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[Music] [Applause] everybody look at this a brand new game here at the Durango called Master da da da dang J I hope I said that right let me know fine fortunes $500 free I converted points and it's not really free play but it plays like free play guys enough fusing words $6 maximum bet pen is oh my God there's a wheel did I get it no oh this is exciting everybody it's a brand new game look at this what am I six or more triggers the stack and hit all right we got a Latin link that much we figure oh Lord why does this middle reel stop funny it's exciting and scary at the same time what is this did I just get is he giving oh my God hello handsome fella who like you just gave me $16 okay everybody I made $16 so when this reaches 400 we will switch cuz that's the only way I can keep track of my money is the free play right now you know cuz my money is just going to keep going up cuz it's giving me a refund thanks to my free play all right good talk everybody I used a lot of words I explained things so well to you just now here we go oh Lord this is exciting this is a brand new game I don't know what's going to happen next there's a wheel it says win wheel oh my God one more how I did it did I do it ring do something oh my God coins oh times two awarded this is the most thing oh my gosh and then it goes up top and then oh Lord and then I get to collect it again okay what is this meter right here I have to oh my gosh I got the mini again1 more dollars oh I'm up to 120 I think oh my goodness how is this the most hello thank you this is the most exciting moment of my life right now everybody you understand I got a Bonus right away I didn't even have to suffer please land me anything police I need the police it's okay it's okay oh Lord look at me do this I made $163 I made $163 that's a lot of money all right all right I'm phenomenally excited oh all right look at this we didn't we're not even in $100 and I did this I'm so amazing calm down everybody can we get the wheel now I want to see what it does this has got a little bit of a dancing drums vibe to it everybody an 88 fortunes kind of vibe oh Lord all right oh calm down everyone we're going at 2 cents oh I was at how much $6 was 750 I've done this I've gone to 750 everybody on this R oh three more two more OH police need to be informed I didn't get six that time oh I need the wheel I think four more two more please oh my God he's going to give it to me look at this $36 how glorious I just made 36 more look at me do this oh look at all these boats $18 that's not that much okay thank you come on we need the wheel everybody look at this it's got stuff on it what happened there's look at this the master free games stack and hit oh I'm so ready to stack and hit oh he just passed by did you see him again he passed by makes me sad oh four more all right okay where's my wheel man I needed one more that made me sad again what what am I looking what plus one oh he if you have no money for him to collect he gives you a multiplier this is incredible this is incredible I can't get up now till I get the multiplier though you know I refuse I demand to use the multiplier it is my multiplier to use I earned it one more oh he then I got the multiply look at this I made $72 okay okay I love this man right here I love this man right here all right do one more backup spin cuz I'm a [Music] gentleman all right calm down bro we're going to Nicholls oh look at this everybody there's a times two at $6 we're playing the times two somebody left it for us here we go oh four more oh everybody all right all right I'm excited baby there's some coins $5 that's embarrassing don't give a man only $5 all right all right now we got to get this multiplier before we move to dimes everybody that's the rule now we figured out the multiplier situ oh wheel one more wheel Hallelujah in the United States of America I got me a wheel everybody oh look at the oh my God that was beautiful and then it's a times two oh woo even the free games are times two my God I'm touching this where's the thing ofab Bob is that the thing ofab Bob where's the pointer is that the pointer that must be the pointer everybody gr oh my favorite the mini can I spin again please hey that's $75 times one of three wait I get to spin three times or it gives it to me three times it gives it to me three times okay all all right $75 do I spin again I do oh I do not okay okay I like it I like it do my multiplier it's still there I didn't you oh my god do it again Turtles everybody turtles in a half shell turtle power what is happening this guy oh times three h oh lord it's times three now everybody this is going to get spicy or it's going to take my money one or the other I don't know and I don't care I'm going to do this how are you guys did I ask you guys how you doing today I think I got so excited over the new game I forgot to say hello oh Lord how are you guys it's a brand new day look at all those boats I missed I could have been a captain come on come on times's three we it's first time we've seen times three three I mean oh what happened what happened oh but he's going to collect do I lose my times three oh did I lose it everybody I did lose it goodbye to my times three oh my God wheel all right we're going to dams now that I lost my Tams three there's no extra multiplier here so I'm going to $8 oh wheel wheel oh my God that would have been exciting for us all right all right calm down everyone boats oh now it's the times two now we are committed to that times two everybody we got to see what we do with it so if he collects money he uses the multiplier what am I looking for the times three oh the Hallelujah has begun the Hallelujah has begun oh what's happening again Time 4 oh I'm going to become a millionaire soon oh my God all wheel damn come on everybody let's get rich times four oh my gosh hello wheel guys I still got $50 free oh get yeah times five oh my God and boats oh my God oh my God oh is he coming he's coming I got it times five these are diams $200 $60 $40 $300 that's a lot of dollars everybody oh that was magnificent I just made $300 I love this man I love this man all right no more multi oh times five wait it's gone now oh calm down Daniel okay he didn't come back look at it he's gone dollars $10 minimum at dollars wheel that scared me oh oh it's got lines at dollars everybody no more oh wheel oh all right we are done oh we are done with free play so at 800 we will go to $2 and do one last 100 and then and then we'll move on baby to a fresh game all right all right two more spins at dollars oh now I'm stuck now I'm stuck cuz I got a 2X in my la wheel wheel oh potatoes why didn't I get it I wanted that wheel so bad in my life everyone what am I supposed to do with myself now oh $12 oh how you doing 27 okay okay come on oh five of a can times three are you telling me five of a kind pays $5 do the police know that's ridiculous $5 for five of a kind somebody informed the police that that's what they're doing over here with this line hit oh my God somebody let Metro know oh my goodness all right everybody we are committed now to this Tams 3 you know we cannot move on or get up unless we hit that Tams I got it oh I didn't that's the first time in my life it faked me out I didn't know it was even capable of that oh don't fake a man out nobody likes that don't do that that was rude oh my God guys 676 oh low Number of the Beast oh my goodness guys is it going to clean me out cuz I'm stuck on this TS 3 it better not it better not oh oh my God times 4 are you serious right now oh lordy lordy I don't know what's about to happen this may be amazing or it may be terrifying nobody knows nobody knows till we know everybody oh hey Wheel police come on man I need my multiplier action come on baby oh all right all right please stop messing with me I'm down to 560 I was at 800 bro mini I could drop the mini in there oh wheel a wheel boats Daniel guys my brain malfunctioned my brain malfunction it does that sometimes as you know oh why am I qu what am I getting him again are you telling me I'm at five times oh my God I'm at five times at dolls hell oh oh this is making me nervous wheel damn everybody I don't know what's about to happen things are getting serious right now things are getting serious he's not coming money is not coming lightning Link's not coming I don't know what's happening anymore he abandoned me after I said I loved him oh typical man everybody come on oh I get him okay time five look at this 50 and 75 I don't know what he just said but I hope he meant happy birthday oh here we go here we go my friends all right do we have any more multipliers we do not oh $40 you're out of your mind bro I'm going to do three spins at 20 I ain't doing that everybody that's $40 we will do $20 three spins and move on give me my give me a bonus right now everyone oh [Music] no one more spin I refuse to let him trick me all right if he gave me one more he would have tricked me everybody $499.99 we are moving on this was uh the brand new master D dang J fine fortunes fine fortunes all right everybody I'll be back fresh game fresh Hunter let's go everybody I was trying to get up and I kept looking at that 2X and I said Daniel if you make a lot of money at this 2x you might even even be able to play this 2X and who knows what happens from there everybody sky the limit that's what they say I don't even know what that means oh my God I'm up to 3x now at $20 everybody we're about to become homeless or Rich I don't know which one it is but it's one or the oh my God I got it three times Bam Bam $126 I did it Peoples Let's do three backups spins and get up with our money you know what I will oh look at this look at these that's it you gave it $18 come on now everybody we'll do one spin at that $40 before we get up I don't know why oh why it do the thing of a pop the wheel switched I don't know what happened everybody we are moving on I got my 2x I'm happy we're moving on Fresh game fresh hun let's go everybody look at this on the other side is a different version called Vivid Diamonds oh Lord I'm ready for vivid diamonds everybody look at this and there's a 2X waiting for us on Vivid diamonds you know I'm going to put on my disguise and I'm going to start playing right now here we go oh you didn't know I got disguises I got disguises here we go I don't know what I'm saying everybody diamonds is that the bonus symbol it must be everybody oh wheel me bro oh guys guys no guys calm down everybody you're out of control guys no guys oh how about some wheel stuff bro hello [Music] oh oh guys are the diamonds just to pay super switch free games oh I like it super switch everybody are you ready to Super switch oh Lord I'm running out of cash oh Lord I'm running out of cash I got no oh we got one more one more before I got a crevice 16 Cent crevice no way okay okay calm down come on bro take my money bro guys we got to stick to this till we get the multiplier let's see what happens babies here we [Music] go calm down everyone we need a bonus please something right nothing's happened everybody I'm not sure I like this version right now oh what happened why'd you make a noise bro for no reason diamond no diamond diamond a wheel oh no wheel come on man everybody I don't know what's happening right now I don't like it it's the other one was so active and excited and this one is is the opposite of active and excited my goodness oh what the hell man the hell baby you took $200 from already baby here we go baby oo we got another one going in let's see what happens but I'm nervous 300 we haven't oh oh now you're get the hell out of here now it's three times this guy's a jerk everybody you know come on oh oh I thought I was getting the bull la come on everybody oh money oh my there Wheel police bull come on man that's some bull there's some Kings all right how much doll9 to two in Kings oh oh I was hoping for the minute times three then I can move oh what's happening again get the hell out of here bro four times look at what's happening right wheel a you know we almost had it everybody he's back oh my God five times everybody 288 for all those kings how embarrassing the line pays are embarrassing on this one embarrassing I tell you oh four more oh we just needed one man wheel oh everybody we got one last spin wheel no wheel 24 C crevice let's give it a shot you can never depend on a 24 Cent crevice everybody here we [Music] go why give me a win man you're at 5x everybody this game has devastated me right now wheel no wheel come on and we all Bulls that's a lot of bull for 288 that's a ridiculous amount of money why isn't it thousands everybody what the hell what the hell four more I didn't even say wheel that time you know cuz I've run out of Hope on this one I oh now we finally got him times five huh that's it $48 you're embarrassing yourself all right let's see what's available at 2 cents oh there's one 750 peoples there's another 2x wait let me look at the others Nicholls 6X at $4 6X somebody left behind 6X oh Lord oh I got it look how look at this I'm a genius I made $90 in a matter of seconds on that one oh Lord there's a doggy everybody there's a doggy hold on let's see if I can get him there he is Goodbye Oh L we spun again and we happen to get another multiplier now we're stuck everybody oh here we go here we go get him again I was too busy looking at the doggy and spinning now he's back to three times I need the grand just to just to conclude myself oh my God okay now he's gone crazy now he's coming every spin come on crazy Oh I thought he was coming again everybody hey four times no more spinning that we don't get the multiplier again $40 I'm a genius all right calm down with the coins for $40 bro oh $2 is a 5x let's get that real quick everybody you know I like this I get to look for money and multipliers and stuff it makes my life happy happy happy happy [Music] happy oh Lord 6X come on happy man we got it we got it bam shabam bam B bam bam oh $34 $33 calm down why you coining me man all right we're up to 190 let's try Dan nothing at dams nothing at dollars nothing at $2 all right what do we want to ride or die at let's ride a die at dollars people $10 see what oh Lord I thought I did it like a genius would come on oh my god oh we just needed one but I'll take this $48 if I had a multiplier I would have multiplied [Music] $48 I got $20 [Music] all right all right we're solid everybody this is my solidness right here oh my God that's a lot of bulls $12 you should be embarrassed with your landine PS bro oh Lord everybody let's take our 200 oh we got one more we got one more oh oh everybody let's take our $200 and move on to a fresh game with a fresh Hunter baby let's go see what happens everybody I said Daniel why don't you rather die at $2 oh my god oh I thought I got a wheel immediately that would have been so happiness from my heart everybody oh oh Lord now he's now he's you know now he's done stuff to my lapt oh my God he gave me a multiplier and stuff here we oh L money everybody I don't know what's going to happen now but I'm terrified this was a bad idea now it's three times holy crap holy crap every time he comes that multiplier goes up wheel and I oh is that a bonus no that's embarrassing that should have been a bonus oh Lord I'm out of money 88 Cent crevice H let's try to Double Down everybody come on take my money bro we're trying to double down right now here we go come on come on oh wheel don't ruin Daniel's laugh man oh oh it's a line Peg kind of guy okay wheel one more what the f you doing man we don't need you we needed a wheel oh Lord I got to exec oh oh he's here never mind four times all right everybody I made back my 100 at least you know what two more spins everybody I'm going to keep going I thought about it you heard me think in real time that's what it sounds like when I think here we go I'm hoping I get a you know free games or a wheel or something oh Lord another multiplier let me go ahead and put this in early you know I also got a ticket from earlier I'll put that in too go ahead take all my money you want any other money bro all right everybody here we go oh three times now I hate this man right here oh wheel come on money oh I said Wheel by accident oh we got him everybody three times shut up don't be telling me words all right we're going to keep you know I want this double down to make millions come on now B four more please come on man one time lightning link oh we got him $56 I like $56 oh Lord that wheel keeps coming in the middle when I don't need him to oh we got it ladies and gentlemen I got a stacking headit in my life here we go come on baby oh hello what the f come on now what the three extra spins oo I like it I just got the a in my life baby oh my God oh my God am I about to win the grand I'm up to $100 oh my God I'm up to $140 everybody come on now oh oh [Music] Lord everybody if I get the r i win $10,000 right now my God but if you notice there's no coin in this Square oh there's no coin in this Square now one of them never has a coin anything please thank you thank you you see what I'm saying keep an eye on this one come on man land it bro yeah land it though land that one hi everybody if there's a coin there I'm going to get the gr you see no coin come on man oh Lord please everybody why why why I was one letter away from happiness and a grand in my La I made $400 I made $400 everybody [Music] look at me do this this was phenomenal all right I'm going to keep this going I don't know why come on oh my god oh he's back he's back giving my multipliers people come on a ride or die is a ride or die my friends [Music] come on oh Queens though oh money though come on now come on now two more one oh we did it and the man oh my God what does this mean everybody what does it mean do I get oh Lord he doubles it and then I get the holding spin follow Balo my god oh please why the hell what happened what so many landed at one time oh this one's blank people times two awarded what the hell 00 come on oh my God everybody oh Lord this can I please get the grand please one time for man give him the grand oh my god oh I got another one hey man come on dude yeah buddy I'm in I'm in happiness Ville oh the minute 200 calm down everybody you're out of control landed times two oh my god did I just jackpot myself I'm almost I jackpotted oh Lord can I get the grand too while I'm [Music] here come on oh my God I did it again come on oh lordy lordy lordy please give me this one surprise me with money bro oh my God I got it again oh the next one is Tams 2 people give me the grand Tams 2 I will pee myself oh my God I will pee myself hello anything please hiya how you doing baby give me this one hey man come on dude times two I did it times two oh my God I'm up to 1298 everything's times two now people please oh Lord hey man hey man come on oh you effing jerky face everybody I jackpotted myself on a brand new game in my life calm down calm down calm down 1392 99 bam look at this guy goodbye where your face went everybody I'll be right back when they pay me and then we will say goodbye Hallelujah I'll be right back everyone everybody look at this beautiful man right here you know you know I got a jackpot on the brand new slot machine my peoples all right two backup spins and let's say goodbye I love this I'm happy this final spin everybody everyone that doesn't that's not enough calm down everybody what a great day we found a brand new game and we got a jackpot and we saw some of the bonuses I think we didn't see the super super stacking hit I can't even say super what the hell is wrong with my mouth everybody I love you all I appreciate you all thank you so much for watching I'll see you guys next time
Channel: VegasLowRoller
Views: 193,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZheXRlwG8Qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 38sec (1898 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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