UNLOCKING THE BONUS WHEEL!! with VegasLowRoller on Hot Shot Superlink Slot Machine!!

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everybody chill all right my friends let's see what happens from here this video is sponsored by caffeine you know what I'm saying to you come on oh I thought I thought it was the moment of the super link it was super link T but it wasn't Cherry T it's like the green machine are you going to take my gently no no no no no trouble hello you take a long time sometimes here we go my friends $6 bets let's see if we can super link it over here do you know what I'm telling you right now I'm excited about this I got hope in my heart I hope you do too anything can happen right now oh look at this different color sevens it's not just like double and triple but it's a green seven a purple seven oh Lord and a red seven oh Lord you know I didn't know that that that green sevens and purple sevens hated each oh please super link me I saw it Go by did you see the super link look at my money oh Lord SW how much 160 oh Lord I made back 100 already oh my goodness guys oh my goodness oh I was excited for a moment that I got that oh Lord come on I did this oh Lord I got the super Link in my life oh spins remaining three what's oh my God I'm collecting more Super links in my life oh it's a m it's it's a lightning link that's why it's called super link I just figured this out oh I just figured this out it's so clever and smartness got at one I made $83 already oh it's got a wheel on it oh I need to collect three to spin a bonus wa it's like huff and puff 2 oh lordess I got another one falo I got to get another one now please oh Lord listen don't mess with my emotions and give me that one please yes oh yes oh this is even bigger now oh oh it's so delightful give me one with a wheel right there oh oh my goodness one with a wheel please right there wheel wheel hello oh Lord Oh Lord come on I need a wheel in my life please oh I got one over there oh please I need oh it's okay come on wheel wheel all oh don't bamboozle bro you need just one wheel don't bamboozle oh Lord oh god oh Lord I'm one away I'm one it better be a wheel too come on Wheel oh Lord this wheel oh it's my last spin it's wheel oh oh Lord I missed the B oh Lord $25 look at this 55 five in my life oh I'm spinning all of them come on I got bars again it's a lightning link where you collect money oh is everyone a guaranteed winner is that what's going on here I think I figured this out my friends everyone is a guaranteed winner it must be it oh you see what I'm saying to you right now it's a cheap old wheel though but that's why it gives you something every time I think oh L triple five are $9 oh this is the big one oh Lord Oh Lord two upgraded oh Lord two7 oh Lord how much is this [Music] $100 oh Lord I made $127 my friends oh my goodness graciousness I made my I made my I made my my 200 from there back in my life look at this I'm going to keep going though you know CU I'm only in for 100 and I made back that 100 but I just got it I got to give it at least 100 you know what I'm saying to you all right let's see what happens 100 bucks I almost had it in my life money bars oh 750 give me 750 you jerk oh oh triple 7s in my life how much is this $5 oh I wish I had it tripled you know I would have been magnificent 2500 2500 cherries excellente I love cherries in my life I love cherries in my life my friends look at this I'm over my look at this I'm in profitvine in my hand how dare you how dare you not give me that super link just when I asked for it guys we saw the super link super link did you see me oh my snap was weak my snap was weak you know I hate it when my snap is weak it's not manly to have a weak snap you know oh my good guys look at this look at this 32 [Music] left you know we gave it a chance now we we made back the money from there give me give me give me we saw the super link our bucket list on this is complete for our first round you know what I'm saying to you if I come back to the win I'll play it again hopefully I find it other places too you know what I'm saying last spin seven oh the seven City my friends we made back every penny from there and plus we saw the super links we are happy let's go find what else and see what else they got here at the wi my friends it's our first time back at the win I'll see what happens hang on a minute hang I had a conversation with myself cuz nobody else is here to have the com and I said to myself Daniel is this 300 oh it's $200 that's $10 that's too much that's too much that's too much and then dimes is is $20 oh Lord let's stick to six and and see what you know I wanted to try oh look look I'm a genius $22 on my first spin after I decided to fake you out let's see what happens I hope you know when I faked you out over there I lost everything let's see what happens on this time when I fake you out in my life do I lose everything do I win everything do I become 100 air a th000 air oh little caffeine my friends you know oh look at this money it says money on it which is excellent cuz that's what you're trying to win how smart you know oh Lord super super link I saw it Go by it hurt my feelings I have feelings too you know oh my goodness and when I see the super links go by those feelings get hurt super link go super link oh how dare you show me the little bit of your Edge you know look at this he's showing it to me again don't do that don't taunt a man by showing him your Edge oh guys I want to go oh guys please [Applause] yes oh Lord guys let's get that wheel let's get that wheel baby come on Wheels and what did I say about the wheel bro I need three wheels you're going to give me two again aren't you I can tell by the way you're spinning oh bada bing on that one you know oh another B uping on that one but not a single wheel of my life I need to get this to get the big one oh Lord come on where's my Wheel oh Lord oh it's terrifying it's my last spin don't let it be oh I got to see this now I need two more of these jerky faces I to to get what I need in my life oh Lord wheel wheel oh how dare you wheel oh it's my last spin magic please oh no oh you broke my heart my spirit and my heart oh Lord triple bars in my life $6 25 I got the jackpot in my life it's only 25 calm yourselves down do it again three $6 come on jackpot triple FES $9 I'm up to 46 do me the the jackpot again no never mind guys here's the big one here's the big one well it's not gigantic how much is it upgrade $100 calm down oh I got 25 again phenomenal 7 to7 without anything special it's all right for me I'll take it guys look at me I'm over my 300 everybody chill all right my friends let's see what happens from here this video is sponsored by caffeine you know what I'm saying to you oh sevens oh how dare you how dare you give me another Super link let's go that's exciting I need to get the wheel this time I haven't seen the wheel you know you give a man a wheel you let him spin it Oh I thought it was I thought it heard me I thought it said you're right Daniel I should let you spin the wheel and it was going to give me a super link super link I snapped I got excellent snaps going on how did that not work oh Lord oh it's late my snap was delayed gently gently I was hoping for a super here we [Music] go that upset me double money oh that up seven more triple money this made me Furious this was the this was the oh Lord so much fury on those three you know not one of them came through for us now we're down money a little bit oh oh snapping point that was a weak snap but I'll take yes super see this one it's up there in the money all right 25 never mind oh $100 please money $100 jerky face oh you couldn't even give me that one could you 750 triple money can I do 750 in my life oh Lord I triple something $6 get out of here take your $6 and go keep it to yourself jerking face you know all right calm down I'm at 238 and I'm not worried about nothing oh Lord super link I said Oh I thought that was it you know the wild kind of tricked me oh Lord into thinking it was a super link but it wasn't 227 is what I have left in my machine oh when it comes that way and it upsets me all right calm down everyone oh blue purple that's not blue Daniel that was purple very clearly purple oh oh sevens in my life that would have been fun I think uh-oh have you noticed have you noticed everything slowing down in my pocket a little bit don't oh super link super link super link super link nothing link you know not even one kind of super link my snap was super weak but I got the $2500 one guys 100 bucks right here I hate you oh I got three something $6 $30 oh that's nice give me more now give me 250 250 jerking face oh double sevens in my life $12 no more than this look at this $70 so far extra money all right extra money calm yourself down bro all triple bars in my life 20 look at this $90 bonus in my life in my life [Music] oh 244 and I'm still looking for a one last Super link one last Super link ooh I can do this my friends you know I'm telling you I can do this I feel it the way that I can do this I don't know what I'm saying you know oh super it went by whatever it was went by it's Wilds oh Lord not even sevens this is I'm concerned all of a sudden I'm concerned all of a sudden for my safety oh my goodness 93 sevens and super I hate you right now but I got sevens $21.99 super I saw super I saw super give me super jerky face there it went there it went it would have been another one oh we're excited for this super bonus aren't we oh Lord 191 though you know you think I'd be a smarter person right now I was I was broken even but you know please it went B I would have had it please please please how dare you not even give me one to trick me I needed to be tricked just then oh 16599 not even the sevens in my life land it I said landed thank you very $25 the money $25 in my life now do that over here and then I'll be really impressed 250 guys can I get all three jackpots 20 250 come on no last chance at 2500 M extra money double chair is in my life $112 guys I made3 seven I'm happy with my life right now you know anything can happen from here oh please I'm begging you bro please yes yes oh Lord we did the super length now let's get my wheels in action Wheels I demand them I said Wheels bro land my wheels please I got one wheel oh Lord I needed more though please give me two more Wheels let's see the wheels oh bucket list Wheels please oh come on now give me a wheel land a wheel I demand it one more wheel oh Jesus louises I thought that oh Lord I'm up to two wheels in my life I need one more one more wheel one more wheel one more wheel please please I'm begging you I'm begging this is me begging for a wheel I need a wheel in my life oh Lord give it to me I'm begging you please wheel wheel oh look at this oh Lord I got this stretchy one but I need a wheel Jesus louises it's not a wheel please be a wheel bro I need a wheel on this spot oh oh my God I got a giant super link upgrade oh Lord but I didn't get a wheel oh Lord I'm nervous it's one giant reel in my life guys 3 * 3 * 3 is $11,000 come on double money how much $250 oh Lord I had a chance at 2500 but I'll take 250 baby oh fantabulous fantabulous right now oh Lord 4 guys I even made money now oh I'm a genius in the universe oh Lord I got 20 left how's it going oh my friend super link oh what do I do what do I do super super one more Super Bro oh you hurt my feelings um guys guys we've seen everything you know we've seen everything it's not I can do one or $3 we've seen oh Lord 15 why didn't she oh my goodness gracious $6 here we go one more $6 please all your sevens you only come at three huh is that how it works cherries it's over guys oh you know we made back the two we lost there plus we we we we we we I faked you out and I made another 100 so I made a $100 profit we saw all the features except the wheel you know we even got the giant screen onab Bob thing everything been taing everybody's a brand new Hot Shot superlink this was my first time back at the win we'll try this again when we come back my friends I love you all I appreciate you all thank you so much for watching I'll see you guys next time this may be the caffeine talking but my heart said Daniel try 200 Nick just give it a shot for your friends see what happens at 200 nickels and I'm like wondering if I'm please oh Jesus louises imagine if I guys super oh Lord I needed that super in my life you know what I'm telling you oh my good guys oh 15 nickels is not enough guys guys super super super I said how dare you how dare you deny a man you know oh look at this $5 that's all that was after I'm betting 10 per spin guys oh this was a m look at this guys guys oh I went you know I said to myself Daniel take a chance take a chance in your life that's what I did and now I'm regretting it I'm regretting the taking a chance in my life oh seven oh Lord you broke my life it broke my heart guys I'm at 258 24 guys I was hoping for a super money Link in my life that's what I was hoping for but at a $10 bet all the way you know oh Lord I'm at 218 it's bothering me please oh Lord what's happening to my Mone situation it's devouring me oh my goodness oh oh this $10 business is is getting me murdered you know what I'm saying it's getting me murdered 7 oh I'm being murdered by my own machine right now oh Lord I'm down to 140 in my life oh oh with the with the oh with the you know guys land this I didn't land this even oh look at this how am I down so low in my life oh my goodness I'm down to 105 my friends let's see what we can do at dimes I'm not doing $20 I'll do $8 at dimes let's see what happens here we we just devoured all our money my friends oh wait a minute super link oh $8 super link oh oh am I going to get my wheel finally oh $8 super link baby come on now where's my wheels I put a wheel on that you know put a wheel on all there's one one one more wheel holy but Jesus am I getting a wheel at $8 come on Wheel I I need you buddy wheel me wheel me last wheel please that's not a wheel jerk give me a wheel oh listen listen one wheel is all I need oh my goodness I need one wheel in my life guys holy but Jesus give me a wheel in my life oh come on wheel in my life in the middle wheel oh lord it's my last minut and at least oh the devastation of the oh Lord $80 if I get this I didn't get this $8 instead come on $80 no $12 instead here we go two big ones oh Lord this is exciting oh $320 for the money bags let's go oh s double 7 $64 I'll take it I'll take it I'll take it one more time oh I like how it does you know it shifts come on where was my money bags you jerk $112 take your $12 and get the hell out out of [Music] here guys $96 that's all right it's not a lot it's something keeps me going you know I got a super Link at $8 oh Lord Wilds in my life how much you $180 oh Lord I'm back I'm back in business ladies and gentlemen I'm back in business in my life oh Lord I'm you know I'm excited I got nerves of Steel I don't know what I'm saying to you right now sevens oh oh guys guys super link me super link me I'm begging you guys $4,000 on that one come on in the money $8 oh look he trip 7 $16 what's this one money bars 800 800 let's go let's go 800 oh that's nothing oh I'm furious at this one guys guys $4,000 if I can get Triple money why wouldn't you give me triple money instead you gave me $8 how dare you do this to me my life is broken here we go my friends don't worry about this I'm going to get us another Super link you know I Feel It In My Bones I'm I'm generating super links in my bones I don't know what I'm saying right now oh my goodness sevens come on oh I thought I thought it was the moment of the super link it was super link time but it wasn't Cherry t oh Lord I'm going to $20 what have I done what have I done I've gone to $20 this is terrifying oh oh Lord please oh my God I got a $20 Super link oh my God oh my God am I going to get my wheels oh Lord I'm going to get my wheels now oh super link me Wheels oh Lord no no no no no no no no no listen bro add Wheels three wheels oh I had to specify how many I needed three wheels machine I need three wheels from the GetGo please there's one please two more oh Lord I need three wheels machine give me two more Wheels in my life please I need two more Wheels in my life please oh one more wheel oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness goodness guys $20 bet oh Lord give me one more wheel one more wheel please one more wheel guys I'm begging you for this wheel oh I'm begging the machine but you guys cross your fingers do this whatever it takes give me a wheel oh Lord please give me a wheel a wheel anywhere in my life please wheel yes oh look $20 wheel oh oh $20 wheel oh please more oh my God oh my God $20 wheel in my life please land more oh my goodness land more Super links yes that one became a big one now oh lordess let me get this one too while I'm at it please did you see me a point snapping Point wheel I don't need wheel just land it oh Lord please Land one on either one Land one Land one Land one oh guys I got the oh my God oh my God oh my God God God guys $200 I just I'm it's already going it's $100 oh my goodness $10 excuse me $30 oh this is exciting guys oh my goodness how much is this another $10 get out of here give me 200 oh sevens $80 oh lordess what a MAG oh and I got oh we got got the [ __ ] list on this game of first $22,000 guys can I even do a jackpot jackpot double money oh two time oh my God $320 oh Lord 320 oh I'm out to $450 oh Leo guacamole and I got a Bonus wheel oh I wish I had the family spinner oh it didn't work I wanted to do it like this look at this swipe to swin it's not letting me I got to press the button oh Lord calm down my friends guys what am I going to get 18,000 live on the YouTubes and the Facebooks please oh my goodness guys I'm nervous please please oh I got free games oh Lord it has threee games on the wheel oh 10 free games of War oh Lord let's go oh my goodness guys $45 I got I got $20 free games please I need come on one super Link in the bonus one super Link in the bonus I'm begging you oh I got seven spins left somebody help me out here one super Link in the bonus please I'm nervous come on you know this guys super link please on top get jerking face please for spin super length please it's on top oh I I feel like I'm being Bamboozled from this wheel don't you think don't you think this wheel is bamboozling me it should have given me at least a super link by now it's my last two spins pleas oh it's over isn't it last spin oh I wish I landed anything else but the free spins I would have had oh a chance you oh Lord I'm not complaining look at this we'll play this to 600 one more one more Super link super link I went by oh Lord I got two more spins I can't believe I went to 20 and I got a super link immediately and I got the wheel but the wheel was a dud these things happen my friends last spin last spin I'll do one more $8 and we're done with our light oh Lord guys $600 now we're complete we did two there one here we d the 300 we're in for what a magnificent day no more fakey Audi I'm done you know that was magnificent that was incredible I'm going to stop talking now I love you all thank you so much for watching [Music]
Channel: VegasLowRoller Clips
Views: 15,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VLR, VegasLowRoller, Vegas Low Roller, VegasLowRoller clips, VLR videos, VegasLowRoller videos, slot, slots, slot machine, slot machines, las vegas, vegas, casino, big win, huge win, jackpot, slot machine bonus, slot machine jackpot, dragon slot, dragon link slot, lighting slot, buffalo slots, Ocean Magic Grand, Buffalo Carnival, Queenie slots, Bank Busters, Wheel of Fortune slots, Buffalo slots, Megabucks slots, Cleopatra slot, Double Diamond, Lightning Link, Monopoly slot
Id: jxBXQhNUs90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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