Unlocking The NEW ROCKET Was A BAD IDEA in Astroneer

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hey everybody i'm blitz welcome back to more astroneer interns here with me and we are gonna have a little bit of fun you guys probably noticed because i've been getting tons and tons of comments that i need to play the game again because there is a new prototype vehicle that we can unlock and then we can drop bombs from space and like blow up a planet it'll be exciting because like we're really good at blowing up planets in this game so we do need to do a few things first i need to build a drill strength three drill because in turn broke the last one off of our big vehicle and then i can grab that onto my backpack somehow and then we'll slap this bad boy right on the front of our giganto truck go away and unpack that nice and then we can put that drill to work by going into the environment and literally mining out everything oh i wonder what that was doing oh uh oh stop abort mission okay we'll just drive over right now no we can't we can't drive over it that would be illegal we'll just go around it yes goodbye planet it was nice to know you and then somehow i found myself in the mountains that is not where i wanted to be bad bad truck oh i think that's an explosive excuse me good truck oh no nope oh nope i don't have any gas in my jet pack let me out okay thank you there's there's free tnt here why would somebody leave something next laying around and then my truck just ran away on its own give me this we'll throw that down in the hole i promise i did not do this to this planet it was this way when i got here all right and then we'll just park over here next to the explosives factory and we'll use the container of whatever to start making tons of organic that'll be nice good job planet proud of you and then i'll turn this thing on no no no not that you dork there you go start smelting the organics into carbon and then send that carbon to the middle sector so that these things can turn on the auto arms and then those will drop them over in here to start creating the explosive powder if it had if it had sulfur which i mean we have plenty of sulfur see it's beautiful and then we get the explosive powder and we can turn that explosive powder into even more dynamite and then we use the dynamite to blow things up hey intern come over here look at this cool shiny red rock i found right here do you like that if you press this button and you go hug it fun things happen did you know that he actually wait how did he how did he not die he just hug tnt and they'll live through it that's amazing good job intern i'm proud of you there's something very satisfying about this watching the centrifuge work like it gets lots of soil it goes in and then it spins around really super fast and it pops out a bunch of green stuff i love it all this system is so cool yes keep filling up my friend keep making more and more and more and then both of these work are both of these gonna work yes that's so cool oh man it's working my explosives factory is back online there's just that one final step of actually creating the tnt that we need to make this mission work what is this i don't know intern can have it and then we'll put that back here and then i like to load my backpack full of explosives for strange reasons and then after a little while we have full containers full of explosives that we get to strap onto the side of a giganto rocket boys can't imagine how much power this thing is just sucking down with all of these that's okay though because we have an absolute butt load of power cells over here these are rtgs i don't even know what it means but they make a buttload of power which is exciting and these are batteries and the batteries never get sad they just stay happy all the time so if we're gonna go unlock this thing i also need to probably build up a little bit of gas to get there hydrazine and then somehow it takes the ammonium mixes it with hydrogen and creates jet fuel which can melt steel beams or something but i'm not i'm gonna put that in my jet pack so i can fly around not my ship i don't really care about powering my ship i just want to fly and dab over dab over in turn look at him go he didn't even know he didn't even know that i'm better than him i'm kidding i'm not better than him but he doesn't have a jet pack and he's just gonna yoink the jet pack off my backpack but i'm not watching or load up a tnt under my feet yeah he would do that i've seen him play games before i'll be honest blowing people up with tnt is a lot of fun in this game i feel like sometimes i have to say in this game because people might take it out of context also you remember that beautiful shiny rock i found when i was in the mountain we're gonna put this in a research facility i'll be honest though i don't even know why since we have like an absolute butt load of research 50 000 we don't need research ever again and that only gives 400 bytes it's a waste of time so i'll make another jet fuel and another one and then we'll plop those bad boys right onto the bottom of this spaceship like such as and we'll load up the last of the two tnt that we need onto this thing to go have some fun i always like it when missions and games tell us to blow things up so we'll put that right up here let's see is intern does intern have room on this thing i feel like we might need to give him a chair to ride shotgun can you jump into the spaceship with me let's see what we can just like tape them on to the side of it that might work it doesn't look like he can all right let's go slap in a chair so we'll just print him a little rover seat and slap that thing in wow right into the side he's gonna ride upside down go in there it'll be funny he he yeah that'll be good all right so where are we supposed to go i don't remember okay we gotta go this place vasania okay we can do that ready get set and uh launch to another planet i'm just strapping and turning right into the side hopefully it lives alright is that the moon moons the solo i forget what these things are named uh uh-huh aatrox bassania let's head over there good thing we've got all that extra rocket fuel now i literally have zero idea where i'm supposed to land on this planet i can increase speed though that's kind of fun i don't remember where our base is either let's try this one because there's a beacon there beacons make everything better oh this is one of the planets we tried exploding go us we did it oh oh ha ding we did we didn't just try exploding we literally exploded this one that's awesome atmospheric condensers we left a lot of fun stuff here we should harvest this place we're supposed to find vehicle data recorder i don't even know what that is but i get to blow it up is that what this thing means i feel like that's what that thing might mean or maybe this one oh but there's a vehicle that way unless that's a spaceship oh that looks like a long way away on the map hmm all right so our goal is to go to this thing right here that should be a vehicle data report recorder how do i place down tethers again is it t oh internal do it for me wait oh good he's got his backpack full of explosives we can't let him die then all right we're just going to go on a walk and go on a hike growing hiking on a distant planet without dying yeah this will be exciting speaking of not dying i just got heated oh don't touch intern don't touch that plant it wants to kill us and steal our kidney i'm gonna kill it before it can kill me though hey plant thank you it exploded can i plant it no i can scan it though we're a long way away and one of the atmosphere condensers got thrown all the way over here that's hilarious i think we're making hydrogen on this planet and then it was literally just exploding the hydrogen i think that's it i think this is the thing we need this thing right here is this it xo cash car container can be open with explosives intern put an explosive on there it'll be funny i promise yet just like so and then press the button and then we run away oh it's beeping right away oh yes cracking caches and then we get science experiments out of it meat also debris what does this do open starpedia or or not my backpack's full i'm put on interns back because he likes carrying garbage that's why he plays with me to carry me oh he still didn't find the data recorder though so that's cool oh he's got another one touch it it'll be funny let's get rid of some of these trees first yeah kill the trees kill the trees that one's gonna explode because it's got tnt on it and give me the research and detonating run intern oh yes that was exciting these exo chips are kind of hard to carry around i think i see it i think i see the thing we're supposed to see i think oh yeah there's a beacon there there's a beacon we've done it we found the thing find the vehicle that while there's a lot of trash here woohoo tnt can i just touch it oh did he touch it i'm gonna i'm gonna blow oh nope hey blow the detonate okay run and then and then that blows up vertical thinking quest completed yes wait wait wait wait wait wait come back here i need you in my life whoop come here yes got it what do i have to do now what's my next objective i got it i got three of those things and then we'll collect even more exo chips yes get in my get in my pants i got you and then i got you i guess intern can have that one no that's mine let go of it do you really want it that bad you can have it back sorry i took it i have to be so passive aggressive good news is we made a big tether thing so we can figure out how to get back home really quickly can i ride on the geyser for science purposes we get the science and then we ride on the gu and then we ride on the geyser oh that kind of debunks me ready oh it also hurts don't touch it too much oh the race is on i got the inside angle yes i'm winning i'm gonna i'm so fast at running in my life look at this he can't even make that jump ha ha yay go me there's another one clear in this gap oh yeah cutting the edge up i did it he's so far behind now actually not i hear i'm just walking right behind me and then when i'm in the air my jet pack runs out of gas and i cry he's trying to take the ultimate shortcut oh i made no i didn't make it there we go yeah that's easier huh i think i see the problem wow we did a number on this planet that's what happens with like eight hours of hydrogen mining and then you use it all at once to blow up a gigantic whole planet it looks like we tied he even makes things float in the air that's exciting so we'll make a quick trip back to the home planet so we can complete that mission get a bunch more exo chips whatever those do i haven't figured that out yet and then we have to do this one find matt on vasania equip a slot with exo chip i do see a little exclamation point there so i think that's where we need to go so i'm just gonna run this i've got a full health i've got full oxygen i'm probably gonna die but it's for science purposes then intern's just gonna walk up behind me with tethers and it's gonna be like he's gonna live and i'm not and he'll laugh at me oh that wasn't far off at all we could actually done that okay i don't know what this thing is but i'm gonna shove an exo chip somewhere in it and then it might work right i don't even know oh that's where it wants extra ships oh bootstrapping updated a slot nice substance selection graph okay we need okay we we got stuff here we actually need a tether line to this place oh no intern died all right little buddy we need a little platform here for you just a nice little place where we can work and get work done and work gotta get rid of the trees first though these trees are illegal so this next quest requires us to put graphene titanium and tungsten into this thing and thankfully in turn brought an oxygenator we don't we don't have a platform for that thank you sometimes he's like a puppy he just brings you he just brings you like a pair of socks and he's like hi i brought socks i'm so excited and then you just you don't even have you can't even use it that's okay though there we go now he brought the good stuff okay so this bad boy needs titanium and lots of titanium and then some tungsten and some more tungsten what else did it need oh graphite we don't have any graphite why do why did we not bring graphite oh wow it likes juice hydrogen canisters are good does it want some nitrogen canister it likes it very good we're doing it nitrogen canister going up and mission completed what the thrust there must be another one here yeah the graphite i think we have some of that on the ship there it is there's the good stuff i figured we had some of it because we did plan this out by looking at the wiki before we started recording okay graphite going in very nice graphite going in would that do the mission nice we did substance selection now we have further refinement to do wow there's a ton of quests here two silicone and two tungsten carbides silicone number two going in tungsten carbide and toasting carbide good job matt now what analysis paralysis yeah exo chips i got those exo chip number eight exo chip number b exo chip number c did i do it give me this stupid veto product thing oh i get 250 bytes exactly what i didn't care about because i only have 54 000 of them and then i just activate this this boy there it is oh whoa what's it doing what's it doing oh okay is it gonna explode it should go hug it go lick it oh it's gonna explode he ran away that totally did explode in turn it turned no no no no no no no it turned oh we got a new a new oh it's debris it's all debris including intern well i'll just grab his stuff so he doesn't have to run all the way over here again yeah and we just gotta go back to our home base and we can make the veto that's amazing i honestly don't know what i'm gonna do with all these exo chips but whatever should i take off i feel like i feel like i should take off just leave him leave him here on a deserted planet by himself now i wouldn't do that he's just staring at me he's he's kind of like a sad puppy bye-bye sad puppy all right we made it home and now if i exit we had lots of tnt i figured we needed a lot of it so we made a lot of it we'll go over here and i should just get my rewards this dibs dibs on the veto i don't even know what it does but i want to play with it we'll put in this here and that here i feel like it needs a chair i'm going to steal his chair is that i feel like what oh yeah that worked better oh this is so cool yes is it oh i can ascend oh oh hot dang look at me i can fly over mountains oh this is so sneaky cool and i can just hover in turn we gotta make you one of this and then we can race how do i go down now this is so stink cool man this needed to be in the game from day one that's amazing i don't know what it's good for like what does it do i guess you can transport resources pretty quickly with it over mountains so all this thing needs is a silicone tungsten carbide and exo chip well it'll pop it down and then inter can have his very own jet pack of amazingness there it is 3d printing technology at its finest print that bad boy up and ta-dah instantly into a small little box did he just steal mine i thought he was going to steal mine i really don't understand how they can print it like that and then it just pops into a little box but whatever game whatever so i'll move this over here and then i'll give intern a hydrazine that i have on my backpack like that i've got two he's got one we should be able to drive around now double space bar to activate go buddy yes yes isn't it fun we can go all the way up to space first one around the planet loses i'm kidding that wouldn't even make sense oh it's not very fast but it's so much nicer than trying to like drive over all the potholes that were randomly created here by planetary worms how's he going so much faster than me does he have a shift button oh oh no it takes it takes a little time to accelerate oh that's amazing i love it these this would be perfect for the other planets that are super annoying to try to traverse like the moon oh this is so stinking cool how high can we fly can we go to space can i fly to the space station can i be like that that super rich dude who just flew up in space on his own oh i think i hit the surface oh maybe not we're going up still going up all right that is the limit that's the height limit right there into the clouds i like being slightly below the clouds though now this my friends is pod racing look at me dodge duck dive in between ammonia i need this real quick it's expensive yeah i feel like a young anakin skywalker flying in tatooine that's the right planet right it's been a long time since i've watched that movie i like oh i just have space shuttles buried underground whoops don't tell my mom oh it even sounded you hear that listen when it comes down even sounds like a pod ready that's amazing internet is trying to traverse the entire planet he left that way and he's coming back that way now i don't think he has enough gas to make it all the way back maybe he's doing it he's doing it the first round trip tour of earth look at him he did it so proud of him yay a turn yeah those things that's really cool okay we need for science purposes we have to try something else we have all of these extra bombs over here right if we use these we can strap those bad boys onto the front and then we can grab the cabin yeah this guy can we use the bombs while we're flying how do i turn things i don't remember how to turn things i got it cnv obviously duh okay we'll grab the extra hydrazine and then we'll put one onto here where it goes and we'll put one on the other side nice all right intern let's try this out let's see if you can drop some bombs while we fly can you do it can you do it can you make a a bombing structure can i do it i don't think he can do it all right plan number two jump out and then hop on top oh can you not hop on it oh that's too bad we can't make a flying bomb ship oh man no no no no that was illegal i mean we we can use it as a mobile okay can you jump in when i'm flying bye oh you can you can hop in and then you hop out there it is zoom i like my flying bomb ship okay what happens if i get out way up in the sky let's try that like right here oh oh does intern jump in it oh he did how far can i teleport up into the sky get up here hey can i have a ride please got it nice oh no i'm in i'm in hey oh i'm back flying it again that's amazing wait no he's flying but from the driver's seat this is crazy anyway guys that'll do it for today's video of astroneer i hope you enjoyed our adventure oh he got splatted whoops i hope you enjoyed today's adventure unlocking the veto if you did let me know give me some ideas of what else you would like to see in this video or in this game for videos and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and i'd like to thank everyone who signed up on patreon including ben ellen hagan dickie james apollo bunny otto dave eagle arc whip it good seraphin x desbogger maxer zarnoff legacy jason mcfarland deegan paul longstone and rau and everyone who has clicked that join button down below to become a youtube channel member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 647,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, astroneer, blitz astroneer, astroneer gameplay, astroneer update, astroneer new update, astroneer new vehicles, astroneer new planet, update astroneer, astroneer game, astroneer space, astroneer ep 1, astroneer multiplayer, astroneer co op, astroneer pc gameplay, astroneer vtol, astroneer vtol unlock, astroneer hoverboard, astroneer jet powered update, astroneer jet powered, astroneer jet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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