Unlock the Secrets to Professional Footage Stabilization

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[Music] hi everybody my name is Oliver solo and welcome to this tutorial sometimes doing on filming we might capture images that are not perfectly stable today I'm gonna show you a few simple techniques to get the best out from Fusion a powerful tool that we can find inside The DaVinci Resolve a good stabilization can greatly improve the overall look of your video we typically use the default tools for stabilization DaVinci resolver for example provides three different kinds of stabilization however the best results can be achieved using Fusion the planetary is an odd tool that can be used to track specific covers for your footage is the tool that we are going to use today so now let's dive into some practical example this is a long shot that will lasted around 6 minutes and a half that was captured using my camera handled in this case I wanted to create an hyperlapse so let's see for example what is going to happen if we try to stabilize using the traditional stabilizer it doesn't work let's take the traditional stabilization off we just need to choose our clip on the Thailand and we hit this button and we switch the fusion here we have the node area and this is the most interesting part because all the magic is happening here the inspector that is the same kind of Spectra that we can find inside the editing interface let's add one node we just need to right click on the median node we choose insert tool and we are going to use the planner tracker that is inside the tracking menu now we need to choose a frame where the subject is completely visible in this case the subject is always visible for the entire duration so we are gonna start the tracking from the middle I just need to drag a rough shape around the subject just make sure that there is enough contrast between the subject and the background we need to click set in order to let the plus trigger what is the starting point for the dragging now we need to change the motion type that usually set it to perspective perspective is the most precise one also is the most difficult to track so let's change the option to translation and we can start the tracking backwards this is a very intensive process so it might take a while to get done once we get to the end we need to eat again the go button and we need to repeat the same process forwarders this is the best part because you see there is another object that is passing between the camera and the subject but the tracker is intelligent enough is to understand that the subject that we are trying to track is the one that we choose before sometimes the tracking will stop it means that probably you need to choose a different frame so if you sample you start at 4530 started talking from a different frame like this one we just hit the reset button and we drive another window around our subject set we change the motion type to translation as we did before and we repeated the process once we have it done we just need to change the operation mode from track to steady now there is another thing that needs to be fixed you see the black borders here the easiest way is to add a transforming order so we just need to click with the right button on in the planner track node insert tool and we choose transform using transform node we can just control and try to realign the clip inside inside of the screen or by just changing the size we can crop it a little bit just to get rid of from the black borders now let's move ahead with another example let's lay down our clip on the timeline with which again inside the fusion interface as we did before we just need to drop a shape around the subject we set the reference time and instead of choosing translation we are going to choose translation and rotation we click on set and then track back we go again on the reference time a we track forward once we have it done we just need to click and change the operational model from track to steady and this is perfectly stabilized if you see the last frame the tracker has lost the position of the subject so we just need to go here open the keyframe tool we need to click here to zoom to fit remove the last two keyframes another way to add a transform tool is just to drag from here from the toolbar in the toolbar there are the most common used notes so we we just need to take the Transformer node and drag it to the node area and we can adjust the angle just to make it more straight there is a very easy trick to replicate and to reconstruct the missing part of the image also we have a stabilizer we just need to add and drag on the Node area another transform tool we need to connect the media in to the transform tool now what we are going to do is just to flip the image and we transform an image we put it on the top so let's put 1.5 we connect again the node using the merge tool let's make a little space and we can do the same also with the other edges so we just need to take another transform tool we connect it and we need to flip in this case horizontally we just need to enlarge it a bit the result is impressive this is a kind of stabilization that usually is impossible to obtain using the traditional tools from London let's move to Hong Kong this is a very tricky one to stabilize because you see there are a lot of elements that are in passing in front of the camera if you try to stabilize this footage using a traditional one we will get probably some very unsatisfactory results so let's switch again to the fusion interface we seek for a frame where the subject is entirely revisable this one should be fine instead of clicking with the right button we just need to press shift space bar is a shortcut to open the select tool and we choose planner tracker this time instead of driving the shape around the subject we are going to draw a bigger shape so I'm going to tell the planet tracker what is the portion of the image that I would like to get stabilized bigger is the area slower is the process but better could be the result now we change the tracker to translation pick on set and repeat the process the planet tracker is not affected by the elements that are between the camera and the subject that we are shooting at we go to last frame and we repeat the same process going forward this is definitely a kind of material that is absolutely impossible to stabilize using the traditional ways we now we need to change the operational media from track to steady is not perfect so you see that here he lost a bit so in this case we just need to repeat the tracking from a different frame to get a better result you see that the frame is shifting from the the side to another position so we just need to add a transform node set a keyframe on the first frame then we need to go on the frame where we see the shifting and we add another keyframe maybe we can also add more keyframe in the middle then I can just change the sides a bit so this is incredible powerful tool there is another example that I want to show you with a different kind of shots and sometimes when you are using the gimbal you are not able to get a very smooth movement as we did before we can just add a planet tracking node we need to find a subject that is easily to recognize it drop a circle around this one then you need to set again the keyframe change the motion type to translation and start the track you see that the frame is Shifting as well here because we have a different kind of movement we just need to add the transform node before the frame is starting to shift again we set another keyframe every time you see the frame that is starting to shift or at the end of the shifting you need to set a keyframe this should be fine we set we see that the shift in starting here so let's find the mo the moment where the frame is shifted to the maximum this one should be fine and we set another keyframe here and then we drag and we just compensate the stabilization using transform node so here there is another shift back into the top so we need to add another keyframe if you want to make this even smoother click on the Transformer node open the keyframes tab click here to adjust exam to fit choose all the keyframes and press the S button this is going to make the transformation smoother change the size of the frame me and increase it a little bit and to remove the black borders that we see on the edges okay now there is no more let's switch back to the edit add a bit of speed ramping let me change the speed to 700 percent and see what is gonna happen from this to this it looks perfect now no it's so precise that it looks like that has been made with using a robotic arm and not just a gimbot the last thing that I'm going to show you is also there is another way to use the product another option so let's go let's switch to Fusion this Frame should be fine we are the planet tracker we drive a shape around the subject that you would like to track set and we track okay now we repeat the movement also backward we can go backwards okay sometimes we need to control how much the smoothing is applied to our footage plant tracker is offering another operational mode that is called stabilites it works like the traditional stabilizer for example we can control the axis of the stabilization we can control if you want to lock the rotation or the scale and we can also choose how much we need to make this model to get the rotation of the scale we need also to change the way that the tracking is working so the tracker the motion type that we need to track it will be translation rotational scale or perspective every time we change the parameters we need to click on the computer stabilization okay you can play you can try to experiment with the parameter so you can see for example how much this kind of stabilization is way more efficient that is additional one don't be intimidated by Fusion once you get used to the node basic approach you'll find that it's more versatile and efficient and traditional tools like after app so everybody thank you for watching this video and if you enjoyed this tutorial and you would like to see more please hit the Subscribe button and if you have any question please feel free to leave a comment below [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Oliver Astrologo
Views: 47,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, fusion, filmmaking, filmmakers, planar tracker, post production, editing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2023
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