Unheard, Unknown & Unseen Cyber-crimes | Ritesh Bhatia | TEDxSIUNashik

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so good afternoon oh good to see so much of energy okay so after listening to my talk probably you would say that this man came to scare you or things like that but honestly I'm not over here to scare you I'm just here to put a little fear in you okay and the reason is because we have been very very careless with our devices with our smartphones even when we have been on dating apps also and that has resulted in we becoming victims of phishing phishing romance scams revenge pornography bullying sextortion and a lot more so here when we are talking about the unseen I also want to tell you about our technologies the technologies in the cyber space and what we had unseen what were the KVS then which has led to some of these crimes these crimes probably are unseen unheard or maybe unknown so let's have a look at them now you know while growing up I came across fake products fake companies and fake currency and of course a lot many of fake people with their fake smiles but now we are in the age where we get fake emails we are getting fake websites where and all sorts of phishing scams are done we are having like fake messages coming on our whatsapp I want to show you something which is completely falsified which is something that was really very hard to believe and I thought no technology couldn't have gone this forward so can I just show you a small video here's how to make a perfect por ver coffee first this is Jane Jane is a deep fake deep fakes are realistic ai generated videos that show real people doing and saying fictional things we're entering an era in which our enemies can make it look like anyone is saying anything at any point in time even if they would never say those things so for instance they could have me say things like I don't know kill monger was right or Ben Carson is in the sunken place or how about this simply President Trump is a total and complete now you see I would never say these things at least not in a public address but someone else would someone like Jordan Peele this is a dangerous time moving forward we need to be more vigilant with what we trust from the internet at a time when we need to rely on trusted news sources and I you observe eco guilty a vav- person so then bill Jesse Reid um greetings to friends I'm here just to ask about the work accounted for sorry on a mirage a cd-rom those two massive concur so here we have falsified manipulated videos these are nothing but defects they are created using artificial intelligence and deep learning these videos are created using the technology of artificial intelligence and deep learning they're absolutely falsified when you saw those videos did you think they were dubbed or they were digitally altered no not at all so d fates are such kind of manipulated videos where you make someone say or do things which he actually never said or never did while it will be great when we will or it will be great for like you know movies and TV shows and all where and you wouldn't be required dubbing but just imagine the consequences it would have so just for example you receive a video on your whatsapp where in the Prime Minister say that the two thousand rupee notes will be banned from tonight such is the power of such defects that they they can put words in anybody's mouth and you would not be even able to like notice you you will try to find oh if this is lip-sync or if it is a mimicry artist behind or it is dub no not at all now so just imagine now in this particular age where in like even the images cannot be trusted so just imagine you get a video someday of a of a journalist who's generally found shouting and yelling and he's speaking softly politely that day the nation should know that this is not an original video but is a deep freak now let's move to the next a very novel method of a cyber crime you know we've all heard of John Terra the criminals you know the cyber criminals in John Terre you must have received a lot of wishing calls and they would have tried to trick you too for you to reveal your debit credit card details but here artificial intelligence has gone one step ahead a British CEO received a call from his German boss and the German boss tells him can you please transfer immediately two hundred and forty three thousand US dollars which is approximately 1.75 crores he does that because its boss is saying so he's on the call with this boss this is not like a fake email however was it his boss at the other end no was it some kind of a person who could mimic the voice of that boss no this was an artificial intelligence generated a deep fake voice which was being read out by a fraudster which was being manipulated by a was a fraudster and the German voice a boss's voice was poof in fact the British CEO said how could it be because the one talking to me had the German accent and even he had that melodious voice which I always recognized but friends this was completely AI generated so these have been the caveat of when we have developed technologies of course they have brought us a lot of laurels they have helped us a lot but we also need to see this side of it now so in the age of Photoshop where everything can be manipulated we also will have to pay attention that audio calls speeches voices can also be fade now that I'm talking to you about Photoshop we have seen that women have been victims of a lot many crimes such as morphing and sextortion unfortunately there's one more such technology deep nude which is again targeting the women here is the artificial intelligence technology or technology which takes the photograph of a complete of a woman who's completely clothed she's she's not at all or she is not nude at all and within seconds it is able to create the same image of that particular same women but without clothes of women all over the world have always been harassed have been intimidated but it's so unfortunate that we are now using technologies to now again target them and yes I say target them for the only reason that this technology that this particular deep nude app or software can do this work only and only for women it creates a if you poster a photograph of a men it is not going to work so it is so unfortunate that doesn't mean that you men should be relieved probably by the time I reach back to Mumbai there would be something ready for men also taking forward so let's now leap into the future also so these were the three crimes which are currently existing which I thought are like unseen unheard and unknown and now going into the future of the cyber crimes you know we were talking about privacy Oh outside while we were having coffee yes privacy is as extinct as dinosaurs are in fact coming to you know when we are going to go again in 2050 s what will happen is that the computers will be 30,000 times faster than us we will be having you know assistants who won't be humans they will be the digital assistants there will be human-like assistants who could be our servants as such there will be robos robos will be constructing like buildings big big buildings there will be robos who will be conducting who will be constructing such bare buildings and that too within us so just imagine a malware attack on all these robots what can happen you might find this to be a very far-fetched reality but no didn't you hear about the attacks that happened to the state of Florida for three whole weeks the state was down they couldn't operate their water pumps they were not able they were struggling with their electricity generators also their billing systems were down and this is exactly what happened over there the ransomware took over the entire city so just imagine when a malware attack when a virus attack as you commonly call it attacks all these robos or our digital assistants what is that is going to happen we heard in the first session about driverless cars sure is going to be great there are no two doubts about it we are looking forward for it but again let's look at one particular care get in it the driverless cars are made more of the algorithms than they are made of of the moving but and for this the hackers are going they already started work as to how to hack them how to get into them so that they are these all these AI based technologies or all these applications they work on something called as models or data sets now by poisoning this model what I can do is I can make the car actually speed up when it is supposed to stop because you know the car is trained to stop and it sees the stop sign or a red signal but I can poison the database and this can go at high speeds I can ask it I can I can make that car turn left instead of it going right so these are some of the things that will happen in fact the hacker will be able to control it the way we control drones today you know but for a drone we have like a handheld device the same thing the hacker will be having some sort of a handle device maybe his smartphone where he'll be able to just operate it the way he operates a drone talking about drones drones are of course going to be great they're going to be delivering to us pizzas foods groceries and whatnot even medicines but the issue for the countries is going to be drone swarms now what are drone swarms these are flock of drones which means around about 40 50 hundred of them so do you think we will need 100 kind of gadgets to operate these drones are 100 controllers no these will be AI based drones they will be they will operate autonomously which means they don't need any instruction they know when to fly they know how high to fly they know how low to fly they also know when they are supposed to drop a bomb they also know when they're supposed to shoot down a particular thing they can the master drone can tell let's fall our drones now some of you go to the left some of you go ahead some of you stay low or - normally like the way so Berthe can communicate with each other these runes can do that imagine an adversary a hacker taking control of the swarm drones he can then do some things like these he can ask the drones to shoot themselves down he can ask the drones to take a lot of photographs which are hovering over a nuclear plant which are actually protecting it to send these photographs to the foreign country or to the competitor things so this is how drones and all other technologies there are no two doubts we should welcome all these technologies because of these technologies we have gone so far ahead but we need to keep these Kiwi ads in mind I have a few minutes left so I want to tell you what we can start doing from today and the reason that we need to start doing from today because had we taken care of certain things few years back we wouldn't have been talking about all these cyber crimes and we wouldn't have been victims of these particular cyber crimes small small things need to be taken care of for example now you the young generation who's there you are going to develop products or you are going to be the CEOs of the company or you may be buying the products whatever technology you adopt make sure there is privacy by default there is privacy by design there is security by default and security by design which means when you open a facebook profile what used to happen earlier your profile was public now that's not privacy by default but today when you open a new account on Facebook it's already private this is called as privacy by design same way security by design haven't you seen some pause devices when you go to restaurants and all some of them are now getting covered so they can't see your PIN the waiter who's there is not able to see your PIN as such so that is something called as privacy by design we're in the what no person or security by design wherein they are not able to see what your engine we are handing over our gadgets to our little ones at a very very small age probably because when they are not eating we are just telling them eat hold this gadget isn't it important that when they are able to hold this particular gadget and use this gadget shouldn't we be imparting cybersecurity training to them shouldn't be we be creating awareness so it's very important that we as parents tell our schools please start the cybersecurity education right from their childhood it's extremely important to do so then have we ever demanded about privacy laws from our government we are already in the year 2020 and we still don't have a privacy law although I expect that in the monsoon session we will be having the Privacy Act coming getting enforced very soon but we need to have such sustainable privacy laws recently a whole lot of medical data was compromised in Mumbai city did even a single patient speak about it no we do not make people accountable and this is what we need to change small things in terms of cyber hygiene you have no idea that while you were your your mobile phones there are certain apps which are taking screenshots of your phone every five seconds every 10 seconds or every one minute and they are sending it to different servers if you had an anti-virus on your mobile phone you could have been preventing this it's not too late it's just 100 rupee thing install an anti-virus on your phone another smaller thing is a client of mine lost eight point one three lakhs he didn't use his debit card anywhere at no particular store at no particular ATM yet all his money went in the foreign sources you would ask what happened you would have got an OTP or a they needed a pin sorry on certain websites on certain international websites you don't require and OH pp who don't require up in all you need is your sixteen digit card number with the expiry date and with the CVV number and that's it you're able to do as many transactions as you can he had a limit of 10 lakhs 8.1 3 lakhs went away so highly disabled the international transactions on his credit cards on his debit cards this particular thing could have been averted we have a lot of sensitive pictures and a lot of sensitive messages on our apps be it whatsapp be tower sms's or beat our gallery many of us don't even lock our phones or even when we lock our phones we are putting four-digit pin which your neighbor or the person sitting behind can easily come to know what the pin is so what you need to do is at least have an app blocker for the most important of your apps which means it will again require a particular password or fingerprint to open that particular there is some very huge problem that's happening and that is many of the people are storing their private most private intimate moments their sexual acts on the phone I have dealt with approximately 25 cases of sextortion and one common thing that I saw was all of these couples or victims had their nudes or nude videos saved on their own phones I think we need to understand the risk of this particular thing sexual activity is something that you need to enjoy it is not that you need to preserve it especially on your devices children are being a major target please understand parents and elder brothers and sisters you don't have the consent to put the pictures of your children on the web there are pedo files there are these sharp predators who are just looking for images and images of children they get pleasure out of which out of it and then they start grooming these children they start talking to these children and when your children will go out of control you wouldn't know that I have dealt with hundred-plus such cases lastly artificial intelligence and the threats over there are generated by the technology and it's only and only the technology which will be able to save us from the threats of this technology to end up all please let me tell you please don't believe any of the videos that have forwarded any of the messages that are forwarded any of the audio files that are forwarded everything can be faked you need to verify from credible sources such as some news channels or newspapers whether it's true or not and Friends before I leave please let me tell you we are in an era an era of zero trust you cannot trust what you see you cannot trust what you read you cannot trust what you hear I'm referring only to the digital platform so it's extremely important that you pay attention to these things and also let me end by saying this now I'm not too sure whether you've heard my TEDx talk or not but let me tell you thus the Google and the City the Google assistant and the serene your phones definitely did and before these guys upload this video on YouTube this talk is already on their servers thank you so much and thank you so much for listening to me especially on this Sunday lazy afternoon [Applause]
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 20,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TEDxTalks, English, Technology, Cyber, Innovation, Online, Privacy, Security
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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