Jim: How's everyone feeling today? Participants: Okay. Jim: So when I ask you a question, if it feel
right to you, I want you to say super. How's everyone feeling today? Participants: Super. Jim: Super. And I wanna honor you for being here because
I've been going to seminars and events my whole life. How is it so far for everybody? Participants: Great. Super. Jim: Yeah, it was a test, right? A lot of people think it's your retention
when people forget something. Let's do this, for example, take a right hand,
shake it out...how many people here wanna learn faster? How many people wanna remember more? Participants: Yes. Jim: Yeah? Watch this. Make a fist, now, put it to your chin. Where's your chin everybody? So the number one rule, the art of memory,
the art of learning is the art of attention. The art of learning is the art of attention. And really, that's where observation that's
where presence comes in. And so I'm going to be sharing with you some
of my favorite strategies and states to be able to learn any subject or skill, faster. How many people like that idea? Now, in order to be able to do this, let me
first start by acknowledging you for being here, because I believe there's the success
formula and it takes two parts. It takes first, showing up, 50% of success
is just showing up. And I appreciate your ability to just show
up here today because most people aren't here. True or true, right? I mean, I'll ask all sets of questions that
we know the answers to, true or true, right? And so we show up here and most people don't
show up and I think in life, you wanna show up. Show up for your health, show up for your
relationships, show up for your career, show up for your service. But just showing up, is that just gonna get
the job done? No, you have to what? Yeah. You play full out, right? You have to play full out. How many people here like to play? By the way, who were the fastest learners
on the planet? Participants: Kids. Jim: Who? Participants: Kids. Jim: I did this to a group of 10,000 people
from 60 countries, and a whole table yelled out pygmies. And if anybody knows why pygmies are such
great learners, please tell me. But children, right? Children, how fast can a child learn a musical
instrument compared to an adult? How fast can they learn a second or third
language? They learn fast, right? Why do children learn quickly? Because why? Participants: [crosstalk]. Jim: They don't know. Good, what else? Participants: Curious. Jim: They're curious. They have attention. What else? Participants: [crosstalk]. Jim: They have time, certainly. Participants: [crosstalk]. No limits. Jim: No limits. They don't have the learned helplessness. Very good. Participants: [crosstalk] Not thinking about
the mortgage payments. Jim: They're not thinking about the mortgage
payment. Focus, right? I mean, they're curious and they play a lot. Remember, as a kid, you went to your friends,
you was like, "You wanna come out and play? Do you wanna play?" But later on it was...we got rid of the role
of play and we started saying, "Let's hang out." Right? And then all of a sudden, there's this difference,
right? And that curiosity is important also. There's a Rumi quote from the poet said, 'Trade
your cleverness for bewilderment." Is that a great word, bewilderment? When's the last time you were in that state? We're talking about genius states and superhero
states, when's the last time you were in that state of bewilderment? I mean, so who's in control of your state,
by the way? Who's in control of how you feel? What's this? When we're defining a state, how would you
define a state? What does it mean? It's like your mood. What else? This is where the active part comes in here. It's your emotions, like, a snapshot of your
mind and your body, how you feel. Here's the key, do this. Information, do this, put your hands out,
information combined with emotion becomes a long-term memory, long-term memory. How many people know this? How many people, you hear a song and it'll
take you back to when you were a child? Raise your hand. How many people, it's not a song but maybe
it's a fragrance or food that would take you back decades? Because information combined with emotion
became a long-term memory, right? Because we're not logical, we're what? We don't do things logically all the time,
we do things what? Emotionally, right? Because we're not logical, we're biological. We're not logical, we're biological. And so, what I'm gonna talk about is how to
unlock what we call your super brain. I'm gonna talk about the states, these emotional
states where the best of you shows up automatically, where you don't have those limits. Now, in my breakout, I'm gonna talk about
the strategies, how to read faster, how to remember names, step by step, how to learn
another language. Those are the strategies, but you always start
with state. Everyone wants to write this down, all learning
is state dependent. All learning is state dependent. That the emotional state that you feel when
you're learning something gets anchored to the learning, does that make sense? By the way, what was the state that you felt
back in school primarily? How did you mostly feeling class? Participants: Bored. Jim: Bored. And the other class, other half of the classes
is like confused, right? Now, on a scale of 0 to 10, what's boredom? A scale of 0 to 10? Participants: Zero. Jim: Zero. Anything times zero becomes what? Participants: Zero. Jim: Zero. And that's why a lot of people don't remember
what they learn, is the emotional state. Does that make sense? Participants: Yeah. Jim: Let's test this out. Stand up real quick. Stand up. I have no slides for you. I'm just gonna take you through exercises. How many people like experiential learning? So it gets in your body, right? So what we're gonna do here is we're gonna
play some games. We already said that children are the fastest
learners, right? Children are the fastest learners, how many
people here feel like you wanna learn more in less time? Raise your hand. Raise your hand if you have books on your
shelf you haven't read. More than one and becomes, like, Lisa Nichols
talk about, becomes shelf-help not self-help, right? How many people here get more than 10 emails
a day? How many people came here today, like, to
have a better memory? How many people forgot why you came here today? Have you ever done that? Walk into a room of your own home and just
forgot why you are there? Anyone feel like senior moments are coming
a little bit early? Like, you're in the...if you're in the shower
and you can remember if you shampooed your hair and you end up doing it twice, right? Or you misplace things. How many people here know somebody may be
personally who miss places things all the time? The remote control, the Apple remote, their
phone? Have you ever found yourself calling your
own phone hoping you kept it on? Or maybe you lose something like your car
keys or something larger like your car? You ever see the people out in the malls and
they're using their, like, car alarm trying to figure out where they parked their car? And what about names? How many people here honestly, you have trouble
remembering people's names? How many people have forgot the name of somebody
in this room? Right? And so, let's start with my name, hopefully,
you remember, my name is Jim Kwik with Kwik Learning and I help people to learn quickly. The question I always get is about my last
name, my last name really is Kwik. I didn't change it to do what I do. With a name like Kwik, you can say my life
and my destiny was pretty much planned out. I had to be a runner back in school, which
is a lot of pressure when it says Kwik right on your shirt. I have to be very careful when I'm driving
because the worst name to have on your driver's license when you get pulled over for speeding
is the name Kwik, right? Because you're not gonna talk your way out
of that speeding ticket. And I get to do my mission, my dharma, which
is helping people to learn faster. I think if there's any skill to be able to
master in the 21st century, something that's gonna be a real tangible advantage, it's your
ability to learn quickly. Only because it's a sign of the times, because
digital overload, digital distraction, I mean, so many things vying for our attention. How do you get things done? But when I talk about speed, I don't talk
about just...I'm not talking about frantic speed because you could actually learn faster
and actually have an ease, a confidence, peace of mind. How many people would like to have that? Be able to succeed but also have this level
of harmony inside of yourself, this clarity of thought? And it's the idea… how many people here
read "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" by Dr. Stephen Covey? What's the seventh habit? Male: Sharpen the saw. Jim: Sharpen the saw, very good. Sharpen the saw. The metaphor here is if you have all this
wood to cut and you have a saw with dull blade, when do you wanna sharpen it? Participants: Before. Jim: Before you start cutting the wood, right? Because a lot of people are gonna work…is
gonna work a lot harder with it if you have a dull blade and they'll have to sweat and
perspire and work three or four times harder when they could have sharpened their saw. And so, learning how to learn, like, Vishen
was talking about, that's you sharpening the saw, because anything that comes afterwards
is gonna be easier, right? And so, is that person is not working harder,
they're working what? Participants: Smarter: Jim: Smarter. And one of the best ways to work smarter is
access your genius states. So I'm gonna test this out, we said that children
are the fastest learners, right? That they have this curiosity, and they play
all the time. Let's see how many...how many people here...raise
your hand if you're willing to play. Now, it's been shown in science, the research,
by doing, by playing more actually creates neurogenesis and neuroplasticity. What's neurogenesis? Participants: New growth. Jim: New growth, new brain cells. How many people like the idea of creating
more new brain cells?` What about neuroplasticity, what does that
mean? Participants: More connections. Jim: More connections. So intelligence in a way is not necessarily...like,
Einstein didn't have a bigger brain than anyone here. Probably, it was actually less, he had a smaller
brain, but in certain areas of his brain, he had highly connectedness. He did these thought experiments where he
would put himself in these brainwave states, specifically theta state, the theta state
of creativity. That's the state that you're in when you shower. How many people notice when you're showering
you come up with all these wonderful ideas? And it's always when you can't write something
down, right? And so, that's the Theta state, that's a relaxed
state of creativity. You're inspired, you come up with new ideas,
new things come out of you, right? And I actually took six showers this morning,
just to prepare for this presentation. So it puts you in creative state, and so he
had more connections in certain areas. And so you could promote that by playing more. And so what I'm gonna ask you to do right
now is I'm gonna ask you to find two people in the room you do not know, pair up in threes,
go. Find two people you do not know, pair up in
threes. So we're gonna go through a quick exercise
and, basically, what I wanna do, we wanna talk about superheroes a lot. I grew up with learning challenges, some of
you know, I had a brain injury when I was five years old, a head injury that left me
with certain disabilities. Teachers would have to repeat themselves three,
four, five, six times, and then eventually I would just pretend I understood but I didn't,
most of the times did not understand. I had very bad focus issues, I had very bad
memory. It took me an extra three and a half years
just to learn how to read and I learned how to read by reading comic books actually late
at night. Something about....any comic book fans here
or superhero fans, geeks? Something about looking at the superheroes
and good versus evil and the illustrations that the idea that one person can make a difference. How many people believe one person can make
a difference? Right? That they provide hope and they provide real
help? And when I look here, I look at a room full
of superheroes, because I said, in the beginning, I said, you know, it's just showing up and
then playing full out. And so what does the superhero do? They have...what's the defining characteristics
of a superhero? They have superpowers, right? And does how many people here have found their
unique ability, their superpower? So you're discovering it, right? Your unique talents, unique strengths, something
that's unique to you. But then just having a superpower, does that
make you a superhero? You have to use that power for what for what? Participants: Good. Jim: For good, for some kind of purpose on
top of that, right? And so, I love sharing space and time with
modern-day superheroes. But there are also some modern-day supervillains,
right? These ideas of, these phenomena of, like,
digital overload. How many people feel, like, when you're learning
something it feels like you're taking a sip of water out of a fire hose? Raise your hand, right? And not just that, it has a effect on our
health also, right? They call it information fatigue syndrome. Information fatigue syndrome, because everything
is a syndrome, right? So, higher blood pressure, a compression of
leisure time, more sleeplessness or even if you have a little bit of free time, you can't
even enjoy because your mind is still multitasking. And also not just the supervillain, the digital
overload, but digital distraction. How many people feel like your mind is so
distracted and you can't focus on just one thing anymore? Raise your hand. And this is a challenge that takes away from
your ability to be present, your ability to be able to get things done, your ability to
be able to be profitable. And I don't just mean financially profitable,
that's obvious, right? We live in an age where it's not your muscle
power, it's more your mind power. It's not your brute strength, it's your brain
strength, right? And so the faster you can learn, certainly,
the faster you can earn, but not just financially, in all the areas your life, all the treasures
of your life, your health, relationships, good career. So what we're gonna do is this exercise a
play and then we're gonna start with this state, this childhood state of curiosity and
wonder. And you're gonna meet these, your individuals,
the people that...you're new friends, and I want you to decide right now, who's Batman,
who's Superman and who's Wonder Woman. Go. Participants: Wonder Woman [crosstalk]. Jim: So who's Batman? Who's Super… Okay, Batman, raise your hand. All the Batmans, raise your hand. Very good. What about Superman? Raise your hand. And where are Wonder Women? Participants: Woah. Jim: There you go. Remember, information combined with emotion
becomes a long term memory, right? And, by the way, who's in charge of your emotional
states? Participants: [crosstalk]. Jim: I am. Who's in control? You are, right? I remember recently, I got to introduce two
of my modern-day superheroes, it was Richard Branson and Stan Lee. Not Stanley, but Stan Lee? Who's Stan Lee? Male: Marvel Jim: Yeah. The co-creator of Spider-Man, and X-Men and
Avengers and Fantastic Four. And we're going to dinner, I remember asking
Stan, I was like, "I have to know. You've created all these incredible superheroes,
who's your favorite?" And he looks at me without a blink, he's like,
"Iron Man." I'm like, "That's awesome." And then he's like, "Jim, who's your favorite
superhero?" And he had this Spider-Man tie, so I was like,
"Spider-Man." And without a pause, he says, "With great
power comes..." Participants: Great responsibility. Jim: And how do we all know that, right? It's like in our DNA, right? So we're going on this superheroes journey
together here at A-Fest, and I'm thinking about it. I'm like, "Man, I grew up with these challenges,
and I have, you know, dyslexia and I flip things around in my mind, and part of my issues
growing up." And I flipped it in my mind I was like, "You
know, with great power comes great responsibility. When you're in a position of power, you have
great responsibility to wield that power well." And the opposite is also true, with great
responsibility comes great power, right? When you take responsibility for something,
you have great power to what? To change things, to transforms things, to
make things better. And a lot of times...how many entrepreneurs
are in the room? Raise your hand. Wow, 80% of the room. A lot of times, based on your values, entrepreneurs
value things like freedom. They wanna be able to do what they want, when
they want, whenever they want, wherever they want. Raise your hand if that's you? And sometimes it's hard, sometimes as entrepreneurs,
to get yourself to do the things that you need to do. How many people have also resonate with that,
that you procrastinate? Like, why would you put things down...why
would you delay things that are important, that will help you to reach your goals and
you wonder why that is? I would introduce to you, going back to state
and strategy, that those two components, it's probably 80% of it because most people who
procrastinate or they're in a state of procrastination, that's the feeling, right? Or they have a poor strategy for executing
thing, getting things done. And you're like, "Jim, where's this exercise? Why am I standing the whole time?" Does your physiology affect your psychology? Yes or yes? Participants: Yes. Jim: Yes. One of the best ways of changing your state
is by moving your body, right? Because as your body moves, your brain grooves. As your body moves, your brain groves. You create more neurogenesis, neuroplasticity. Actually, you know what supports it? Novelty. What helps you make more of these connections
is novelty and nutrition, just like your body, right? You wanna build a physical muscle, you give
it what? You work it out, you give it exercise, you
give it stimulus, novelty, and then you feed that muscle with nutrition. Same thing with your mental muscles. And so what I wanna introduce you is ways
of getting into these states and then strategies and the breakout that help you to specifically
build these mental muscles. So you have more mental strength, just like
physically, you wanna be stronger, you wanna be faster, you wanna be more agile, you could
be that mentally also. Stronger, more agile, and more focused also. So what we're gonna do here is talking about
states, what are the highest level states? Male: Peace. Jim: Peace. Very good. What else? Participants: [crosstalk]. Jim: Love. What else? Participants: [crosstalk]. Jim: Gratitude. What else? Participants: [crosstalk]. Jim: Joy, compassion. So what I wanna do, let's pick one of them. Remember, we said that when it comes to learning
things and getting it into your nervous system, information is not enough because we all know
what to do. Common sense, right? We all know, for the most part, how many people
know what they should do to make things better but there's a indiscrepancy, but like, in
terms of not getting things done, right? And so what I'd like to offer you is this,
is common sense, it's not often common practice, right? So how do we get aligned with this? So let's talk about joy, in choosing more
joy in the room and throughout the entire event. How do you spread joy? If you wanted to spread joy right now in this
room, what would your strategy be? What's one thing you could do? Male: Be joyful. Participants: [crosstalk]. Jim: Be joyful. What else? Participants: [crosstalk]. Jim: Okay. Massage somebody. What else? Participants: [crosstalk]. Jim: Hugs, hugs, good. Kisses, right? High fives, right? Good. So what I want you to do now is I want Wonder
Woman to be in charge, okay? Wonderer Woman, raise your hand Wonder Woman. Participants: Woo-hoo. Jim: You are the CEO of the group. You are the CEO of the group and what we're
gonna do is, you're gonna tell and you delegate to Superman and Batman how to spread joy around
the room and they're gonna do it for 30 seconds, all right? We're gonna put a countdown timer on here. Ready, go. Information combined with emotion becomes
a long-term memory, right? The state that you learn something and the
mood and the feelings that you learn something in, gets attached to what you wanna learn. Also, it's gonna motivate you to use it more
often, if you learn, because here's the thing, learning is not a spectator sport. Learning is not a spectator sport. I'm gonna give you six keys to learn anything
faster. You can write these down. I want you to remember, BE FAST. BE FAST, six keys to learn any subject or
skill faster. Now I want you to think about, if you could
learn any subject or skill faster, what would it be? Outside of learning how to learn because that's
kind of the that's....after learning how to learn, what subject? What are you interested in? Participants: [crosstalk]. Jim: Say it out loud. Participants: [crosstalk] Languages. Jim: Languages. Very good. What else? Female: Computer Science. Jim: Computer Science. Good. What else? Participants: [inaudible]. Jim: Good. I mean, so whether it's martial arts or it's
Mandarin, whether it's music or marketing, there subjects that we're interested in, right? And we live in this expert economy and we
wanna be knowledgeable about things because knowledge is not only power, knowledge is
profit, right? And so how do you access those things? So I want you to remember, BE FAST. And just six quick tips on how to desensitize
you, now, every single one of these things, you're gonna understand because you're studied
and me as your superbrain coach, if you will, I wanna be a personal trainer for your brain,
for your mind. I wanna make it faster, sharper. And not everything I'm gonna say is gonna
be something that's brand new, but if I may be say it a different way and you control
your state, because going back to Stan, when I said responsibility, you know, with great
responsibility comes great power, the most important thing to be responsible for is how
you feel. Does that make sense? And who controls how you feel? How many people are feeling pretty good right
now? Female: Yeah. Jim: Yeah. And notice that these kind of things is, you
know why? Metaphorically, I look at you more like, a
thermostat than a thermometer. Is there a difference between a thermometer
and thermostat? Female: Yes. Jim: Yes or yes? Participants: Yes. Jim: A thermometer does what? What does the thermometer do? What's the function? Participants: Takes the temperature. Jim: Yeah, it takes the temp… It reflects and it reacts to the environment,
is that true? It just reacts to the environment. And we are sometimes, you know, we're thermometers,
we react to the weather, if we're honest, the economy to politics, we react to how people
treat us sometimes, but is there a gap between how something, someone stimulates us and how
we respond? Do we have choice? Yes or yes? Participants: Yes. Jim: The difference between a thermometer
and thermostat though is a thermometer reacts the environment. What's does the thermostat do though? Female: Sets the temperature. Participants: [crosstalk]. Jim: Yeah. It regulates, right? It helps manage. It sets a standard or a vision or a goal. And then what happens to the environment? It raises to be able to do that. Is there a difference? Yes or yes? Participants: Yes. Jim: And so that's where we're going back
to responsibility when we're talking about being responsible, the ability to be able
to respond is how you feel about things, and also how you focus on things. So the B in BE FAST stands for belief, because
if you believe you can or believe you can't, either way, what? Male: You're right. Jim: You're right. Who said that? Male: Henry Ford. Jim: Henry Ford said that, right? "If you believe you can or believe you can't,
either way, you're right." Let me show you the belief is, stand up real
quick. Stand up. You're like, "Oh, you're one of those teachers." I'm telling you. It's in your body. You have so much intelligence in your body
right now, I'll prove it to you. Jump up down a little bit and make a little
space for the person next to you if you can. So if you went like this, you're ideally not
gonna take anyone's eye out or anything like that. Okay. Now, stop. Stop bouncing. I love the energy though. Notice where your feet are, I want to keep
your feet stationary the entire time. And what I want you to do is, with your right
hand, just point forward with your right hand. Your other right hand, sir, sorry. I know. All right. Forward with your right hand, and what I want
you to do is without moving your feet, just turn to your right clockwise, as far as you
could go and notice where you're pointing, as you take your neighbor's eye out. Notice how far you can go, notice where you're
pointing. Those exact spot, come back center, now put
your arms down. Now I'm gonna take you through a really quick
visualization exercise. So take a deep breath, exhale and close your
eyes. Put your arms by your side, out of your pockets
by your side and breathe normally. And with your eyes closed, we're gonna play
a game. I want you just to imagine, just imagine that
you're raising your arm again, but this time imagine you're turning twice as far, two times
as far. Like you're getting good stretch, it's pleasant. Feel that in your body. And if you can imagine it, just imagine that
you're imagining it, and then again, raise your arm, point forward and this time...no,
no, with your eyes closed. Imagine, just imagine, just imagine just in
your mind, see and feel yourself turning three times as far. Just feel it in your body with your arms by
your side. Just imagine turning around three times. And then one more time with a smile on your
face thinking what does this have to do with learning faster, see and feel yourself turning
four times around in your body. see and feel yourself turning four times around
like your Gumby like are made out of rubber. Great, great stretch. All right. Open your eyes. Now, raise your arm again, point for with
your right hand. Now, turn to your right now, as far as you
can now go. Wow. Raise your hand or make some noise if you
went further the second time. Participants: Woah. Jim: Have a seat. Have a seat. Now, some of you went further, some of you
went 25% further, some of you went 50% further. Yes. Raise your hand if you went further a second
time. Now, here's the magic question, right? That, you know I'm gonna ask you even before
I ask it, were you physically capable of turning that far the first time? Participants: Yes. Jim: Like nobody took a yoga class where my
eyes were closed, right? You're physically capable of it, where was
the block or the limitation if there was one? Where was it? Participants: In my mind. Jim: In your mind, right? In your minds. And you're like, "Jim, I didn't have a belief
on how far I could turn." How many beliefs do you think we have? Participants: Millions. Gazillion. Jim: Millions and zillions of beliefs, right? Because here's what you wanna write down,
all behavior is belief driven. All behavior is belief what? Participants: Driven. Jim: Some of you went 25%, 50% further with
no anything. Remember, the vision was talking about how
it's not working hard but when you're in a certain state of mind, you could just go further
and it's effortless. How many people have experienced this state
of flow before? That state of flow where you lose track of
time, where your attention is right there and you're in the moment. And the level of challenge is really matching
your level of capabilities and you're stretching yourself and you're in that zone, right? Like, that athletes talk about, that Steven
Tyler talks about, in the rise of Superman and stealing fire and so on. How many people are familiar with Steve's
work? By the way, I'm just curious as context. Okay. So can you get into those states? One of the ways is just believing that you
can because if you believe you can, or believe you can't, either way, you're right because
all behaviors belief-driven. Some of you went 25%, 50% or more. What if you could go 25%, 50% more in your
business that effortless? What if you could go 25%, 50% even more in
your body or in your relationship? Did you work harder the second time, when
you turn the second time? Yes or no? No. Because it's a state, right? So behavior, so belief. Let me give you an example, I'm gonna play
this game with you, we're gonna do this together, collectively. I need some mic runners here, please. There's a couple mic runners. How many people here, talking about memory,
because memory, forgetting is a state. When it comes to learning, let me give you
a distinction here, a lot of people say, "Oh, I have a bad memory." Right? They're always like, "I have memory or I have
focus or I don't have focus or I have creativity. I don't have creativity." I want you to scrap that. Creativity is not something you have, it's
something you do. Focus is not something you have focus is something
you do. Energy is not something you have or don't
have, it's something you do. Memory is not something you have, it's something
you do. And what's the benefit of turning it into
a do as opposed to something you have? What's the benefit? Participants: [crosstalk] You have a control. Jim: You have control over it. Because you could put it into a process, it
becomes a strategy, because there's a strategy for reading faster. There's a strategy for remembering names. There's a strategy for having focus. And it's a verb, not a noun, right? And so the goal here when we're talking about
this, and memory, for example, a lot of people believe...here, let me shake this up a little
bit. There's no such thing as a good or bad memory. There is no such thing as a good or bad memory,
there's just a trained memory and an untrained memory. Does that make sense? Now, here's the thing, I grew up with these
learning challenges. I had all these difficulties all through school,
all through elementary, middle school, junior high, high school, I had all these challenges. At the age of nine, I remember a teacher looking
at me thinking I wasn't either smart enough to understand what she was saying or wasn't
paying attention. She was talking to another adult and she said,
"That's the boy with a broken brain." I was like, a nine-years-old, right? And so those kind of identity issues, those
beliefs, does that make a difference? Participants: Yes. Jim: Yes, right? And a lot of people believe that they can't
do certain things, they can just never remember names. So I could teach them a strategy, but if the
belief is not changed, what happens? Female: Not good. Jim: It's not because it becomes self-fulfilling. I remember running a marathon and preparing
for it, I read a chapter of one of the books and it was on the psychology of running a
marathon, right? The mental part. And it said this verbatim, word for word because
I'm a memory expert. It said, "Your brain is like a supercomputer,
and your self-talk is a program it will run. So if you tell yourself you're not good at
remembering names, you will not remember the name of the next person you meet because you
programmed your supercomputer not to." Isn't that interesting? What I always tell people is this, you have
to monitor your self-talk, monitor your self-talk. If you go around tell people, "Oh, I have
a horrible memory. I'm not smart enough. I'm getting too old." Fill in the blank. First of all, if you fight for your limitations,
you get to keep them. Does that make sense? A lot of people are like, "Oh, I'm so forgetful. I'm so busy." Which that whole business really bothers me. Like, where people, "So, yeah. How are you doing? I'm just so crazy. So stress. So busy." It becomes like, a badge of honor that people
wear all the time and then what do you start reinforcing, being busy right? But here, going back to this, your self-talk
is the program that will run so you would be mindful, right? And stand guard your mind because your mind
is always eavesdropping on your self-talk. Your mind is always eavesdropping on your
self-talk. And so going back to this, I wanna play this
little game because how many people here...your memory is not quite as good as it used to
be? Raise your hand, honestly. Now how many people here...let's take numbers. How many phone numbers did you use to know
growing up? How many phone numbers? Shout it out. Participants: [crosstalk]. Jim: How many phone numbers when you were
younger? Participants: [crosstalk]. Jim: All of them, right? Pretty much. How many phone numbers do you know right now? Participants: [crosstalk]. Jim: One, two, right? And so, how many people here have a number
you call all the time but, honestly, if you don't have your phone on or with you or the
battery is dead, you honestly do not know that number? You call it every single day almost or text
it or whatever. And so, the challenge here is this, the two
supervillains that we're talking about, it's digital overload. Too much information, too little time. The amount of information is doubling at dizzying
speed, but how we learn it, how we remember it, has that changed at all? If anything, there's been a decline. The amount information is doubling like this
and your learning abilities in terms of your reading, memory flatline, that gap creates
the stress that you feel on an ongoing basis, right? How do you catch up? How do you keep up? How do you get ahead? You know, [inaudible 00:30:55] that velocity,
right, and that acceleration. The other thing that I talked about supervillains,
not just digital overload because we're talking about then the breakout, is digital distraction,
digital distraction, right? How many people...I'll tell you the worst
habit because I'm gonna talk about this later, the worst habit and you're gonna hate me for
saying this, the first hour of the day is touching your phone. The worst thing you could do, the absolute
worst. How many people are guilty of doing this though,
right? Because you have that addiction to it. And I'll tell you this reason why you don't
wanna do it, I'll give you two reasons because I don't wanna talk strategy too much, I'm
gonna talk about it more tomorrow, is strategy. The reason why you don't do it is when you
wake up, talking about brainwave states, we're talking about superhero states, your brain
cycles through different brainwaves. Beta is when you're most awake, you're in
beta most of you right now. Delta is when you're asleep. Hopefully, nobody's in delta right now. Theta is right above delta, that's the state
of creativity we talked about. Like, when you're in the shower, right? You're so relaxed, almost in and out of sleep,
you know, and then you're so creative, right? You're very inspired. In between theta and beta, when you're most
awake is this day called alpha. How many people are familiar with alpha states,
right? It's a state you go in when you meditate,
states you go into when you do deep breathing, state you're also in when you watch television. How many people have ever seen somebody watching
television, you're trying to talk to them but they're watching their favorite show,
their sports or whatever it is, or maybe you're guilty of it too, and, honestly, that person
is not hearing you. You know that? You're talking to them but they're so entrance,
right? Television programming, it's programming them,
they're in such trance, they're in an alpha state. And the alpha state is where your conscious
mind is set aside and you're not filtering, information is coming. And alpha state is a great state to learn
in though, great state to learn facts, great state to be able to learn foreign languages
also, great states to learn information, like, giving presentations and scripts, one of the
ways we work with actors, putting them into an alpha state so they're in this relaxed
state of awareness where the conscious mind is set aside and information is just flowing
in. Like television, and you could control those
states because you have the responsibility once you learn the strategies behind it. And so when we're coming back to memory, wanna
play this quick game, I actually, give you a third villain. I was talking about the first villain, supervillain,
we're talking about superheroes, your superhero. The supervillains that are taking away from
your joy, your productivity, your peace of mind, digital overwhelm, digital distraction. I'll add a third one I wasn't gonna say, digital
dementia. Digital dementia and this is a real medical
term right now. This is the idea that we're outsourcing our
brains to our smart devices, were so reliant on our smartphones that our smartphones are
making us stupid. Does that make sense? Participants: Yes. Jim: I mean, it's convenient. I don't wanna memorize 500 phone numbers,
right? Nobody wants to do that, but we've lost the
ability to memorize one. Like, if I give you a seven digit number now,
how difficult? Would it be you find that kind of difficult
to memorize like a phone number that you used to do years ago? Yes or yes? Participants: Yes. Jim: Because if I take my arm, I put into
a sling for six months, does it stay the same?] Participants: No. Jim: Would even grow stronger? It would what? Participants: [crosstalk]. Jim: It would atrophy and grow weaker. Same thing with your mental muscles, if you're
relying on your phone to keep your schedules, your to do's, so simple...I went out to dinner
with 10 people recently, there was a 10 of us. And three people at the end pulled out their
phones to divide the check, the bill by 10, right? And we've lost that ability to be able to
do certain things. And so that's what digital dementia is. I was talking to Dr. Daniel Amen, author,
Change your Brain, Change your Life, right? Raised $40 million on public broadcast. He was saying, "Yeah, digital dementia." Like, "I got something for you, Jim." He's like, "GPS, relying on GPS, a third party
piece of technology to tell you when and where to turn, when you normally know that or not
know it, is actually getting...people aren't going to the doctors to get checked out when
they would have memory lapses if they didn't see that relying on GPS. Like, they didn't have the GPS, they would
have memory lapses and we go get checked out, and we're not getting that early detection
on it just because of that. So how do you keep your brain active? So smart devices could be extremely convenient
but they can be crippling also. So it could be a balance, yes or yes? Participants: Yes. All right, so we've lost the ability to memorize
a number, but I wanna try to memorize a group of numbers together today. Let's try to do it. Let's try to reawaken that memory and everything
I talked about, everyone asks like, "Oh, you know, I have such a horrible memory, can you
improve my memory?" When somebody says, "I want a better memory. Can you help me with my memory?" For me, it's equivalent as a memory coach,
somebody saying, "Oh, I just wish I was better at sports."Right? I wanna know what sports specifically so that
I can apply it. Because there's different memory techniques
for remembering names or languages or giving speeches without notes or facts, figures,
numbers. But let's talk about numbers because it'd
be a great mental exercise. Let's go around and just raise your hand and
let's give a group number one number we create together as a group for all of us to try to
memorize. And notice, what I want you to do is, I believe
one of the most important things to be able to get good at is self-awareness. I ultimately think the expert is not the person
on stage. Who's the expert? Participants: I am. Jim: You are, right? You are the expert on you. And what I think is, in terms of, I think
self-coaching and self-knowledge is really most of it. You know, and so I think you can learn, I
know you can learn better by looking at yourself and seeing what works for you. Does that make sense? And so let's see how we go about remembering
things now. Raise your hand and just let's come up with...let's
try to remember a string of numbers, maybe 10 or 20 numbers. I will do the best weekend, you can write
them down and then...let's see if we can memorize them together, right? So raise your hand, let's do two at a time. So instead of saying one, seven, to say 17,
and then just two digit number. Female: Eighty-eight. Jim: Eighty-eight. So everyone writes 88, right? We at the game here? We're gonna keep on going till we get to a
threshold and we see if we can memorize these numbers. Yes. Female: Fifty four. Jim: Fifty-four. I'll repeat it so you guys hear it also as
well? Fifty-four. Female: Thirty five. Jim: Thirty five. Very good. Thirty-five. Female: Twenty-one. Jim: Twenty...I'm sorry? Female: Twenty-one. Jim: Twenty-one. If we're having trouble coming up with numbers,
I have to take this in a totally different direction. Male: Ninety-nine. Jim: What's that? Male: Ninety-nine. Jim: Ninety-nine. Bingo. Ninety nine. Female: Thirty-seven. Jim: By the way, how many have we had so far? Single digits. Just give me give me 10. Does everybody have? I wanna make sure we're all on the same page
here. All right. Something over here? Male: Sixty-six. Female: Eleven. Jim: Eleven. Okay. Eleven. Male: Sixty-six. Jim: Sixty six. Eleven and 66. Male: Twenty-three. Jim: Raise your hand, sir. Male: Twenty-three. Jim: Twenty-three. Number 23. Okay. Quick. Female: Thirteen. Jim: I'm sorry. Female: Thirteen. Jim: Thirteen. Female: Seventy-seven. Jim: Thirteen. Male: There's a lot of numbers. Jim: How many? That's a lot of numbers, right? Female: Seventy-seven. Jim: Hold on. Hold on one second. So it's 13, let's count 13 after that also
as well. What's that? Female: Seventy-seven. Jim: Seventy-seven. How many numbers is that, by the way? Participants: Twenty. Jim: Twenty? We're doing pretty good. How many do you remember so far do you think? Let's do a few more. Let's do a few more for the heck of it. Go ahead. Female: Thirty-nine. Jim: I'm sorry. Female: Thirty-nine. Jim: Thirty-eight or 39? Participants: [inaudible]. Jim: Let's go with 39, 39. And before that was 77, is that true? Participants: Yes. Jim: Very good. We're on the same page. Thirty-nine. Let's do a couple more. Yeah, here. Male: Forty-two. Jim: Forty-two. Good, 42. Let's do, like, three more. Male: Zero 6. Jim: Zero 6. Zero 6. Got two more quick. Female: Thirteen. Jim: Thirteen. Did we do 13 already? Participants: Yes. Jim: That's okay. Let's do it again. Let's do it again. Thirteen is great. And then last one. Female: Forty-two. Male: Sixty-seven. Jim: Forty two. Again, 42, very creative. Okay. Now, I want you to do this, close your eyes
and just write down as many as you remember right now. The last one is 42, right? I mean, don't close your eyes. Close your paper, and then just write down
as many as you remember. Male: In order? Jim: In order. Yes. Definitely in order. It's the only way it kind of works. Participants: [inaudible]. Jim: All right. Let me try to do it, okay? Let me try to do it with you, and you guys
could check, right? And I'll look here so you know nothing is
being broadcast here. All right. I'll do the single digits, right? I need some energy here. Participants: Woo-hoo. Jim: Okay. Eight, eight, five, four...how are we doing
so far? Participants: Woo-hoo. Jim: Three, Five, two, one....yes? Nine, nine, one, one, six, six, two, three,
one, three, seven, seven...how am I doing? Participants: Woo-hoo. Jim: Good. Three, nine, four, two, zero, six, is that
good so far? Participants: Woo-hoo. Jim: One, three, four, two. Participants: Woo-hoo. Jim: Now, I don't do this to impress you,
I do this more to express to what's possible. Because, like, this exercise that we did when
we turned like this, let me give you, an example. What did Roger Bannister do in 1954? Participants: Four-minute mile. Jim: The four-minute mile. Throughout human history, nobody could run
a mile less than four minutes. Why? Participants: They didn't believe. Jim: They didn't believe that they could. In fact, what was the belief back then? Participants: It was impossible. Jim: It was impossible. You would die. The human heart was not capable of running
a sub-four-minute mile, it would explode in your chest. Now, that was the belief. Would that keep you from running a four-minute
mile? Like, I'm a runner, that would keep me from
running, period, right? And so, it's interesting how he actually was
able to do it, is he actually visualized himself crossing the finish line and seeing it says
3:59. Because he knows what you know as superheroes,
and he's doing these thought experiments that success is an inside-out game, right? That in order to take the invisible and make
it visible just like a thermostat, right, you visualize things here and then you make
it out here, he knew what had to happen here first, because all behaviors belief driven. Now, that wasn't the interesting thing to
me, just like when you did the turning exercise, that's what he did, okay, equivalent. The interesting thing is what happened next
couple years. Nobody could do it for thousands of years,
one person does it. What happens? Participants: Everybody does it. Jim: Yeah. Dozens of people started breaking the four-minute
a mile. Now, in that year was our big advancements
in shoe technology and nutrition and training methodology? No. What was the change? Participants: [inaudible]. Jim: A change in belief. Like, I remember when I was child, I was at
a restaurant and we had a waiter go around and take everybody's order, 20 people, busy
night. Halfway through, he was taking my order, I
noticed something funny, he wasn't writing it down. Have you ever had a waiter or waitress like
that? And I was like, "There's just no way." I was very skeptical [inaudible 00:42:19]
sense of bags and be, this is gonna be a disaster. But when he came back, he got every single
thing perfect. The salad dressings, the beverages, how we
wanted the meal cooked, I mean, the desserts, everything perfect. Now, is that a standout skill or is that a
standout skill? Yes or yes? Participants: Yes. Jim: Yes. He was like my Roger Bannister. He did something I never thought was possible
and opened up possibility inside my mind. Perceive limits, right? You don't know how far you could turn, just
like we talked about...what Vishen was talking about. And just like with this, I do this demonstration
not to impress you, to express upon you what's really possible. I grew up with learning challenges, you know,
with difficulties. How about this? How many people wanna see me memorize this
backwards? Recall it backwards? Participants: Woo-hoo. Jim: Yeah. That's so much energy I'm getting here. Let me try to get most of this list backwards,
all right? No [inaudible 00:43:07]. Actually, let me try this, two, four...are
we good? I want to make sure we're in the right thing. Three, one, six, zero, two, four, is that
good? Participants: Yes. Jim: Nine, three, seven, seven, three, one,
three, two, six, six, one, one, nine, nine, one, two, how are we doing? Participants: [crosstalk ]. Jim: Five, three, four, five, eight, eight. So what if you could get in these kind of
states and have strategies to be able to do the things that you need? How much more productive could you be as a
coach, as an expert, as a speaker, as an entrepreneur, as a parent, as a student by having these
kinds of strategies? What really upset me is when I struggled my
whole life with like, my whole childhood life until I was 18 where I hit a wall. I literally...when I became a freshman in
college, I was lucky to get into, I was like, "I wanna make a fresh start." And I was like, "I'm gonna show my family,
I wanna make them proud. I wanna show the world myself that I was good
enough and smart. I could really do this." So I worked really hard and I did worse. And I was ready to quit school and I was living
in the library, I wasn't eating, I wasn't, you know, sleeping, I wasn't doing anything
that was good for me. Nothing in wild fit. All the things I should be doing to be, you
know, to build my superhero strength, and then passing out in the library late night. And I fell down a flight of stairs. I hit my head again and I woke up in the hospital
two days later. And at this point, I weighed about 117 pounds. I was wasted away. Like, I thought I died and maybe part of me
wished that I had and also, when I got out, I was like, "There has to be something better
for me here." Like, "What do I do?" And the nurse came in at that exact moment
and brought a mug of tea. And on the tea was a picture of a genius,
a true genius. The opposite of what I felt I was at the time. It was Albert Einstein. And it said this quote that you've all heard
in some iteration, "The same level of thinking that's created the problem won't solve the
problem. The same level of thinking is created the
problem won't solve the problem." I was thinking, "What's my problem? I'm a really slow learner. How do I think differently? Maybe I can learn how to learn." Right. And it was like, I picked up of course bullet
and looked at classes and they're all classes at school on what to learn, math, history,
science, Spanish, right? All important subjects but what to learn? How many classes were on how to learn? No classes. I mean, where's your class on creativity and
problem solving and thinking, right? Where's your classes on reading faster and
having better focus and concentration or improving your memory? I always thought it should have been in the
fourth R in school. They teach you three Rs, reading, writing
and what? Arithmetic. What about remembering? What about recall? What about retention? Because Socrates says there is no learning
without remembering. There is no learning without remembering. So B is believe, believe you can, believe
you can. Now, the E, I'm gonna go through these really
fast, is exercise, exercise. And what I mean by this is I mean physical
exercise, because your brain, the primary function of your brain is to control your
movement. As your body moves, your brain grooves. Stand up real quick. Stand up. Quick, quick, quick. Watch this. I want you to do this. I want you to take your right elbow and just
put it your left ear. Left what? Knee. Good. And then your left elbow to your right knee
and vice-versa. Or if you can't reach that far, just tap. These are cross laterals, right? I want you to do this, take your left hand,
and just massage your right ear lobe. And then your right hand and massage your
left ear lobe. And squat down, inhale, exhale, come up. Go down, inhale. Exhale, come up. One more time, inhale, exhale, come up. Shake out your body. All right. Have a seat. They call that Super Brain Yoga, right? How many people are familiar with education
of kinesiology, brain gym, Super Brain Yoga? So as your body moves, your brain grooves,
that's exercise. So if you want to change your state, exercise
and movement is key. I'm gonna go through the rest really fast. The F-A-S-T, if you wanna learn any subject
or skill faster, the F is to forget, forget. And what do I mean by that? A lot of people don't learn faster because
they feel like, they know it already. I'm going back to chronological age, it's
not chronological age, it's really the age of your mind and your heart. A lot of people don't learn because they haven't
emptied their cup. Does that make sense? That you hear all these cliches but there's
truth in every cliche, that your mind is like a parachute, it only works when it's what? It's open. So this is beginner's mind, right? So you wanna forget about anything else than
what you're learning here temporarily. The A in FAST, that's the curiosity stage,
right? The A in FAST is for active, active. And the reason why I have you get up and shout
out and do all these things, is not for me, trust me, I like, I know the answers to the
most of the questions and everything, is the active part is learning is not a spectator
sport. Learning is not a spectator sport. The human brain and the mind doesn't learn
consuming information, it learns through creating it. Your mind doesn't learn based on consumption,
it learns through creation or co-creation in the state. Does that make sense? So you have to be active, you take notes,
you ask questions, you do it, you participate in it. How many people believe what you put in is
what you get out? Right. So you're active. The S in FAST stands for state. So this is emphasizing the state that all
learning is state dependent. All learning is state dependent. I never wanna learn in a bored state, right? Most people, like, when they read, they're
in a bored state. How many people, you read a page in a book,
get to the end and just forget what you just read? And you go back and you re-read it, and you
still don't know what you just read. Because you're in that bored state. How many people use reading as a sedative? Like, you have this token book that's been
inside of your bed for an embarrassingly long period of time, but if your state that you
have associated to this activity called reading is falling asleep or a zero, anything times
zero is what? Is zero. And people wonder why they don't remember
what they read. So control your state. Finally, the T in FAST and BE FAST stands
for teach, teach. I recommend that throughout this entire gathering
and beyond, you learn with the intention of teaching it to somebody else. Does that make sense? If you had to teach this to somebody when
you got back home, your team, your family, your friends, would you learn it differently? Yes or yes? Participants: Yes. Jim: Would your focus be better? Yes or yes? Would you ask better questions? Would you take better notes? Right. So you learn with the intention of teaching
to somebody else, all right? So B stands for what? [inaudible 00:50:06] fast, BE FAST. B stands for believe, believe you can, believe
you can't, you're right. The E stands for what? Exercise, as your body moves your brain grooves. The F stands for what? Participants: [inaudible]. Jim: Forget. Beginner's mind, your mind is like a parachute,
it only works when it's open. The A stands for what? Participants: Active. Jim: Active. Is learning is not a spectator sport. The S stands for what? Participants: State. Jim: State. All learning is state dependent. Finally, T is what? Participants: Teach. Jim: Teach. Because when you teach something, you get
to learn it twice. Let me close with this, this is how I use
this once. And so I think children, going back to childhood,
this is you're the fastest learners, right? And you could access that at any time because
you have an inner what? Participants: Child. Jim: Child. You do have an inner child. How many people believe that they have an
inner child? A child inside there that is a genius, that
can learn, that maybe needs to hear some words from you every so often, right? And so a few years ago, I'll close with this,
a few years ago, because I remember someone's name, it lead to business that...how many
people believe remembering names is important? Because if you forget someone's name, what's
the communication you're sending them? That they're not what? Important. How are you gonna show somebody you care for
their business, their future, their finances, their health, if you don't care enough to
remember them, right? And so I remember someone's name, it lead
to this business for 20th Century Fox, it was for the chairman and I was training him
and his executive team on a Friday. And I go there, and because I was in state
because I saw this "Avatar," like, memorabilia, and I saw this movie poster with "Star Wars,"
I was like a kid, right? So I gave my best training ever. And afterwards, they really felt it. He was like, gave me a tour of the whole place
and everything and I saw this movie poster of "Wolverine," this for me is big deal, "Wolverine"
is coming out, I was like, "Wow, I can't wait for that film to come out." And he picks up...the chairman picks up the
phone and five minutes later, I'm in the Fox Studios with 3D glasses watching Hugh Jackman
fighting all these super ninjas, right? And I'm in my bliss on a Friday. Afterwards, he comes to me says, "Jim, how
is the movie?" I was like, "It's great. Thank you so much." I tell him my story, how I grew up with learning
disabilities. I taught myself how to read by reading comic
books, my favorite comic book were the "X-Men," "Wolverine," and the "X-Men." And not because they were strongest, is because
they didn't fit in. Because I felt like, I didn't fit in growing
up as a kid. Does that make sense with this disability
and the boy with the broken brain? And the highlight of the comic books for me
was when I read that the school for the gifted, for the superheroes, was in, for X-Men, was
in Westchester, New York, and that's a suburb of New York City, and that's where I grew
up. So when I was nine years old, I used to ride
my bicycle all around the neighborhood trying to find this school because I wanted to run
away. I wanted to find my superpower. Something that I was good at and I wanna find
my super friends because when you're the boy with the broken brain, you don't connect with
a lot of people because you don't feel like you have a lot to offer, right? So I used to do that. I'm telling him the story, the chairman, he's
like, "Jim, I know that you like superheroes. Do you wanna go to Comic Con?" Now, how many of you are familiar with Comic
Con? Right. Tens of thousands of people are getting together
in San Diego, dress up like, you know, superheroes. I'm like, "When is it?" He said, "Today, Friday, Saturday, Sunday." Now, notice my mind. I go from a nine-year-old to a 99-year-old
because I'm like, "I'm in LA. how I'm I gonna get to San Diego on a Friday, right? There's gonna be lines and be traffic, I've
nothing wear, I've all these meetings in LA. And notice, like, the critic that comes in,
right? Because sometimes you have to get out of our
own way. And mentally, I just became an old person
in my mind. And then he was like, "Jim, do you wanna go? I'm going tomorrow." And he was like…Oh, I was like, "Oh you're
going tomorrow? I'm gonna go with you." So he picks me up Saturday morning and instead
of driving down there, we get on his plane, and I swear to you, on that plane, the entire
cast "X-Men". And they were gonna surprise Comic Con, right? With their presence for the new movie that's
coming out. And I spend the entire...like, I go on there
and I see Wolverine and Patricks, like, you know, Professor X. I've seen between Jennifer
Lawrence and Halle Berry going to Comic Con, right? And we spend the entire day amazing, we come
back, here's the lesson, we come back and chairman was like, "How was it? I was like, "The best day ever. Thank you so much." He's like, "You know, I have something else
for you." I'm like, "I don't want anything else. What can I do for you?" He was like, "They really loved you. How would you like to go to Montreal?" They were filming the last 30 days in the
new movie. I'm like, "Oh, wow. I never been on film, sir. I would love to death. But what can I do for you?" And he says, "Jim, just do what you did with
us. Just share, teach them how to speed read scripts,
memorize their lines faster, be present and focused on set." And I was like, "I could totally do that." Sunday morning, we're on what they called
the X-Jet, and we're going to Montreal. And I'm brain training these amazing individuals
that inspired me, like, growing up, right? And I got to see, like, onset, that was actually
taking place at the school, and I got to see my real life heroes come to life in front
of me as a nine-year-old boy. Now, when I got home, there was a package
waiting for my open up. I don't know if you could put this last slide
on, please? I opened it up and there's this photograph
on the screen, there's a photograph of me and the entire cast of X-Men. And even better than Halle Berry and Jennifer
Lawrence, everything that's on there was the note from the chairman. It said this, "Jim, thank you so much for
sharing your superpowers with all of us. I know you've been looking for your superhero
school since you were a kid, here's your class photo." The lesson that...everyone gets different
lessons out of this. For me, is me being in that childhood vulnerable
state that allowed something like that to happen. And what I would leave for you is this homework,
is it okay, if I give you some homework? Is this movie was called "Days of Future Past,"
it takes place in the future and there's Armageddon. I mean, it's the most dreaded future you could
ever imagine. And Professor X sends Wolverine, because Wolverine
has healing abilities with his mind, sends them back in time as, like, the communicator
to talk to his younger self. So Professor X sends Wolverine back in time
to talk to the younger version of Professor X, to tell them something so that way the
future gets changed. Does that make sense? So my question for you is this, if you could
go back to that child inside of you, that younger self, and right now tell them something
that they need to hear, what would that be? If you could go back and pass on a message
to your younger self, what would it be? And if you were to go in the future, 1 year,
2 years, 5 years, 10 years, ahead in the future, I believe you have wisdom inside of you. I believe you have greatness inside of you
and genius that you're not even tapped in those states. If you were to project 10 years ahead of time
and look back on this day right now, what is your current self need to hear from your
future self? I have a quote that I get quote on more than
anything else, it talks about an egg and stress. That your egg is like your life, that if an
egg is broken by an outside force, life ends, but if it's broken by an inside force, life
begins and all great things began on the inside. Thank you very much.
Fast forward to 1:50
The answer was supposed to be children.