Unity vs Unreal Engine | Which Game Engine Should You Choose?

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so you started learning how to code and you thought it'd be pretty cool to make your own super awesome video game but when you turn to the internet in search of the best tools to make your Masterpiece you were bombarded with a whole bunch of confusing garbage after sifting through everything you determined the choice was really between the two best game engines on the market unity and Unreal Engine but you didn't know what to pick luckily you found this video in which we'll cover exactly that so that you know which game engine is best for you and your game we split this comparison up into five categories and by the end of the video you should have a pretty good idea about what to pick so sit back and enjoy as we unpack which of these two super cool pieces of software is right for your super cool game to start we'll be looking at the programming language of each engine as this is what you're going to use to develop your game Unity uses C sharp which is a general purpose high level program length supporting multiple part it's a programming language it's slightly easier to learn it's object oriented and it's slightly faster to write code in because a lot of aspects of the language such as memory management are actually automated and done for you Unreal Engine on the other hand uses C plus plus which is nope it's another programming language think of it like C sharp but slightly more complicated it's capable of writing much faster code it's also object oriented but it is a fair bit harder one of the main reasons why C plus plus is harder than c-sharp is that memory management has to be done by the programmer which is you in short learning C plus as your first language will be very useful but just because learning something else afterward will probably be a piece of cake if you're looking to write the best code possible and have the most amount of control over the system C plus plus is the way to go but as a beginner developer I would recommend starting with C sharp as it might be slightly less overwhelming at the beginning now the next important aspect of any game engine is its Graphics its ability to render your scenes and your games and make them look as amazing as they are now in the past unreal used to have a considerable advantage over unity in the sense that the former's games were slightly more realistic and they looked a lot better than the lattice as time has passed however the gap between these two game engines and their Graphics rendering ability has kind of decreased a little and now it's at the point where top end games made in unity look pretty indistinguishable from Top End games made in unreal and this is games made by AAA Studios with teams and teams of graphic designers I'm assuming if you're watching this video you're not someone who's working on one of these massive teams and instead you're someone who learned how to code and now wants to make the next Flappy Bird don't worry too much about the graphics would then be my takeaway for you because the graphics that you're going to be making unless you have a whole team of people even if you know your way around Graphics manipulation software it's not going to be at the level where it's going to make any difference at all which engine you use so I would recommend not taking that into consideration and or when you're choosing your engine pixel art cartoon Graphics literally anything right up until the photorealistic point is going to look exactly the same on both engines the only time I would use it to consider your game engine's choice is if you're planning on going into some form of graphic art or to become a designer or anyone who works in AAA studio and you need to familiarize yourself with one of the engines I would then focus on unreal because historically it has been the better engine for graphics but like I said I would take that with a grain of salt because it really doesn't make that much of a difference which one you pick now the next important thing to consider is which of the game engines is going to be easier for you to learn and easier for you to use if you look on the internet you'll probably find the verdict being that Unity is the easier game engine and I think that's for two main reasons number one because of C sharp over C plus plus being a slightly easier programming language and number two because there's a lot more content on the internet for Unity than that is for unreal I'm not entirely sure why because both have very active user bases but the amount of content YouTube channels courses even documentation which I'll get to in the next section is far far more available for Unity than it is for Unreal Engine so I would recommend then if you are starting your very first game development experience to maybe go with unity because you're going to have a much easier time finding tutorials and solutions to your problems that being said there are a bunch of tools you can use online I'll list some of the channels on the screen right now for you to learn Unreal Engine and figure out how to program from there but if you're trying to look for the one which is going to have more support online and is generally easier to learn Unity unfortunately does have the advantage over unreal in this regard as a short and Shameless side note I did actually make two courses on Unity One how to make your first mobile game in unity and the second one on the basics of the unity game engine and they will be linked in the description um both on skillshare and udemy respectively and if you want to go check them out that'd be great and they cover pretty much all the basics you need to make your first game of energy [Music] um now next up is the documentation for the game engines which is sort of like a big manual written by the creators to help you use their software Unity does in my opinion have a slightly more comprehensive and useful documentation just because Unity documentation covers pretty much everything about the game engine as well as everything about c-sharp in unity in the sense that you're going to be able to cover all the different ways that c shop is integrated into unity and it's all covered in that documentation Unreal Engine does also have quite a good documentation with a whole bunch of examples of how to use Unreal Engine but in my experience it's slightly more centered around the actual engine and less around C plus plus I think the expectations may be that you know how to code in C plus and therefore you're just using Unreal Engine so that you can make your games using the programming language and so for this reason again Unity does sort of have the advantage over unreal in the sense that slightly more beginner friendly there are a lot more examples in the documentation on how to use things in unity but that being said you're not really going to learn a game engine using just the documentation you're going to also have to look for Content online and even though there is for both Unity again like I said does have more of this so if we group together last two categories as general how easy it's going to be for you to learn these languages online especially and especially for free Unity is probably going to be vastly easier for you to learn than Unreal Engine is that's not to say you won't be able to learn Unreal Engine of course if you look online you will be able to find lots of tutorials and lots of really really useful resources but if you're not prepared to spend that extra time searching Unity is going to be the better choice now there are a lot of other important aspects to consider when choosing a game engine like the type of components they have the plugins and all of that but to be honest I think that both Unreal Engine and unity do a really great job providing all of those resources for you to use in your games and really there's nothing that the one has which you can't do in the other both are really great game engines instead what I thought would make a good section is comparing popular games made with both to hopefully give you a more rounded kind of idea about what the type of things that can be made with these game engines are we're going to start with Unreal Engine and that has classic titles such as Batman Arkham Knight Ark survival evolved Kingdom Hearts 3 the Final Fantasy 7 remake gears 5 Borderlands 3 sea of Thieves Star Wars Jedi Fallen order and of course fortnite all of these incredibly popular and well-known games which were incredibly successful throughout their respective genres on the other side we have Unity with subnautica Pokemon go rust my friend Pedro Hearthstone Ori and the blind Forest cuphead Genji impact as well as Cod mobile also a whole bunch of really successful and popular games which are known all over the world now I'm sure you can find many games which you enjoy or would enjoy in both of these categories and so again it really comes down to personal preference but one thing to consider is that generally speaking and take this with a grain of salt because this is just simply public opinion generally people think of unreal as the 3D game engine and unity as the 2D damage in now this is not to say that you can't make great games with 3D in unity but if you are going to try and focus on 2D game I would recommend Unity over Unreal Engine That being said if you're going to make a 3D game both are great unreal may be slightly better in terms of graphics and the ability to render scenes but really it doesn't make that much of a difference to you 3D is great for both but 2D I think Unity does have a slight Advantage once again just comes down to personal preference you can obviously make 2D games using Unreal as well but if you look at the list you'll see all of the games listed on unreal worth 3D games whereas 2D games such as Ori and the blind forest cuphead and my friend Pedro were all under the unity category now looking back at all the categories we had we had code Graphics ease of use documentation and a games comparison and if you're keeping score you might think that you already came out on top because I did say it was easier to use had better documentation and was better for 2D games but that being said I also did mention that unreal was great for coding making much more efficient code as well as had the slight advantage over Graphics so it really comes down to what you want to make and what you want to do to give you kind of a general idea and once again take this with a grain of salt because this is a very very oversimplified kind of way of explaining it Unreal Engine is a great game engine if you're looking to make spectacular games games with good graphics games in 3D and specifically the kind of games which are going to be made by larger teams that is just my opinion but generally speaking when you get into the game development world and you have companies unreal is the favorite game engine simply because C plus is slightly more efficient than c-sharp and unreal does have slightly better graphics capability that being said in my opinion if you're an indie developer Unity is the better option of the two because there's far more support online and you also have a lot more kind of variety with what the games you can make you make 2D games or 3D games or mobile games once again that is a vastly oversimplified way of putting it but I think it should give you a pretty good idea about what gaming should choose you can also if you want to get a slightly better idea look at games that are made in unreal Unity just like I mentioned them actually look at the gameplay and you might be able to notice some differences between the kind of games that have made in both engine but like I said this is all very subjective because there is a large Variety in those cases as well I would also recommend going and looking at tutorials on the internet to see which of the game engines is going to be better suited to how you want to develop your game because they are quite different from one another both have a lot of similarities they obviously both have their own scripting languages they each have visual scripting as well and their own documentation components everything that you could need in the game engine is in both but I would recommend just looking at an introduction to both to make the final decision that being said like I said my final conclusion I have mentioned unit see I do think it's a better choice for Indie developers and unreal I think it's a better choice if you're looking to go into game development as a career maybe learn some skills there but like I said it totally is up to you and you really can't make a bad decision when it comes to picking a game engine both are great and you'll be able to make your Masterpiece of a game with no problem at well slight problem but but far less problem than you would anticipate because the game engines are such great software thanks for watching and good luck creating your incredibly super cool game
Channel: 60SecondUnity
Views: 3,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unity, unitydev, unrealengine, unityvsunrealengine, gamedev, indiedev, unityvsunreal, unrealvsunity
Id: skMgViFi8IU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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