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this is our reaction to episode 33 of Dom Studios skibby Multiverse it feels like the story is nearing its end but what's going to happen will the Titan clockman be strong enough to save the world or will the evil skib scientist plans overpower him let's find out it's here episode 33 of the skibby toilet Multiverse by Dom studios in the last episode we begun The Invasion on the final skibbidy basee and hopefully in this one the toilets will be no more but also melon there's also the corrupted Titan to worry about oh yeah but no he got wrecked by the ultimate clock yeah but then his counter Titan spider got let loose we still haven't seen it oh yeah I've got a bad feeling about this but what's crazy is this episode is the longest one yet 11 minutes let's go ah that was really close sunny but let we got the clock people on our side that's true we were able to freeze time but melon look over here unfortunately it looks like one of the clocks has died you're right or that could be a clock grenade this cameraman is casually approaching the toilet what bro they made their clocks into grenades now the camera people can freeze time as well oh that is awesome oh this toilet is going down bro he didn't stand a chance that was the double team and now the triple team with the upgraded tighted clockman but where's the speaker boy true we haven't seen him in a minute we also haven't even seen the drills ew the big three are approaching Sunny yeah they seem kind of of weak compared to the Titans though oh it's over he's about to schmelt them the TV man is like whatever this is going to be easy yo he's getting boxed by the mustache toilet yo this is crazy I don't like that toilet with the top hat bro it seems like it's got magic bro the boxing toilet's actually really strong yeah but now he's just going to use his sword on him and destroy him oh yep it's over it is over yeah why would you box him bro just smelt him looks like they handled those two toilets and the clockman will clean up the skull n the clockman isn't doing anything he's just chilling yeah true he said you guys handle this what you idiot you missed wait did he miss or did he absorb it and send it back maybe he powered him up but that was weird it kind of looked like he shot a laser on accident yeah I don't know Well Done boys now you got to power up he healed him right back up by reversing time oh no no no no no not the hyper asro toilet this thing is zooming what the heck it's so fast even time can't slow it down much bro he slowed down time and it's still super quick what is happening yo what the the laboratory it's revealing itself what is going on Sunny the skibbies came [Applause] prepared not just prepared though it look looks like they're about to launch a Counterattack yo this toilet is really dangerous the skull Astro toilet bro uh dude the Titans better get out of there that is a lot of nuclear warheads even more important the Titan clock better freeze time and Destroy these bro don't let these things launch dude it's now or never yo that is crazy he's rewinding time yeah that was busted but do you think maybe he'll rewind it too far by accident we're about to find out oh no he looks upset I think he activated his ultimate ability and now he's going to destroy these missiles before they even launch he has no choice he's thinking about it thinking about it and he's going to slice a building down bro wait is he just slicing this out of existence what bro what did he just do that is way too much power for One Titan it's up to the cameraman and TV man to take down this toilet yeah dude that is insane what is that the ultimate scientist Titan uh-oh this is not looking good Sunny the upgraded Titan clockman is preoccupied he can't fight back he's trying to hold back the missiles oh no the scientist looks like he had planned this all along we need the drill that's what we need 10 hours ago though we're getting a flashback I have a bad feeling you're right Sunny this is exactly what the scientist wanted remember he retreated at the last second saving the miniature scientist and I think they stole some secret technology from the Titans they probably want to get their hands on the clock Tech no that would be very bad whoa what the heck did they just do they turned him into a security toilet he looks way more intimidating now I don't like this once toilets grow legs bro it makes me uncomfortable yeah Sunny I've got a bad feeling but what if these toilets are all just misunderstood and really they're not the true evile wait who is this to see your L is this the original scientist toilet he might be yeah most of them are not ready some of they're about to wake up I could show you is they're going to wake up a clone army of toilets hours or so don't give me that much I need my best okay go on let's meet them Wait no that's like the tight end computer technology hold on look at him look at him bro this is not good the skippies are a lot more advanced than way thought Leonardo call me Leo I meant to call you that way what is going on is that a toilet or a Traer of course and also melon we haven't seen the counter Titan in a minute using the language I think these are the Alien Invaders Sunny Sir with respect true I have no idea what you're talking I think this guy works with the counter Titan all right that should do it I don't think the scientist toilet likes him very much me neither bro they're only working together out of convenience holy smokes these are super toilets oh it looks like they've got their own Elite Squad units that was never going to happen finally bil is away wa that was very expensive you know long Sunny pause pause yeah yeah yeah pause a pause a pause I have a feeling although these toilets are a lot smaller I bet you they're insanely strong yeah I think so their power is condensed bro the only thing that I have a bad feeling about is that they're going to go Rogue and the skibbidy scientists think that they can control these toilets but really they're going to do whatever they want for themselves I wonder if they can rival the Titan strength we're going to have to find out how long has it been um actually long enough the war is not going good and we're almost doomed o yeah I know I'll share the details on the way pause bro I had to freeze this cuz we finally got some more information it sounds like the alliance is actually winning cuz sometimes it's hard to know yeah I figured they were winning when they moved on the final skib base because it seems like they're about to annihilate all of the toilets and now let's see if they can pull it off and save the world once and for all's waiting shall [Music] we when did he wake up from the beginning no he was the first volunteer for evolution remember bro the commander who is it who what is going on seems like this clock Titan is dominating the entire War what's the plan to kill him kill him n we can't and what's the point of your existence Sonny Sunny pause pause yeah yeah yeah I'm pausing I'm pausing I'm pausing I think we're about to find out that they have an evil plan to kill the clock Titan cuz I think he's causing the most problems for them yeah but bro you just heard the scientist he said we can't and then laughed so I think they're going to try and control the Titan clock maybe that would be extra extra bad and I have a feeling we're about to see an insane old plot twist and find out that the leader of all the toilets is another clock gone robe we're going to have to find out Sunny seems like at least this baly guy was trying something in the battlefield the hell you were doing this whole time preparing the final scenario they win the battle we win the war why you allow me no way I told you he had a plan up his sleeve melon he's going to sacrifice all of these toilets so that they can conquer the world by stealing the clock Titan that's my prediction I don't know sunny I feel like it might even be worse take a note it's important to make a plan which is capable of reaching success the plan is not to kill the clar Titan but is to lock him in place oh we'll keep the time guard busy until the Gman apocalypse is ready to launch what less than 15 hours and then doesn't matter how many Titans they have the war is over melon they're going to stall out the Titan clockman while the Gman apocalypse takes over the world well they've already locked him in place Sunny that's true this is just a flashback but we haven't seen these other soldiers in the current timeline yet Sunny if the clock people were not created by humans that means they were created by aliens or it could be the same creators as the counter Titan that's what I'm saying sunny it's the invaders no way and maybe the clocks were sent early what the heck I think our ultimate final enemy will be the clock people nah bro I don't see that they seem way too nice I think maybe they were sent early and realized what they were told to do was evil and then they changed teams we're about to find out well in the first place I didn't even think Humanity could reach to such a power so that then they could give this power to an AI they weren't made by us not only clocks but also drills and pencils [Applause] pencils chill big guy we know you're good with those hands save those punches for the enemy maybe the other countries we were the most advanced country and yet even we didn't dream of having such a power contr you have the right to say so but why speakers why not anyway the fin the final battle it's time the final battle is here who is that that the commander is that the big Gman Commander whoa it is bro the commander has seen some stuff in his day bro I have a feeling this Multiverse is about to get insane so make sure you're subscribed to our Channel and stick around until the next episode This Is It episode 72 part two of the skibby series by dooom is here so join the goats melon and sunny and let's react to this epic battle who's going to win Gman or the Astro toilet make sure you stick around until the end of this episode to see the Titan cameraman get another insane upgrade let's get goated no way melon we're about to see what happens when Gman fights the Astro toilet oh my goodness Sunny why are they even fighting because they're seeing who is the real lead leader of the skibby toilets who's the strongest boss oh I got to back my boy Gman here I don't know asro toilet's cool he just vaporized that toilet and used it as a cannon I don't think g man's going to like that very much bro I got to pause real quick I wonder if there's a secret way to reveal those voice lines guys comment down below if we have to play that backwards or something so that we can understand what Astro toilet just said [Music] yo bro he just fired 10 laser beams at once but the Astro toilet's firing back dude he's unscathed none of this even matters to Astro toilet uh bro he is so strong Sunny this is insane this might be the most powerful toilet fight we've ever seen I know bro it's like anime when Goku versus Frieza or something and he's hitting the Kamehameha [Music] blast airplane toilet yo what they're trying to distract him bro Gman had a trap set up okay he just vaporized all those little guys yeah but then he took a hit from all of g man's cannons and he's barely even cut [Music] oh he's fed up with Gman now he's boxing him yo the Astro toilet's a little too quick for Gman true he's way too fast oh he's got him now it's over it's over ah what is that dude that scream is terrifying bro he's going god mode yeah you don't mess with Gman when he's angry he's actually glitching up the Astro toilet's fighting back but he looks injured too imagine if the Titan Cinema man showed up and just killed both of them that would be good timing uh-oh yo he converted the laser energy into his own blast oh oh Gman looks really mad sunny but he also looks like he's powered down I don't think so I think he just has a secret plan I don't know bro doesn't look very secretive to me bro why does he keep throwing those same blasts out they're not working something just happened oh no you were right Gman corrupted him Gman is too smart bro he's so cursed oh oh I think the Astro toilet's done for yeah Gman knew he couldn't beat the Astro toilet in a 1 V one so he turned the Astro toilet against himself I think g man's about to finish him off bro he is so crazy but wait the emperor toilet bro he actually just pulled up no way W and the hyper Titan oh they just dipped Sunny this is crazy they might try and take out Gman this might be the end of him they finally caught him when he was weakened don't let him get away again no way they actually just let him Escape bro he always sneaks off oh he's getting a new weapon no way the Astro arm for pleasure dude the upgraded Titan cameraman just got an insane level Lev up yeah bro and I can't wait to have that unit in toilet Tower Defense just imagine how powerful that Astro gravity arm is going to be absolutely Bonkers make sure you goats press that like button if you want to see more and make sure you're subscribed to our Channel cuz when episode 72 part 3 is released we're going to be the first to check it out today sunny and I are reacting to episode 100 of the Skiby Wars in this episode the tri Titan is fighting the triadan and The Necromancer betray the toilet Emperor oh my goodness this episode is absolutely insane you've got to stick around to see it all melon it's finally here episode 100 of ver Lance's skibby Wars no way it's going to go crazy if you remember last time what happened is the TV woman or the triw woman she just became friends with the tri Titan I'm pretty sure that purple big guy all he wanted was some friends a pal in this world yeah and then she pretty much saved him and now we're going to see an epic war versus the rest of the trian bro I honestly think the tri Titan is about to get so angry and Destroy everyone now let's go episode 100 this battle is going to be insane bro what is happening right now looks like two of the Titans are retreating because these guys have determined what did they just say that the necromancer's tracking device is online again oh what the heck bro who do you think the necr answer is I don't know but he can't be a good guy not with a name like Necromancer but what if the Necromancer is just that TV woman who saved the triti in here I don't think so or maybe the tri Titan is the Necro answer that's why they want him I'm not sure sunny but I knew know the tri Titan's getting teamed up on right now it's okay he should be able to handle these trian he's stronger oh my goodness I didn't realize how much bigger he was too yeah dude this guy's huge and he's got that epic sword let's go this is like watching Kaiju fight bro these dudes are humongous yeah yeah but I think he just made one traan really mad yeah you're right about that oh melon that guy just powered up a lot oh it don't matter though Sunny bro the Titans are just sitting by watching yeah they're not interfering I also wonder what's stronger the trian or the Titans I feel like it's pretty close but it looks like the alliance is all about to get in the mix here it Bears remarkable resemblance to the toilet Emperor the toilet Emperor it's probably a coincidence either way whatever that thing did it resulted in the tri Tian turning on its own species no way melon you don't think that the TV woman is is actually the toilet Overlord now no there's no way that would be insane H but something weird is happening behind the scenes yeah I'm curious what those other guys behind the trian are up to they're trying to find this Necromancer and when they do things are not going to be the same but for now let's see who wins come on try Titan pop off King he's tur against his own species Sunny yeah but he knows it's for the right cause cuz he's got to protect his TV woman he loves her where did they just jump off to I don't know they're going inter Stellar that is crazy Sunny this is the most insane skiy fight I've ever seen yeah bro this is like anime right now this is nuts who do you think's going to win this hold on pause oh that was a perfect moment bro 100% the tri Titan I got faith in my boy I got a feeling it's going to be a tie game where they're both going to retreat injured and then those other people are going to show up and be like sire here's the Necromancer we must capture him now while he's weakened oh you're right I have a feeling something like that's going to happen too let's find out it's safe to say that the tri Titan and the remaining triadan is distracted for now who knows what will happen once they're conflict blows over it's hard to say but whatever is going to happen we're going to have to gather everyone I'm assuming sunny I got to say this series is insane bro it's so well animated yeah I needed to pause it there just to reflect so what's happening right now is that orange or red triadan is battling with the tri Titan who's the purple giant but all the other alliance members are not even related to that fight they're using it as a distraction to gather their forces oh to do what though I think to perhaps destroy the toilet Emperor that's a good idea the toilet Emperor is more than likely planning the same thing it's been a while since we have seen or heard anything from his underworld followers you'll probably return alongside the Necromancer and the Phantom oh no you'll have to be prepar prepared for everything they're trying to stop an uprising right now Sunny yeah this is going to be brutal they found it The Necromancer oh they're saying he committed treason oh that makes sense The Necromancer is the toxic toilet sorry sorry about that everybody goats forgive us we weren't sure if the TV woman after she converted the tri Tian into her own Ally if that meant Necromancer but I guess it's just this toxic toilet bro The Necromancer is creepy yeah no cap and he's got a hoorde of Undead toilets you must bow down to the emperor toilet or perish uh I feel like some Civil War is about to happen yeah this is nuts all the emperor had to do was say please yo oh they're going to fight this guy does not care he's got no fear I like the Necromancer I have a feeling the Necromancer is about to kill him yeah he's got to trick up his sleeve why is he laughing like that no something's not right dude wait what he just killed the Necromancer I don't think so I feel like The Necromancer knew this would happen uh [Music] yo what is going on they're making fun of him no I think they're about to take over the emperor and it's going to be an army of the undead I think you're right Sunny The Necromancer had this planned all along he's still laughing oh I don't think that was his real body Sunny something crazy is about to happen no more running yo Undead Gman look at his weapons bro he looks insane okay melon we're almost at the end of this episode 100 but it was all just a buildup for what's going to happen next this is insane dude I cannot wait for episode 101 or 100 part two it's about to go crazy bro I have a feeling this is shaping up to be the best episode of skibby ever out of all the multiverses same here and I'm all for it big shout out to verin for one of the greatest series in the skibbidy universe check out his channel and drop a like on this video if you want to see part two today sunny and I are going to be reacting to the skib zombie verse in this episode we're trying to create the Ultimate Alliance against the zombie virus because that is the real threat melon this is monster upts episode 18 of the skidy zombie toilet Universe no way what is that thing sunny it's obviously an evil demigorgon what the heck oh no how are we going to take that thing out bro I don't know and look at it it's technically a corrupted TV man if we take a deeper look and analyze it even the TVs have a demogorgan mouth oh my goodness this needs to be put to a stop bro it's only the first 2 seconds of episode 18 and I'm already freaking out wao who's this guy I have no idea but I have a feeling he's about to whoop some demigorgon bro or he's going to get wrecked never mind he's quick [Music] yo yo chill who is this dude he's like some fire wielder yeah I don't get it is this like a shout out to avatar The Last Airbender and the Fire Nation is struck cuz he doesn't have a camera or a speaker or a TV he just has a crazy battle axx that explodes on impact I don't know Sunny we're about to find out more about him though people of Genesis your enemy is not the alliance but the virus you have to unite together for a common Victory wao he can talk and he's trying to convince all the toilets to work together with the alliance yeah they're trying to unite everyone against the virus that's actually really [Applause] smart speakers will survive this war yo this guy's got a dip he's creating a portal and he's out of here yeah the speakers did not like that which is weird cuz they're part of the alliance yeah but I don't think they want to team up Sunny true we're going to figure out if there's any new Titans now though yo put on the super upgraded armor exoskeleton acquired no way also melon take a look at these screens this is some shout outs to other YouTubers who've done reaction videos if we're lucky we might make it into one of these episodes that would be really cool hopefully one day yo what why is the speaker man so evil because Sunny they have too much beef they don't don't want the alliance to win whatever bro we got this we got to help out that Crazy Fire Nation dude bro he's actually busted he might be stronger than the Titans yeah and come to think of it did you see his ability there it looked a lot like the Titan clock man's yeah it really did no way he can't be a clock under there what if he's the time Lord that would be really cool I think he is bro what is he doing he's just a goat no way he just cut a rift into multi-dimensions bro I think he's the space Lord he can control Dimensions like they're nothing look the Multiverse Titan clockman oh my goodness he's a dimension Hopper this is crazy we can see all the other skibby Multiverse episodes and people's React videos bro do you think we just learned the secrets of the time continuum I think we might have I feel like Doctor Strange right now we know every possible ending whoa tied a drillman out of nowhere but this guy looks corrupted Sunny he's a zombie ew you're right that is gross it's okay though we've United forces and we shall defeat it the skibbies they're actually coming in clutch come on Astro toilet destroy that zombie drill but melon we'll have to wait until episode 19 to see what happens so for now everybody should subscribe and stick around until the end of this video to see so many more epic skibby multiverses my brother melon and I have been so excited for the episode 30 of the skibby Multiverse by Dom Studios let's react to this insane battle together and who's going to win this the counter Titan or the alliance also who's responsible for the counter Titan will we discover who the True Villain is let's find out melon we're just jumping right in episode 30 of the Multiverse no way dude the counter Titan is killing him don't worry upgrade TI a cameraman we'll stop this hit him with the KO oh he's actually going in bro he gut punched him no they're not going in melon they're going up is the Titan TV Man still alive he better be hit him with your gravity Blaster come on he's actually owning him yo the upgraded Titan camera man mad is going off yeah you won't like him when he's angry he's like the Hulk y he's actually beating him up yeah but I got a bad feeling the counter Titan going easy on him uh he just stabbed him really badly not in the core not in the core uh-oh did he just break his neck what just happened they just decapitated the counter Titan like it was nothing no way they actually did it uh what the heck melon the counter Titan is broken he could just heal like it's nothing what are they going to do they need to get out of there and Retreat whoa that's a combo we haven't seen wait a second what's she saying I got to rewind turn the volume up oh what an epic fail She's So Mean I'm impressed now can you die we've got an earth to conquer bro she's so evil don't let her you've got to take out this counter Titan whoa who is that is that the drill man even she is surprised oh who is that what is that it's a giant sword that's got to be the clockman or someone from the time team titan clockman he's returned but he's even stronger he's got an upgrade let's go the time blade oh it's over he's definitely stronger yeah this guy is actually the goat can freeze time rewind time fast work time destroy you no yeah she's afraid activate your rage mod now oh he's leveling up too though Sunny rage mode so he was holding back yes oh doesn't matter how many times you try the counter will always oh my goodness this guy is too op time teleport I think he should just slice her if you destroy the master you destroy the Titan yo okay or you could just do it like that clock Titan is op bro you do not mess with the clock Titan and she got wrecked oh right into the clock Titan's paw it's over for you my master will make you pay you have no idea who you're messing with I thought she was in charge bro dude you have no idea wait what if that's her master the clockman right there I don't think so I think she's freaking out cuz she's never seen this much power whoa yo sunny I think those were all the Fallen members yeah but I feel like Titan clockman has absorbed all of their Spirits yeah he's used them to become stronger they have all United under one time continuum and now he's going to reverse the upgraded Titan Cinema man's time yes heal him that is totally not overpowered well he is just too strong he is Unstoppable a force truly to be reckoned with I wonder if this Tower will be released in toilet Tower Defense yeah but what's going on here melon what's up with the corrupted anti-titan material uh uh it looks like it's copying the upgraded Titan clockman this looks really bad I think they need to leave yeah I wonder what he's going to do though he's going to try and destroy those parts but he's already done that twice now oh no what just happened I think he just got corrupted a little bit something's off here this was too easy something happened bro I think he infected the upgraded Titan Cinema man I think so too and I don't think the clockman realized yeah I think that's going to hurt them in the future thumbs up Les let go I'm wondering who she was serving though who's that villain's Master do you think maybe it's the president clock in that white suit from 20 episodes ago it just might be bro things are getting wild here oh it's going to end on a cliffhanger e dude that's remnants of the counter Titan and it's going to spread and become more powerful than ever goats press that like button if you want to see the next Dom Studios Multiverse And subscribe goat the skippity wars is actually insane and today we're going to be learning about the secret of the Triads and how the computer people betrayed the TV woman no way Mel and feance just uploaded the skibby wars 99 W finally the out I can't wait to see what happens this is going to be the craziest battle we've ever seen in the skiy universe oh the cold open with the cinema Man versus the counter ultimate Titan bro that Titan looks absolutely insane bro I've got a bad feeling for the cinema man yeah these look like alien Titans they are nuts uh wait is he beating them what's going on I think he's brainwashing them the Titan computer man's here too access yo they've hacked these Titans no way yo this alternate series is crazy it might be the best one bro wait what the heck that guy just wrecked him close are you sure let's see boom oh my goodness he blasted him close it just looked like a Counterattack though it's like they're corrupting them easily they got to hold them off though so the computer man could hack it that's true but this fight seems way too casual no one even seems upset oh it's so weird it's like they're just corrupting them W flashback 9 months ago we're at the Alliance Headquarters okay experimental facility they're going deeper dude they're going to the lower levels wa W it looks like an ancient Titan yeah bro that's an ancient Titan from another alien species they're trying to attach speakers to it I think they're trying to control it do you think it's a Kaiju Titan whoa it might be sunny they're hacking into it right now that is so oh insane TV woman seems scared though she seems upset like what they're doing is morally wrong did she shut it down I think she did uhoh they are not happy with her proposed an offer exclusively for you if you would be so kind please follow me an exclusive offer yeah they are upset [Music] proced wait that was a tri Titan that they were looking at there that's insane she's about to get bus and upgrades uh I don't know sunny I don't know if this is going to be too good for her whoa wait they put her soul into the tri Titan did something like that is it soulbound now she is powerful bro what are you doing hey stand back please you don't have to do this oh no they messed up big time whoa she's been corrupted by the tri Titan and she's going to turn them all into this new species she just might sunny or she's just trying to set him free yeah but remember this is 9 months ago in the future there's many of them with this purple Aura oh you're right bro she's the original corruptor bro this is cool what if they're the good guys though I guess this is showing the origins story of it they're not so bad after all aw she's so proud of him she like this is my good little boy it's like a puppy except big and violent and has crazy weapons and can kill everyone oh no they killed her which is why he's so mad that's why he's seeking Revenge can't have you run true bro the computer should never have messed with them interesting it seems her modifications gave her a form of bond with the triadan oh it's a triadan sunny not a tri Titan yeah triadan Tri Titan all the same remember I want to be in full control very well are they even strong enough to stop this triadan nothing personal we're just following order I don't know but it seems like they can control it somehow forgive me memory reset what wiping her core no way but she just got all her Memories Back and her Purple powers let's [Music] go what did you do uhoh everything what did I not do he was stabilizing the triadan but she's not going to let him 97% and it had to error out that that is unlucky we are on the same team uh-oh not anymore she's not happy what are they going to do that was so cute mama that's what this big guy is saying this cannot be true what is happening Sunny what is going on bro are they opening a world to another Universe I think they're going to try and take on the evil triadan bro oh no it's their only hope he ate her no not cool you just made him really mad how many of them are there probably three pink purple and red who's the strongest triadan definitely the purple guy and he's about to unleash his wrath bro the next episode in this battle is going to be nuts w who is this guy I think that the TV woman is the secret Necromancer who can control the triadan this is absolutely insane goats if you're interested in this series and want us to keep following along make sure you comment down below also subscribe to our Channel and if you want to see the original check out verance Linked In the video details guys the skib zombie vers is absolutely insane this virus has taken over all of the skibbies and it's our job to team up and take them down yeah that's right right the cameraman the speaker man and even the skippies are all teaming up to take down these zombies melon you're not going to believe this but there are three new zombie viruses in the skibbidy toilet Universe what do you mean there's three new zombie viruses the YouTube channel monster up has shared the latest videos in this alternate universe let's go son is it scary I'm warning you melon this is the stuff that nightmares are made of oh oh wait where is he right now he's in like some goey sack ew zombie toilet take him out okay that is a bit cursed I'm not going to lie bro sky sky sky is that a zombie cameraman I think it might be bro everything has been cursed and zombified in this world yo he's actually following him he's crazy what are you doing well he needs to see what's going to happen and what does this say oh no more Beck Bros official zelle where's the sunny and melon shout out I don't think we had anything to do with this series hey but we're reacting to it now so maybe we'll be in the next Easter egg that would be insane o uhoh oh my goodness why do these have to look so scary he might smell them he might smell them oh that was a good play oh that was a good distraction a he needs to get the heck out of there right now hold on melon look there's toilets cameras are there speakers in here too uh Sunny I've got a really bad feeling for this cameraman me too but he has to investigate it it's the only way he can save everyone from the virus oh he's trying to save them they're locked in skibbidy jail and now they've been Unleashed they can work together to stop the zombies they've got to get out of there now bro he hit them like he was bowling take out the zombies you've got a bigger threat dude the viruses are so gross yo that is a crazy plunger no way uh-oh zombie toilet oh this guy got it this guy's got it under control wa he just copied and downloaded the weapon bro he transformed into a machine gun he has to take out the zombie cop toilet yo this guy is like a Titan he is so strong that's awesome dude and then he busted their way out of there that was gnarly dude if I had any superpowers in the skib universe I'd want that the ability to clone up weapons Sunny this is not good the speaker man he just killed the toilet I think that was the first new virus in this season of the zombies let's see what's next no it's okay they can stop him it's too late Sunny how could he do that blast him you don't get to kill my skiy and get away with it but he just called in so much backup and these guys look cursed yeah I do not like this skibby stomp bro we needed that Shield bubble this is Perfect Defense yeah how are they going to get through I guess this guy's going to sacrifice his own teammates oh he just ate a zombie to heal bro this is so evile he just completely ate him to get stronger oh no Sunny he's eating them all he's mutating like crazy this new virus strain is broken it's like a zombie Titan he's got to go in and plunge that zombie all right we need the soldier toilet to distract him while the main camera can plunge no way bro that's an epic combo yeah or just do this yo all right my homie is op he is really upset with this zombie you don't get to kill his friend and get away with it oh no Sunny's coughing what's happening how is he this strong and he's calling in another zombie virus oh no our boy is coughing uh-oh no a TV zombie that was close are we dipping are we getting out of here yeah I think that's for the best they need to retreat and heal up no he's too weak oh no he's out of energy no home slice oh wait just pick the gun up just did he transform into that gun I think he did wa that is crazy that was an insane episode he better pick that gun up and save his friend yeah he's going to bro look this is episode 16 now he transformed into the weapon so pick it up and fly out of there or did the weapon eat him Sunny I'm pretty sure he's just transformed that was close that was a clutch moment what bro don't fight you need to retreat oh he's got back up though yeah just in time bro I wonder what the next zombie virus is going to be I don't even want to think about that Sunny yo speaker man is epic he has a hoverboard he's actually popping off dude he could take out all the zombies himself let's go the squad has arrived and they've got super armor yo superhero music as well uh that's not good melon they need to get out of there right now he's the ultimate vacuum toilet no not like this but we've got even more back up no way the mech cameraman take him out boys that is a humongous zombie bro I don't know ah but we've got too many mechs Sunny we for sure could take him out this is terrifying oh that has got a hurt what is going on they saved them they got the weapon back wait what I bet they knocked him out cuz they need to run some tests to see if he's infected true because if he's carrying that he could kill everybody just like you goats should kill that like button press it now and subscribe to get goated we're going to react to the newest episode of the Multiverse skibby series by Dom Studios this is episode 29 then let's go on a movie throughout the world of the skibbies comment which episode and moment is your favorite personally I love the moment where the tit End Cinema man first appeared it's time we're going to check out episode 29 of the skibby Multiverse bro Dom Studios drops that Pete I can't wait to see it and see what kind of new units are out yo true bro started off with a little drone so they could spy on the toilets but I wonder what cameraman's up to uh that guy's cursed that guy's cursed he only has one eye and he's being super creepy that sound effect gives me a bad feeling uh-oh it's okay though we got that laser cameraman rail gun uh melon I feel like this is a trap nah it's fine it's fine I don't know those toilets look corrupted a okay we're all dead is that it's the super scientist Titan toilet bro he's even got magnets he's got magnets he's got lasers he's giant sized something is cooked with this guy die oh my goodness but he's getting wrecked because our Titans have appeared have they though oh yeah they did I believe dude check him out he's so strong now yeah he's crazy he's got the Min guns and he's got a giant Laser cannon oh it's over I think this is where the scientist dies yo he used a gravity gun this is going to be fire I hope it's finally over for the scientists I'm so sick of him in his nasty toxic weapons oh well this is actually such an epic fight wait what he just stole his hammer melon this is bad oh no Boomerang Style ooh bro that scared me wait no way Titan Cinema man came in just in the clutch to grab the hammer dude it's over for the scientist to get better old man what bro the Multiverse the Multiverse is insane I'm so confused you've become pretty bold haven't you what that drill Titan is hopeless as long as he keeps holding back he's of no use dude well I guess it's better than having him against us she's from Another Universe she seems evil kind of took me long enough to prepare my Master's favorite toy oh my goodness behold the counter Titan no way oh no oh no this is not good for the cameraman Sunny she is so evil what is that it's the counter Titan I think the toilets don't even like her wait what the scientist did that yeah I think she's a third party bro no one likes her he's like I'm supposed to be in charge around here it's the toilets versus the cameras not you whatever maybe but maybe the counter Titan is just too strong no melon did you hear what she just said she just said whatever we planned to eliminate all of the species she's trying to take over over the planet and kill everything no way what the heck we were planning to eliminate all the species anyway she's so [Music] evil bro things are going to get really cool in the Multiverse I got a feeling the toilets are going to team up with the alliance so there's going to be drill men the Doodles the camers the speakers everyone working together on the same side all against her the anti Titan well we're going to have to wait for episode 30 so in the meantime you goats should totally subscribe to our Channel press that like button and stick around for the rest of this Epic movie do it melon we're immediately going into part two of episode 29 oh I can't wait to see what happens hopefully the counter Titan doesn't do too much damage I hope that the Titan tvman and Titan cameraman can team up with Gman they need to work together to stop the counter Titan no Sunny he's too strong he's actually too strong bro the Titan cameraman jumped in the way of the attack he was trying to stop TV man from dying look whoa bro that is actually a hero move look at that Cinema man just blasted with all his strength dude and it did absolutely nothing the sword maybe the sword can break its armor bro how are they going to stop the counter Titan I don't know if they can bro they need help what whoa whoa whoa hold up melon did you see what just happened the counter Titan scanned them and then stole their weapon abilities oh my goodness dude he's just too powerful he copying abilities now we need the Titan clockman to come help but what if it copied the clock man's time freeze I don't know Sunny that's really risky come on guys they need the upgraded Titan drill man that's the only way they're going to win I think they need the toilets to unite I think that's the only way cuz these new villains want to destroy everything you're right but in the last episode she said the upgraded Titan drillman was always holding back no way the counter Titan has so many abilities bro he's too powerful he is too powerful they need to keep the Titans away from him they need to find a different way to battle it but wait they actually kind of cooked there they kind of cooked they got one of his limbs off oh never never mind this doesn't look good though for the cinema man wait he just got another limb never mind the cinema man is crushing oh wait it just regrew its limb instantly Sunny bro that's overpowered it can regenerate but it just got stabbed in the heart uh-oh it doesn't even seem bothered it just took over one of the TVs nah bro that's too far oh no dude did we just watch the upgraded Titan Cinema man die I hope not bro they cut it short it faded to Black I hope that means someone's going to show up and surprise us please save him clockman how strong is that counter Titan it can fight two onone like it's nothing we need more help bro they need the clockman and I'm telling you they need the giant toilet's help it's the only way goats make sure you subscribe because part three is going to come out soon and we'll definitely react to it yo this is Rainbow friends but it's the end of Blue's story today we might say goodbye to the blue rainbow friend I hope not and later in this video we check out the biggest battle ever between the rainbow friends versus Huggy wuggy and Poppy playtime this was crazy let's get 500 likes for more epic videos and if you're new here subscribe right now to get goated Ellen we're about to watch a video called Goodbye Blue it might be the last time we see him in Rainbow friends no blue is like the most classic character I can't go on without him too late I'm hting play I think this is as far as I go Blue friend what's going on please blue say something I need need you I don't want to be alone please Ren my friend I'm wounded I think this is my end I want to say that you were always my best friend no matter what no matter where I am you will always be in my heart I love you green yo melon this is so sad no he I didn't want to watch that bro that actually brought a tear to my eye the thing is bro at least he had green to keep him company at the very end yeah he had a good friend the thing is melon if I was green I would have just slapped that melon off your head and kept moving with my day bro what is wrong with you that's not cool bro I'm a monster like that [Music] red orange purple bro you see purple just walk away he's like nah I'm out to save him it's okay buddy come on come on he's going to be okay right green I'm sorry buddy he would have liked you to have it what do you mean yo that is so sad Blue's Crown is now greens dude no I don't like this honey this is not good wa flashbacks wait what green was a blind dude no way that makes sense that's why you can't see us in the game I know and then the rainbow friends Factory changed them all into Giant toys there's blue saving him they were best friends dude this is making me [Music] sad oh no then they went to odd World [Music] melon and they got shot by the toy making machine and transformed into green and blue The [Music] Originals yo this is crazy look at their friendship bro they're best friends it's like you and me yeah wait who's this little guy yo oh my dude what just happened just ate a Roblox Noob yo all the Rainbow friends are comfort in green I think Red's going to have a good idea though pink hey what's wrong answer me come on pink we still have so many things to do together red please you got to help her you got to be kidding me melon first it's blue now we're hearing about pink this is so sad what is going on I didn't think rainbow friends would be this emotional what I I'll see what I can do he's trying to save pink oh no what no pink I Wish I Could Turn Back Time [Music] wait that was Red's hand why is he even trying to help them he's the one who turned them into these rainbow friend monsters because they're happier as monsters Sonny you don't get it okay you're stupid okay I'm [Music] sorry there's so many emotions right now I don't know what to think wait they were kids in the factory once [Music] too yo and they were complet the tasks Just Like Us in chapter [Music] one they were in love bro this is so cute oh my goodness then they got put in the cloning [Music] machine yo red is [Music] crazy melon never mess with red rainbow [Music] friend unless you want to transform and eat small children noobs no why do they it's so cute and then they literally murder kids no the kid's getting away bro the kids making a [Music] getaway oh wait that's how he lost his eye yo what this is crazy we're learning so much about [Music] lore no not pink she's a [Music] ghost actually she's an [Music] angel I can't tell if this is sad or happy now okay it's sad I'll never forget you look at his ugly face I hate blue wa what the heck it what a transition melon that went from being so emotional to straight up Huggy wuggy being angry at all the Rainbow friends he thinks he's better than me we'll [Music] see what did you just say you're going to Yo they're about to fight going to fight who do you think's going to win I got my money on blue and the rainbow friends bro they're way more goated than Huggy wuggy we'll see we'll see what Huggy wuggy does yo he brought in backup he's got the FNAF and Poppy playtime [Music] crew dude they are angry they're having a wrap off yo pink versus pink purple just is like leave me out of this I want to go in my van [Music] what he's got more confidence oh smash bring it on bro bring it [Music] on it's about to get serious melon very very serious power up eat the [Music] kids wait no wait the kids are eating BL what is going what's going [Music] on dude dude he lost his eyeball again I feel so bad for [Music] him oh he's charging up he's getting more powerful Huggy wuggy is too though yo hugy wugg is going crazy mode Frankenstein Style what you're only a b version of us we'll finish you you guys can all get along you're all awesome oh wait she hitting the big punch that is green yo what is bonso bunny doing yo orange is going to eat the bunny go orange go orange oh wait they're going to eat the kid together that's so cute maybe they realize they could truce and just destroy all the kids when they go on field trips for Dad def for dead cuz he's going to get eaten alive bro oh they're seeing who can get more kids I see they're teaming up I think yo Huggy wuggy looks [Music] scary bro oh my [Music] guys we shouldn't be fighting we are all equals let's just stop him we will never be friends oh no he's out of the vents he's going crazy melon this is what happens when purple leaves the vent purple's ready to scrap he's going to take p he's going to squeeze her until she's nothing but juice dude I don't she's not a watermelon bro sorry I just think everything can get Juiced into a smoothie no it's not how that works sorry it's just your melon top bro I'm going to slap it off and make a smoothie though stop wait they realized Red's the real villain take out red I don't know what's happening why is blue defending red [Music] and Kissy Missy just wants everyone to stop fighting she's right bro it's getting crazier the song is getting faster who's going to win melon what do you think's going to happen what do you think's going to happen I think blue gets the Wombo Combo he's so much stronger look how big he is all I know is they look angrier than you in the morning I do get [Music] grumpy peace peace a let's go prepare to lose like to your F I'm not afraid you wait why are they fighting again bro they just had peace and now they're going to battle in an epic rap battle yo go hey blue got the heat [Music] though whoa actually Huggy wuggy bringing the real heat he said hey yo what he's drawing a goofy face on him yo clean that up good move good [Music] move evil yo I think blue is more evil than Huggy wuggy to be honest I think [Music] so now they're saving kids together are they really or is Huggy Wy just keeping them for himself and then he's going to make a giant baby kid stew he's going to make a big soup out of them fighting now it's my turn raun yo green [Music] bro this is a jam I'm loving it yo Green's sad now yo melon which is your favorite character I like blue blue is cool blue is for noobs blue is really cool I think the best character is kissy Missy because she wanted them to all be friends that's so boring Sunny what so boring imagine if all of them could be friends think about how much destruction they could cause and how many cookies they could make oh that's a lot of cookies that's true that could be a lot of good cookies yo what is going on are they going to burn the factory to the ground this is dangerous guys wait orange he's the hungriest rainbow friend melon melon the music's getting fast again dude it's getting crazy go orange is go in Speedy mode he's on a sugar rush he had too many cookies yo 5sec rule 5sec rule just eat it just eat [Music] it ooh cake I need some of that my dude is going fast melon this is so chaotic oh he ate the whole cake in one bike his belly is bursing hey blue you okay friend boy friend run not blue is a corrupted imposter blue why are you locked uh-oh oh no melon it's the second blue who's the impostor the real blue is trying to warn this kid yo what the heck let's see what happens [Music] next come on Blue get out of jail you got to save your friend through the power of epic music wait what that robot blue was green yo he just transformed bro oh no he's going to eat the kid the blue and the real green saved him no he transformed again how does he keep doing this he's orange now he's the impostor but who do you think he really is it's probably red it's probably red come on purple save the day boy that was close what this is impossible oh where's my friend right here a I'm glad you're safe we all are this place gives me the k jibbies h no way is that blue what is he doing there yo they put Blue in a clone machine what is this guess we'll find out he's going to swap with blue to me I feel kind of weird oh no I'm turning into blue oh no the impostor melon yo did the impostor heal his body what is going [Music] [Music] on get in the vents quick yo that purple looks sus run dude you got him for swap your body back swap your body back wa yo that was insane that was crazy bro what an emotional roller coaster if you guys want to see more rainbow friends animations make sure you like And subscribe today sunny and I react to the newest skibby toilet episodes guys you're not going to believe what happened it's absolutely crazy melon I got all of the latest episodes of this skibby series are you ready for this oh my days Sunny I'm so excited let's go dude do you remember what happened at episode 50 they were at the camera headquarters and there was an invasion oh no oh no but then if I remember right remember what huh you think the Titan's going to save them I'm pretty sure a Titan comes in clutch we'll see melon yo the toilet tank wait Sunny pause rewind rewind yeah yeah pause yo check it out that one cameraman right there is going in double plunger dude who is he yo he's such a legend he's all by himself and Titan Titan cameraman say goodbye to your toilets you've been flushed bro he's upgraded uh-oh flame toilet got roasted yeah I would not mess with this boy that was crazy he's not done yet melon yo look at these guys just thumbs up thanks boss appreciate you bro what's going to happen next yo Titan TV first person POV I haven't seen this yet wa oh dude this is crazy he's actually wrecking them and I meant to say Titan cameraman W that poor Skiby never stood a chance dude this is actually the coolest one I think I've ever seen bro imagine being a Titan you're so strong I wish they always showed the combat like this it's so much cooler in first person what he's going to FL him after burning him that was brutal the double plunger man yeah you're right it's the same guy from before what if he's actually the leader of all the cameramen that would be crazy what if he's even stronger than the Titan himself you're right bro he just might be he's going to need to help them out though here he is double plunger man whoa I think he's the main character to be honest wait what the wait Sunny rewind rewind what happened I'm rewinding since when did they get camera ships to drop off cameraman you're right I've never seen that before that's cool they're getting all kinds of new technology and weapons they have to the toilets are getting stronger as well get that out of here oh is that a camera lady he's got no time to Riz melon he's got to focus up uh-oh what no what the heck she's nuts Sunny we got to get an instant replay okay okay okay yo thumbs up bro what's going to happen in 53 now yeah the toilets need to retreat get out of this city Mr double plunge here reporting for combat what the that guy just appeared out of w nowhere yeah I got to rewind I'm sorry that was crazy look at this melon he's not there there's nothing here at all there's nothing even flying in he just appears bro they've invented teleportation yo and he's so fast what dude if they can use that on a Titan skibby toilet it's not going to be good bro the scientists working at the toilet headquarters are getting too smart but so are the cameraman Sunny true the war wages on bro my guy is taking a little break sitting on that [Music] toilet Zapped him wait what what the way what was that he's like oh look at this little guy slapped him across the face yo this is just sad now these toilets are too weak oh what did you say wait Sunny pause okay okay sorry I spoke way too soon remember this is the electric toilet that wrecked the cameraman's in one of the beginning episodes I thought he just disappeared you're right he's back look how fast it is TV woman wait is she okay oh I thought we were going to see a TV man get defeated for the first time nope not even close all part of the plan calculated Victory a oh he wanted a hug he wanted to say thank you and he got denied take that sucker she said no Rising here just collect the toilets all them toilets hey they're trying to take back the city from the desert episode oh that looks easy I'll be real Sunny the toilets are getting wrecked bro that's why they brought in the triple toilet that looked like a toaster you ever seen those urals bro it's like a fiveman Ural it's crazy I actually think that one was a bathtub I'm not even capping you might be right Sunny wait no not the teleporting toilet that one is too fast even for the Titan wait what is that gross it just spat diarrhea out all right good get rid of that skull gross I don't think the camera people are okay though they took a lot of bramage dude I was worried for the Titan TV there yo they're getting revenge at least yes take them out TV beeps whoa I wonder what that TV said dude should we play it in reverse maybe shut up yo melon that was nuts it's so weird listening to them backwards I know uh-oh uhoh wait what play that back what just happened you had the one bro he doesn't want to what I don't understand oh he doesn't want the smoke Sunny oh no there's going to be a really strong toilet even worse the corrupted speaker man no oh no oh no dude they need to cure his virus already yeah it's not good what the heck here's episode 57 this one is super special it's extra long really yeah it's a double feature cuz they got to stop the tight end speaker man bro if they can actually reclaim him that'll be an epic dub for all of cameramen yeah pretty much that's why they got the Titan here to say listen up bud chill out relax he ain't chilling he ain't chilling Bo Titan finally going at it we've been waiting so long for this brawl yo he dropped the base oh no it's t bro we need a double team we need a Titan TV to hell yes the plunger man it's the double plunger he's going to save him oh oh oh no oh oh unlucky no oh no I guess he wasn't the main character yes wait did Gman just die no I think he's going to be okay though just pancaked him no no no no no oh dude this is getting scary yeah I thought they were going to corrupt another Titan yes TV woman did she do [Music] it Gman no g man's angry g man's freaking out oh he's scared he knows he's done did they save him yo she's saving double plunger man so much Carnage so much destruction and ruin it's sad no oh the cameraman but at least we've reclaimed speaker head yo he's so beautiful but it's still sad melon there were a lot of casualties in the toilet world yeah speaker man Titan thumbs up thumbs up for lots of dead cameras but mostly dead toilets I'm happy he's back but how is he going to live with himself after all the damage he's caused we'll have to see here in episode 58 he's got to get his Vengeance come on destroy that oh no that is a lot of dead camera people melon he's back with vengeance in his mind he's got a heart of Rage he's got to make up for what happened to him come on Save the cameramen be the hero they deserve yep I'd say he's doing a pretty good job at making it right oh no maybe that was too much not even close he does busted them Yo he's so strong the two Titans can finally work together he's like yo what my job's already done it was that easy thumbs up and you should totally give this video a thumbs up press that like button right now and make sure you're subscribed to our channel so you never miss out on any of the fun let's go
Channel: Melon Sunny World
Views: 135,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zPt8cB1TcIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 49sec (5689 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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