Unity Tutorial - Combine Animations

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alright this is fire mine here and here's what we're gonna create today we are basically going to combine two animations so we have this walking around animation and we have a waving animation here or maybe you want to even switch it up and have an animation of him holding a gun it's really up to you through really easy just to exchange those animations yes so this is a pretty easy pretty straightforward tutorial about how to combine two animations please enjoy okay so we start off with this regular kind of third-person controller here and as you can see this is pretty much one animation of him running when I run around so what I want to do now is I want to have his upper body perform a different animation than his lower body basically I want to combine two different animations the way I'm gonna do this is first I'm gonna go to the animator and as you can see I have a different layers here so if you come over here and click on layers you have different animation layers you might only have the base layer depending on what animator you have so don't worry about these two gonna explain or use them for now so what I want to do is I want to create a new layer which is gonna be my upper body kind of thing so whatever is on here I'm gonna apply to the upper body you can call it whatever you want so I'm gonna create that layer I'm gonna click on that little thing here and then apply a weight of 1 and an eye K pass then I'm gonna go over here create a new empty state and I'm gonna call that state I don't know wave because I'm gonna make him wave with his upper body and then I have a wave animation here and I'm gonna assign that wave animation to him and now I need to tell unity somehow that he should apply this animation to the upper body and this animation to the lower body and there's a pretty straightforward way to do this just go back to our senior and I go to my prefabs folder and you can do this in any folder you want and then go to create avatar mask so you have that avatar mask I'm gonna call that lower buddy and I'm gonna go ahead and create another one and call that upper buddy okay now click on the lower body go to here and click on humanoid and on the lower body we do not you want to disable everything that is from the upper body just like that do the same thing with the upper body here you want to disable the feet those things and now you want to apply those masks to to base and the upper layer so you click this thing again and he choose a mask and you can choose in this case the lower body because you want the base layer to only animate the lower body and then you choose the upper body and here you choose the upper body mask pretty straight forward and that is already it so now you can see he runs around and waves with his upper body it looks a little bit strange because he has this hand not moving in the upper body animation so yeah you might want to use a different animation so you can pretty much go back to that wave and apply any kind of animation you like so maybe you want to I noticed there something would shoot maybe yeah combat shoot so let's have him shoot so let's run around and he's doing like a I don't know shooting animation I guess and or just holding the gun which looks a little bit more better for him as a soldier so yeah that's pretty much what you can how you can combine two animations pretty easy pretty straightforward you can of course combine multiple animations you can combine like different animation for every limp that he has if you apply different masks to it that's really up to you so yeah if you liked this tutorial please leave me a like and if you have any questions let me know in the comments down below also if you want to see more tutorials please consider subscribing and if you have any further requests for other tutorials can't find a tutorial you are looking for well just ask for it then just go to tutorial - request comm and check out if other people are searching for the same tutorial as you do if you find a matching request make sure to leave it alike so other creators always know what's in demand and if you can't find a request that you are looking for just create a new one simply click on new request then choose a title topic and description for your request and simply click on make requests and you're done it's that easy and would you request you help creators know what's in demand so go over to tutorial - requests comm and sign up today it's free
Channel: Firemind
Views: 41,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Combine Animatons, Unity, Tutorial, Combin Animation Tutorial Unity, Unity Animation Tutorial, Unity Avatar Mask, Unity Animation Layers, Unity Add Animations
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 27sec (327 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 09 2019
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