UNHhhh Ep 81: "Personal Hygiene" with Trixie Mattel and Katya Zamolodchikova

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I think we should do a political episode where we both wear all purple and we can call it make America great again Fanta Fanta don't you wanna wanna and I do Fernando I believe my favorite Abba song would be take a chance on me no question mine is um oh my god look I look like at Norm's trip what people are like how do you open a jelly jar my kind of theme I need just cuz your teeth are white does not mean they're healthier no they're white because they're dead inside and empty like a shell look white and empty like a shell okay this person hi I'm that golden retriever who used to shoot basketballs but then lost his leg and is dead now Trixie Mattel and I'm that stupid [ __ ] she won't shut the [ __ ] up house yet and welcome to shall we talk about whatever we want because it's our son and not yours so what are we talking about personal hygiene personal hygiene so I would have a mostly one-sided conversation about personal hygiene okay because this is more of an intervention for you are you finally gonna take a pickaxe to the thick crust that's two verbs you can throw your whole body in the washing machine with your clothing you know what I've thought about hiding in the washer like one of the you know those stackable ones oh well people with people you know uninvited guests there's a lot of that so drag is gross and disgusting Oh have you ever worked at a drag show where like the show director has to hang like a PSA that's like Queens please keep your stanky stank to a low level or you will be asked to not perform in the show cuz I've worked with Queens I smell like cat pee balls you ever gone into the shower way that we can put a hairnet on oh girl I have had days just through the day I was in drag all day and I have a few hours between the night and evening and morning engagement do so I went home and I did you'll be taking this shower and Greg Noyes sure house oh yeah I used to do the after his show before the trick so but I could go about the outfit I picture you bony limbs with a Turbie twist and I think the song that's playing is like nothing compares to you and push Nate O'Connor and I think you're sitting cross-legged with a coffee cup with nothing in it at a at a at a Dell HP like desktop computer like opening your you got mail and you're you're sifting through headless torsos of people's dad in Boston very close very close turtleneck dress straight to the floor it's full but I like that these these guys are coming over and they're like yes and you're like you're like a monk no they get but they have you know the crotch is always cutouts like whack-a-mole you have the the areas that need to be exposed or exposed I've been know this is the funny thing I would go in the shower and I would put my wig up instantly you know like in a banana clip or whatever and then I realized there's it wasn't going down I could've just take it but I felt like a girl I believe in hygiene I like to take about two showers a day and a bathroom yeah and it took a bath every other day it's a full-blown bath where I sit in bath water up to my neck for an hour mile an hour I like candles okay Duke no no how do you take water easy no and water no you don't okay Oh wants to know dude and water dial one for yes two for no and three if you want to but you're the Wicked Witch of the West and you die it's too much resistance I'm not looking for a shake weight situation not looking to tread water you just maybe you could um you know may know maybe if you had jets in your bathtub I want to have that female experience I would want a guy to have hygiene but not too much I'm not looking to go to town on your taint and be like vo5 but I see you know I want that you want to soak yeah well because I live welcome to the stage so the experience I don't like um eating a but that's dirty yeah I don't want like I don't want any visitors but I but like you know I'd like a little I'd like to be able to take a sample I I'd like to be able to identify a body okay the the natural any natural aroma or whatever is gonna form on the drive over to my house after a thorough shower yeah so like there was a bartender that said guys always say my taste like a penny that means blood that means blood Penny's mean blood Oh what's up what it's a his Penny's me but have you ever had hemorrhoid I don't really know what it is in number and you take small pieces of twine and they wrap them around the hemorrhoids her mornings wait a minute have you ever had a bowel movement that like was very challenging to push out and then you wiped and there was only because I'm gonna miss him so much sometimes you got to push him out of the nest the nest email so you wipe it then there's blood yeah oh yeah well that's part of what makes um sex so dangerous is there's there's a certain amount of risk involved there's a certain amount of knowing tearing your porno would be there will be blood I I would like to become one of those homosexuals who has a career dropping fizzy bombs and water being like bath bomb that's me when I try to do SH in the bath okay that's a bath bomb I have a cat sitter no I don't go back home let's bail back back you don't have it I was in school I used to do pedicures oh you hate feet that's right I just I don't like people like me like that but pedicures are the Extreme Home Makeover of hygiene you know what I imagine your feet are your big toe is the size is like maybe a half inch and then for the other four toes just a little baby but they're not bad let's dig [Music] [Music] just as I thought trash oh that's a nice those are pretty well it has a perfect lake you have a perfect slope you ever get an infected ingrown toenail no I mean I'm lucky I guess you haven't lived oh this is gross I hardly ever wash my hands ah I have to be there with you lie to me it's sometimes a theatrical experience of like if I know someone else's in the bathroom I'm like of course they wanted me and but in certain times like when I'm in drag and I eat I'm like my nails are gonna come off what am I supposed to do yeah also Mike is probably the cleanest thing on my body I mean it's its cake do I have to tell you what I was doing press at a certain major press outlet I did a piece and I sat to pee because I wasn't dragged and so I pulled down my tights and everything and I peed my pants so hard and then I noticed that none of the people in the toilet it all went down the front of the toilet bowl down my stocking leg down my Pamela Anderson heel and so by the time I finish peeing I was sitting in a pool you could have electrocuted me and I'm taking paper towel and I'm on my hands and knees stopping up so then I walk out of the bathroom and I see someone in the hallway and the first thing I say is someone peed on the floor in the bathroom cuz what's I mean that's the only thing you can do is accuse someone else that's true sort of melt back into the scenery so then I walk into the back of the shoe with just a brief leg covered up with the mask of Trixie Mattel perfume this it's still soaked in yes and I just had to go commit just be careful when you're peeing make sure that you are actually in the toilet about what I pee now I just get right in what hygiene try not to pee on yourself you should wash your hands at least for posterity yeah and don't believe that thing about the first freshness of the day on your face will clear up your skin have you seen the video of the woman who drinks and bathes in her own pee as a cure for cancer mama that was me quick sidenote one time I was on a long drive this is before drag race I was driving my 2008 smart car down the highway in Wisconsin and I had to pee and I pulled a Gatorade bottle yeah and I went to pee in it yeah and I missed a hole entirely and I had to get out and use the floor mat to scoop out of the car and then another time I successfully peed in the Gatorade bottle and then I forgot that I peed in the game bottle and I took a sip no yes I did I can't my forgot about this - I'm a sitting on all these stories what's because I try to be like them the the hierarchy here and like now you're gross than I am that's true anyway we never did an episode on waiting so I guess it's all coming out now hygiene yeah hygiene hygiene that's funny [Music] roommates Oh landlords rentals leases pieces I want a goose that lays golden first thousand a day I had a landlord once and I kind of walked with a heavy iron oh I guess I let the ball to my feet kind of hit the ground and so she would always come up and yell at me cuz she'd be like I can hear you coming up the stairs every single day but she was underneath you yeah and she said that I walked too hard she was like you're up here stomping cuz you're trying to be mad I'm not mad you're just going somewhere you got my feet I guess flat butt Oh her name is Deborah and I remember one time I was on a date I had that date at my house I remember one time he came upstairs knock-knock wait his name is Deborah thank you no her husband's name was husband's yeah my first landlords name was middle sloth I love that yeah middle sloth and remember I was moving in with my boyfriend you were both like 18 and he was like well you know when people are young and they they stay together they break up they still have to play the lease and I remember us being like we're in love how dare you and see we broke up [Music]
Channel: WOWPresents
Views: 6,533,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of wonder, world of wonder productions, wow report, rupaul's drag drace, unhhhh, drag, drag queens, all stars, trixie mattel, katya, katya zamolodchikova, personal hygiene, hi gene, clean, trash, feet, make america grape again, intervention, stinky, smelly, dirty, shower, bath, bath tub, bath bomb, washing hands, major press outlet
Id: bvGq7rrVKUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 30 2019
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