My 2021 Silverado engine BLEW UP!

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did you all hear that did did you hear that i know dude that's like metal holy crap are y'all hearing that bro something is jacked up on my truck right now legit i'm pulling over 5177 miles but it dude it's ticking dude this has got to be a prank do y'all hear that i think i just dropped the lifter [Music] i genuinely think bro i was literally just cruising it felt for a second like the transmission was slipping this is a prank we have no check engine light yet dude this this cannot be like you always think oh it's it's not me it's not gonna happen to me back off oh my gosh did y'all hear that 5 000 miles oh my gosh this has got to be a prank oh yeah that is not good that is not that ain't good ladies and gentlemen that is a 10 out of 10 a trip back to the dealership yes dude this thing's done this thing is done that is extremely upsetting y'all check this cool stuff out now foot on the brake all right jack squat all right i just undid the battery for a while because this thing cannot sit here it's gotta move so we can get the cars out of there under the battery for a while let's see if it will crank up come on dude nothing absolutely nothing wow well since it will not start at all i guess i'm about to swap the wheels and tires back to the stock ones and then uh call chevy and tell them to come pick this turret up because obviously nothing changed taking the battery terminal off for a while whatever happened in the engine is it's literally locked up where it's not even trying to spin over so yep that sucks so i'm gonna go ahead and swap this crap back over and then uh catch up with y'all whenever something comes up but i know this is probably unfortunately a common issue that i'm experiencing so i'm gonna document everything so y'all see exactly what's gonna happen if your truck does the same thing all right so quick update we moved the truck out of the way so we could get the cars out we just had to push it it won't crank i called the local chevy dealership whenever they opened up this morning explained what was going on the lady that was talking to me i don't think fully understood because she was like well you can bring it in for a service appointment i was like listen it's gonna have to get towed this thing is like it's messed up pretty badly so then the service manager called me back like an hour later and i explained to him what was going on he was like oh no you know yikes so uh not too enthused i explained to him they needed to get towed i needed something else to drive it's a brand new vehicle he ended up getting me to call the wrecker service because he said he didn't want to be bouncing back and forth so then i called then was like hey i'm calling on behalf of chevrolet i need this truck towed surely that wasn't them trying to get out of paying for because i ain't paying for this brand new truck so yeah this is my second brand new truck and it whether or not this goes well will really determine whether or not i stay with chevrolet or go with a different brand because if i get treated like dump then i'll just freaking sell this thing if they do fix it and go somewhere else because i really do enjoy this truck but for it to literally be undrivable like catastrophic failure at 5000 miles and then them try to play around and just bullcrap me it's not going to fly so we'll we'll see how it goes though the record's on the way should be here i'm going to give them about an hour after the trucks delivered to call them and be like hey as you can see it doesn't crank it's messed up i need something else to drive and i go from there so i'll update you all as soon as i know something [Music] [Music] all right boys well there she goes that's a depressing sight old trail ball 5 000 miles and riding a roll back that is sad wow first time using warranty first time having something towed unreal um sir you going the wrong direction with my truck um what i don't know why he's going that way that is the wrong direction sick he stole it all right so update there's the truck dealership i'm getting a loaner no clue what we're getting some small suv's probably that cruise but we getting it so we'll see what he brings i'm not gonna show you all the loaner just yet i'm actually gonna save that for a video dedicated to it specifically because it's absolutely hilarious what they gave me but anyways i'm out here chilling with earl my 99 222 000 mile all original chevrolet it's kind of actually depressing to say that apparently this is when they actually made them to last for a long time but um i'm just gonna i guess end the video off here talking to y'all about it and getting y'all's actual like opinion on what i should do because the trucks at the dealership it's gonna be there for three days over the weekend until hopefully they can actually look at it monday they already told me like i started off conversation so they were really busy and they were backed up so not looking too hot for like a quick answer of what's going on it's pretty obvious what happened you know this is apparently a pretty common issue especially in the 21s where the lifter fails and then sometimes it gets worse some people have bent push rods or the cams messed up and so be honest with me if you bought a expensive 20 it's just a brand new 2021 but expensive as well um premium big engine vehicle and at 5000 miles you had a catastrophic failure would you want the truck back would you expect them to trade you trucks which currently is not probably an option because of the truck shortage but i mean they could probably find something or would you expect them to refund you of the money that you've put into the truck as far as like the down payment and the payments that you've put on it and everything and just part ways you know if if they did that then it puts a good taste in your mouth to where maybe you'll come back and get another chevrolet on your own accord rather than them trying to swap you one or do you just let them fix it not worry about it personally in my mind it's like depends on what's wrong with it if it's something simple where they can just pull the head drop a new lifter in it or whatever is potentially wrong maybe that's not that big a deal but if it is like further into the engine where they're gonna have to really completely tear it apart in my mind that's all going to show up in service records that's going to hurt the resale because someone's like oh this truck's a lemon and i don't want to buy it because it's the same thing's going to happen to me so i don't know do you request a brand new engine to be put in rather than just fixing the parts after looking it up googling it after this issue happened there's just tons of 21s having this issue and people people having the issue going in getting it fixed one side fixed and then like a couple thousand miles having to come back in and get the other side fixed and i've seen people say that they they did not like they would refuse that like the owner said i don't want you to just tear my engine apart and replace parts and then they ended up putting a brand new engine in it so i don't really know what my options are as far as that goes but i know for a expensive truck at 5000 miles to have a catastrophic failure to where it's undrivable is pretty unacceptable and i don't i literally i i did everything right with that truck it always had 93 in it i honestly babied it and it was actually funny it's actually not funny it's depressing why couldn't it fail when i was like full throttle just given her like that would have at least been like oh well you know hey it went out and blaze the glory no it it died at 55 miles per hour at like 1100 rpms cruising like that is just which i guess that's probably like when the biggest strain is on the engine i saw a video talking about that but man it's just it's just sad so i don't really know what i should expect them to do i'm i'm i'm telling them to tell me before they fit like as soon as y'all know what's wrong i want to know like every step of the way and then i'm going to obviously tell y'all and then hopefully come to some kind of resolution in a timely manner because this is my livelihood to make content on that truck and i kind of need it um yeah and it also could have been really bad because last week we were at we went to the beach we almost took my truck and we it would literally if it had torn up at the same mileage it would have torn up while we were five hours away at the beach and uh that would have been absolutely horrible it would have ruined the trip probably wouldn't have been able to get a loaner down there because there wasn't any chevrolet dealerships remotely close to it um it had to get shipped or towed all the way back here man it would have been an absolute nightmare thank goodness we didn't take it but to say that thank goodness i didn't take my truck somewhere when it's a 21 with 5 000 miles it's honestly really disheartening and it's probably going to be in the back of my head from now on saying oh well what if it tears up on this trip you know like it's just it's bull um i don't know what they did in 21 that is just killing all the engines five three six twos it doesn't matter they're all just having the same issue and some are worse than others where someone's just a lifter you pull the head replace it then some get the push rod some get the cam it sucks it genuinely does suck also lauren's car is messed up right now her range rover it's either the transmission or the turbo they're trying to figure out what's wrong with it so our two nice vehicles down toast thankfully i do have a loner and of course i got earl and soon to be larry i don't know when you all see this video um soon to be larry back on the road and i can drive it as well so hopefully they let me keep my um loner but it's got it scheduled to be returned tomorrow and that's the day they're going to look at it i i don't know we'll have to see but um yeah i'm just gonna document this and just try to stay positive about it it is what it is i can't do anything about it it's a common issue there shouldn't be any problems with them either fixing it or making it right whether it be giving my money back which i doubt because i put a very large down payment on the truck uh or swapping me trucks which i also doubt because the truck shortage they're gonna have a hard time finding me the appropriate or adequate it doesn't even have to be a trail boss they could just find me a find me a 6-2 uh truck with all the options that i have and let's just swap and hope that this one's not a lemon i'd be all right with that um at this point i'd honestly just hope i if i i don't know i ain't gonna we'll see we'll see what happens um but yeah it is very it's it's very disheartening because of my last truck i had such good everything was great with it this is my second brand new chevrolet truck my first was my 2018 5.3 silverado which i sold at like 40 something almost 50 000 miles never skipped a beat that thing was was awesome it cruised i beat the tar out of it sometimes i did everything with it and it never skipped a beat not even once uh only thing i ever replaced on that was the battery and that's just that's just to be expected after three years so uh very disheartening to come out of that and then go into this this truck is overall better it has way more power performed much much better i thoroughly enjoy the performance out of the truck but to be catastrophically failed at 5000 miles it's dumb it's it's genuinely dumb so i'm gonna quit rambling this is way too long i've already been rambling um but yeah content might come to an abrupt halt because there's only so much i can do with earl and larry currently and obviously while the truck is at the shop i really can't do anything with it except give you all updates so um once i do get some updates maybe go see the truck swap loaners anytime i'm up there i'll film and uh give y'all updates because if we're being honest this could definitely be something that affects your truck so uh you might have to go through the same experience as i am but anyways i'm gonna stay positive it is what it is i can't do anything about it i didn't do anything to cause it she always had that 93 running through her veins and uh they the place that it's at changed my oil the my i've had one oil change done on the truck at like three thirty something three thousand something miles and they did the oil change so i think that's why they were so eager to give me a loaner even it was the last vehicle they had because they're like oh crap we did the little champ it's not from an oil change period it's not it's nothing that that dealership did it's from gm parts failure it's just is what it is but anyways that's gonna be it hopefully i did enjoy well probably didn't enjoy hopefully you found this um enlightening on the current situation of 21 silverados and gm products unfortunate unfortunate unfortunate but we'll see it is very dependent on how i'm treated and how the truck is dealt with if i stay chevrolet i know this is a majority chevrolet channel because of my last truck but it's something like this that can steer you away to a different brand so we'll see i mean all brands have issues but i don't know we'll we'll just have to see we'll have to see so with that being said i will see y'all in the next video take care [Music]
Channel: lmfscrew
Views: 578,976
Rating: 4.7550464 out of 5
Keywords: silverado engine failure, silverado lifter failure, bad lifters silverado, 2021 silverado lifter failure, 2021 silverado engine failure, silverado blown engine, 6.2 lifter failure, 6.2 lifter issues, is 6.2 a good engine, 5.3 lifter issue, dfm failure, silverado issues, 2021 silverado issues, problems with 2021 silverado, trail boss problems, lifter failure 6.2, engine failure 6.2, 2021 silverado, 2021 silverado 6.2, trail boss, problems with trail boss, lifter failure
Id: K866m7OQ1vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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