Unity Timeline Animation with Characters

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this is going to show you how to mask out different animations motions and through this you also see how to use a timeline to blend motions together but in particular how do you make a character that's walking also wave when you only have a separate walking and waving clip start out by importing your characters and you could just drag and drop your main character here let's set up this character in the inspector go under rig and choose humanoid for an animation type since this is the only character in the scene let's create its own character Avatar definition so create from this model is the correct Choice hit apply and this Avatar is going to associate the other animations that you import there's no animations on this but in order to see the textures on your character if you take a look here you don't see the textures under textures click on extract textures make a new folder call it whatever you want it doesn't have to be texture or textures and as soon as that's done you can see now your character has its texture on it to see your character in this space just click and drag off into your hierarchy F key to focus now this character is part of a bigger scene so here's the scene you need to adjust the lights on this character drop down the intensity ink back to the focus of this which is really getting into animating this character with the timeline and masking out different animations I'm going to drop in the running animation and these animations came from mix mode but if you need to see how the animations were gathered pop overs in the very end section you'll see how that was done going to also import a jumping and waving and the real focus of this is waving how do you combine a wave with a jump or a run let's set up these animations that were just imported selecting clip and going to an inspector let's adjust each one to get them ready to just drag and drop onto the timeline goodbye don't have to be concerned about materials because the materials are coming from this object this is the jump file give it a good name it doesn't have to be called mixmo it could be just called jump and if you want something to be able to be looped just click on Loop time now this is a jump so I'm not going to Loop this one going under rig to associate the animation with this character first under animation type select humanoid and for Avatar definition you're not going to create a new one you're going to copy and you're going to copy this source the one that was originally created for this character and that's all you have to do and click apply you could do that for the other Clips the only difference with the other Clips remember no materials animation going to make sure those Loop because running you're probably doing looping fashion under rig humanoid for animation type for Avatar definition you're going to copy it click this little circle right here to open up the browser and click apply and the final one will be waving and we'll use that one last so again no materials animation waving will be a loop so waving and make sure it Loops its time go to rig under generic humanoid copy from source and for the source make sure you select the same Avatar and click apply excellent now you're all ready to get animating and then the next step is how to mask out animation so you can blend animations together to blend all this together you need a timeline and timeline will allow you stack motions together and blend them so create an empty object by just right clicking in hierarchy empty object this will be the timeline holder you call it whatever you want create a new timeline by going to window sequencing timeline click on the create button and just save it gonna drag this timeline window and dock it on lower part of the screen and here's an important tip the timeline will lose focus so if I click on something else your timeline disappears but it really didn't disappear it just lost Focus so click on this lock and now no matter what you click on your timeline is down here all right let's get this character running to start with to do that take your character from the hierarchy and just drag it down to the left side of this pane right there and for that type of track make it add animation track if your character doesn't show up right here the name of your character then just drag and drop it right here but it should automatically show up how do you get it to run and do things in this empty area of your track right click and select add from animation clip and this is where you add your animation Clips together I'm going to search for run and double click that and there's the Run and there's our character running away all right got our character run now your character stops running right now if you want to continue to run just click this end and just drag it out like this and you'll see it Loop dragging the timeline there's a character continuously running towards us time to add another motion to this and that will be a jump followed by run and then we'll blend in waving as it runs or jumps to add another clip just like before right click add from animation clip and I'm going to type in Jump make sure you name make sure you named your animation jump and you'll find it here so jump click click so you have this run and then you have it jump now the jump is going to start from the center right over here you don't want that you want to jump from this location where it stops running don't go way back there just right click on the jump clip and select match offsets from previous clip now your jump is relative there it goes okay so it jumps let me put an obstacle in its way so it makes a little more sense right click 3D object Cube and there's a cube I want to jump over the cube and as it jumps you can see that its path is a little off we'll fix that all right so there's the target for jumping run and now jump oh you go right through it so just pull back your running clip and slide on over your jump since I move my Clips over you can see there's this big gap in between all you have to do is Select that clip again and and use match offsets to previous clip again and that will fix that all right almost made it over I could cheat and just move the Box but really it's about where the Running part let's say it should be running up until here and that's where the jump starts so again right click jump match offsets from the previous clip now the character does much better when the character jumps though let me move this box right here down this line of the grid when the character jumps see it does it at an angle and you need to jump straight over that box that's just the way this motion clip is for the rotation if you select the clip here and under the inspector you can change the rotation so go under y and just drag let's say this way and that will offset the rotation of just this clip now a character knows how to jump straight along that grid line to make it continue running just right click here add click from animation and select run just like before need to click on this clip and match offsets to the previous clip and now it knows how to run from that spot and you can extend that run as much as you want now that we have this animation set up let's take a look at it in the bigger scene just going to quickly turn on the scene and you know in nature as you run through nature you usually encounter some type of geometry in your way the last part is to get your character to wave as it does in action whether it's jumping or running and to do that you're going to blend animation no need to create a special run wave jump wave because that would be nuts too much stuff happening in that case turn back off the scene all right let's get this character waving do that you need an avatar mask jumping to here to your project area right click create and select Avatar mask an avatar mask let's call it wave and it's going to wave just the left hand you got wave right hand doesn't have to be waving to be anything so Avatar mask when you click on it and go to inspector it'll make a lot of sense what it does green means active area so apply all the motion of a clip to this whole area if you click off here and I just want the left hand to wave this character is facing us so that's a left hand waving this will mask out any motion it doesn't have to be the waving clip but any motion that's turned off and only play the motion that's turned on I've been using this to make this character wave let's say it waves right after the jump to say yep I made it to get that waving motion into the timeline just click the triple dots right here and select add override track the override track is used to apply a layer of animation on top of something that already exists for this override track right click and add from animation clip and that will be the wave add the waving clip so look what happens character starts to do its animation then all of a sudden does this back there waving whatever and then I'll jump back to the animation we just want one arm to wave and for it to continue doing it's running whatever motion you want to do so you're just one step away from achieving a wave right here not right there right here the one step is just click on the override track and in the inspector you'll see there's an avatar mask and this is the Avatar mask that you just created click on Wave left and you're done ready and wave you successfully made it over the Box congratulations let's take a look at this in the main scene turning on the scenery and now our character could wave down a food truck that sees by the lake this is how you use timeline editor and Avatar mask and the override track to blend Clips together you might notice there is a little jumping not the character jumping but jumping between this run clip and when it switches to the jump clip to correct that it's so simple just take one of the clips and just move it into the previous clip and you can see it creates this little blending line right there so the motion curves are being Blended between those two clips and that will take care of any jumpingness and just get your character into miximo click on the animation tab and from animations let's select a walk if you want to preview it in place click here I don't need that download and without skin because we just need the motion from here repeat this process by finding different Motions like a Run download it without the skin if you want to choose something fun like a dance go for it make your character Dance I'm just going to choose a regular two-handed wave for this demo where I'll isolate one hand right before you export you can see if the hand knocks into the character and if it does knock into the character you can increase the arm spacing this way your hand is not going through download
Channel: Creator Brew - Experimenting & Sharing
Views: 6,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2022
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