Unlock Horespower in your CYLINDER HEADS!! Does and Dont's on Valves with Robbie!!

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[Music] I told you no one's got the power hey this is Robbie welcome back to the tkm performance Channel today I want to go over bows um certain you know things with vows and profiles and technicalities with uh racing engine valve specifically so um this first valve right here I want to talk about this is an actual LS3 intake Val so as you notice if the camera can see it um it has a very very very narrow margin margin is actually the thickest part closest to the seat of the head of the valve there is what I'm measuring so this is close to a little over 40,000 so we're going to talk about that we're also we're going to talk about you know the dish that's in these and profiles and stuff like that so a typical um engine valve um this is actually out of the LS7 cylinder head this is a titanium valve a lot more marging and that's close to 65 or 70 so that being said in a in a racing engine I would rather have more margin of course a titanium for for weight and usually a flat face which is like the this so this a valve right here this has got a flat face on it so particularly what we do here at tkm performance is turbo engines so with the Heats the power levels that these engines make having a flat face thicker margins and of course titanium and Incan L materials for the exhaust is is what we got to have to to keep these motors alive so if I'm running this particular valve which this is the stock LS3 valve in that environment all it's going to do is pull it and what we call to of the engine valve and a lot of people try to use these cuz you know you see it on the internet all the time they they get away with it but this is actually a time bomb this could really cause you some large damage we're talking about block piston cylinder head damage you know the whole n so um that's why we do you know several of the things we do here like most of the time I try to upgrade to a you know an extreme Duty type valve you know to as far as materials to keep and in margins and stuff to keep this stuff a lot as far as the you know profiles and vows and materials um you know every cylinder head is going to need something different you know some vals come with neck Downs here some cylinder heads need it this one has what we call an undercut if you can see that profile right there majority of your valves you know your stock stuff doesn't have that you it's just got a basic forged profile there and um there's there's power in a lot of this stuff especially when you're start making power and and you're buying cylinder heads that flow a lot more than you know your stock type cylinder heads also as far as exhaust vales uh same thing we as far as uh material wise you know in in a turbo World cuz you know like I said we're 90% turbo uh we try to either run a tie valve um in an M1 situation or we're going to run an inan L valve like this one here um if if we have to run race gas in in a turbo motor cuz you can't run tie but the exhaust valve will melt uh in a race gas situation with a turbo because of the heat that it generates and the material is is why like incel can withstand like loads and loads of of of heat um and and then that's what we got cuz the exhaust side is is where all the Heat's at now everybody with the turbo knows that same thing some of them come with you know neck down profil it just depends on what cylinder head you guys are running and most of the inkl stuff has a dish and I have to do the dish because of the weight cuz the Incan L vales so much more heavier than your tie stuff and majority of my tie exhaust valves is flat like this intake right here so that's a little bit about um materials vales here at tkm performance the biggest um thing I have to take in consideration uh with materials on intake and exhaust is the first thing I look at is is is what fuel are we running cuz M1 runs like you know I don't know the specific number but 200% cooler than regular race gas so um that's where that in canel uh and and titanium come into but you want to run a titanium in that environment and race gas and a turbo in that environment I have to run a Nick Andel because the tie valve won't stay there so um well that's the exhaust side and the intake side it really doesn't matter the fuel um but the power level RPM um you know cubic Ines um you know how much boost you're running you know there's there's a certain level there usually above 13 1500 horsepower like if you're not you know going tie uh at least tie intake vals you really hurt yourself cuz I can't make the stainless stuff live uh in that environment uh and mainly because of RPM because a stainless valve you can't turn over 8200 RPM and most of these guys that run these turbo cars are 8,000 8500 they' be running through the traps 84 8500 and this will get destroyed so uh that's when the tie valve is really um really needed on the intake side as well so in a in a street application so nowadays let's just uh being I have LS valve in my hand let's just talk about LS platform um cuz there's different platforms out there too valve but let's let's just stay there so this is fine for 4 or 500 horsepower you know stop light to stop light um you know the heat is relatively low I mean you're not pushing that motor on the street like you would at the racetrack so um even those these are relatively light and then usually the cam shafts and stuff for a street motor is not as aggressive as it is for a r car so you know the added you know the need for you know anything racy like this tie valve right here it is just not needed now race car and it's like I said before like you have to you know in a certain level when you're start you know turning more RPM and you're making more power and you're making more heat um and you're creating and anytime you can get weight out in the race car too as far as you know Val train pieces uh which is why you need the top [Music] first and foremost it would be this on uh anything above 500 horsepower which 90% of the uh you know your your I I'll go back to the ls guys we'll come in here and bring me LS3 cylinder heads with these in it and just want V frames on it and they're going to make 12200 horsepower and I'm like no that's that's that's not going to happen so um you will eat this like and you'll be back mad at me yeah so um that's one the second thing is is V Springs um it's there's there's a lot to the Val spring stuff but uh having enough Val spring um for what you're doing especially turbo you know you're creating back pressure which is another you know valve train issue over top of the harmonics uh that you'll have with aggressive profiles RPM you know heavier Parts you know when you start running stock stuff so uh you know the appropriate match Val spring for the application would be another pet PE M as well I've building you know early in my career we did I did it all you know anything from the the Machining to you know building engine and Dynam and stuff but um been involved with racing engines and cylinder head and camshaft you know uh technology for right at 24 years now I like the diversity to be honest we're not a uh a cookie coater and build the same motor every week uh we work on anything from coyotes 46 54 overhead cams uh LS gen 3 hemmies uh all the way up to your your highend uh you know villet Genry hem stuff se2 forwards um Big Blocks you know drag week like it's and for me a per a person in in my position here at tkm that helps me learn I learn the Dynamics of of different applications and sometimes I can apply that to other applications that really helps [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: TKM Performance
Views: 3,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tkm performance, engine machine work, drag racing, ls nasty, nasty racing, black sheep, coyote, tkm galaxie, the Kevin mullins, lights out, cnc machine work, engine building, forced inductions turbos, fuel tech, top fuel hoop, holley efi, dyno tuning, dyno com, radial vs the world, cylidner heads, valves
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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