The Truth About the Holy Grail | The Da Vinci Code (Tom Hanks, Ian McKellen)

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I trust you recognize the Last Supper The  Great Fresco by Leonardo da Vinci [Music]   my dear if you would Close Your Eyes  Only save us the part of the tricks   you asked my help I recall  allow an old man his indulgences where is Jesus City in the middle good he and  his disciples are breaking bread and what drink   wine a drunk wine I did and one final question  how many wine glasses are there on the table one the Holy Grail a single cup no chalice well that's a bit strange  isn't it considering both the Bible and standard   grave Legends celebrate this moment as  the definitive arrival of the Holy Grail   hmm now Robert you could have helped us  if you'll be so kind as to show us the   symbols for men and women oh no balloon  animals huh they can make a great duck this is the original icon for mail it's a  rudimentary phallus quite to the point yes   indeed it's known as the blade it represents  aggression and manhood it's a simple still   use today in modern military uniforms yes the  more penises you have the higher your rank boys   or big boys now as you would imagine the female  symbol is his exact opposite this is called The   Chalice and the Chalice resembles a cup or vessel  or more importantly the shape of a woman's womb   now the Grail has never been a cup it is quite  literally this ancient symbol of Womanhood and   in this case a woman who carried a secret so  powerful that if revealed it would devastate   the very foundations of Christianity wait  please you're saying the Holy Grail is a person   a woman it turns out she makes an  appearance right there the old man yeah   what about that figure on the right hand  of Our Lord seated in the place of honor   flowing red hair filled in  feminine hands into the bosom no oh yeah it's called scottoma The Mind sees  what it chooses to see who is she the prostitute she was no such thing that  smeared by the church in 591 and a dominant Magdalene was Jesus's wife this is an old wives tale the original one in fact   it was virtually known empirical proof  he knows as well as I do there's much   evidence to support it there are theories  notice how Jesus and Mary are clothed mirror images of each other the Mind sees what it  chooses to see and venturing into the even more   bizarre and notice how Jesus and Mary appeared  to be joined at the hip and are leaning away from   each other as if to create a shape in the negative  space between them Leonardo gives us The Chalice yes oh and Robert notice what happens when these  two figures change position just because Da Vinci   painted it doesn't make it true no but history  she does make it true now listen to this it's from   The Gospel According to Philip Philip yes it was  rejected at the Council of nicia along with any   other gospels that made Jesus appear human and not  divine and the companion of the savior is married   Christ loved her more than all the disciples and  used to kiss her this says nothing of marriage   well well truly um Robert actually in those days  the word companion literally meant spouse and this   is from the Gospel of Mary Magdalene herself she  wrote to gospel she may have Robert will you fight   fair she may have and Peter said did he prefer her  to us and Levi answered Peter I see you contending   against a woman like an adversary If the Savior  made her worthy who are you indeed to reject her   my death Jesus goes on to tell Mary Magdalene  that it's up to her to continue his church   very Immaculate not Peter church was  supposed to be carried on by a woman   if you realize it Matt it was descended  from Kings just as her husband was   yeah my dear the word in French for Holy  Grail from the Middle English sang Rio   of the original Australian Legend now as  two words can you translate for our friend so real it means Royal Blood when the legend  speaks of the cherish that held the blood of   Christ speaks in fact the female womb  that carried Jesus's Royal bloodline how could Christ line unless man he was  pregnant at the time of the crucifixion for her own safety and for that of Christ's  unborn child she fled the holy land and   came to France and here it is said she gave  birth to a daughter Sam oh the child's name   a little girl if that were true  it's adding insult to injury why   the pagans found Transcendence  through the joining of male to female   people found God through sex in paganism and  women were worshiped as a route to heaven   but the modern church has a monopoly on that in  Salvation through Jesus Christ and he who keeps   the keys to Heaven rules the world women then  are a huge threat to the church the Catholic   Inquisition student publishes what may be the  most blood cell book in human history column The Witch's hammer it's instructed the clergy   on how to locate torture and  kill all free thinking women in three centuries of witch hunts fifty thousand  women are captured burned alive at the state who's   that I'm saying Millions imagine then Robert the  Christ Throne might live on in a female child   you asked what would be worth killing for  witness the greatest cover-up in human history   this is the secret The Priory of cyan has  defended for over 20 centuries they are   the guardians of the Royal bloodline  keepers of the proof of our true past   they are the Protectors of the  living descendants of Jesus Christ [Music] [Music]
Channel: Crime City
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Keywords: movie clips, clips, movie scenes, movies, hd clips, scenes, clip, movie clip, hd movie clip, movie scene, movie, film scenes, film clips, film clip, film scene, hd film scene, hd film clip, hd scene, hd clip, 4k scene, 4k clip, scene, film, tv show, television, serie, Tom Hanks, Paul Bettany, the da vinci code, da vinci code, The Truth About the Holy Grail, da vinci code holy grail scene
Id: nKaSSsB6Wqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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