I was scared to death to do. I genuinely believe   that the secret to a Christian life and to the  Christian ministry is found in the secret place.   As the pastor before me mentioned about David,  you cannot be a giant killer until first you're   a lion killer. We kill giants in public but God  wants to first develop us to kill lions in private   and in order to do that, one of those lions  every person needs to kill is laziness.   One of those lions every person needs  to kill is the battle with the blankets,   because those blankets in  your bed have demons on them.   Right when you set up the alarm clock and you know  that you need to wake up and those comfortable   blankets become like the web of lies. They say,  If you stay under me for just five more minutes,   I will give you eternal life and many  of us don't have a problem with demons,   we have a problem with blankets. And so when you  begin to slay lions in your private life before   anybody sees the explosion in your ministry,  the explosion of success in your career and in   your life and you begin to develop your private  life with God, it will launch you into a public   life with God. Can somebody say Amen. Write this  down. Private victories precede public victories.   1 Samuel chapter 17 verse 34 and 35. David says  to Saul, "Your servant used to keep his father's   sheep, and when a lion or a bear came and took  a lamb out of the flock, I went out after it and   struck it, and delivered the lamb from its mouth;  and when it arose against me, I caught it by its   beard, and struck and killed it. You can't be  a giant killer publicly until you are a lion   killer privately. Many people build their public  life on private defeats, on private nothingness,   on private sand, on private lack and void  of devotion, prayer, fasting and commitment   to God and my desire today. I don't have anything  that I'm going to share with you you didn't hear.   Anything I'm not going to share with you something  like oh wow, never knew that but my desire is to   say the same thing you heard million times, one  more time maybe with a little different accent   that you heard so that you will be inspired  to live a life in the secret place. Amen. All of us are building a life on Jesus but  some of us are building our life without Jesus.   In Corinthians we see 1 Corinthians chapter  3 verse 12 it says, But if anyone builds on   this foundation with gold, silver, precious  stones, wood, hay, and straw. I want you to   notice two types of materials, flammable and  fireproofed. Every Christian, every minister,   every one of us is building our life on the  foundation named Jesus. Can somebody say, Amen.   Every one of us wherever we are building are  not only on Jesus, we are building it for Jesus.   Can I get an Amen? But the question today  is not if I'm building on Jesus for Jesus   but am I building it with material that's  fireproofed or flammable. Look at these two   categories. First one is gold, silver, precious  stones. The second one is wood, hay and straw.   Gold, silver, precious stones are found  underground. Somebody say, 'underground'   that means you don't find it on the concrete,  you don't find it in the mall, you don't find   it in the gutter. You have to dig for it. It's  found underground. Wood, hay and straw is always   found on the ground. It's visible. It's public.  Everybody sees it. Gold, silver and precious   stones not only they're found underground but  they also are found in small quantities. Wood,   hay and straw are found in big quantities. That's  why every man who buys a ring for his wife doesn't   buy a two by four, a two small little tiny rock  and when you look at that price your heart sinks   because stones, precious stones, gold and  silver, they're always small. They're not   super big and so which material are you  building your cell group, your ministry,   your career. Is it something that is found  underground? Everybody sees it. It's always   public. It's always what everybody sees but  there is nothing behind the scenes. There is   nothing in the secret. There is nothing,  it doesn't cost you anything. It's super   big in the eyes of man but it's super small in  the eyes of God. I want you to see the gold,   silver and precious stones are also extremely  expensive. Wood, hay and straw are cheap. Wood,   hay and straw are destroyed by fire. Gold and  silver and precious stones are purified by fire.   Wood, hay and straw are common. Gold, silver  and precious stones are rare. Every one of us is   building our life today, building our ministry  today and the question is not how big it is,   how fast it is and the question is not is how much  I am liked, applauded by men. The question is this   is what I'm building comes from underground, it  costs me something. It's rare because everybody   else would rather do things to please man, I'm  doing things to please God. It is not common,   it is rare. It takes me time to build this and  if the fire comes, offenses come, trouble comes,   divorce of my parents comes, I will get purified  not burned out, not destroyed, not quit and not   give up. Why? Because I didn't build my life only  on Jesus, I built my life with Jesus. I didn't   build my life only for Jesus, I built my life by  the power of Jesus Christ. That's why come hell,   come high water, come offenses, come trouble,  it will not shake me. It will strengthen me.   It will purify me. Why? Because my life is  built in the secret place. Come on somebody. Many people quit. Many people get  offended. Many people like I'm burned   out. I can't take this anymore.  This is too difficult and for me,   this usually is the first sign. They've  been building with wood, hay and straw   because if you build your life with gold, silver  and precious stones, fire makes you more precious.   It doesn't make you offended. It doesn't make  you quit. It doesn't make you give up and if   you are at that place today where you gave up  ministry, where you gave up the call of God   upon your life and you're like man, this is just  too hard. Oh nobody just understands. This is just   so difficult. People are just so challenging. The  church sucks. The leaders just are controlling. My   real question to you is this, What material have  you been building your ministry with? Because if   it was gold and silver, precious stones, you  would have came out on the other side pure   not offended. Pure not burned out. Pure and more  precious not with I had a bad church experience.   You would say, I had a good God experience because  what people meant for evil God turned for my good.   Come on somebody. Amen. There were two people in the Old Testament  in Joshua book, and one of them was Rahab.   I'll give you just a small contrast, Rahab was a  prostitute, Achan was a soldier. Rahab faced doom,   Achan had a promising future. Rahab hid spies,  Achan hid forbidden things. Rahab was saved,   Achan was killed. Rahab saved her family, Achan  killed his family. Rahab ended up being in the   lineage of Jesus in Matthew chapter one, married  one of the guys she was hiding Salmon and Achan   became one of the embarrassing stories that we  see in the Bible. What was the difference between   these two people? One was hiding the forbidden  things. The other one was hiding the good things.   Your life tomorrow is determined  by what you're hiding today.   Everyone in here is hiding something. We either  live in a secret place or in a secret sin but we   all have secrets. My desire today is that every  one of us have a secret and that the secret that   we have is that we are hiding prayer. We are  hiding fasting. We are hiding God's word. We   are secretly like Rahab. Your situation doesn't  matter, what matters is what you're hiding. Your   situation doesn't matter, what matters is your  secrets and if your secret is porn, if your secret   is sliding into people's DM's and flirting online.  If your secret is secretly smoking and drinking,   if your secret is fornication, it does not  matter what position you have in the church,   in the society, your secret not only will make you  sick, it will become a public scandal tomorrow.   Today's secret is tomorrow's scandals but today's  secret place is tomorrow's supernatural. Today's   prayer is tomorrow's power. Today's submission is  tomorrow's success. Today's fasting is tomorrow's   glory. Today's purity is tomorrow's pleasure  but today's secret flirtation is tomorrow's   sexual addiction. Every person under the  sound of my voice is hiding something   and it's good to hide something but it's important  to hide the presence of Jesus. It's important to   live a secret life with God that nobody knows  about but they will see the fruits of it   down the road. When a husband and a wife has an  intimacy, you see the wife carrying a belly very   soon. Now you don't see the intimacy because any  intimacy that is public is pornography. That's why   some of you are in your secret place and you don't  have to post it to prove it. Your fruit will prove   it and some of us feel the pressure when we're  reading the Bible to screenshot it and post it   on Instagram, so everybody thinks you're spiritual  but everybody knows that's superficial because the   real fruit of your intimacy is not your Instagram  story, it is your fruit. It is the fruit you bear   in your ministry. It is the fruit you bear in  your life. It is the fruit that you bear in   your life. It's a supernatural, it's carrying a  belly, it's carrying a growth in your life. It's   not an Instagram story. It's not a Facebook  post. It is a fruit and you can't fake fruit.   Come on somebody. Touch your neighbor and say,  What are you hiding? Don't let them answer. Respond to your neighbors. Say, it's a secret. Three secret things God wants us to hide.   Matthew 6:4 it says that your charitable deed  may be in secret and your Father who sees in   secret will Himself reward you openly. The first  secret every person should have is their giving,   is their sacrificial giving. The second secret  that we should have and it's in the same chapter   Matthew chapter 6 verse 6 it says, But you, when  you pray, go into your room, and when you have   shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the  secret place; and your Father who sees in secret   will reward you openly. The second secret  everybody should have is a life of prayer   and I want us to see the third  secret. Matthew chapter 6 verse 18,   so that you do not appear to men to be fasting,  but to your Father who is in the secret place;   and your Father who sees in secret will reward you  openly. The third secret is fasting. Now I want   you to notice Jesus tells us three secret things  we should do. Discipleship, evangelism, leadership   are not secrets. These are public things that we  do. Worship when we do in public is the public   things but the secret things Jesus wants us to  do like Rahab did is prayer, is fasting and is   giving. Why these three secrets? Because we also  have three main enemies. Pride, lust and greed.   Prayer cancels pride. Fasting cancels  lust and giving cancels greed.   So Jesus is saying you have three main enemies  attacking your spiritual growth and I want you   to secretly develop this system and a habit.  Secretly begin to give. Secretly begin to pray.   Secretly begin to fast and while you're doing it  to please the Father instead of being known by   men, you're actually defeating three main enemies  Satan sends to stop your spiritual growth. Come on   somebody. The real reason people don't pray is not  because they're busy. It's because they're proud.   Prayer is the greatest assault on pride and  prayerlessness is the greatest form of pride.   If you're not praying, it's not because you're  busy, it's because you are proud because you   think you can do it without God. If you don't  pray, you stray. If you want to walk with God,   you got to live a life of secret prayer. This  doesn't mean that you can't pray with your   family but if the only time you're praying is  publicly at church, that's not secret enough.   Your walk with God has to be in secret  and one of the first things that must be   the first secret is prayer. The second secret  that we just mentioned and that is the fasting.   Now I understand that we live in a generation  today where most of us will die from overeating   not from fasting. We eat too much. Some of us have  a king that we worship. It's called king stomach.   The Bible says some people made their stomach into  a god. Food is the first temptation humanity faced   in the garden. Food is the first  temptation Jesus faced in the wilderness.   Now nothing wrong with food. Food is good and  I love food and the Bible says in heaven, there   will be plenty of food but you must understand is  that in order to overcome the lust of the flesh,   you have to constantly and regularly subject  your flesh to fasting. Fasting is not popular   especially in the Christian circles today that  have a greasy grace, a gospel message that focuses   so much that God did everything, you don't need to  sacrifice. You don't need to deny your flesh. You   don't need to lay yourself on the altar. Jesus  did everything, all you got to do is just eat,   eat, eat, eat. Be happy, eat. It's all about  you, Jesus is about you. You just need to be   happy and anything that makes you not happy,  it's not from Jesus. That doctrine is demonic   because Christianity has never been about  you. It's been about Jesus. Jesus says,   If any man is to follow Me, he must deny himself,  pick up his cross and follow Me. Christianity is   not about self-discovery, that is new age and that  is witchcraft. Christianity is about self-denial.   You cannot walk with God very far and very long if  you don't live a life of fasting. The early church   fasted two days every week. We say man, I want the  power that the early church had. The early church,   the secret of their power is two days every week,  they will fast. Why? Because there's something   exists when you push the plate and fasting is  not, Oh I'm fasting Instagram. That's not fasting.   Oh I'm just simply, I skipped breakfast  today. I didn't get a chance to eat rice   and and eggs so I'm fasting. No, no, no that's  not when you didn't have time to eat. Fasting   is a voluntary abstinence from food for  the spiritual reasons and Jesus says,   I want you to have a secret and your secret should  be fasting. If you want to last, you gotta fast.   People say man, how do you keep the fire  for God? Very simple. There's one secret,   the fuel for your fire is fasting. Live a life  of fasting. I'm not talking about fasting as a   response to a crisis but fasting as a habit,  where every month or every week or when your   pastor or when your leader sets a day and  says, this day we're fasting. You begin to   engage. Don't say well, God didn't speak to  me. The devil is a liar. God is leading you   through your leader to a self-denial and to  a life of secret fasting. Can somebody say,   Amen. Some of us don't fast because we have  an adulterous relationship with the fridge. We judge the world for going to the bar  when they get stressed but we run to rice. We run to brownies. We run to muffins. We  run to that and we fall in love with food.   Food is your fuel, it is not your love.  Food is supposed to strengthen you. Yes,   it has a little pleasure. God bless the food  but at the same time the Bible says, Thou shall   love the Lord thy God and thou shall love another  person. It does not say thou shall love your food,   which means that food is not for our comfort. We  have a comforter. His name is the Holy Ghost. It   is not food that means we have to choose to live  a life of fasting so that the food doesn't become   an idol in our life and so that the secret place  is filled with prayer and is filled with fasting.   Can somebody say, Amen. The other place that  we need to have in our secret place is giving,   is sacrificial giving. Yes there's  offerings. Offerings is what we give to God,   that what's extra. There's tithing. Tithing is  very important when we give 10 percent of what   we make to honor God. It's not a law where you  won't go to heaven but it's a principle of saying,   God I trust you with the rest of my finances  and I honor you and I seek you in my finances   but there is one more thing that secretly  we need to do and that is a sacrifice   and sacrifice is when you  give something that hurts. A pig and a chicken were walking by and  decided to create a breakfast for a farmer.   The chicken looks at the pig  and says, I want us to make a   breakfast for him. Could you give him  some bacon, I'll give him some eggs.   The pig says, Excuse me, if you give eggs, that's  an offering. If I give bacon, that's a sacrifice.   So sacrifice is not just giving something that is  extra. Sometimes it's giving something that hurts   and please understand, if you want to live  a life of walking in the secret place,   it's not only prayer and it's fasting, there will  be a time in your life where God will challenge   you to grow in the area of financial sacrifice and  to give something that hurts. Me and my wife have   practiced this so many times and continue to do  that. I would say it's what changed our finances   and changed our spiritual life is to live a life  where God puts a finger on something and you say,   Lord I'm gonna give it to you. I'm not going  to blow a trumpet. Post it, Hey guys FYI,   I just gave a car. Hey guys, I just gave my  savings away. You're doing it in obedience to   God. You're doing it in a secret but what's going  to happen the Bible says God sees the sacrifices   financially in the secret and He begins to reward  you publicly. No, we don't give to get but if we   give, God will bring a harvest. God says, I see  this in the secret place, I see your sacrifices.   I see your seeds and God will begin to reward it.  It will come in the form of breakthrough. It will   come in the form of financial breakthrough It will  come in the form of favor and other things that   people will look at you and say hashtag lucky.  You're like no, you have no idea, I got secrets. Samson wasn't physically muscular because if it  could be, Delilah would never say what is the   secret of your strength. Come on. You don't come  to a big buff guy and say, what is the secret of   your strength. It's muscles. It's going to the  gym. Samson probably was a normal guy like me   and Delilah is like there is no way. What  is the secret of your strength? Why are   you so powerful? Samson had a secret and  he lost his power when he lost his secret   and there are many of us, we're like man, I  want to be powerful in God. Well, you have to   have secrets and the secret is the secret place.  What do you do in the secret place is you pray, is   you fast and you sacrificially give when God tells  you to do so and when you give up your secrets in   the secret place, you lose your power. You lose  your vision. You lose your hair. You lose the   anointing and your life starts going in circles  like Samson's did. Why? Because your power is   connected to your secret place. Your secret place  is connected to the secrets that you live with   your life and that is prayer and that is fasting  and that is sacrifice. Can somebody say, Amen. Somebody say, 'Secret place.'  Somebody say, 'Secrets.'   Somebody say, 'Prayer.' Somebody say,  'Fasting' and somebody say, 'Sacrifice.'   God didn't call us to live busy. He called  us to live fruitful and to live fruitful, we   must be in intimacy. We must have a secret place.  Colossians 1:10 it says, that you may walk worthy   of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful  in every good work. See, God doesn't want us to   just be successful in every good work. We're not  machines doing some work. We are humans working   which means that for us to be successful, the  Bible uses the word 'fruitful' which means that   every work we do must flow out of the intimacy.  It must flow out of abiding. Therefore it's called   fruitful in every good work. God doesn't seek  your success. That's why the price for Christian   success is not busyness. God expects fruitfulness  and fruitfulness flows from intimacy, that you   may be fruitful in every good work. Somebody  shout, 'Fruitful.' Fruitful in every good work. I like contrasts especially in the Bible.  Esther and Vashti. Vashti was so busy   organizing the feast for the women that when the  king called for her; She says, I'm sorry honey,   I got a cell group that I'm running. I'm sorry,  I'm doing a woman's net right now. I'm sorry,   I'm kind of busy. She wasn't doing anything bad.  She was actually doing a banquet for the women. Esther was different. Vashti lost her crown.  Esther was never invited to the king's presence   and she went still and the Bible says that  Esther led women as well and men into fasting   but Esther didn't lose her crown. Esther saved her  nation. So my question to you today, which kind   of bride are you, that always skips the secret  place because you're busy for God or you will   always prioritize your secret place because if  you have a secret place, you will save your city.   You will impact your generation. You will  affect your campus and some of you maybe   feel like but I'm gonna waste my time. I have  so much work to do. You must prioritize that   because when you add the secret place as your  foundation, God adds super to your natural   and your speed no longer becomes what you are  able to do but what you start to do and God   begins to continue to do and there will be a  favor that will be released on your ministry.   Amen. And now I want to get to the  last part of this message and that is   why we need to pray. Why we need to press  in in the secret place and I'm going to go   back to the beginning. Genesis. Write this  down. We need God because we came from God.   Genesis 1:11 I want you to see when God was making  the earth. He said, Then God said, “Let the earth   bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and  the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its   kind, whose seed is in itself, on the earth”; and  it was so. So when God was making the grass, the   trees; He comes to the earth the Bible says and  He said, Let earth produce grass. So technically   maybe not proper theologically but technically who  created the grass, the trees is the earth because   God spoke to it and said produce grass, trees and  all of the stuff. So the trees, the grass and all   of the plants, they came from the earth. They need  the earth to live and without the earth, they die.   Let's go to verse 20. God said, Let waters  abound with the abundance of living creatures.   So technically God looks at the water, the  ocean and says, You make fish. You produce   all the living creatures. So because the fish come  from the water, they need the water to live and   without the water, they die. Is everybody still  with me? So the trees come from the ground. The   Bible doesn't say that God created them. He spoke  to the ground to make them and because they came   from the ground; without the ground, they die.  God comes to the sea and says that water produce   fish and the water produces the fish and the  fish live because they came from the water and   they die without it and then I want you to read  first six verses down it says, God says, Let Us. God comes to Himself and says, Let  Us make man. So man comes from God,   the way fish comes from sea and  the way trees come from the ground. Man dies without God. The way fish dies  without water and trees die without the ground. God is still God without man. Ocean is still ocean  without fish and the soil is still soil without   the trees. That means God doesn't need us, we need  God. Why do we need God? Because we came from God.   Why is that a craving that no religion, no drug,  no boyfriend, no girlfriend can satisfy? It's   because you didn't come from drugs. You didn't  come from a girlfriend. You came from God and   it doesn't matter how many theological degrees  you have, you have to understand if you maybe   have embraced atheistic view that oh I don't  need God. My friend, you came from God and you   need God as much as the fish needs the water and  the trees need soil. That's why you need to live   a life of secret place. That's why you need to  pray. You need to fast. You need to give. Why?   Because you are not a fish that needs water.  You are not a tree that needs a ground. You   are created in the likeness of God and you came  from God. You are an intelligent human being.   God says, 'Let Us make man in Our image and  likeness.' You have no choice. Your survival,   your success in life is contingent on you staying  connected to the source from which you came from.   Don't let a professor with more degrees than a  thermometer convince you, you don't need God.   You need God. Why? Because the basic  understanding of human creation tells us.   It's almost like God was painting us a picture  and He says, One day there will be teachers,   professors, YouTubers, influencers, stars and  these people who will say we don't need God,   God is not a crutch and God's like every time  you look at your garden, your trees need soil,   your fish needs water, you need God because  you came from God. Can somebody say, Amen.   A few practical things that I want to give. One of   them is that we don't go to secret place  to find God, we go there to be with Him.   The Bible says in Exodus 24:12, Then the Lord  said to Moses come up to Me on the mountain   and be there meaning, I want you to come and  be there. So many people do not like the secret   place for this reason because they feel like God  plays hide and seek and we go in there and we   have to jump start our batteries for 30 minutes  and trying to get through to the secret place,   get through to the Holy of Holies and it is  true, the Bible tells us to seek His face   but think of seeking God's face as a husband  pursuing his wife not as you catching a mouse   because so many of us think of seeking God's  face as like God is running from you all the time   and you're just chasing Him around and then God  gives you brownie points for doing the chasing.   When I am chasing my wife, I'm pursuing my wife,  it's not because she's running from me, running   in the neighborhood and I'm chasing after her.  When I'm pursuing my wife that means she is with   me physically and I am pursuing her emotionally.  When we go to the secret place, the Bible says   to go to the secret place and your Father who  is in secret which tells me He's already there.   I'm not going to find Him. Excuse me, I'm not  going there to look for Him. When I'm arriving,   He says I've been there since five,  since four o'clock. I've been waiting   for you. I'm not going to prayer to find  God, I'm going to prayer to be with Him.   God is never lost. It's we who are lost.  So change your paradigm. Don't kind of see   yourself as you coming in and you grinding,  starting everything and just pressing in. See   prayer as God wants it to be. He's already  there and you're going there to be with Him.   Can somebody say, Amen. The other part that it  personally has been life-changing for me in the   area of secret place and that is this, God loves  your presence more than you will ever love His. Prayer sometimes is a discipline.  Sometimes it's a decision.   Prayer, pressing into Jesus sometimes  it's hard. No offense. The flesh,   excuses we have that as I mentioned that in  the beginning, I don't want to downplay that   but if all your prayer, if all my prayer is a  rigid marathon discipline, I think it offends God.   Imagine if I would portray my relationship  with my wife as running a marathon.   It's hard. It's really offensive for her. Now  even if it is hard, you don't say that it's hard   you know it's good and our marriage in  the beginning was not good. It was hard   but when it got better, when it changed in the  last 10 years, what it's been it's a joy. Now are   there difficult moments, sometimes yes but at the  same time, it's a love relationship. It is not a   law relationship and this is life-changing. Let me  give you a few verses. Psalm 149 verse 4 it says,   For the Lord takes pleasure. Somebody say,  pleasure. I can't hear you. Say pleasure in   His people. He will beautify the humble  with salvation. Zephaniah 3:17 it says,   The Lord your God in your midst, The Mighty One,  will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness,   He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice  over you with singing.” Somebody say, Rejoice,   that means that God says, When you come into  My presence, I rejoice over you with gladness.   God gets giggling. God gets happy. God's like  man, this is incredible. This is awesome. Come   over here. I like you. Have you seen parents  do that to their kids, like a chubby fat kid   like a little kid, you're like and they just  grab and like oh you little, smoochy thing   and stuff because that's the father's love  for a child. The Bible says in Zephaniah,   When you come into My presence, I rejoice over you  with gladness. I rejoice over you with singing.   I will quiet you with My love. That's why I'm  for falling asleep in prayer. The same way is   that if a child falls asleep in the father's  arms, the dad doesn't wake up, say, wake up.   How dare you fall asleep in my arms? So if  sometimes you're pressing into God, you're   loving on Jesus and on accident, you fall asleep.  Don't feel guilty. You should just simply wake up,   say, Jesus that was such a sweet presence because  prayer is not some legalistic discipline. Prayer   is a love that God has for you. It's almost  like God created prayer not for your pleasure   but for His pleasure. He enjoys your company.  He loves your presence. He wants you to come and   visit with Him every single day because He takes  pleasure in His people. Can somebody say, Amen.   I remember when my prayer time and my prayer time  starts very early in the morning and I would go   and this particular time and the season,  it was for a few weeks. It was very dry.   I wasn't feeling it. I wasn't getting any rhema.  I just felt like I just couldn't break through,   will spend an hour and just it felt like  God just kind of left me. Forsook my address   and one time, I would come from it and I got  cranky. I get home because I was praying at   the church and I would come home and I would  be so cranky to my wife and I just felt sleep   deprived and all of these things and and one time  I remember, I sat down in prayer and I said Lord,   I think it would be better if I just don't  show up for a few weeks. I think I'll have   maybe more sleep, better attitude plus  this thing isn't helping my mental health.   This thing is not helping me and I  sat there and I felt a still small   voice from the Holy Spirit challenge me and  say that you come here to feel My presence.   I want you to come here so I can feel yours. I  said God, you want my presence. He says John 3:16   it says for God so loved the world. It doesn't say  for you so loved Me. He said, you're a sinner. I   loved you so much that I let My Son die for you. I  enjoy your presence. He says, Don't come to prayer   only so you can get My presence. Come to prayer  so that I can have the blessing of your presence.   Now I'm not building some idolatrous doctrine  here but I remember that penetration that Jesus   loves me so much that His presence. He delights  in me. He enjoys my company. I said Jesus, sounds   good. Next day when I came into my secret place,  I sat down and I said, Lord here I am, enjoy me   and I just sat there and maybe five minutes  into, the sweet presence of Jesus came upon   me so strongly and I started to live with this  realization, Prayer is not just about me getting   God. Prayer is about God having the pleasure  of enjoying His creation and His children   the way that my parents enjoy me when I was a  little baby, my parents enjoyed me. When you   bring yourself to prayer, you're giving God a  chance to enjoy His redeemed son and daughter.   Don't deprive Jesus from the pleasure  of your company. Don't deprive Jesus   from the enjoyment of your presence. Don't  deprive Jesus from the enjoyment. He likes   you. He loves you. He wants to enjoy  you. He finds pleasure in His people.   He rejoices with singing over His people.  Can somebody say, Amen. I want you to rise and I want to mention the last thing. Genesis  3:9 the Bible says, And the Lord God called to   Adam and said to him, Where are you? And  the last thing that I want to mention is   this. Run to the secret place when you fall  in a secret sin. I want you to see this.   To start your journey in a secret place is not  hard. You can get an inspiration. It will become a   motivation but then comes the discouragement. What  is the discouragement? You and I are human beings.   We're flawed. We sometimes get busy. We sometimes  fail. Sometimes we watch something we should have   not. We say something we should have not. We get  engaged in conversations we should have not and   guess what happens with that, guilt comes in. The  sin feels burdensome. Our conscience is defiled.   We don't feel like we're worthy. We don't feel  like we should be going and then we believe this   lie, I'm just gonna you know what I'm gonna skip  on the whole prayer today. Why? Yeah not good   and I'm just gonna try better and then once I get  better, I'll be showing up again. Have you ever   tried to clean a dirty window with a dirty  rag? It's a mess and that usually happens.   Adam commits sin, eats of the forbidden fruit  and the Bible says, The next day or the next time   God comes in the cool of the day. What  I find fascinating is that God knew   Adam flunk. I think He watched it in 4k  slow-mo. I think all the angels are like,   Don't do it. No, no ah, don't take it.  You can just put it back. Ah he did it. And God had these meetings with Adam. We don't  know if it was during the afternoon or morning   but something about the cool of the day, when  it was like relaxing. The wind, the breeze of   God would come and Adam knew the Lord showed  up and so this next time that Adam commits sin,   Adam doesn't show up. Rightly so he feels  disgusted. He feels guilty. He feels like I   can't be showing up talking to God like that so  he hides behind the bushes. He hides somewhere.   He tries to cover his problems. He said, I'm  going to work harder and then when I get better,   I'm going to go back to God and start  talking to Him. What I find fascinating   is God shows up to the same place He did before  Adam showed up before and God's question was not,   How could you do this Adam? Why did you  do this? He says, Adam, where are you?   I wait for you but God, I messed up. I know.  Tell me about it. Why didn't you show up?   How can I come to the secret place if I fall  into secret sin? Well, there is only one thing   that can wash you and that is the blood and  that could happen in the secret place. I want   to tell you something that if you've fallen,  if you've committed some kind of a sin that   you cannot forgive yourself, you cannot live  with that guilt, God is asking you today, Adam,   where are you? Maybe your life got so overwhelming  and it got so difficult. You forsook the secret   place and you're like, God doesn't want someone  like me. I'm so inconsistent. I'm so unreliable.   I break my own standards. I break my own  promises. I don't even like myself but listen,   God's love is greater for you than your love for  yourself. God is asking you, Adam, where are you?   Come back to the secret place. God didn't  leave that place just because you fell   into sin. God doesn't want to. God still  wants to meet with you. Just because you   fell into that thing that you said, I'll  never do it again. He's saying, Come.   Come to the secret place. Adam, where are you?  Isaiah 1:18 and says, Come and let us reason.   If your sins are like scarlet. God doesn't say  I'll beat the living life out of you. He says,   I'll wash you as white as clean. If  you're screwed up, if you messed up,   if you can't live with yourself and you say, I  just I don't like myself. God says, Come. I'm not   only waiting for you when you have everything  right, I'm waiting for you when you're a mess   because the only place where you can be changed,  where you can be washed, where you can be renewed   and restored is in the secret place. You will  either live in a secret sin or you will bring   your secret sin to the secret place and your  secret sin will be transformed into a testimony,   a deliverance will take place,  breakthrough will take place. Jesus loves you. The Holy Spirit misses  you. Every head bowed and every eye closed. If you're in this auditorium right now and on  the outside, your Christian life, your ministry   still looks presentable but on the inside, it's  empty. Maybe you're like the foolish man building   your whole life on the sand. You got so busy and  when you do pray, it's a drive-through and it's   very dry. There's no priority that was given to  the Holy Spirit and you feel that fire dying out   and you feel like I don't think I can take  this anymore. The weight of the responsibility,   the ministry, the pressure is way too much. I'm  cranky. I'm irritable. I'm mad at everybody.   I'm offended at God. You're building with the wrong material. You're  hiding the wrong things and maybe you started   to get engaged with sinful activities again.  Start practicing some of those things that   God delivered you from. Start being drawn into  those secret sins that you already even did a   testimony in your church and said, God delivered  me from that and there's some of you here today,   you're a pastor of the church and  I'm describing your life right now.   God is not here to judge you or make you  feel guilty. He just says, Son, daughter,   where are you? Come. Come back to My presence.  If you're that person, you lost that secret place   and you want to come back to that. I'm going  to ask you to do something right now that's   a little bit radical right there where you  are standing, get on your knees before Jesus.   Right there where you are standing. This is going  to be only those people who feel like man, I need   to come back. I lost that place because of my sin,  because of my guilt, because of my busyness. Just   right there get on your knee, before the Holy  Spirit and say Lord, forgive me. Lord, restore   to me the joy of my salvation. Lord, restore that  hunger. Lord, quicken that right now in me. Jesus,   I want to have secrets and my secret, I want it to  be You. I don't want my secret to be pornography,   homosexuality, lesbianism. I want my secret to be  prayer. I want my secret to be fasting. I want my   secret to be giving. I want my secret to be the  Holy Spirit. I want my secret to be deep, real.   Dear Holy Spirit, I ask you  right now that you restore,   renew, quicken back to life that minister  and that leader who maybe has gotten so busy,   who has gotten so successful but also super  stressed, so overwhelmed, overburdened like   Martha with much serving but one thing is needed  has been neglected. Bring us back to the place   of the secret. Bring us back to the place where  like fish in the water and trees in the soil,   we find our source in You. Jesus, our ministry  is different than the world corporations and   businesses because we're not called to be  successful, we're called to be fruitful   and our fruit comes from intimacy with  You. Help us to prioritize every day,   time in Your word. Help us to guard that with  passion, time in prayer. Help us to guard our   fasting. Help us to not make excuses about lack of  generosity. Help us to be extravagantly generous.   Jesus, I pray for those right now that  have fallen in guilt or fallen in sins   that they have committed over and over  and they're so mad with themselves.   God, may your blood wash them right now and  may the blood of Jesus cleanse them right now.   May the innocence come back. May the purity come  back not from their works but from the blood.   May the motivation come back. May  the passion come back right now.   Resurrect them Lord, renew them, resuscitate  them Lord, bring them back to the spiritual   life right now, that they will not just  be people that have a form of godliness,   denying its power but that they will live from  the source and the strength of the Holy Spirit.   Lord as we're on our knees, we recommit  ourselves to prayer. We recommit ourselves   to fasting. We recommit ourselves to sacrifice.  We recommit ourselves God to bring You pleasure   by the virtue of our presence. Bring ourselves  into the secret place Lord not only so we can   express our love but so yYu can receive us  because we are Your children and no God,   we are not special but You call us an apple of  your eye. You love us so dearly that You gave Your   Son. So when we come into Your presence, we know  according to Your word that You delight in us.   You'll find pleasure in us Lord. Forgive  us for depriving You of that joy. Forgive   us for depriving You of that joy. We choose to  live in the secret place, in Jesus Name. Amen.   Amen. You may rise. 'Host the Holy Ghost' A  new book that I wrote that just got released.   I want to invite you into a journey of knowing  the Holy Spirit more. When you read this book,   you will be able to have an encounter I believe  with the Holy Spirit, the one that I had. Somebody   introduced me to the Holy Spirit and I believe God  can use me to bring you into a deeper relationship   with the Holy Spirit, cultivate the fruit of the  Spirit, activate God's anointing as well as learn   more about the Holy Spirit. Discern the difference  between kundalini spirit and the Holy Spirit   manifestations. Learn about tongues and so much  more so get your copy today. Whether you are in   ministry, in business, stay home mom or a student,  you will learn how to develop closer walk with the   Holy Spirit by reading this book. As all of my  books, they're available on Amazon, in paperback,   hardcover, audio version. There's a Russian  version, Spanish version and you can download   it on my website as a free PDF. Thank you so much  and I can't wait to hear testimonies of people's   lives being impacted as they read, 'Host the Holy  Ghost' and if you read this book and enjoy it,   make sure that you leave a review on Goodreads  and Amazon so that other people can discover it.
Channel: Vlad Savchuk
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Keywords: spiritual, supernatural, hungrygeneration, hungrygen, christian, deliverance, secret place, secret sin, secret sins, secret, pastor vlad secret place, abiding in the secret place, what is the secret place?, a secret place, in the secret place, the secret place, secret places, secret place of praise, secrect place, where is the secret place, 6 tips for the secret place, quotes about secret place, secret place of prayer, the secret sin, power of the secret place
Id: ifC4vtdYeS8
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Length: 54min 7sec (3247 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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