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I'm Patrick make me Leonardo da Vinci is perhaps the most enigmatic figure the world of art has ever produced he created two of the most famous paintings in the world the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper although few people know that his entire collection of paintings only numbers 15 including his two most famous this makes absolute sense when one considers he was also a sculptor architect musician engineer and natural scientist given his varied interests it's no wonder he found it impossible to devote his life to a single pursuit painting they are not I was possibly the most curious man who ever lived everything you saw made him ours why he was also rather difficult to define Leonardo used : and encryptions in many of his documents he often wrote from right to left and although his paintings were of a religious bent Leonardo was by no means a devout Christian in fact some people believe that he inserted subversive messages or secret puzzles in his seemingly religious paintings he may have hidden the answers to the mystery of these paintings in his strange writings let's journey into the mystifying world of Leonardo da Vinci and unravel the mysteries that surround this Renaissance genius [Music] one only needs to look at da Vinci's Vitruvian Man two glimpses genius for drawing symmetry and guys at first glance it is a drawing of a man within a circle and a square but da Vinci in fact has solved a mathematical question that many have tried in vain to unravel the true veeam stated that the construction of a temple or building should be based on the proportions of man since they were perfect he says that the human body with arms and legs extended should fit into the perfect geometric forms the circle and the square an illustration of a true of yin and biases Aliano reeks of failure Cesario note drew a perfect circle and square tangent to each other at the four points of the square then he forced a figure of a man into the design so that his hands and feet touched the points the result was one of the most disproportionate figures of the Renaissance with arms too long legs too short and hands and feet too big a system of relationships alone did not make Beauty happen it took the genius of Leonardo da Vinci to solve the problem Leonardo started by drawing a perfectly proportioned man and then found the circle and the square in the figure the circle and square are only tangent at one place the base the thing that he added was beauty Leonardo infused the drawing with a number of hidden equations for instance the length of a man's outspread arms is equal to his height the width of the shoulders is one-fourth of a man from the elbow to the tip of one's longest finger is one-fifth of a man the distance from the elbow to the armpit will be an eighth of the man and the distance from the bottom of the chin to the nose and from the roots of the hair to the eyebrows is the same and along with the ear creates one-third of the face Leonardo writes his codes and observations in his cryptic script above and below the drawing Leonardo's artwork goes beyond the obvious the characters in his paintings seem to have their own stories separate from what's being portrayed just what is the Mona Lisa smiling about and what's all the activity in the Last Supper we are about to find out the identity of the woman da Vinci painted in the Mona Lisa has puzzled many through its long history a very old method used for encoding intentional messages into artistic works is the Kabbalistic interpretation called gematria this method assigns numbers to letters so Mona Lisa would be represented by this equation another name for Mona Lisa is La Gioconda which equals this equation the measurement of the circumference of the painting equals 84 and if we add up the numbers two Leonardo's name once again the number 84 could it be that the mysterious lady is none other than the master himself da Vinci's Last Supper is as famous and well-known as the Mona Lisa did Leonardo leave hidden messages called Renaissance clues in his most religious artworks Lynn Pickett co-author of the Templar revelation takes us on a guided tour of this masterpiece DiNardo while being very UNTAC honestok towards the church and indeed towards main mainstream Christianity despite the so called holy paintings he painted his work does show marked temperate symbolism there were great Templar influences still around in Leonardo's day possibly at a secret level for one of the world's most famous and most familiar paintings Leonardo's Last Supper contains an astonishing wealth of rather in-your-face esoteric symbolism which is by no means mainstream Christian for example next to Jesus there is a disciple doing that in a rather menacing way if you look closely into Jesus's face Jesus is quite oblivious to this but it's that we call this the John gesture because it's so obvious and in the Last Supper it's as if this disciple is saying remember John also in the Last Supper Leonardo painted himself in as one of the disciples towards the end of the table turned away from Jesus this was no accident this wasn't just because to make a pretty composition it was a gesture of extreme distaste for the Holy Family and for Jesus also in the Last Supper sitting next to Jesus is this figure leaning like this away which is known as the young st. John but if you look very closely you will notice that this st. John is intact a woman she has a little gold necklace she has breasts and the shape that she together with Jesus making the composition is a giant spread-eagled M shape and this M refers to Mary Magdalene the Templars believed that Mary Magdalene was Jesus's mother concubine partner in sacred sex this was Leonardo's way of expressing that belief and so if you look at a painting that's supposed to be a great Christian painting of the Last Supper of Jesus you are not going to sit there and say but that looks like a woman because it's supposed to be Saint John so you will see Saint John equally Leonardo has had fun with the people who were going to see the painting because there is an anomalous hand with a dagger in it pointing at one of the disciples stomachs and yet in all our research into Leonardo we've only ever come across a mention of this and a very brief mention it was to off this hand with the dagger there is no great Cup in the Last Supper in front of Jesus himself as one would expect and indeed in many other paintings of Last Supper there is the great Cup the chalice what most people consider to be the Holy Grail this is significantly missing from Leonardo's painting most people who think they know the painting have never seen it because it's you know it it has nothing to do with their perception of the Last Supper so they simply don't see it there is a secret society in France that claims Leonardo is one of its members the Priory of Sion the presence of this Priory became known in 1975 when a startling discovery was made in a Parisian library once again parchments were found this time they were called inlaid or see a sickly these documents were said to reveal some of the secret members to be Sir Isaac Newton Victor Hugo and yes Leonardo da Vinci but what is the Priory of Sion according to these parchments the objective of the organization was to restore the morovian bloodline to the thrones of Europe The Priory believed that the morovian Kings were descendants of Jesus Christ which would imply that Jesus didn't die on the cross and did in fact marry and produce offspring a belief that could potentially shatter the very foundation of Christianity the Society's purpose was to guard the secret that Jesus didn't die for our sins and that his descendants walk among us the Renaissance clues left by Leonardo are quite provocative one can understand why he would choose such covert methods to reveal his secrets at the time the church was a very powerful force and a person could find himself in a great deal of trouble for challenging their accepted view the next logical question that one is compelled to ask is from where did Leonardo da Vinci receive this secret information for that answer we must start 400 years before da Vinci's time with a group of nine men who made just a being the source of the secret and powerful information that Leonardo possessed everything about the the Knights Templar has at least an element of mystery about it right from its beginnings it was founded just after the the First Crusade which had reopened the way between Europe and the the Holy Land and in about 11 18 9 French nights all of whom were connected with the court of the account of champagne went over to the Holy Land with this mission they said to protect the the roads and the pilgrimage routes to make them safe for pilgrims who would now be able to visit the holy places originally calling themselves the poor fellow Knights of Jesus Christ these nine men quoted themselves in the Temple Mount and began their mission but just what was this mission how a nine men even trained Knights supposed to guard the roads from Europe to Jerusalem now once they've they arrived in the Holy Land there's actually no evidence that she did anything for nine years or so and why for the beginning there's there's something that doesn't quite connect and there's other evidence that this mission of protecting the pilgrimage routes was actually just a cover story that she went there for another reason for some reason these nine Knights thought that there was something to be found there there's certainly evidence that they excavated beneath the Temple Mount and archaeologists have actually found Templar artifacts from those excavations as it turns out the Templars spent very little time on the roads at all most of their nine years stay was spent digging out old tunnels under the Temple Mount the original site of the biblical Temple of Solomon what were they looking for the Temple of Solomon had long since been destroyed yet in times of trouble the priests were known to have hidden religious treasures in secret underground vaults until it was safe to remove the Bible tells us that the Ark of the Covenant and other treasures of the temple survived several foreign invasions in this way perhaps the Holy Grail had survived in the labyrinth under the temple as well waiting for man to rediscover its power certainly it was no accident that the Knights stationed themselves in a mosque that rested on the ancient site in fact it was after their stay that they changed their name to the Knights of the temple or the Knights Templar a monk by the name of Bernard who later became Saint Bernard was involved in the formation of the Templars son Bernard was involved in deciphering ancient Hebrew texts Bernard although many ways very well worldly person was also very spiritual in ways are quite odd for his time he was very much into the feminine side religion very much into the Black Madonna cults of particularly of the South of France which are very kind of mysterious almost pagan we had a great veneration for the full of feminine embodied in lots of ways in the Virgin Mary which was actually quite unusual for his time and that appears to be the thing that drove him more than anything else simple it was a very learned man again for his time yes he studied Hebrew text study other texts as well it could well be something that he found in there that gave these people the idea is something worth having in Jerusalem it's it's speculative but it's it's a good speculation is you know it seems a very logical thing you have people studying these old documents who suddenly want to get their people to some of these old places mentioned in these Don you know that they're looking for something personal I honestly don't know what it was they found except that it was people considered it important nobody knows for sure whatever it was nobody know who it went and it's it's a real mystery but well there's no shortage of theories any of which could be correct documents Ark of the Covenant Holy Grail whatever that is but they certainly had their secret a very old text records the find we repaired to the secret vault and let down one of the companions as before the Sun at this time was at its Meridian height the Rays of which enabled him to discover a small box or chest standing on a pedestal curiously wrought and overlaid with gold he gave the signal of ascending and it was immediately drawn out we have brought it up for the examination of the Grand Council just what was in this small box that got the Templars so excited clearly a group of Christian Knights bound by the vow of poverty were not interested in anything of material value more likely it was an object of great religious significance [Music] there is a great deal of interest in the Grail legend no matter what it is some people have set off on a personal quest simply to discover hidden places in Europe where unexplained incidences have occurred these may point to the mysteries that accompany the Grail one such place is in the south of France one must make a trip to a very small village in the language region of France called Rennes le Chateau it is hear the story of bérenger saunière begins the mystery is that the priest in Rennell chateau whose name was sonia suddenly became immensely wealthy and spent fast amount of money on what appear to be very eccentric building works in this village his church which is dedicated to Mary Magdalene very very old church he filled it with very very strange carvings and decorations in fact in 1885 Bellinger's Sonia was sent to renovate the Church of st. Mary Magdalene at that time rennes-le-chateau was a poor small village of perhaps 300 residents the renovation of the church was not a priority for the town's people making money scarce for the project luckily Sonia found a patron for his remodeling in the Countess of Shambaugh who provided ample funds for the work during the Reconstruction while dismantling an altar pillar the workers found buried within the pillar three wooden tubes sealed with wax within the tubes for a number of parchments Sonia an educated man tried to decipher the text of these parchments with very little success he then took the parchment to Paris where he called on a fellow priest a baby l BL had more success decoding the parchments the nature of the inscriptions were never revealed yet as more parchments were deciphered Sonja's social stature in Paris society began to elevate it was on his return from Paris that the priests fortune began to change seemingly out of nowhere money became available to Sonia he built a villa for himself he built a tower overlooking the hill he built some landscape gardens but everything's kind of like weird and symbolic and say spent an absolute fortune spent a fortune on food and drink and entertaining people that would come down from Paris and the mystery has always been waited to get the money from Sonya continued his renovation of the Church of st. Mary Magdalene [Music] he added many strange and symbolic elements the Latin greeting over-the-door terriblest sister locust st translates to this place is terrible the baptismal font is supported by the devil and perhaps strangest of all is the exalted position of Mary Magdalene not the most revered biblical image his church was known for her he erected a tower called la Tour de Magdala the most outstanding feature of the small town could that be the connection between Sonia and his reverence for Mary Magdalene what Sonia found who ever been lots of theories about what she might have found and of the usual suspects really there some people think he might have found where the Ark of the Covenant had been hidden by the Templars people who think he might have found the Holy Grail people that might think he might have found some great secret connected with alchemy that made him be able to produce lots of gold they are all serious no one's actually come up with anything solid if Sonja's life was filled with mystery his death was as well upon his deathbed Sonya summoned his good friend Abbey Riviere to administer last rites Riviere left the diamond room with a look of shock and fear as if he had seen the devil himself it was said that Riviera spent the rest of his years as a recluse speaking to know why what was Sonja's shocking deathbed confessional did he possess the secret bloodline of Jesus did his fortune come from blackmailing the Vatican when the Chateau is in an area of France that really was the Templar heartland although the Templars owned so much property everywhere in Europe a third of everything they owned was in the language och this area of the south of France where when the Chateau is so that was the big area for them it could very well be where the treasure was taken from Paris so some people have said to think that Sonya film was the Templar treasure the mystery of rennes-le-chateau and bérenger saunière remains to this day [Music] Brenda chateau was not the only resting place for the Holy Grail Scotland is another country with strong ties to the Templars and in Rosslyn Chapel a mystery of the Holy Grail is inscribed throughout the structure of the church the Rosslyn Chapel has been described as the most superbly carved you ever craved the Holy Grail it records every known spiritual pathway at the time it was built in the mid 15th century and it was built as a memorial to the beliefs of the Knights Templar but the master stroke in bringing the Knights Templar teachings to the wider world was the creation of the legends of the Holy Grail it's supposedly tells the story of a search for holy relic associated with users the cup used at the Last Supper all according to another version the cup that was used to catch Jesus's blood after the crucifixion but I intend to believe this that master the American wonderful man Professor Joseph Campbell says that it is nothing more or less a coded pathway of in the CH spiritual pathway that told a very different truth to that told by her union with the church but in fact encompass the provisions of Jesus teachings the teachers to live according to we thinking rather than me thinking and to give the fruits of the sacred knowledge that is granted at a Missy ocean not for personal salvation or any personal motive of gain but to benefit the entire community within which you move we have witnessed the power the church has wielded throughout the ages the suppression of the Templars and the Cathars pales in light of the destruction of the Spanish Inquisition was the church always this powerful how and when did it gain its strength once again it's time to take a further look back in time to the period when constant-time was the Holy Roman Emperor and Christianity was struggling to find its voice it may come as a surprise to many how the church as we know it today came to be it took over 300 years to take shape in the period we are talking about the Roman state was largely tolerance of foreign religions they adopted a policy that as long as the taxes were paid and as long as you did not engage in a rebellion against them they would tolerate your religious practices as long as they were not contrary to good order and the common stability of the state and the people locally at the time we have many people who are still we presume subscribing to the local indigenous religions fertility cults ancient rituals which would even perhaps antedate Judaism also you have Judaism itself Judaism generally made a single distinction between those who were Jews and those who were Gentiles or non-jews and so the distinction for them would have been us and then everyone else it's often not realized that Alexander the Great who is active about 300 before the Common Era three hundred years before Jesus is born Alexander the Great plays a major role in the spread of Christianity first of all by conquering the virtually entire known world that time Alexander the Great spread Greek culture and most importantly the Greek language throughout all of these areas and that is the language in which the Christian Gospels seem to have been originally written in the beginning Christianity was somewhat anarchic that is it did not have a rigid system of organization the earliest Christians immediately after the death of Jesus viewed themselves as simply an extension of Judaism in that sense they had already differentiated themselves from the ancient cults associated with fertility perhaps worship of astrological bodies such as the moon the Sun the Stars the Judaic Christians were interested only in converting other Jews to Christianity shortly after the arrival of Christianity on the scene in Judaism a person named Saul converts to Christianity and he becomes known as Paul st. Paul his vision of Christianity is somewhat different than that of James and the earliest Christians in Jerusalem he receives the message the understanding that all human beings regardless of their racial or religious background can become Christians Paul preaching his version of the gospel and converting people to his brand of Gentile Christianity to Greek Christianity and this of course without the hindrances of the impediments of mandatory circumcision kosher dietary regulations and the other things that would have seen strange to a pagan without those things Gentile Christianity flourished and was successful and became the dominant form of Christianity that of course we know today one of the great problems in early Christianity was to reconcile the varying theologies that had developed in these various camps of Christianity this of course led to a relatively anarchic set up within Christianity if the Holy Spirit is giving revelations to anybody and everybody then it's very difficult to have a common belief and a common creed to what you are going to subscribe but starting with the Year 64 and the fire in Rome and Nero's persecution you begin to have a series of actions taken against Christians which are known as these persecutions in the early church early persecutions in the 1st and 2nd century were very local there were outbreaks of violence or resentment against Christians sometimes they were accused by their slaves what's so intriguing is that when persecutions broke out against the Christians what they were accused of was cannibalism incest and atheism cannibalism because of the language that was used for their ritual of the Lord's Supper incest for their styling of their community as familial relations and their emphasis on love and atheism because they refused to honor the Civic deities another aspect of the persecutions is that of course the Christian is a relatively new religious group even though they are coming out of Judaism they of course are claiming that they have the one true religion the one true way of understanding the world the universe and what's going to happen to everyone this of course doesn't necessarily go down with people who have been members of other religions for a very long time and who are members of ancient religious cults elsewhere in the Empire there was a certain amount of tension between the Christians and the other religious groups we have the persecutions the Emperor Constantine wanting peace within his Empire and wanting these Christian groups to quit squabbling over theology convenes the Council of Nicaea in 325 and Constantine himself appears to have chaired the council and entered into the debates in some ways the council of nicaea can be regarded as one of the key points in the founding of christianity as it will continue through the centuries on into the Middle Ages into the modern period so what evolved then as a resolution to that tension was the doctrine of the Trinity in which the very nature of God is reconceptualized not any longer as the one God but reconceptualized as the three-in-one and it was during this process that the divinity of the Holy Spirit was also articulated and argued for and became a point of contention and eventually became a point a central point of Christian doctrine and it's that process that then transforms in a sense the Christian doctrine of God as it was say in the first century to a fully developed Trinitarian idea of God in some ways the Council of Nicaea can be regarded as one of the key points in the founding of Christianity as it will continue through the centuries on into the Middle Ages into the modern period although the Creed that is now known as the Nicene Creed was revised later at least according to tradition it goes back to the decisions made at the Council of Nicaea one of the problems that Christianity faced at this period was not just the division between the Aryans and the anti Aryans that is between the same substance and the similar substance parties but there were also other groups around among them were the Gnostics the people who believed that knowledge was very important and that secret instruction was very important and that by studying by learning he rose through a layer of hierarchies and eventually could experience God in a divine revelation personally just yourself if the structure of the church involves so much debate what about the book on which it is founded the New Testament for the 27 Gospels that comprise their New Testament written and compiled during Jesus's lifetime or did the creation of that book mirror the formation of the church many people don't realize that the creation of the New Testament was a very long and painful process the New Testament the 27 books that Christians now consider to be authoritative did not simply fall out of the heavens at some early point in Christianity [Music] of course the process of how the New Testament came to be the way we have it today is a controversial and vexed issue we believe now that there was already within 20 or 30 years of the time of Jesus a circulation of some of the sayings of Jesus written down as people realized hey wait a minute we're not going to have these people around much longer we're not going to be able to just sit down and say now Peter what did Jesus say when you asked him but as that generation begins to pass the later followers begin to realize hey we've got to write some of this stuff down so that we can use it and teach from it and share with other believers so that led to the initial writing of these documents it's always fascinating to look at how the New Testament is put together because as the Gnostic Gospels and the Dead Sea Scrolls prove there were many important ancient writings that never made it into the Bible at all what's fascinating is that there are sources on Jesus outside of the biblical documents I think most people don't know that the apocryphal Gospels were responses to the original four Gospels they tried to fill in the gaps in the gospel records the childhood stories of Jesus that are not reported we have other stories the history of Joseph the carpenter which explains what they made in the carpenter's shop we have the Arabic gospel of the infancy which talks about these are wonderful stories about the palm tree on the way to Egypt we have a lot of these accounts that retell the biblical episodes but add all kinds of detail well some of them like the Gospel of Thomas MC Gospel of Thomas was probably formulated in Gnostic circumstances because there are tendencies in the way the story is told to stress Jesus's wisdom the same thing is true of most of those infancy and extraneous Gospels we can call net or apocryphal Gospels that aren't in the mainstream that weren't accepted as biblical the history of the Gnostics is very interesting even as early as the 2nd century they were a very that movement was a very strong movement the Gnostic type of Christianity was the dominant type of Christianity Gnosticism comes from the term gnosis to know that is knowledge and it was a sect it was a philosophy that believed that there was a kind of secret knowledge that people should learn in order to fully understand what life was about in order to understand what God was like they produced literature there's a large amount of literature in fact the Gospels and the other Gnostic writings that recently were found are included in a book which is even longer then the New Testament itself but then the official Church eventually saw this as kind of an eccentric former religion off the beam and took measures to suppress it that what happened to these Gospels and what why were they eliminated well at one point actually the bishops of Rome condemned them and said they weren't to be used anymore then the bishops of Rome the Pope's started to try to eliminate the use of these other materials which were considered to be not just irrelevant but also harmful and damaging one of the people there saw that the writing was on the wall for this Gnostic literature and put it all together and hid it in the at the face of a cliff how the Gnostic Gospels were brought back to life is as mysterious as the gnostic sect itself the discovery of the gnostic gospels is an incredible story it occurred in December of 1945 in Egypt along the upper nile river about 300 miles to the south of cairo there was a group of camel drivers who were looking for fertilizer along the banks of the nile and one of the camel drivers happened upon an earthenware jar his brother who was the leader of the group his name happened to be Muhammad Ali took the jar and thought at first that it might contain a genie an evil spirit that would haunt him if he opened it then he thought that it might also contain gold and finally his greed overcame his fear and for a few moments he thought that he had discovered gold because the air was filled with tiny pieces of this yellow substance and he very quickly realized that that rather than gold they were tiny pieces of papyrus when Ali unraveled the leather pouches they contained old papyrus Texas the man left his courage after seeing what they thought were worthless pieces of paper Ali did take the contents of the earthen jar back with him hoping to sell the leather for some money he didn't realize that the papyrus papers he had found were Gnostic writing long thought lost the texts went through the hands of the Egyptian black market until American historian James Robinson took possession and began to translate them they were in fact priceless manuscripts and that would constitute one of the most important archaeological finds of the 20th century [Music] we appear to travel a great distance from Leonardo da Vinci to the New Testament and then to Egypt and the discovery of ancient texts yet their path illuminates the fact that da Vinci may have known about the secrets that the church tried to suppress for most of its history was Leonardo da Vinci a member of the Priory of Sion did he paint the figure of Mary Magdalene into the Last Supper did she produce heirs to his bloodline we may never know for sure it's interesting to note that the only post ascension references to Mary Magdalene occur in the Gnostic Gospels Gospels suppressed by the church the Gnostic gospel of Philip says there were three who walked with the Lord at all times Mary his mother her sister and Magdalene the one who is called his companion another Gnostic gospel describes how Mary Magdalene aroused the jealousy of the Apostles because she was the close consort of the Lord who often kissed her on the mouth one thing is for certain the mystery of Leonardo's codes and who Mary Magdalene really was will forever spark people's imaginations I'm Patrick McNeil thank you for joining me on this fascinating journey [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: FamilyTime
Views: 279,553
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Keywords: Questar, leonardo da vinci, art history, da vinci code, jesus christ, mary magdalene, isaac newton, botticelli, victor hugo, the renaissance, unlocking da vincis code, renaissance, vitruvian man, familytime app, the davinci code, dan brown, the da vinci code, da vinci history, leonardo da vinci history channel documentary, leonardo da vinci history in english, leonardo da vinci history video, mona lisa, the last supper, patrick macnee narrator documentary
Id: 87a56RbmoeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 46sec (2626 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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