Unlocking Tainted Apollyon - Hutts Streams Repentance

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back at it we just finished tainted lilith and people were talking about tainted apollyon let's try to unlock tainted apollyon let's do it judas we got all day we got all day well if napoleon were the two that were mentioned earlier on and i feel like tainted apollon's gonna have some weird [ __ ] going on no cutest azazel and the shot speed on those guys is insane i didn't say it enough to get b though oh come back for that dang dang dang dang dang oh he almost got me there i landed at my feet what could you possibly be whining at now that you just had dinner what could you possibly be whining all right remind me to get her scratchies oh yeah um yeah you got it how do you spell paulian not like that there's a double of something in there i think that with the pawn it's worth it to go to the alt floors for the two item pedestals that you could suck down but at the same time if i don't like the first one wouldn't i just take the second one i don't know okay toon cool with 100 bits don't mind this just draw just some doggo love points all right so gotta make sure she doesn't get in trouble though because she's out there with no collar on such a good girl da boy three months welcome back super advanced widow tight dodge there i almost got stuck on the juices and widow really got an upgrade oh damn damn damn ham damn [Music] damage upgrade the boy get them five subs thank you so much for that i appreciate that a lot we're all the way back up to four thousand five hundred sub points i think we gotta get four thousand eight hundred sub points in order to get another emote so we're 300 away oahu hawaii that's a tough boss now though widow can get you yahoo uh that's just gonna be a hard pass uh all-around pass on that one yeah no i i really hate the d8 the d8 is an absolute horrible horrible item horrible person that's nice we can go into our shop it's free first floor that's what i was looking for we could go with the shop refresh it's been changed mr me could also be a decent play because it can still shop items for you unless that's been changed which i wouldn't be surprised about i'll keep my five cents though and um get the soul heart and we'll go with the alt path suck it up the void the d8 you guys understand that by sucking up active items it uses the active item and if i think it's a horrible item we're playing the same game right are you guys okay yo ice cube that's really good the ice shots are amazing let's use the d8 we know what we're doing you're trying to like confuse me i think jacob has too much power you guys who gave jacob this much power [Music] who did this that that spongebob thing where he's looking at the poster of himself under bits from your boy men pro thank you for that ice cube make him shoot the ice baby shots periodically yeah and sometimes freezes enemies i think like that i believe hate this guy so much keys please batteries ice is greater than boogers boogers is a carry item so i don't even know what you're on right now and i have no interest to know what drugs you're currently taking but um you should seek help as soon as possible there is an answer out there lost to mia calling it don't curse me like that no keys don't have any keys luck penny fine he would be nice though icicle go need any red hearts me currently no that feels like top secret room right there doesn't it that feels like secret room right there doesn't it do please be a freaking key dude frick you i didn't get into my double item room that hurts a lot jack three months thank you for that ah that's a good one a golden key cause i've got the golden tickets the golden chance to make my day i don't know what the rest of the lyrics are something like that mystery sack unknown unknown or suck what if we suck like a really bad active item though you know under thighs we could save a lot of bombs doing that our speed will as much to be desired go to our dice room now with the double key action we called me 11 months nice almost here now also you seem to have something in your eye there huts the staples referring to the staples got it i'm probably gonna have to pass on that i'm gonna have to pass on that we get rid of our damage upgrade and our chia seeds and i'm fine with that with both of them i see a future do it or no balls we'd end up getting a freaking range upgrade of his boss ever thanks mom um who wants to go angel suck that up for sure got a damage and fire rate out of that that is just like angel angel angel for sure go angel let me go angel because with the angel we also get the ability to suck them down i think that apollyon angel makes a lot of sense right if we didn't like the angel item we can eat it and if it's some like really cool active item too like the jar of wisps i don't know if that's suckable but cursed room sounds like it could be a good idea but what about teleports me to my deal with the devil limited health right now too so i think we should just go trinkets in dice room is there a trinket what was the trinket oh yeah nah the the blowy-uppy trinket yeah no not that one either now we thought about it we decided now [Music] place to train oh i should have moved it to the item room yeah no no for sure oops i forgot that we were going for uh tainted tinted charged characters yeah that's what i meant i i get it now we'll have more opportunities that would have been a good one earlier the better too because then you don't have to take up your slots what does sucking an angel taste like ever had skittles did i read that week old meet out 11 months [ __ ] pieces of [ __ ] just took all my freaking charges i've never been hit so much by those things yes you did oh that's the something in your eye one yeah now that i re-look at it are you trying to get a double thanks for me jeez duh boy what are you doing 150 bucks keep up the great content dad i'm forever grateful for getting me out of my depression always making me laugh love you dad ps how many runs have you done total repents for today i think this is our third run today 150 bucks putting on another hat putting on another flipping hat thank you for that make this tighter oh you want to have two yeah is that why you're here she's like your hats i want one i want one you look really good like no no not that one i don't like charizard please you're goof all right fine let's celebrate 150 with a treat what trick should i have her do there's only one more treat left and some crumbs speak he doesn't know speak play dead play dead speak can you speak she doesn't know that one i don't even know how you would teach a dog that um you need a full rollover what do we think about that okay see now she's she's like too excited about it i don't think that i don't that counts i didn't i didn't even say that i didn't say roll over it's not what i wanted under bedstrom oh okay tune call does the boy take both items i think it does but i don't know it's i feel like sometimes i i don't notice a double stat increase a hundred bits from pk speak maybe can't do it the boy thank you so much for five more gifted sub i didn't even say it she's desperate he's desperate what a desperate husty that's all i got gotta wait till i say it look at her behind me right now don't wait till i freaking say it that's the whole point of doing a trick like her doing a double roll before i even said i didn't even say roll i don't even want her to roll over i'm looking at you yeah that's you i'm talking about scammer he's a cheater dude total cheat 100 cheap we go back and suck some stuff down or did we take something we should probably just take the alt what was it it was an active item yeah then we should not suck that aquarius not my favorite are we dropping water underneath the water this is like spongebob having a fire underneath the water or surfing on the water underwater ice is so good callus is a good trinket but i probably should just drop it in the item room we don't make the mistake of making the mistake thicker water uh goo lagoon i don't know what the tower card are there but denser liquid that can't mix it yeah but it would still float around of the you know but still spread maybe there'd be no surface tension underwater new lagoon is goo thank you wonderful defense is so hard there might be a blood donation machine i might just forget to come back for it though because i can't say to the map better to drop it in the boss room so you don't have to search for the key question mark do it when i can when i remember had too many misplays or forgetting [ __ ] if i'm in the bombs i got hit by the bombs you got cat little for the health i think it's worth it look like top secret unto you oh did we find the top secret room come on y'all knew we would take he would take damage shop question mark have we seen the shop do we know that a shop exists buy the health blow him up buy the sack profit go for the knife piece risky it's risky to do that but i i like playing lost come over here poppy wants to play with you guys you accept really likes to play keep away so if i pretend to go for it she's like you're going to mess with dogs by putting your feet around them he's like no games play with me [ __ ] there's a handful of people that just don't care about dogs they're like oh my god play the game i have not unlocked planetariums no my knowledge that's something that's just going to happen automatically where was our mirror room does anyone remember did we go curse from there it is that's pretty good suck that down for fire rate yeah buddy and some speed oh that's huge those are the plays freaking genius if we're going dogma we could just um suck down the knife piece technically i remember we have stompy still let's take it [Music] alex for 27 a-gradeable oh likes zero likes warm up sneak through there not bad stats for where we're at in the game aiden murray prime sub what's up shot speed down suck the second knife at this point in time i might as well just go for the knife it's good damage probably shouldn't have gone in here as the lost against colostomia now that i think about it [Music] holy [ __ ] dude [ __ ] it's like holy holy holy holy holies of holies got it uh probably suck it down for some guaranteed good stats fire rate yep yeah yeah yeah normal speed again and the speed yeah that was probably the best play there i feel like generally speaking i get only one stat down and the rest to get stat ups and it's generally really really good for me to take experimental treatment but the void was just a guaranteed stat up i love not being able to see the map [Music] ice tears are pretty good [Music] we got to come up with some ideas for emotes you guys i'm thinking of hot pog bare minimum let's dance dance death away what's up um was that this far we put callous in the item room i think we should swap i don't mind the dead bird honestly alice is pretty good though let's go dogma emote atma i don't freaking remember where to get to the boss room oh coley emote well i'm not going to be uh she's going home on thursday now so i'm not sure what we would do the coin emote after she goes home we can leave that hot animal we have a cute animal the husky the joke dog spider babs it's got me there can't see my health but i'm pretty sure we're healthy healthy apollyon you just randomly get with me with your neck spurts i hate that [ __ ] i hate that rng bs suck that down i was going to say your lower shot speed would be really good if you get homing don't look at me i get hit by that fire god my luck is so bad i risked it i took the risk in going in the air suck that down for more speed i guess it's fine i don't want to earn my angel room now if i had any way to ruin my chance of getting an angel room i would do that but i without losing all my health i i don't really you know a lot of solar is protecting us and i don't want to throw that away i think we do at least somebody else oh this guy uh hello um oh [Music] that's double the curse rooms oh why did i blow him up and increase my angel chance like a dumb dumb whatever i know i don't even i don't need that i don't need your help ah freaking durple log that looks like top secret to me the tick no okay after we've all been there hey kid you just blown from stupid town is that where you're talking about stupid town you think we we should get a hutz kappa that's pog huts kappa or is kappa just the kappa it's like a double double up in case i do something stupid and miss it yes actually we have hot's tom you're right we do have a hut's tom which is maybe a better kappa nobody even knows that tom is though i was like five years ago in 64 years i guess i could drop this in there and get an extra one that we could just waste what the hell is a kappa and a pog never use pogs with slammers hey nice i haven't seen a single uh spiked troll chest since the latest update no excuse not for not to do the poops rousey white white pill is really really strong if i get one of those for the dogma fight we'd be in business charged key emote let me say to that what a shot smooshing them i don't even think i want the health up i'll take it for range and speed yeah oh not better i think i'm ready to just go let's get the hell out of here we didn't get a ranger room hey at 74 that means we get 100 chance of angel roaming the next floor that's perfect that's perfect oh what's popping huts everything popping off we're gonna unlock tainted apollyon esophagus not a water dwelling mammal that's moved to the metropolis it's been taught to break dance where'd you get that preposterous hypothesis love your sweater huts thank you oh yeah good walk into him strong plays book a shadow suck it down but suck down the black hole i guess sucked on your mom's black hole grown ass man 100 chance for angel there's no reason to blow up the uh charged beggar but the charge beggar gives you a higher chance angel you say steven it has to be some kind of disease it'll be black wow can we band please things that come out of your guys's goddamn mouth get iced on ooh filigree feather i'm gonna take that [ __ ] we're going angel get extra angel items we don't even need the freaking key pieces speaking of keys filigree it up baby now just give me the ladder i hope that we get the ladder in this angel room and we'll have even more angel rooms first we're almost to the bottom but the shame that you can't go back up to dogma after like the chest pretending like a lot of spiders spider baby that's pretty good or it's two nine damage that's huge sacred head godhead one run could happen suck down the black hole at this point in time i feel like i should just save it but this fires charged beggar if i need to i didn't want to waste the money gonna waste we'll take that for half of a soul heart [Music] yeah is my creep homing are you guys seeing that too i just noticed that my freaking creep homes wait what didn't even notice that until right now aquarius does your tear effects now does it really sacred heart creep that's dope that's a good upgrade hello padsock 35 hi dad hello thanks for reselling i appreciate you hope you're having a wonderful day let's we'll send it [Music] there's our remote deontays that's not my favorite item but it is actually way more powerful now so i think i'll take it and we'll see what this guy gives that's birthright [Music] see here no that's not what is that act of contrition [Music] act of contrition plus one eternal heart plus 0.7 tears allows angel roams even if a devil deal has been taken before um that's fine cheers up is good yeah we're almost max fire right here pretty delicious what do you need goalies attentions she just wants attention too bad you guys can't pet her look at her grabbing my hand practically their head let's let's eat the box down i think for two three damage wowzers that's a lot why do we get two three damage from the box because the sacred heart damage multiplier duh dee dee dee dee dee oh we don't either you don't get stompy takes away all of your items police i don't want you pressuring me to do anything right now go lay down go lay down go lay down going on where's the menorah the menorah exists extra poops to shoot you can't get too greedy with this sometimes you gotta loop back sometimes you gotta hit your nose time to get a slam dunk just bombed myself there he's gonna do it yo doesn't he have stompy it takes away your items is my microphone working i can talk about i can say something and like a minute later or less than someone asked the exact same question it's magical which is a magical place mike muted lull i'm ready to go right i think i did everything that i needed to do bad idea asking if mike was working what did you say look at the ice so good how you guys think you can trick me by answering the question that i just asked that's just that's good that's just that's rich no this is patrick that is just [ __ ] rich you guys no i can't hear you you're muted mike community mode panic button if your active item is fully charged when you take damage it will automatically activate interesting it could see myself potentially choosing that um i don't think i want either of these items so i'm going to eat that for yeah see now that was 1.5 range and 0.2 speed that leads me to believe that you don't you can't suck multiple things up you only get one i'm pretty sure that's stats for just one i walked over the stupid spikes where am i going shop would be a nice stop you like the nfl i don't watch any sports whatsoever i don't watch anything so i don't care i don't care enough to go get that and necro2 we have a full card we're good why don't you like sports ball i can watch sports and and do just fine like if someone had it on and they were like i gotta freaking watch this i could watch it with them i could talk about it i could be a part of it and i got ignored by dad i am so sorry that i did not pick out you on one message of the 700 messages that i'm not reading allow me to apologize from the bottom of my heart you are the most special child and i didn't make you feel that way and um i just want you to know that i know that i'm a failure uh flight's good that's good oh bad apologies accepted i wasn't talking to you you're not special the other one was that sounds like top secret room no it doesn't it's gonna be right here no it's not because i was it was a rock there maybe here that's where i would have guessed it to be oh we have callous sucked down don't we or do we drop callus the world may never know thanks you they sound like my real dad does he do that little dude little dude ooh blackheart you can fly butts tears up lock down i accept that relax range down another gulp xlx experimental addicted cause i'm a dick i'm a dick i'm a dick cause i want it and i need it i'm a [ __ ] dick you want to do what to my what drink it for item remotes i'm pretty sure we got that covered barely certain just invented taking pills now he's taking a couple he's not doing eating streaks so donation machine i got one more shop left suckers you do on two floors i think i got three key shards waiting for me somewhere waiting for me it's not my creep my homing creep take care of everybody i wonder what the creep is going to look like on the dogma or the beast fight is it just going to fall into the lava black card get that later to two that's literally the worst time to use that charged key freezing creep now that is something that is spicy hot um suck it down but if it's a crappy active item it's gonna be bad yolo suck what do you think charge key huts five bucks from chi not much but i want to thank you for all the fun and joy you've brought me ever since repentance came out almost two weeks ago now well thank you so much for the support chief i appreciate it range and speed worst ones ghost baby should have sucked ghost baby down i thought it was dry baby hoping it was dry baby i thought i could get through there couldn't do it i'm a failure unsub just unsub you guys are wasting your time here failed failed twitch streamer face the butane 245 got all those google play points to spend on bits for you [Music] appreciate the bits still have an itchy nose today oh man should two of spades in there or ace of spades i mean get henna we ready there's one more shop let's check it out you can use google play credit for bits question mark that's asking we can play that guy too the angel room would have been super dope and nasal gulp shop first um do we have to hold this to get the stat upgrades from it i say we could candle from here on out then candle's good a joke pill excuse me what fine could be no let's just say angel in my top secret when we were already in the top secret room i say we send it a pulp pill a pulp jill who's jill marcel 66 almost the sex number pog love your huts how can you have spent our savings dude the ice what the nice man club all day papeles bulb pill you guys are just the funniest people i know never gets old the top-notch jokes man oh man just the best what the heck wide boy here's the earth ground branch prime sub what's up this is the widest one i've ever seen he's so destructive and disturbed just like his father look at who he has to look up to oh am i destructive he says wielding a knife [Music] killer wolf prime sub thank you for that killer wolf what item is causing the freeze effect i have a gulped icicle as you can see in the bottom left [Music] trinket excuse me fellas there they are secret um an extra button what can i get another knife piece what is this extra button holy poop if i'm in the aura of the holy poop that drops every time i take damage i got a huge tears up hollowed ground i think it's called [Music] did i just freeze something that's sitting in lava what time to be alive let his light inside you cleanse your soul inside of you inside of you inside of you holy poop also gives you some damage and sacred heart shots [ __ ] a look three months what's up you guys ready for tainted apollyon it's really cool better be you guys hyped me up he didn't pick up the bucket wasted him i'm getting hurt from walking through the buckets not the self don't do that no itself i know i missed that key you know what i don't even want to go back for it bend it one more floor and the bobbo prime sub welcome bobo that a bubble reference got a bilbo reference [Music] double jumpies good psycho i gotta stop losing health i almost lost half of my health gonna do what to my bobo [Music] shazam whoa [Music] is the void in his face drowsy [ __ ] pill ah that hurts but drowsy huge place sleep on isaac's bed don't think i'm going to gain anything from it what happens if i do it now too nothing it's gonna hit me when i just start off run away try to use our fire on purpose to block shots okay there we go hollow ground really really bringing the victory there that laser is just it's just not a dodgeable thing i wish it was but it's just not [Music] oh foreign be so much easier than dogma maybe is it gonna drowsy throughout or is it just like for one section because i know you get charges in between fights i wonder if that counts as like different rooms but it's probably more like a challenge room i think we get a tears down from this too but our speed doesn't change right or maybe their speed goes down a little bit they get nerfed far more than we do the point music is still low yeah good good good good good good pump that music that's slo-mo [Music] almost got me still ah there's no creep no aquarius creep flies are like indestructible like we had more damage than this [Music] crepe new you missed safety scissors with big war is funny does the safety scissors stop those bombs oh [Music] a wild snail in the top right yeah what is that snail doing up there don't tell them i'm hanging out up here hot snail emo when this dune is saying tribute to randy tribute to randy i love randall okay this seems like it's the same speed though but did i do myself a disservice here by giving myself a tears down while this fights the same speed [Music] these waves are closer together too i think yeah look at that that was surprisingly close randy and jimmy emote you know that we can't even see those anymore right the mods are back at least gg then suddenly the sky above cracked open and a white beam of light reached down into the earth smiting the mother of heartlets asunder and setting the blood lake to avoid blood lake to a boil worm friend has appeared in the basement gg thanks for people on youtube for watching seeing the next one
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 29,580
Rating: 4.9450002 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: 0rhjlKVqncY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 5sec (3965 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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