Unity at GDC Keynote - March 19, 2018

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Bah, il be sleeping!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TheWobling ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 19 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

RemindMe! 9 hours "Unity GDC Keynote!"

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/nmkd ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 19 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

"posted 9 hours ago" how lucky

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/HonestlyShitContent ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 20 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Any speculation as to what will be announced?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/oonis ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 19 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

For those of us unable to watch at that time, will there be a recording available soon?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/slonermike ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 19 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Sweet, thanks!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/grantmoore3d ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 20 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] I got my first computer when I was six years old I was really young sixth grade somebody showed me two lines of basic and I fell in love with this idea my thing is music I want to build the ultimate interactive music system I'm actually trained us say oil painter and traditional artists my pans are both circus artists unity it's the sum of all these parts first time I heard of unity a company with a vision it was technology guided by that vision that actually worked and delivered on its promise and I thought I need to be part of that and it pretty quickly got the democratization and the openness and I saw it is the future to me creation accessible the first thing to think about is removing roadblocks the space was not approachable and unaffordable oh I have to write a rendering engine oh I have to write an animation system oh I have to figure these things out oh there's a lot of math we've taken care of all of that solving hard problems I feel like is kind of the engine that makes it all go if you have to worry about nothing else then what you're actually focusing on what you're actually passionate about then there is no way you are not going to succeed not just provide them with the very sophisticated piece of software but also provide the support that is required to you know sustain in that industry unity believes that everyone has the right to create whether it's Indies triple-a companies you don't want a barrier between you and the exploration a couple of kids in Cambodia could use software like unity to produce the number one mobile game for many years so you see unity being used everywhere a lot of people are coming and seeing us and say thank you people can quit their day jobs and focus on what they are truly passionate about our tool enables them to do that I've never seen that anywhere else I've been working at Microsoft Amazon uber unit is a different place yeah coming from Indonesia a city called humble dark Maryville Tennessee Plymouth in England come home Denmark whose ville California gorillas the woods Mircea amore al o Canada with technology it democratizes the world in a way I'm an enabler but in the best possible sense in that I want to enable people to make the things that they dream about critters are the pacesetters are dreamers those with an imagination and we are here to support them because we think the world is a fundamentally better place with more creators in it please welcome Unity's CEO John Ricca Telo [Music] so good evening everybody and welcome to unities keynote for GDC 2018 now at Unity we think a lot about how we can best serve our developers and that's because you the developer are doing all the creating you're doing all the innovating and you're the one driving the industry we love so much as a whole now at Unity I think you know we talk a lot about our principles but we try to stay focused on these particular ideas and you can see them up here on the screen behind me democratization solving hard problems in enabling success but there's a philosophy that lives behind these and the first point is we do fundamentally believe the world is a better place with more creators in it now we love consumers we love gamers and you know there's three billion of them out there that's fantastic but our heart beats to the rhythm of the developer we're really on their side and we know how hard it is to be a developer the investment in time and Genuity and craft that goes into making a great game and we know the odds are stacked against the developer it's hard to create a great game there's huge competition and the platform companies don't make it easy they don't make it easy for discovery for distribution any of it and we think our place in the world is to stand with and for developers think of us is an 800 person technology team engine development team it's your engine development team that's here to make sure that you can get to each platform quickly easily with leading-edge technology we're a business team buts here to enable your better revenue and your better outcomes so you can focus on the content on the game mechanics and the player experience now we're not focused at unity on making games we're here to solve the hard problem so you can make the games sit at the center of an ecosystem and as I said we're proud to stand with you and for you in the world that we all want the sea come together so I want to bring it back to you now the developer and show a little bit of the amazing impact you've had in 2017 why don't we roll the video okay now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for everybody over here I promise the video worked on this side of the room to earlier today but I guess I'm a CEO and I thought I needed like my own private stage space you know how those egos get going but now think about this sixty nine percent of the games in products built in the world were built by you the unity developer seventy four percent of everything made for a CTF HTC vive 87 percent of everything for gear and 91 percent of everything for the hololens that's absolutely unbelievable and perhaps the most unbelievable of all is that half more than half actually of all the mobile games built in the world were built by you the Unity developer I mean that's freaking amazing now now we live at a time when there's all sorts of theories about what creates employment and my answer is it's you and here's a really interesting slide and some data that I I hadn't expected and wasn't really looking for but this is LinkedIn all the job search all over the world they rank each of the jobs in terms of what is the most prevalent and the second most common search and the third most common search what people are looking for and of course there's a lot of tech jobs we're in the middle of a technology revolution of biblical proportions but look at it I mean you'd expect it I mean machine learning engineering is hot and data sciences are hot sales development you know folks are hot but what do you notice about position number seven it's the only entry in the top ten that has a company's name associated with it the others are broad descriptions this is a very specific description and it shows that you the Unity developer are hiring like crazy and it shows a unity developer actually probably the best solve for the world's economic woes of anything that's out there so with that grand thought that you're solving the world's economic woes I'd like to shift gears for a moment and turn to what we'd like to talk to you about tonight now you're gonna hear from all most of the people you saw in that video but you're gonna hear from the best and brightest at unity you'll hear from Bratz and Isabel you know what's going on in 2018 Brett's gonna take you through our road map the key products coming out in 18 through the balance of the year and Isabel's gonna share what the dreamers and creators are doing with unity what they've been up to and what's coming out now they're gonna be followed by Danny lang Danny's gonna talk about machine learning an AI and how AI can be trained not only to monetize your games better but make them play better and more tailored around an individual gamers experience yes you can use AI for that Natalya Lucas Mike and Adam are going to demonstrate the next level rendering and what we're doing with the scriptable rendered pipeline to allow you to make achingly beautiful products and finally you acumen Ralph we're going to share the future of unity the incredible impact on performance and scale made possible with the entity component system and some small runtimes are going to change everything and the way consumers launch how they're built and how they're consumed by consumers around the world all of these are the next steps allowing you to use the most performant engine to make the best games possible all you need now is to understand a little bit more and what can be possible and what that will show you a video to give you a better sense of what that is thank you [Music] please welcome the head of made with unity Isabel Reba we are so impressed by the talent and ingenuity of the community the art styles are so versatile there's hand-drawn games like cuphead and super realistic games like GTFO and we aren't the only ones noticing this creativity brands are impressed they're coming to us asking to build bridges with the indie community and we love making that connection for them in fact we have in that vein an announcement to make today it's the challenge put together by Universal Microsoft Intel and unity inviting you to design a PC game based on an iconic brand and get this you can pick from Back to the Future Tarak Battlestar Galactica Voltron legendary defender or my personal favorite jaws you stand to win two hundred and fifty thousand dollars worth of crap cash prizes and a contract with Universal Studios we're calling it the universal game dev challenge [Applause] the work will be judged by these industry veterans Bob Gale co-creator of Back to the Future Kate Edwards former executive director of the IG da Dean Takahashi lead writer for games beat and lauren montgomery co-executive producer of DreamWorks TV and showrunner of Voltron so starting today you have exactly one month to submit your winning game idea in the form of a design doc to unityconnect so track down some teammates and get started if that wasn't enough of an opportunity for you there's one more this one's coming direct from a veteran game maker who is building his next game in unity I'm alright game designer responsible for any games you might be familiar with including Sim City The Sims and sport you give up working on is called proxy a game of self-discovery where we actually uncover Limor memories from your past to do this we partnered with unity to announce a contest to find an artist that can help us bring this to life to manifest these memories in a cool and unique way you can enter this contest at Unity connect and to that artist and I know you're out there I look forward to meeting you please welcome a vice president of AI and machine learning Danny lag thank you thank you good evening you know at Unity we are committed to democratizing development and in an effort to provide you with the very best tools for game creation we are making machine learning available to your we are committed to lowering the barriers of entry so that you can use machine learning as an integral part of your game development machine learning we know that it can be expensive it can be difficult to master and it can be time-consuming but it can also make your games and your game development easier and in particularly make your games more fun to play for your players as developers with machine learning we no longer have to program every solution every NPC every permutation off of what a person may make how person may interact with the game we can make systems learn instead like people learn from the environment and respond to it we can make systems learn the same way in our goal of democratizing machine learning we have created ml agents Unity ml agents is an open-source AI toolkit that helps developers and researchers trained agents in realistic complex scenarios with a very realistic 3d environment from the Unity engine in our latest release of ml agents dot 3 we have many new features but there's one very important feature called imitation learning with imitation learning a system can learn from real people playing and it can be trained to adjust to your players instead of building an NPC conventional code writing lines and lines of c-sharp you can you can you can create it through imitation learning which will deal with your game environment in a much more organic manner it will not play perfectly like a robot but rather imperfectly like a real player the most exciting part of imitation learning in ml agents is that training happens in real time so let me show you a demonstration featuring assets from cybernetic walras and their soon-to-be released game antigravity a futuristic racing game in a racing game you need the one the NPC vehicles to lose too quickly nor do we want them to leave your players in the dust the appropriate level of challenge is what keeps the game engaging this is a beautiful 3d game we're gonna slow it down a bit so that you can see how the machine is being trained here when I slow it down it will lose some of its magic but I want you to see clearly what is happening when we are training you will see a human on your left side and you will see the agent on the right side let's take a look early on you will see that the machine the agent is crashing it's trying over and over while the human is doing really great it is learning bit from bit yeah from the human literally but look here after just 25 seconds of real-time training the agent is actor doing pretty well it's still wobbly it's not perfect while the humans still feed this agent bit by bit training data and after five minutes of training you will see that the agent is doing really well the reason that it's doing so well is of course that Mike our Evangelist who trained this agent is actor very good you may actually say he's a little too good because if he would have been crashing a little more the agent would sort of have learned to to crash as well yeah now machine learning is at the center of everything we do powering the entire unity ecosystem but more than that machine learning insights allow us to build tools that optimize your games for winter retention and engagement we know that more than 50% of the one-star reviews in the Google Play Store mentioned performance issues which makes it one of the most important challenges that we can help you solve as a unity developer I can easily develop for ios and android that's a simple but we know there's more to it than that there's iPhone 10 and there's the Google pixel - there's Samsung Galaxy s7 but there's also an iPhone 6 and a lot of other iPhone models yeah in fact there are more than 50,000 smartphone models currently in use across the world it's a lot of phones a lot of different models so now you're left with two options one option is to build for the high end devices and put in all the effects and graphics that you can imagine but risk crashing on the low end or all the devices you could also on the other hand choose to aim for the low end devices and not really fully execute on your vision for the high-end devices yeah we don't want you to really have to make that choice there is a better way and it's called unity livetune unity life tune optimizes performance settings dynamically for every device in real time it adjusts the assets effects and rendering for each phone model giving the best possible experience for a player on a given device in Visio an independent game studio in Montreal use live tune with their game roller coaster tycoon touch live tune addressed key performance issues and improved Android players long-term retention with a whooping 33% that's actually amazing thank you but let's take this a step further I just discussed improving gameplay at the cohort level of devices of phone models yeah but what about optimizing for the individual player the first step we are taking in that direction is I ap prom I a peep remote surfaces the best possible inner promotions to each player based on their game behavior we know however that even if you were to provide each player with the right offering a lot of players never make an in-app purchase that content is just not relevant to them yeah that's why we're building algorithms to ensure that we show each player the exact right content at the right moment it could be a promotion for your other game it could also be an ad or it could be the virtual good that that player really needs at that moment one size does not fit all I could not buy a pair of shoes and expect them to fit every person in this room that's impossible yeah games aren't any different each person has a combination of hardware software skills and interests that create millions of options we want to give you the tools that make your game accessible for everyone and deeply engaging every person who plays thank you very much please welcome vice president of engineering Brett Bibby [Music] good evening everybody how's everybody doing tonight right on I have the absolute honor of leading the core R&D team at unity and many of these people you can see here on the screen but actually that's more than 500 super talented men and women engineers test engineers product managers UX designers technical artists technical writers and more and together we have the absolute privilege of being your engine team the team that provides you with the tools to create content the tools to integrate with your own tool chains to assemble layout and polish your content and scenes to code build deploy and help you even operate your games as your engine team we are only successful if you are successful so we are very very very grateful for your continued love and support so from all of engineering very very warm thank you thanks for that as you know we don't make games ourselves we live as game developers through you internally unity across the company we celebrate your achievements and we fill your pain when things don't go so well to address your needs this year we have scheduled three releases in the spring the summer and the fall 2018 one two and three today you're going to see some great new artist tools you're gonna see our brand new great rendering pipelines and supported features these two themes artists tooling and rendering is something that we're going to be doing all year they're gonna get a lot of love throughout the year in addition to our focus on optimizations and performance next we are going to release our industry-leading realtime ray tracing GPU light mapper also a new SVG importer 2d character animation tools new asset bundle tools and a lot more but what you should actually do is decide right now that you're gonna join us in Germany in Berlin in June for our unite event there and get all of this really great stuff firsthand now later in the air and the fall what's coming in 2018 dot three I have two words for you nested prefabs [Music] [Applause] apparently a few of the users wanted this feature so we decided to put it in so yeah well bring it later in the air but what could be better than nested prefabs I mean should we just shut it all down and go home right now well based on your input I'm happy to tell you we are introducing long term supported versions of unity the long term supported versions of unity will be based on our fall 3 version every year and then we will continue to release patches and roll-ups of bug fixes with no new functionality no new features for 24 months for 2 years beyond the last dot 3 version and because we have a LTS version every single year that means you have one year of overlap so you can upgrade your games in your projects when you're ready allowing you to keep your games running as long as you want the 2017 LTS based on 2017 dot 3 is available now for everyone switching gears a bit I just love new gear and who doesn't and I'm kind of in the right job to really love new gear and it's an exciting time in the world of platforms and devices there's an absolute explosion going on with innovation across the board with so much innovation happening it's opening opportunities not just for creators but for consumers alike it's also an insane amount of work for creators to support so many devices at Unity we think a lot about solving this problem and about giving you the reach that you need to be successful when important new devices reach the marketplace we want to ensure we have day 1 support for you for pioneers an augmented reality unity is partnered with magically to bring you support for the magic Li point you can get started developing for the magic leap one with the Unity Developer Preview now available we also have something to share today from our partnership with oculus you now have the ability to build directly for the oculus go using the same workflow that you use for gear VR another part were another partner that we've worked with for years is Google and I'm happy to say you'll be able to build for Google's standalone daydream handset directly with the newly added six degree of freedom support for daydream making it super easy to develop and iterate for this platform as well unity has unparalleled support to broaden reach for your XR creations we continue to build our partner ecosystem to bring you the platforms and technology that you need with so many great platforms and more than us with so many great partners and more than 25 platforms to choose from unity helps you connect with your audiences wherever they are using whichever devices they know and love all of this is coming in 2018 dot 1 now 2018 dot 1 will be released next month meanwhile you can download and try the beta for yourself today and we would all obviously welcome that feedback everything that you're gonna see in this keynote you can experience in this beta but although there's a lot to like and I heard giggling in the back not everything in this Kino you can experience but now I got your interests there's a lot to like in 2018 dot one but I think we've talked enough about it it's time to show you some of the really cool new artist tools and also the rendering pipelines in action thank you please welcome director of graphics Natalia Tatar ciao hello next level rendering is our approach to unleash team creativity in an effort to produce amazing and beautiful visual experiences across all platforms there are two key components when I think about this first it is about rendering technology it is about being able to harness the power of platform diversity performance of CPU and GPU multi-core architecture support for foreign factors like monster PCs consoles low-end mobiles you've heard a lot about all the variety of devices that we service second it is about artists workflows we want to give artists control to own the creation experience and to end with visual tools working in the context of the production environment therein and the production project that they're doing owning results from creation points starting to the final debug and profiling through to ship and that's a lot let's dive into the rendering technology aspects first so of course you just saw permissible lots of different game experiences get created with unity from cinematic high-end experiences rendering in real time in 3d to 2d pixel art performers to mobile games AR VR and many many more and in fact we don't even know what you guys will come up with and that's the exciting part and one unity can deliver many experiences what we wanted to do is to have its rendering engine evolve and offer both more power and more flexibility yup we try to do the impossible so we went back to the drawing board with one goal in mind to deliver one core rendering architecture which is capable of serving the diverse outcomes without sacrificing performance or quality this is not a small undertaking in fact this is a major conceptual shift for the way the unity graphics has been working we want our creators to access the power of modern hardware and GPUs we want to offer a powerful and open real-time rendering engine not a black box we don't want you to have to learn millions and millions of lines of C++ code I find that exciting but you might not it should be easily customizable accessible through c-sharp scripts and shaders and we also want to make sure we set you up for success without of the Box optimized templates for specific needs that you might have for a fast and easy start with the best-looking results so how we do that the answer for us is the scriptable render pipeline architecture or in short SRP this is our new architecture that allows extensive customizability of rendering it provides an open API and you can write your own renderer fairly easily we actually give you two as a starting point out of the box for you to use immediately for your own projects as you wish or to actually build from to create your own custom solution and it has many strengths it is highly configurable you can perform rendering in unity as I mentioned with c-sharp scripts and shaders it is lean you can take only what you need you don't need to bloat your rendering pipeline with things you don't care about and most importantly it is user centric it lives in user space it's easy to debug it's easy to extend and easy to modify scriptable render pipeline is the overall architecture that gives us the framework and gives you the framework to write your own rendering pipeline now we're giving two options as I mentioned for you to start from and what we've done is we really look to cover different ends of the spectrum and that's what you see here the super high end visual fidelity HD rendering pipeline which is covering the really high fidelity experiences all the way to lightweight rendering pipe the lightweight SRP is heavily optimized for performance supports every unity platform from low end mobile phones to high end PC experiences scaling with the user performance and the capability of platforms the key thing about lightweight pipeline is super accessible it's very friendly it's easy to start from your users we also made sure that we optimize the physically based rendering for the lightweight pipeline so that it can render better with better performance on those low-end mobiles on AR and VR devices we improved lighting fidelity everything is linear predictable and we gave you a ton of controls to make sure you have right attenuation parameters feeding better options for lighting so that you create beautiful things with us now HD rendering in contrast is the pipeline that prioritizes stunning high fidelity visuals of course with performant results what we mean sure is that it's designed for GPU compute capable consoles and PC hardware so as you can see unity graphics is evolving and it's evolving into a powerful configurable perform an ecosystem however and I am an engineer but it's not all about engineering I firmly believe the beautiful graphics cannot come to life without the creative force the artists only they are able to bring the spark of life to any algorithm that without their touch will just merely twinkle and fall on the ground so I want you guys to hear from the demo team which is a tour de force creative team that has been a core part of the evolving graphics frontier in unity thank you please welcome demo team producer Silvia rishabha [Music] hello everyone unit is demo team consists of artists and programmers with many years of game development experience we create content to drive advanced usage of the Unity engine and push the envelope of what is possible to achieve with our technology both now and in the future in a way we are a user within the company because we work in very close collaboration with unities R&D all teams across R&D and we are usually the first to try out new features and technologies as they are being developed specifically around graphics our team is distributed we are located in seven different cities across Europe and we have seven different nationalities on the team citizen nationality is not necessarily coinciding our production and environment is entirely virtual with unity being the creative platform where everyone's work gets pushed together as a creative team we have a distinct creative style and we we do care about the narratives we do care about the aesthetics specific themes that we want to explore that span beyond what is strictly speaking necessary for a technical demonstration you've probably seen some of our work our short film the blacksmith it supported the release of unity 5 which premiered physically based shading in unity and real-time global illumination in unity to this day we continue to be to have a lot of fondness for Nordic inspired themes while we were creating our short film Adam we made use of all of the latest improvements and all of the ladies months in unity graphics that were available back in 2016 when it was released including shading lighting post-processing as well as the Timeline feature neon was a small side project made almost just for fun and it was created entirely with assets from the unity asset store it was very quick to prototype while still looking good due to the latest and most improved post-processing stack and our latest project is Book of the Dead this time we are making an interactive experience it is built on all of the rendering innovations that are coming with unity in 2018 we will keep working on this project throughout the entire year as we continue to support and the constantly evolving and constantly improving graphics features within unity I will leave you with a brief look at Book of the Dead thank you well look at that I didn't think you had it in you [Music] tell me more about this place you spent nearly 90 years what no no not there the forest is just the lobby that's where the entrance is I've been thinking how do I remember all this when did I make these memories you need a brain to make memories your brain is now remembering things that never happened to you to it an enormous amount of neural connections with homes as you came back decades of worldly memory yeah sorry are you all right yes um I'm just I'm tell me did you see any of the others yes I'd have her fainted even though he had told me about them you think that was one of them I know you're almost there you're the only one I woke up Karen one out of tens of thousands why [Music] [Music] please welcome Technical Director Lucas Mayer everybody I love watching that video all the real-time by the way the rocks that you see behind me they are they come from behind the house of my friend ves in Stockholm he went out with this camera and took a whole bunch of pictures of these rocks and all the pieces of wood and trees that you see and they used the process called photogrammetry to turn these pictures into these textured 3d models photogrammetry is a technique that really enables small teams to create really high fidelity assets in a really efficient way and because we are in the business of solving hard problems so that you don't have to we made a step by step guide to teach you and show you how you can do this at home yourself you know what kind of camera do you bring how do you take these pictures and know which which buttons do you press to make you know where do you put the pictures in and get the model out it's a whole bunch of software you need to use we wrote some of it it's really fun to do if you're if you're into that kind of stuff I can highly recommend it we also used a bunch of textures from qixels mega scans library it's a library of really high quality scanned textures that are actually available on the Asus store now the ones that we used so that not only we can use them but you can use them too in this next section we're gonna have a look at some of the graphics features in 2018 dot one that were used to make this project look like the way it does and to do that let's get Natasha back on stage you guys thought you were done with me just saying a few words no that's okay no no nope so we're gonna start from the high-definition pipeline that is our cutting-edge rendering pipeline which is now shipping in preview in 2018 dot 1 and what makes HDR peak cutting-edge is really the 5 key components that we use as pillars for the design and development of this core technology it is physically accurate which means that we use physically based rendering for our materials and physical light units for our lighting it is unified because there is unified lighting and material response for our peaks transparent decals translucence volume metrics and also big GI matches runtime in terms of lighting which means that it gives you predictable results under all lighting conditions under all material responses it's very configurable you have tons of options to polish and create very specific content for your needs and it really helps you achieve the results that you want while giving you a ton of debugging options to understand where you might have taken a wrong path along the way to help you to get to your final ship result and of course not the least it is absolutely performant because we've spent a ton of time making sure that all of this unification consistency does not come at a cost to you it is optimized for all of the rendering paths suitable for the specific platforms that were shipping HDR pion now let's take a deeper look at the components of what makes the scene we were looking at earlier beautiful one of the key components is lighting and making lighting behave consistently for all material types is very difficult this is where many engine layer tons of hax objects that might have looked right a second ago when you move them from one corner to the next let's say from a light area to the dark me start gluing it unexpectedly now HDR piece solves this by providing a fully linear DR unified physically based lighting lots of words lot of buzz but it doesn't matter what type of material of light types you use that's the whole point of us doing it right the results will be correct and consistent now in this example what you're seeing is Lucas is moving around the object around and what you notice is it preserves the fidelity of lighting the details without creating a really unexpected response so that's that consistency that I mentioned in HD what helps this is the light follows physical inverse-square attenuation and uses physical light units giving you ability to match real-world conditions most games tend to use very simple lights spotlights line like point lights because that's really all they can afford for performance reasons but we're changing that with HDR P as well let's take a look at a few area lights in our scene here so what you're seeing here Lukas just dropped a real-time line area light this is one of the shapes that we're shipping we're adding a few more shortly and even though these lights are typically reserved for film and not seen frequently in real time they really help bridge filmic lighting quality with real time rendering now in our case they're also very performant we made sure that in our optimized real time implementation the cost of an area light without shadows like what you see here is just twice of a regular vanilla spotlight now HDR P gives you a lot of power to customize lighting customize the visual results but we mentioned we want you to own this and to end and the way to do that we're giving you power with a really extended selection of debug modes can we take a look at a couple yeah I have the new a debug window open over here I particularly like this mode here it's the diffused lighting it's a mode that lets you see only the lighting in your scene which is useful for instance what happens a lot you need to figure out why something is too dark or too bright you want to know like well is this my texture that's wrong or if it's the lighting that's wrong for instance in this view you can clearly also still see the area lights the line lights that I placed if you were wondering why that piece of grass was so bright well it's because of the lighting which is with this view that you see there's a whole bunch of other modes in here let me show you a few I can Francis set it to my normals over here and these set of debug tools they really empower artists to investigate any kind of visual problem in their content that they might have and the nice thing about it is that they don't only work in the editor but they also work on the device so when we run this project on a Playstation we can actually get these modes working on the PlayStation at well another cool thing about them is that they are very easily extendable the demo team that made this project one of the things they needed to do because it's in a forest they wanted to do something special with the amount of skylight that comes in because you have all these leaves high up in the tree the leaves actually block the skylight from coming in and they wanted to make a debug mode to visualize that to give them about eight lines of code probably longer than it will take me to find it here we are it's in material he's learning I'm just faking it here we go and actually this is a really good example that the whole point that we've just mentioned about SRP architecture is you can make it your own the demo team found that they needed to add a better and more specific effect for outdoor environment they extended it with scripts and shaders they did essentially a compilation a few shader compilation a few hot reloads of scripts and we're able to iterate very very quickly on rendering algorithms which is something that most of our graphics people are really unused to we live in C++ world typically and so they extended their rendering pipeline specifically to add the volumetric sky occlusion feature and actually can we see what this brings to the party yeah I have them right here right here and so you can see why this was such a key crucial feature and in fact we're shipping with it in 18.2 it really helps bring a a lot of the environment richness to life with all of the details of how the foliage is grounded with this outdoor environment alright there's a few more things in the scene that I would like to show let's let's take a look so I have this area here from the sequence and let's go to my post processes settings post post post processes endings and let me tweak them a little bit by the way post processing stack is out of beta in 2018 dot one now let me just create this sort of a different look now you were always able to do this but new and 2018 at one something that we added as we took it out of beta it's a new thing called volumes let me show you what they look like you can go to the scene view and you see these huge ugly green boxes and what they do is the settings that I just applied they only apply when the camera gets close to that box you can control you know how soon the settings fade in and out let me show you what that looks like if I scrub a bit to the timeline here if I go back here you can see that now my changes don't apply and when the camera gets in they slowly apply 100% and when I get out of here they they go out again and a cool thing about these volumes is that they're actually not specific to post-processing settings at all you can use these volumes to gradually fade sort of like fade in and fade out settings of any kind of scripts that you might have and actually for that matter you saw it happening in timeline and post-processing is integrated with cinema scene and timeline but we also help with these volumes is the ability for you to craft the interactive experience if you want to create a really intense moment in your game when the player walks into a specific area you use this volume and bam you can throw a really intense new are look with just a few settings so really lets you customize the experience very quickly alright let me show you a few more things here while we're in this part of the scene I have this tree over here let's zoom in a little bit and you might have missed it in the of information that we had for you but this guy over here this is a decal on the tree one or two users might have asked us in the past and support for that and I'm happy to say that they can finally sleep at night let's take a closer look at this tree itself turn on my selection wire so this tree if i zoom out you can see the original topology was authored at yeah it's pretty the relatively low res but when I get closer to it we're using tessellation and displacement to really add the detail only when we get closer this is what makes the tree still look so good when you get so up close if you remember from the video this is like that tree that the character put its hands on like there's amazing detail even when you get really close to it and it really helps amp up the fidelity of the overall experience the high quality visuals that we're really trying to let you create easily with HD render pipeline in fact one of the super nice things about the decal that Lucas just showed you is that again we're unifying it for both opaque and transparent it takes in the proper lighting and correspondingly affects it at the end just working correctly now another important things we mentioned that we have a lot of material options for you to use in the HD render pipeline but we've also want to make it easier for you to craft and polish materials with that so with that in 20 18.1 we're shipping shader graph with support for LT NHD pipelines with tons of material options exposed now all of these material advance material options actually can be additionally blended as layered materials really allowing you create to create complex surfaces real-world believable surfaces so for example if we look in the back there there's a nice brick mortar wall and it has a complex merging of the brick the mortar the dirt the dust and that's what you do with the layered materials using all of the options that are available in a default material and in fact Book of the Dead has a lot of really nice details we can take a look at yeah so the this is a shot that I really like it's these leaves and if I go around them you can really see how the leaves sort of like they both shadow each other but you really see this light bleeding in with the light it's like the front of the leave and you could see it from the back how it is that transfer so this is in fact an example of translucent material this is an option in the HD standard lit material and what it does is it simulates how the light scatters through a backlit surface now another thing that are really loved in this level is this mysterious and rather strange amber creature let me go to my friend here we get a special zoom in look on that yeah you can see my friend here likes to keep an open mind and he also has this this sort of like weird orange stuff coming out of the wood and this I really like this material like if you if you sort of see how it responds to the light it's I think it's some subsurface scattering you keep reading up what this drop-down says but let me use that drop-down to turn it on and off to see the amazing difference that this HD material provides and the way the light scatters from the surface is really a complex physical phenomena most of the approximate approximation that physics and computer graphics has designed a really quite expensive to do in real time and in fact even for offline film but we got several of them to run fast an HD subsurface scattering of course is what brings this material to life you know the SAP that you're seeing the ember that Lucas was pointing out is where the light gets trapped the light scatters and you start accumulating a response in order to give you this nice wonderful volumetric waxy look now with HD we allow you to do this with two options we give you the games to it industry standard subsurface scattering Jimenez approach which is highly optimized but also for the first time in real time we are providing a filmic technique for subsurface again optimized for a specific rendering of time needs we're giving an option for Disney Burley model for subsurface scattering with much higher quality results now another major breakthrough that HD provides is multiple scattering approach for specular response well I'm a graphics nerd so of course shader balls is a very important part of the presentation now what's key about this is this is the first time in the industry for real-time in fact I'll tell you a secret only a couple of film offline renderers have this support as well and what it means is even the roughest materials as you see on the left corner over there can actually look right in a dark corners you see on the top they go dark on the bottom they stay consistent and along with multiple scattering we also added options for iridescent and overcoat materials and clear coat that you see here so here's a couple of AG really great examples in fact let's see it live they really help to provide you options to build high-end materials like enamels IRRI dyes glass metals and other complex real world surfaces we bring you all kinds of shiny with HD RP I can't get enough of the soap bubbles personally that in my two-year-old daughter who's watching this presentation is right now feeling particularly excited I bet now we are extending HD RP furthermore to add a few options for organic materials like hair skin fabrics and eyes here you see an example of filmic quality character [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so this was an example of a young girl from a movie called wind-up which is a project done in HD using he being Zhang and the graphics team which shows the power of anisotropic on hair skin subsurface and amazing brdf for cloth rendering now let's go back to book of the dead you know with HD Book of the Dead interactive experience is a great example of what a small team of amazing content creators can accomplish but after people saw the book of the dead project they kept coming up with two proud questions one isn't as just a movie it looks like a trailer and do you need a mega high-end PC with multiple graphics cards that can heat up my whole apartment tirana it's like it seems really fancy well the answer to both questions is no and in fact here you see a larger level from The Book of the Dead done with the same assets with the same visual quality that is running a steady 30 FPS a second that Lucas is showing you on PlayStation 4 Pro so he's interactive I'm actually playing right now with my playstation controller exactly and so really demonstrates the benefits of unity 2018 that allow you to craft high-end interactive experiences like this one that are optimized for modern consoles and what's really powerful is the demo team started by developing an PC which of course is easy they didn't need even need a deaf kid but they were able to use HD render pipeline to smoothly take it to the PlayStation 4 experience and that's really the power that it gives you you know this 3 this cool sort of like octopus looking tree it's actually the tree next to the kindergarten where VES takes his kids he's candid there look how it grows around the rocks now in fact when I use this demo to help others create and craft such stunning visual experiences so with that we're releasing the entire level with all of the assets on assets store in April personally I can't get enough of this and it really brings to life the anti-aliasing tรก technique here because it's just so smooth now do I have to stop yeah I'm sorry I know it's hard I want to also give you guys a quick taste of something that we've been cooking that is coming soon that I'm extremely excited about now we're gonna take a step back for a second baking lightmaps which is a key component of creating lighting in many many games today has been a consistent frustration for artists they take a long time sometimes hours especially if you want to ship in quality light map to really look at your level in a level to make matters worse often means several or even tens of light naps to make it look right frankly it's just not fun to look at it and not enough coffee I mean you can only take so many cups in an hour now our CPU progressive lightmap are made lots of head ways to help it but we can do better and I'm happy to tell you about a new tool that we've created to help artists really get instantaneous feedback which is our new GPU progressive light mapper it is a real-time path tracer that is using real-time ray tracing on GPU to bake lighting unless the several seconds and in fact that is what Lucas is doing here for the final ship quality light map which upu ray tracing we can progressively bake let's say 2 million texels with about a hundred million rays that are super sampled with 4 or 16 samples per ray in mere couple seconds having come from the world of ours baking lightmap this is just absolutely insane so the environment I've open here you can see I'm in this sort of indoor thing and the only the only place that the light comes from is like this hole in the roof right so most of the the reason you still see anything is that that light bounces from wall to wall sort of bounce light let me just turn off that bounce light for a second to see like what would be left if we didn't account for that and let me just make that floor a bit exaggerated red and again as we care so much about the artists experience we make sure that this tool also allows you to see only the lighting and you can see that the there's actually funny the floor is white remember before how I told you you can use these modes to figure out where something comes from you can see here that the light hitting the floor is white so the reason it was red before was because of the color of the material but the reason that this thing's on the side and on the top are red but that's because the bounce light is hitting it the light Napper it is let me turn on some colors again it's also still progressive so that's just a fancy word for saying that it only lightmaps what you're looking at which gives this funny effect that you can sort of paint the level by looking at it and it also works in much bigger environments if I go to the outdoor environment that we have over here you can see that this you know much larger environment is an area where the GPU light banking helps so much because like you know this were traditionally baking this would take so long how many light Maps is this this level is about 6 1 K light Maps now to light this what we're actually computing here in real time is four point four billion raised with four samples per E and that's what you're seeing interactively refresh and in fact you can tweak your settings so you don't even notice when it actually updates the light now we covered a lot of great features that we're shipping with our high-definition pipeline and our novel tools for artists which is still in preview believe it or not I had to take really hard cuts and this is just skimming the surface we wanted to tell you so much more about what's coming in 18.1 but you know time constraints so really please download it try it out engage with us give us feedback we want to hear your experiences we've given you a lot of ideas of what's happening in the world of High Definition lighting and to make artists iteration faster but of course we also want to enable customer success across that entire giant gamut of the platforms the unity runs on and the lightweight pipeline is our answer to that now I want you guys to take a deeper look of what you're another really amazing content creator group was able to create with lightweight pipeline thank you please welcome head of cinematics Adam my hill and producer for made with unity mic weathering we wanted to test out some of these 2018 artist features and the new lightweight render pipeline so Adam and I created a few scenes and we began where everybody begins with the Illusive what is the vision so let's make some storyboards let's make some cameras let's get an edit down you know some scratch audio let's build an animatic and let's work it there before it gets expensive but then what you abandon the animatic only to build it for real somewhere else we didn't do that part we experimented and we did the design straight in unity and I'm gonna introduce a new feature student machine storyboard so this is unity this is timeline right here this is an image on a camera clip basic storyboard and you can see when we cross and we do a cut we cut to another storyboard and this is actually the same storyboard you can see we've got a animation area here so you can bring your storyboards to life and when you have this you're doing your timing your edits right here but because it's in timeline you get this extra magic look at this functionality I can take my clip and overlap it and that becomes a dissolve so you can breathe a lot of life into your animatics right here but this is where the magic starts because when it's all in here together I can fade this down and I can go from an animatic to 3d so instead of doing your 2d somewhere when you want to go from 2d to 3d you're already there and you can mix and match these ideas I've got a 3d scene built and this works fine I want to try out a new idea I can go from 3d to 2d and mix and match and start to craft your vision your timing is preserved from start to finish look at this you can even take the camera here I'm gonna just mix this alpha in just a little bit you can tune your camera's to match your reference get your 3d cameras to perfectly match your storyboards but it's more than just cameras what we're doing is we're getting you right next to your reference when you're building things and you you have you know reference over here and then your game over there if you want to get your reference to look like your game you got to get them work like right next to each other so we're putting the reference straight in this is a Google map of Boston then here's a world behind the mic and I we wanted to build a couple of blocks of Boston so this is a you know punched in view so we started grey boxing right right over top right over top of the image and this is a big announcement we did this in editor we're modeling gray boxing in editor and we're doing that with pro builder and pro builder is part of 20 18.1 Mike's gonna tell you all about it so like Adam said we're great boxing with Pro builder I'm a huge fan I've been using it for years so we've got our small gameplay area that we mocked up and from the concept stage we start actually being able to test out ideas test out interactions and as the final art starts coming in we can very rapidly go from gray box to your final art now we didn't just use Pro builder for gray boxing the environment we actually used it to start gray boxing interactions with the with the the world so here we have these characters that are in the this intersection we thought it would be cool if maybe a car came and took out some monsters and they dodged it and you just animated that really quickly so you can see there's a couple keyframes I laid out in timeline here so it took a couple minutes to mock up this idea but because it's pro builder I can just grab the car and grab some edges and make my car look a little more car-like and we're modeling we're modeling live on timeline as we're doing these things being able to iterate and try out ideas really quickly is super powerful now that's kind of it's all good but that car doesn't really match our look so one of the new awesome features that we have is kind of a part of the the exclusive collaboration we have with Autodesk where we can now export right from timeline so I've gray box this idea and I can export it out to my DCC tools and keep all of the timing which is exactly what we did so I sent this out exported it out sent it to the artists and an artist who is much better at modeling than item actually created a car that looks like a car and they added some suspension some wheels turning some some simulation and they created this cool result I brought it back into unity and I'll just unmute those tracks and you can see the timing and the position everything is all kept right from our original idea now having this kind of precision placement and try ideas is so important to your artists to be able to actually get that final look and you're running the simulation and max which is really good at it but back super quickly exactly now something else that artists are always super picky about is being able to create custom materials and here we have an animated billboard up here that is actually being done with our new shader graph that Natasha mentioned earlier so this is the shader graph and it's all integrated built into 2018 and here we just split the UV Channel so we're just animating the X of the UV and you can preview objects bringing custom objects no code it's all linear or visual note editing and visual debugging so you can very quickly create your own custom materials this is extremely powerful workflows with 2018 we have a shader graph so as you move forward in your project and you get to the end when you're you know color grading doing lighting pulling everything together that last 10% can feel like another 90% and what I've got here is this is an image that I like I like the colors look at the the warm and the gradient and look there's that kind of purply color in the shadows so because we get the reference right over top of the image you you can work with them so closely together so in addition to the Alpha which I showed you before we have this thing called split view and what that does is it splits your overly image to your game and you can see the game needs a fair bit of work I want it to look like this but it's currently looking like this and to help you with this there's this button here the waveform monitor is just right at the very bottom and what this does is this opens a waveform editor and this shows you representation of all the colors in the scene you can see the line down the middle watches our wipe this moves now to some of you this looks like clown barf sea of colors doesn't make any sense to the artists the color graders the art directors you know that this is a film grade and professional workflow and what you do is you tune your games lighting materials to match this and I can have a quick go so I'm going to increase the son size a little bit and then that's got us a lot closer look at this you can wipe and you can see I need a little bit more color in the Sun so I'm just gonna double-click that here's my color add a little bit more I'm gonna do one more thing I think the shadows are a little bit out you know like you'd use a little bit more purple so when we just turned some color grading on you can see in seconds okay I rehearse this before but you you can see that in in in no time at all you're getting your game to look like your reference let me just do one more of this the sky color this is gonna control the shadows of the game and I just wipe this over a little bit more and being able to overlay your visual target with your game now you can see I just need a little bit more purple in my day lighting so I'm just gonna hit that and yeah scroogie close enough ship it ship and so I want to tie all this together this is lightweight this is a beautiful renderer which works on the most platforms that are out there and look at the features we talked about today we've got storyboard Pro builder the DCCC roundtrip the shader graph and then the color grading like any of these tools individually is powerful but together you can align your game with your vision you've got everything together and all of this is in unity 20 18.1 thank you please welcome Unity's co-founder and chief technology officer via Wacom Dante thank you since I was in high school which is when we wrote the first couple lines of code of unity we haven't really changed the core foundation pieces on top of which unit is built and today I want to talk to you about how we're going to evolve unity so everything we're building is based on some principles and goals and that's what I want to talk to you about today so when I'm working on a game there are times where I just need to sit around and wait and when that happens I can feel a little bit of anger inside of me building and we don't want that now I want everyone to be really happy when making computer games this is what we love to do we should always have fun doing it so we have a very specific goal in mind we want to make it so that any change to content and unity takes less than 500 milliseconds why 500 milliseconds 500 milliseconds feels instant Google figure this out when you search with Google you never wait for longer than 500 milliseconds so 500 milliseconds from making a change to single c-sharp file in a large project folder 500 milliseconds to changing an FBX file to seeing it take effect on the target device that's all go another really important idea I said we think ours are ourselves as your engine team but what is it what does that really mean so to me it means that we work in close collaborations on productions using unity and we did this while for example developing the entity component system together with our friends at Nadia's we created a tech demo of a large battle simulation to really show off what you can do with the entity component system and both both of the teams learnt a lot from that experience and it was really quite amazing and it had a huge impact on the final system and we want to do a lot more of that but to do that we need a really solid foundation and we need the ability to deliver changes only to the parts that we're working on so that you can update to the latest version of a particular feature in unity confident that all the other parts of unity stay exactly the same and that's packages then this is probably my favorite one this concept is performance by default so first of all what is what is performance really so I'll start with an example my friend Mike Acton he's probably one of the best engineers for writing high-performance game code in the world and when he writes code he knows exactly what hardware he's targeting and he lays out his data specifically for that hardware and he writes code specifically for the platform and he makes it run the most optimal way and so that's what we define as performance and when we say performance by default our aim is that we want to enable you to write code like that by default similar performance levels so the most most important thing about performance is data layout and that's why we built the entity component system the entity component system is a new way of writing game code and engine code that makes it easy and automatic to access your data in the optimal way for the particular hardware you're targeting all using simple code now individual CPU core clock speed is not getting any faster anymore but more and more cores are being added so if you want to stay competitive making the best games you need to take advantage of multi-core hardware the problem is multi-threading is inherently difficult so we built the C shop job system to sell to solve the fundamental complexity of writing writing multi-threaded game code we make it safe and we make it easy the burst compiler is specifically made to write c-sharp jobs to compile C shop jobs it is about generating the optimal machine code for the different target platforms and we're making it very easy to take advantage of all the instructions on the CPU so as a whole when you combine all of these things together you can get on the order of 100 X speed ups that is that is the entity component system right so by combining the entity component system see shop jobs and and the burst compiler you can get these speed ups another one is connected games connected games is super important for unity I believe that in the future almost all games that are successful will be will have some form of networking built into them and so we think that unity must become the best game engine to create network games and also think no one has really solved this problem right in any game engine so far and I think the the problem is that game engines always look at this problem as oh we take this one networking architecture and then we will just fit that to all games but the reality is that different different types of games are really fundamentally different from a networking perspective the way your network a real-time strategy game and if first-person-shooter are simply different so we're acknowledging that and we are building the networking architecture really into the core now and we're making it so that you can choose which networking architecture you want to go for if you want to go for an RTS game a fighting game or a first-person shooter now we want to make it really really easy so when you're writing game code we want to make it so that writing Network code comes by default so that you don't have to think much about that with a single way of writing code but ultimately so all of these changes they are really a big change in how you can write game code and ultimately the only one who can really convince you that this is a good way to do things is you you trying it on a real project by yourself and so our aim is to make it really easy to try it out if you have an existing project our goal is to make it so that in 30 minutes you can take a single monobehaviour with existing Unity game code and convert it to the entity component system and have a good experience optimizing your code all of this new technology you can adopt piece by piece so you choose if and when you want to use this tech inside of unity so everything we're building is based on these principles and goals some of those you can see clearly in the entity component systems others are goals we're only starting on now so how can you get involved today we're making the entik component system available as a preview it isn't available for production yet this is for the adventures once those who want to make games that were impossible to make before we also have a tech demo showing a large battle simulation and we're making that project available to you as well today so this is the very beginning of a journey of evolving unity and Riaan want to invite you to take a look and give us feedback on that very early on to come along with us on that journey so thank you please welcome director of platforms Ralf Howard hi hi everyone that was our best high five today you know what that high five is really well deserved because I've been playing I've been one of those people that have been pioneering and trying that build out actually I was lucky I got to try it out to get it with the or Kim and ECS and burst are really game changers well what yo Kim was talking about was experience of performance for experiences at large scale yo Kim was talking about was the big what I'm going to talk to you about is the small now I would almost like and have the ferry just come out of my hands but when you develop these small footprint light experiences that can be delivered truly anywhere anywhere there are two fundamental components that matter one of them is peace ice the other one is speed now we want you we want to give you the ability to develop anything you can envision and you told us you want to build light and fast experiences to reach the world's next billion devices your apps need to be light and fast when thinking about entry-level mobile phones wearables IOT or even the web your experiences need to be light and fast and we want to enable you to do that and create these experiences using the unity editor the tooling the extensibility of the editor and bring that to that world so we're expanding unity to support the development of smaller lighter and faster experiences to do this we've created a brand new highly modular architecture and new sets of specifically designed components that you can use using the unity editor you can create these components in the unity editor now this results in a smaller portable runtime that can run them natively on lightweight devices but something I'm very excited about and always have been very excited about is the web so let's talk a little bit about that runtime on the web for web-based deployment the file size of our compressed core runtime is 72 kilobytes kilobytes so let me hold on hold on let me put that in a frame of reference and then tease it out for you so a song you stream of the internet on average is 4 megabytes a web page on average is 2 point 4 megabytes a desktop icon just the icon the file size of that is 500 kilobytes and we're doing 72 kilobytes that's cool right but it's not just about that small runtime we're combining it with optimization through our asset pipeline to create small assets resulting into small file size so the data-driven architecture the exact same data-driven architecture that yochem just spoke about combined with those small assets that leads to fast delivery and startup times this fundamentally expands what you can build with unity all within the editor did you already know what the assets you already have unity will take care of packaging and compressing your assets for you now there's many use cases for such a runtime and I'm going to ask you to let your imagination run wild but today I want to talk about two of them label ads and games in messaging apps so let's talk about the first type playable ads play well ads are a demo format for ads that allows people to try your game without actually downloading it now since your games truly are fun and engaging and I know this I actually get to play them I have three small boys that play these games and point at the screen when the unity logo pops up and says look daddy your work it's beautiful to experience what all of you are creating but to get people to actually download and play them they need to try it they need to experience them and today it's really hard to provide that experience to be fair you know it's it's a lot of work to build them they are too big and quite frankly there's no tooling to build these things well let me demonstrate what we can do now so our friends at space ape the shade of share with us their assets for their game vastly we wanted to use something to show the effects what our small runtime that data-driven architecture and that asset pipeline for compression could do for you now I always shake a lot when I get on stage so I have asked Lucas if you actually come and demo together with me now Lucas before you start I wanna I want to actually pull some of everyone's attention to something before we start doing this so Lucas is gonna hit that icon for Fastlane but what I want you to pay most attention on is actually the time from the click to playing the game how about it Lucas are you ready for it I'm ready you're not paying attention I should pay attention let's watch all of that wait how about you play a bit Lucas okay so this game is actually using html5 in canvas now why well canvas is the ultimate way to actually deliver to a wide variety of devices I'm rendering 2d games it allows you to target all different devices of every end of the scale from low end to high end mobile now that was a cool example Lucas should we try the other one sure here we go let's go and try empires and puzzles by small giant games also a playable so that already cached or did that like did that download while I clicked it I hope it just downloaded it would support the statistics we have on that and all the measurements that we do every day so if you look at this game it's a lot more rich right there's more animation you can hear sounds you can hear the music you can see the animation in the characters but hopefully while doing that you also noticed the really fast download and start time for this application how's the game you're having fun at yeah I'll be here for a while well actually allow me to go a little bit more in depth because I think those two demo team they went by really fast the actual examples of Lucas thank you I want to dive in a little bit in the numbers so that first playable ad fast lane it actually we had two versions of that one version built without unity and one built one version built with unity so the version without unity was two point six megabytes that's the runtime all the assets everything downloading the other is actually built with our compression techniques and our new runtime and is the idea driven architecture and it's actually less than 800 kilobytes oh that's cool right but there's another number that's important for this and it's actually if we if we go to the next slide here called load time the cold load time of the new on the unity version of this playable ad was 2.7 seconds now what's called load time it's getting the game from the internet downloading and putting it on the device starting it up and actually player running it in this case for the non unity version that was 2.7 seconds and the unity version of this with this newer smaller runtime it took one point three seconds so one point three five seconds from from getting it from the internet and playing now all of this gives your players a better experience these are the people that are going to try our game it gives them a better experience but why well exactly what y'all Kim said nobody nobody wants to sit there and wait for something to load so faster is always better there but these properties the size and the load time they're also critical for building games in messaging apps we're expanding the base set of components in the runtime the same runtime that I just showed you so you can deploy rich and fast message of games and messaging apps now I'm gonna teach you a little bit here currently we're working with a number of developers in close to alpha but we are bringing this to you in two in eighteen now a couple of times you've heard already where your engine team we are your engine team no matter where you want to go no matter what you want to build no matter if it's big or small we'll help you get there thank you all so at this moment I'm the only thing between you and a drink so I'm gonna make this quick and try to get right to the point I'm gonna start with a word it's the words amazed and what am i amazed by a few short years ago unity developers all of you we're creating a tiny fraction of the world's games and interactive experiences and what I showed you earlier you're now making more than half of the world's games you're making 2/3 2/3 of the world's AR and VR and it's absolutely amazing and as I mentioned this notion that you're an industry onto yourselves one of the top employers in the world are you you're hiring more people than entire industry sectors because you as developers are changing the world you're creating you're innovating and you're changing the environment for all the cool things that come next and that's because of the craft and the commitment you have second word I want to talk about is pride I am seriously lucky and proud to stand before and after the presentations you two saw now there's Brett clicking his heels together and saying you know nested prefabs nested brief abs it's coming but what a roadmap you know Natasha and Natalia she goes by both you know what she showed with the script or elendor pipeline high def low down it changes everything you could make achingly beautiful products and what we saw from you ahkam our standard once upon a time was to make the best game engine relative to our competition make no mistake you wacom x' ambition is to make the best game engine theoretically possible limited by things like the speed of light compute it's unbelievable with the ambition of and Ralph showed you something that we all know spall is beautiful small is fast small changes the devices you can reach the experiences you can create and the success you can have so thank you for attending our keynote presentation here at GDC in 2018 I hope you'll join me or several of us actually upstairs for a drink and in signing off I've got a interesting cute video to show you for a couple minutes and then it's off to the races thank you everyone me sure oh wow okay no I don't know what I'm doing I get excited I do this genre Cattell oh and I hang out a lot I I refrain from saying on the CMO because it sounds a bit up its own ass yeah you know large wooden boat from Plymouth I had overnight oats you know what I don't really dig it I set it to hack yeah but it's stuff that I can talk about you can put all kinds of interpretation into that okay okay how technical do you want me to get can you repeat the question again we have the yes dad look give unity the long Liberty long Jim iocai okay did I just crush your heart hey my mic is slipping [Laughter] nested prefabs I have a t-shirt I've made a t-shirt that's a nested prefabs question mark I don't think that's what the users want to hear it's just like I mean we're in literally in the middle of an icy void on a ball of rock here we go it's all being edited right so I'm just not gonna worry about it
Channel: Unity
Views: 109,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unity3d, Unity, Unity Technologies, Games, Game Development, Game Dev, Game Engine
Id: cmRSkHl-Gv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 11sec (6251 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 19 2018
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