TKM Performance Shop tour with Kevin Mullins

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all right guys so I'm Kevin TK on performance we wanted to take a little bit of time to give you guys just kind of a tour of the shop we got some big things coming in the future we've been doing this since 2014 I'm pretty sure it was we started out with pretty much just a uh a cornw box of sockets literally um it's pretty cool actually but we started out with that and we got a lot of things coming I'll going show you that in our next video come on in and give you guys a t shop [Music] 11 South Georgia Sports Park I told you no one's got the power all right so we're in the front office here at tkm most of you guys have Norm call before you come some don't I guess but that's fine too and most of you have had a conversation with John John Boy actually he does all the part sales and engine sales and really sales about anything people ask me hey how much is this and I'm like I don't got a goddamn clue what that's John Boy John Boy actually this is his area we'll call it we uh he has a custom big dick monitor will call wait a minute wait wait a minute every Everybody compliments him on his monitor what do you mean by that when you bring a motor here John Boy will be the first person to talk to yep and then he's going to go over whatever you guys want in the build what's to be done what you guys think you want then kind of get a a game plan as far as whether or not it's going to be a you know long block short block or machine work on yeah I mean a lot of people brings their stuff and they only want us to do machine work which which is fine you know that's fine too there's a lot of other engine builders that actually gets us to do the machine work for them like I said we just want to interv you guys to John boy that when we call up here getting price and sales and contact he's your guy all his contact information is in the description below and make sure when you email me it's John Boy without a h j n Bo y whenever you come in you know a lot of people just send stuff in and we go over with email and stuff like that it's always really nice to do that everything kind of be pre-filled out have a good game plan on what we're doing but um if you really don't know we got these nice drop checkin sheets right here that basically have a lot of the major Services what we'll do is we'll go over this you know some stuff like if you're building a short block with us it's going to be required to do you know so like machine work only is a better option for this sheet right here cuz it kind of gives you a Overlook on hey you know I didn't think about that let's do that you know like a lot of people forget like hey man I should have got cam be done while I was there or we have a really nice debur service that where one of the guys spends a lot of time gets every little spot on the Block makes it look really nice you know there a really nice deur on the box set up like I said this right here is basically a lot of the stuff that's a common thing for us to do and just kind of gives you a visual be able to see what might be interested in having done so in additional to our check-in sheet like say I touched on it before like a lot of people send their stuff in shiping in have somebody else drop it off for them and a lot of times it's really nice to go and have believe use a system it's called my shop assist so it keeps track of all our work like right now we got 230 jobs in the shop it's the only way we can keep up with everything Parts get here I take pictures of it upload it in there you know so that way you can see you know what was dropped off I catalog it you know basically have y all your info in it and it'll have all these tasks on there whatever is getting done really nice thing about it is I'll send you a link to your email that's why it's very important to make sure you give us a correct email um send you a link to it and like say you can make a login and it's real time like you'll see we clocked in on jobs like these guys out here in the shop they're working on a block they're clocking in on it so you'll see time running on the job and that's how you know that hey they're working on my stuff right now see notes on it pictures are populate on there and then also it'll be gray out once that job is done really nice feature actually has a chat feature built into it too it'll send you a text message message you can apply back on your phone it pops up on our computer with a notification we we write specs on the sheet that way yeah so it'll be blueprinted also so at the end of the day when you build a motor you'll get a handwritten build sheet and you also have that physical build sheet in electronic form on the my shop um really nice so the lime home like he'll give you specs like what oil clearance you have what torque was used what what was used on the studs to to torque it to that amount how much clearance in the bearing what part number bear was use I mean all that stuff is in there and it's going to be there forever to makes it really nice if you have a problem or if you need to reorder [Music] something so this is their kown department so once the mot it once you bringing off the truck it'll go on this stand here guys taking apart not just taking apart blowing out throwing it in the floor we what we have is every job here is on a car rack name that way everything stays together once it comes apart and as John was telling you before everybody has your my shop assist program so as he's taking it apart you know he's snapping pictures he's logging everything labeling everything that way everything is the one counted for uh noted the condition of it you whether it's usable reusable everything is labeled and um checked with fine to comb to make sure we don't miss anything blocks crack you know who knows we've seen it all to be honest with you but then we use you know we got two jet washes rent station hot tank here um the safety clean the vars all that actually agitates up and down works really good as far as cleaning a little back up here in washes but like I said we uh we got a man down right now so we're trying to get by the best we can that's pretty much tear down after it leaves here um we'll do a sort of a game plan on it John will actually contact the customer hey we found this this and this wrong with it get a game plan about moving forward and typically from here the block will go in there to the the line home station or the CNC mill and we'll walk in there now I'll show [Music] you so once the block leaves tear down obviously we got a game plan moving forward John's already contacted the customer now we're in the process of moving forward typically the block will go in this area we got two CNC machines are both vf3ss and sleeving is all done here in the CNC machine um this is actually a coyote here we're putting dark sleeves in it bad as I hate to admit it there's a Honda over there and we're putting sleeves in that sorry Honda guys this line here is all stuff that's going in CNC then it'll move over to this section which will be hone line hone and balance over there use that Mill over there to uh balance as way pressing metal in on the ABS press over there basically comes full circle so we come out of here go to this section home L and then balance sort of ort of like a sun line [Music] I all right so this is our Sol home here we have TK it's a sv10 sunon um everything that we hone we use uh Diamond Stones torque plate we have profometer what kind of science out cross atch we want on the particular job um that cross atch will determine a lot of things you know if it's extreme alcohol deal we might put a different hatch on it all that stuff is done uh automated here and setting the machine up I'm not going to go into too much detail about that but you know it's sort of whatever the engine criteria meets you know which change the hatch up to make it to make it seal the best we absolutely can um over here we got Casper running the line H here the Sun lineone what he's going to do is measure all the housing boards make sure they're all the same if they're not the same he's going to make them the same uh check and make sure the housing boards are around U make sure the crank fits uh there's a lot of things that Lon hon here is sort of like Mark actually calls it like a foundation on the house if your line hun ain't good you ain't just like Foundation on the house you ain't going to have a damn good motor if your foundation ain't right as you can see now he's checking all the mains and seeing where they are see where they stack up once he gets the housing board right he'll throw the bearing in there and measure against the crank to see what kind of clearance he has and uh make sure everything's as perfect as we can get it and again he's going to document everything on his my shop assist okay this is the stuff that he's going to be filling out doing the job all that's done right here once he's done with the line home check service thing off he'll put the block over here on the table and he's going to deir all the rough edges off and just sort of prep it up it'll go actually back out the wash be a final wash then it'll come in put the can bearings in it and depending upon whether it's machinework only job or be whether gets wrapped up put on the loading dock or back here to the engine to [Music] s [Music] so in this area is what we call pre-stage I suppose U Mark typically does all that Mark's uh been around the Motorsports business for 30 years nice car I mean you've done it all right yep I'm in uh some form of uh RAC engines for like next year will be 30 years round track drag racing boat racing a little bit a little bit of everything so I what I do here is uh when an engine comes in uh and it's getting tore down I helped with evaluating if there was any issues uh what needs to be changed to uh meet the goals of the customer for their desired performance level once that's happened then there's a evaluation goes up front and the customer decides what they want to do with the engine these parts of work won't work once a plan has been formulated parts are ordered I'll make sure that all the parts that we get are uh that combination will work together and everything's prepped before it gets back to assembly I typically am involved pretty heavily back in assembly as well as far as making sure things get boled up properly and you could be doing this for the rest of your life and some kind of issues are going to crop up even though we work on the same top engines all the time so seems like there's always uh been doing it for 30 years something come in here you know five minutes we you have something I never seen before that's part of what makes a job in doing so many different combinations that's about all I do Mark Mark's uh very good he's actually a Consciousness Problem Solver that right he's a very crucial part of this team what he's doing is preparing the cart make sure everything is as good as it can be before he goes back to symol like he was saying earlier he's also building spreadsheets that way we keep up with with communication of hey what are we missing to get this job done you whether we're waiting on Pistons vales I mean you you name it I mean we got like John said earlier in the video there's typically over 200 I think there's 230 jobs going on right now here at the shop trying to evolve all the time just trying to make the our well make our job easier AB make it better communication with the customer customer gets their motor back in a more timely manner and gets everything that they need that's our goal that's our goal so this back here we're going to call it the four valve or overhead cam room we'll call it if you take a look at these cylinder heads you know we earlier there was a picture of tear down you know these things come in so nasty I mean everybody seen you know their heads off their motor you know that maybe run that may be perfect but the thing about it is a lot of people don't understand how much time it takes just to clean these heads to prep them and you can see once we're done our process to them I mean they look almost new I mean like this thing new I mean we got to we really got to look at it it drives me crazy sometimes because the amount of time that we had to spend uh on prepping these cylinder heads to get them where they're ready to build but it's just part of the process that we do here because people I mean they want their stuff nice they want they want it the way it's supposed to be I mean to me if I'm sending my motor somewhere to get rebuilt and they both on a set of heads and or even the blocks all crappy looking you know you don't want that I mean you want you want your stuff to be like new one of the things we do is just try to spend a little extra time in cleaning Deb bur and just making sure everything looks as presentable as [Music] they so we're back here in the head Department here at tkm um want to introduce you guys to Robbie he's been with us for about 3 years now um been in the Motorsports world for a while with the see products some other places that specialize in Mount training um been Dr what all do you do here Robert yeah well pretty much uh I take care of all the sind heads for the company uh development uh you know anywhere from valve jobs complete assemblies Race Street um we mainly do turbo stuff so we do we have uh several state-of-the-art equipment so we we utilize a surgy machine a lot uh which was in been industry standard for you know 100 years uh but we recently uh acquired the new new one contour BB which is pretty much the the most state-of-the-art uh valow and seat machine on the planet it can it can create more uh it better ra finishes on the seats which also creates better ceiling and vacuum and stuff like that which of course makes more horsepower and we're actually able to CNC bow jobs um and create uh pretty much what angles we want on what so uh as far as research development um you know pretty much any cylinder head whether's you know high-end race or or Street you know we can pretty much create anything we need or whatever the C head needs at that point so and we do anything from you know guides you name it like the complete cylinder head package is is done here to [Music] so I want to talk about uh some of the services we have here at tkm um and here in the C head Department um this is actually a set of uh cind heads for mask we buy these there uh they're the 295 black labels uh and we get these and we pretty much put our own tailor uh spin on everything so we offer Top Field Hoops um Mini Hoops as well you know for for most of your your turbo customers you know high boost applications we do chamber soften we have several different versions uh anywhere from 4° 11° depending on you know what you're going to need um of course we went over the valow drob stuff it's all CNC done in house um we actually do CER head pairs as well you know that would be for another section I guess um uh we also incorporate uh exhaust O-rings on a lot of our solar heads it's it's easier for the customer no gasket nothing to keep up with no crazy silicon which I absolutely despise on the C side but um it's actually been a really good thing here so you know keeping that sealed up too for our turbo Motors extremely important um in this particular set um we offer custom innl uh exhaust vales and custom titanium um valves as well which is you know speed out for us here at tkm uh for this particular package and PT cross-sectional area um also most of our tie stuff actually all of the stuff that I try to do through here you know we offer Coatings too um which you know better seal life stuff lasts longer um which is key for Racers cuz they want to you know continue to race you know race after race after rebuild too as well so those are some of the some of the stuff we also offer uh half in head studs um you know there's there's a lot of customers that need you know the outer and the inner bolt holds different sizes we offer that as well U depending on whatever application or or what cylinder block you guys are using um and as far as a little bit of repair you know in the turbo world you know any motor any racing you know stuff happens um so we do full repairs too as well so I mean well in the cylinder head CNC chamber and the chambers back you know the whole nine uh we offer dry deck stuff this this head's got water but we also drve for dry deck stuff including fill fer head as well so pretty much your dkm you know sty a limit whatever your power all right so the next [Music] is hey you have to huh what are you doing we're trying to get this done we got work down here all right so back here in you say we done a little skit there that was pretty funny actually turns out this motor actually don't even have I don't know what we think but no like Mark will do the board as far as the build with Samy cornbread typically Sone all the motors back here um then they'll get cornr sort of got a list Sam's got a list and we work you these guys try to work together together and try to get the fire jobs out try to do it by date best we can sometimes we Wai on PS you everybody knows that cornbread's been with us for 8 years or so8 years8 years um Samy's been with me for way too long um first much started tkm what in few months you come to help me about six br I was dying in here struggle but you know it's always been that way you know we needing help wait forever to hire then you finally get the help and then next thing you know you need more people and now there's 15 of us I'm pretty sure of it but now we're just we're just out of r i mean we we've expanded here like crazy I mean we we've come a long way and know we want to go a lot further going we're going and making people fast trying to make people fast that that's our goal make people fast so that pretty much wraps up the whole uh introducing to the shop want you guys to stay in touch with YouTube and what we're going to do is got a lot of things coming in 24 and just sneak peek of what's coming up in the next [Music] clip [Applause] oh
Channel: TKM Performance
Views: 9,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tkm performance, engine machine work, drag racing, ls nasty, nasty racing, black sheep, coyote, tkm galaxie, the Kevin mullins, lights out, cnc machine work, engine building, forced inductions turbos, fuel tech, top fuel hoop, holley efi, dyno tuning, dyno com, radial vs the world, kevin mullins
Id: KAgIenckkY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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