Cutscene in Unity 3D | Timeline in Unity | CG Aura

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what makes you think that even save the people of  this city it doesn't matter I will save my earth   why don't you understand the people of the city or  not would save every life is important and I will   save them let's see them this is what we are going  to create in unity a cutscene in unity so let's   start creating one there are different techniques  by which you can create a cutscene in unity in   this video I'm just sharing one such method which  involves more of timeline we will be using a lot   of timeline also if you need a detailed tutorial  on timeline do let me know in the comment section   down below so I'll just create one now let's  create a cutscene things that we need first   number one an asset or an environment I'm using  an asset that I downloaded from the asset store   so you can download one or just create one of  your own so this is where our scene is going to   take place number two a story or a scene so get  the story or the scene planned out first so what   the actions are what the character is going to do  all those stuff so I have first planned the scene   in a notepad of what's going to happen in the  scene number three the characters for my story I   am using two different characters you would have  your own game character on your own but I don't   have one for this video so I'm using a mix of more  character so I need two characters go to mix some   more character library and I'm just choosing  these two characters an archer and a monster   number four animations for the character so as  per you've seen that you have planned you need   the animations for that if you have your own  characters get all the animations ready either   make it in blender or my out whatever it is in  my case all my characters are from maximum so   I'm getting all these animations from maximum  animation library itself you can either have   animations like mine I mean separately or you  can have all the animations in one file so it's   up to you I need my character animations so as  per my story initially the characters are idle   and then they start talking and then it turns  out to be an argument and then they get ready   for the fight and then they attack each other  and finally one wins so I need the idol so idle   download talk download another talk download  so just go ahead and download all the required   emissions now all set and ready get into unity now  creating your folder name it archer input all the   animation files for the archer into that folder  create another folder from one store and do the   same initially when you import the character  you might not see the textures so select the   character file that you're going to use in the  scene so select the character select materials   tab and change the location from use embedded  materials to use external materials legacy   and hit apply this will fix all the textures now  drag and drop that file into the hierarchy window   and place the character in a place where  you wanted to be in so position it nicely not repeat the same for monster character as well  now rename both the game objects properly Archer   monster done while positioning the second  character you don't have to do it again so   just copy the component values from the first  character and paste the component values to the   second character now both characters are in place  let's play the game whoo there is no camera let's   create a camera then hit ctrl shift F to align  the camera view to the perspective view now let's   play the game Oh still nothing is there that's  because both game objects doesn't have animator   controller attached to them but you know what we  don't need an animator controller for creating a   cutscene here because we're just using the  timeline here now how do we use a timeline   first create an empty game object and rename it as  timeline open up your timeline window if you don't   see the timeline window go to window sequencing  timeline now you should see this window timeline   is related to a game object so you can create  multiple timelines if you need a detailed video   on timeline let me know in the comment section  down below now select the timeline game object   and create a timeline in the timeline window I  hope that's not confusing timeline itself is a   separate file tab so it is a separate asset so  it gets saved in your project folder now name   the timeline file has cutscene one timeline and  save it now a timeline is created cool an animated   timeline is created here which I don't really  need it so click on the Add button here and add an   animation track a new animation track is created  the animator has nothing in it so click on a small   dot and you will see all the game objects that has  animator component select Archer now add multiple   animation tracks for your other characters  as well I am creating a new one for Monster   nothing happens because there is no animation  data in it let's start arranging the download   and animation files as per the sequence into  the timeline so my sequence is this character's   idle talks argues fights defeats so as per the  scene the character is idle at first so select   the archer idle animation and expand the file now  select only the animation clip and drag and drop   it into the timeline now the animation is playing  a you can also add this by right-clicking on the   animation track and add animation clip this  displays all the animation clips that you have   imported here all the animation clips are named as  mixer Montcalm because all of these are from the   mix motorcar I haven't renamed them you can rename  them if you want to but I'm not going to use this   method anyway so I don't really care about it  now do the same for Monster character as well now if you wanna split the track hit s I  don't want this extended animation here   so just delete it now both characters are  idle first now we need the character talking   monster talks first so arrange monster  talking animation flip in the timeline animation is not smooth here it's jumpy here you can just then to animation files in  the timeline but just moving them over   each other the overlapped area gets blended  so overlap and I just accordingly for your   desired result most scroll up and down  to zoom in and zoom out of the timeline   since timeline is object related when you  select any other object the timeline goes   off because timeline game object has the timeline  attached to it it's not attached to anything else all right no Archer is talking blend animations arrange all the animations  properly so that they make sense when Monster   is talking Archer has to be idle and then when  the archer is talking monster has to beta so that   there is a proper animation sequence where acting  and reacting is handled properly now you know your   animation sequence just go ahead and arrange them  in sequence just keep adding the animation files   and just blend them now here the character is  jumping on the other one but ignore that for   now we will fix that in some time I have arranged  all the animations in sequence now and let's take   a look at it I can notice there is a little bit  of lag at some places and also the initial idle is   not required it's kind of boring so let's remove  those and are just a timing a little bit but as   long as you have planned everything you could  I guess we're good now let's take a look at it yes now they are acting and reacting on time  arguing and fighting properly now one thing to   fix here that is the position of the characters  when they are fighting and jumping there is a   record button here to animate the character  inside unity when you hit the record button   you will get an arrow because the animation clip  itself is already animated and you cannot override   the animation directly so right-click on it and  add override track rename the track as Archer   transform so this was allow view to animate the  overall global position of the character itself   you can animate the position rotation and the  scale of the character hit record button and   recording stats immediately now select the  archer game object from the scene and start   positioning it it automatically creates keyframes  thus animating the game object scrub through the   timeline and position the character here when the  monster hits Archer I want the archer to be pushed   back slightly so more few frames on the timeline  and move the archer slightly back so monster hits   and the archer gets pushed back now coming to  the monster after hitting monster moves back as   its route joint is animated and the animations  are blended here so if we will have to fix that   to manually stop the recording for Archer create  an overall track for monster rename it hit record   pull back the monster to the same position there  is a slight jerk when the animations blend but   here there is a graph editor for this animation  that we have created click on this graph editor   so open graph editor scroll down select the keys  right click both tangents change the tangents as   linear huh still it's not fixed so we might have  to do it a little bit more manually by adjusting   the in-between frames now the animations are done  we need camera animation now add another animation   track there is no object in the animation track so  click on the dot to add the camera the camera is   not listed here that's because unity things that  camera is not an animatable game object when you   select Archer or a monster under the inspector  window you can see animator component is added   but the camera doesn't have one so select the  camera add component search for animator and   add it now if you try to add the camera it will  be listed let's start animating the camera now   hit the record button and animate the camera  position the camera properly when the second   character starts speaking we need to shift the  camera on the other side so after completing the   camera animation stop the recording you might  not see the animation clip in the timeline so   right click on the track and select convert  to clip track shot one is added now done so   the first camera animation is ready let's do  the same for the second shot go to the frame   right next to the end of the previous shot  and start recording this will create a new   clip after finishing the second clip just  played and see if they're all working fine you all good now go ahead and create any number  of cameras that you need and rearrange them   in the timeline now all the animations are done  so you can add different tracks to the timeline   you can have an audio track so you can add music  and sound effects and there are a lot of other   things too that you can add in your timeline  so which we'll talk about in a different video   but for now this is just a cutscene so that's  it your cutscene is ready now you can you can   use triggers to spawn or instantiate the Tamlyn  object when the character enters the trigger or   you can add a separate scene for itself whichever  works for you what makes you think that you can   save the people of this city it doesn't matter  I will save my bar why don't you understand the   people of the city northward see every life is  important and I will save them let's see them so that's it the cutscene is ready so if you have  any questions or queries just let me know in the   comment section down below so I'll be happy to  help you so that's it your cutscene is ready
Channel: CG AURA
Views: 104,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cutscene unity 3d, video cutscene unity, trigger cutscene unity, unity cutscene tutorial 3d, unity cutscene tutorial, cutscene tutorial, unity tutorials 3d, unity tutorials 3d beginner, unity tutorial, unity 3d tutorials for beginners, unity 3d tutorials for beginners 2020, unity 3d tutorial, timeline unity 2019, 3d animation using unity timeline, unity3d timeline, cg aura, unity cutscene animation, unity cutscene timeline, unity cutscene video
Id: w6lc8svzBms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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